#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Gabriel Moreau. # # $Id: klask 81 2011-03-29 16:04:16Z g7moreau $ use strict; use warnings; use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.5.5'); use Readonly; use FileHandle; use Net::SNMP; #use YAML; use YAML::Syck; use Net::Netmask; use Net::CIDR::Lite; use NetAddr::IP; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions GetOptionsFromArray);; use Socket; # apt-get install snmp fping libnet-cidr-lite-perl libnet-netmask-perl libnet-snmp-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libyaml-perl # libcrypt-des-perl libcrypt-hcesha-perl libdigest-hmac-perl # arping net-tools fping bind9-host arpwatch my $KLASK_VAR = '/var/cache/klask'; my $KLASK_CFG_FILE = '/etc/klask.conf'; my $KLASK_DB_FILE = "$KLASK_VAR/klaskdb"; my $KLASK_SW_FILE = "$KLASK_VAR/switchdb"; test_running_environnement(); my $KLASK_CFG = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_CFG_FILE"); my %DEFAULT = %{ $KLASK_CFG->{default} }; my @SWITCH = @{ $KLASK_CFG->{switch} }; my %switch_level = (); my %SWITCH_DB = (); LEVEL_OF_EACH_SWITCH: for my $sw (@SWITCH){ $switch_level{$sw->{hostname}} = $sw->{level} || $DEFAULT{switch_level} || 2; $SWITCH_DB{$sw->{hostname}} = $sw; } @SWITCH = reverse sort { $switch_level{$a->{hostname}} <=> $switch_level{$b->{hostname}} } @{$KLASK_CFG->{switch}}; my %SWITCH_PORT_COUNT = (); my %CMD_DB = ( help => \&cmd_help, version => \&cmd_version, exportdb => \&cmd_exportdb, updatedb => \&cmd_updatedb, searchdb => \&cmd_searchdb, removedb => \&cmd_removedb, cleandb => \&cmd_cleandb, search => \&cmd_search, enable => \&cmd_enable, disable => \&cmd_disable, status => \&cmd_status, updatesw => \&cmd_updatesw, exportsw => \&cmd_exportsw, iplocation => \&cmd_iplocation, 'ip-free' => \&cmd_ip_free, 'search-mac-on-switch' => \&cmd_search_mac_on_switch, ); Readonly my %INTERNAL_PORT_MAP => ( 0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D', 4 => 'E', 5 => 'F', 6 => 'G', 7 => 'H', ); Readonly my %INTERNAL_PORT_MAP_REV => reverse %INTERNAL_PORT_MAP; Readonly my %SWITCH_KIND => ( J3299A => { model => 'HP224M', match => 'HP J3299A ProCurve Switch 224M' }, J4120A => { model => 'HP1600M', match => 'HP J4120A ProCurve Switch 1600M' }, J9029A => { model => 'HP1800-8G', match => 'PROCURVE J9029A' }, J9449A => { model => 'HP1810-8G', match => 'HP ProCurve 1810G - 8 GE' }, J4093A => { model => 'HP2424M', match => 'HP J4093A ProCurve Switch 2424M' }, J9279A => { model => 'HP2510G-24', match => 'ProCurve J9279A Switch 2510G-24' }, J9280A => { model => 'HP2510G-48', match => 'ProCurve J9280A Switch 2510G-48' }, J4813A => { model => 'HP2524', match => 'HP J4813A ProCurve Switch 2524' }, J4900A => { model => 'HP2626A', match => 'HP J4900A ProCurve Switch 2626' }, J4900B => { model => 'HP2626B', match => 'J4900B.+?Switch 2626' },# ProCurve J4900B Switch 2626 # HP J4900B ProCurve Switch 2626 J4899B => { model => 'HP2650', match => 'ProCurve J4899B Switch 2650' }, J9021A => { model => 'HP2810-24G', match => 'ProCurve J9021A Switch 2810-24G' }, J9022A => { model => 'HP2810-48G', match => 'ProCurve J9022A Switch 2810-48G' }, J4903A => { model => 'HP2824', match => 'J4903A.+?Switch 2824,' }, J4110A => { model => 'HP8000M', match => 'HP J4110A ProCurve Switch 8000M' }, BS350T => { model => 'BS350T', match => 'BayStack 350T HW' }, ); Readonly my %OID_NUMBER => ( sysDescription => '', sysName => '', sysContact => '', sysLocation => '', ); Readonly my $RE_MAC_ADDRESS => qr{ [0-9,A-Z]{2} : [0-9,A-Z]{2} : [0-9,A-Z]{2} : [0-9,A-Z]{2} : [0-9,A-Z]{2} : [0-9,A-Z]{2} }xms; Readonly my $RE_IPv4_ADDRESS => qr{ [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} }xms; ################ # principal ################ my $cmd = shift @ARGV || 'help'; if (defined $CMD_DB{$cmd}) { $CMD_DB{$cmd}->(@ARGV); } else { print {*STDERR} "klask: command $cmd not found\n\n"; $CMD_DB{help}->(); exit 1; } exit; sub test_running_environnement { die "Configuration file $KLASK_CFG_FILE does not exists. Klask need it !\n" if not -e "$KLASK_CFG_FILE"; die "Var folder $KLASK_VAR does not exists. Klask need it !\n" if not -d "$KLASK_VAR"; return; } sub test_switchdb_environnement { die "Switch database $KLASK_SW_FILE does not exists. Launch updatesw before this command !\n" if not -e "$KLASK_SW_FILE"; return; } sub test_maindb_environnement { die "Main database $KLASK_DB_FILE does not exists. Launch updatedb before this command !\n" if not -e "$KLASK_DB_FILE"; return; } ### # fast ping dont l'objectif est de remplir la table arp de la machine sub fastping { # Launch this command without waiting... system "fping -c 1 @_ >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; return; } sub shell_command { my $cmd = shift; my $fh = new FileHandle; my $result = ''; open $fh, q{-|}, "$cmd" or die "Can't exec $cmd\n"; $result .= <$fh>; close $fh; chomp $result; return $result; } ### # donne l'@ ip, dns, arp en fonction du dns OU de l'ip sub resolve_ip_arp_host { my $param_ip_or_host = shift; my $interface = shift || q{*}; my $type = shift || q{fast}; my %ret = ( hostname_fq => 'unknow', ipv4_address => '', mac_address => 'unknow', ); # my $cmdarping = `arping -c 1 -w 1 -rR $param 2>/dev/null`; # if ( not $param_ip_or_host =~ m/^\d+ \. \d+ \. \d+ \. \d+$/xms ) { # $param_ip_or_host =~ s/ \. .* //xms; # } #my $dns_resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; #my $dns_answer = $dns_resolver->query($param_ip_or_host); #if ($dns_answer) { # $ret{ipv4_address} = $dns_answer->address; # } # perl -MSocket -E 'say inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname("tech7meylan.hmg.inpg.fr"))' my $packed_ip = scalar gethostbyname($param_ip_or_host); return %ret if not defined $packed_ip; $ret{ipv4_address} = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); # perl -MSocket -E 'say scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(""), AF_INET)' my $hostname_fq = scalar gethostbyaddr($packed_ip, AF_INET); # return %ret if not defined $hostname_fq; $ret{hostname_fq} = $hostname_fq if defined $hostname_fq; #print "DEBUG : $param_ip_or_host -- $ret{ipv4_address} -- $hostname_fq \n"; # controler que arpwatch tourne ! # resultat de la commande arpwatch # /var/lib/arpwatch/arp.dat # 0:13:d3:e1:92:d0 1163681980 theo8sv109 # my $cmd = "grep -e '".'\b'."$param_ip_or_host".'\b'."' /var/lib/arpwatch/arp.dat | sort +2rn | head -1"; # my $cmd = "grep -he '".'\b'."$param_ip_or_host".'\b'."' /var/lib/arpwatch/*.dat | sort +2rn | head -1"; ### BOGUE ICI ### FAIRE LE GREP SUR L'IP ! # my $cmd = q{grep -he '\b} . $param_ip_or_host . q{\b' } . "/var/lib/arpwatch/$interface.dat | sort -rn -k 3,3 | head -1"; my $cmd = q{grep -he '\b} . $ret{ipv4_address} . q{\b' } . "/var/lib/arpwatch/$interface.dat | sort -rn -k 3,3 | head -1"; my $cmd_arpwatch = shell_command $cmd; my ($arp, $ip, $timestamp, $host) = split m/ \s+ /xms, $cmd_arpwatch; # $ret{ipv4_address} = $ip if $ip; $ret{mac_address} = $arp if $arp; $ret{timestamp} = $timestamp if $timestamp; my $nowtimestamp = time; if ( $type eq 'fast' and ( not defined $timestamp or $timestamp < ( $nowtimestamp - 1.1 * 3600 ) ) ) { $ret{mac_address} = 'unknow'; return %ret; } # resultat de la commande arp # tech7meylan.hmg.inpg.fr ( at 00:14:22:45:28:A9 [ether] on eth0 # sw2-batF0-legi.hmg.priv ( at 00:30:c1:76:9c:01 [ether] on eth0.37 my $cmd_arp = shell_command "arp -a $param_ip_or_host"; if ( $cmd_arp =~ m{ (\S*) \s \( ( $RE_IPv4_ADDRESS ) \) \s at \s ( $RE_MAC_ADDRESS ) }xms ) { ( $ret{hostname_fq}, $ret{ipv4_address}, $ret{mac_address} ) = ($1, $2, $3); } # resultat de la commande host si le parametre est ip # domain name pointer legihp2100.hmg.inpg.fr. # my $cmd_host = shell_command "host $param_ip_or_host"; # if ( $cmd_host =~ m/domain \s name \s pointer \s (\S+) \.$/xms ) { # $ret{hostname_fq} = $1; # } # resultat de la commande host si parametre est hostname # tech7meylan.hmg.inpg.fr has address # if ( $cmd_host =~ m/(\S*) \s has \s address \s ( $RE_IPv4_ADDRESS )$/xms ) { # ( $ret{hostname_fq}, $ret{ipv4_address} ) = ($1, $2); # } # Connerie ! # Inverse les IP !! # if ( $cmd_host =~ m/ \b ( $RE_IPv4_ADDRESS ) \. in-addr \. arpa \s/xms ) { # $ret{ipv4_address} = $1; # } #$ret{hostname_fq} = $param_ip_or_host if not defined $1 and $ret{hostname_fq} eq 'unknow'; if ($ret{mac_address} ne 'unknow') { my @paquets = (); foreach ( split m/ : /xms, $ret{mac_address} ) { my @chars = split m//xms, uc "00$_"; push @paquets, "$chars[-2]$chars[-1]"; } $ret{mac_address} = join q{:}, @paquets; } return %ret; } # Find Surname of a switch sub get_switch_model { my $sw_snmp_description = shift || 'unknow'; for my $sw_kind (keys %SWITCH_KIND) { next if not $sw_snmp_description =~ m/$SWITCH_KIND{$sw_kind}->{match}/ms; # option xms break search, why ? return $SWITCH_KIND{$sw_kind}->{model}; } return $sw_snmp_description; } ### # va rechercher le nom des switchs pour savoir qui est qui sub init_switch_names { my $verbose = shift; printf "%-25s %-25s %s\n",'Switch','Description','Type'; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" if $verbose; INIT_EACH_SWITCH: for my $sw (@SWITCH) { my %session = ( -hostname => $sw->{hostname} ); $session{-version} = $sw->{version} || 1; $session{-port} = $sw->{snmpport} || $DEFAULT{snmpport} || 161; if (exists $sw->{version} and $sw->{version} eq '3') { $session{-username} = $sw->{username} || 'snmpadmin'; } else { $session{-community} = $sw->{community} || $DEFAULT{community} || 'public'; } $sw->{local_session} = \%session; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( %{$sw->{local_session}} ); print "$error \n" if $error; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [ $OID_NUMBER{sysDescription}, $OID_NUMBER{sysName}, $OID_NUMBER{sysContact}, $OID_NUMBER{sysLocation}, ] ); $sw->{description} = $result->{$OID_NUMBER{sysName}} || $sw->{hostname}; $sw->{model} = get_switch_model( $result->{$OID_NUMBER{sysDescription}}); #$sw->{location} = $result->{""} || $sw->{hostname}; #$sw->{contact} = $result->{""} || $sw->{hostname}; $session->close; # Ligne à virer car on récupère maintenant le modèle du switch my ($desc, $type) = split m/ : /xms, $sw->{description}, 2; printf "%-25s 0--------->>>> %-25s %s\n", $sw->{hostname}, $desc, $sw->{model} if $verbose; } print "\n" if $verbose; return; } ### # convertit l'hexa (uniquement 2 chiffres) en decimal sub hex_to_dec { #00:0F:1F:43:E4:2B my $car = '00' . uc shift; return '00' if $car eq '00UNKNOW'; my %table = ( '0'=>'0', '1'=>'1', '2'=>'2', '3'=>'3', '4'=>'4', '5'=>'5', '6'=>'6', '7'=>'7', '8'=>'8', '9'=>'9', 'A'=>'10', 'B'=>'11', 'C'=>'12', 'D'=>'13', 'E'=>'14', 'F'=>'15', ); my @chars = split m//xms, $car; return $table{$chars[-2]}*16 + $table{$chars[-1]}; } ### # convertit l'@ arp en decimal sub arp_hex_to_dec { #00:0F:1F:43:E4:2B my $arp = shift; my @paquets = split m/ : /xms, $arp; my $return = q{}; foreach(@paquets) { $return .= q{.} . hex_to_dec($_); } return $return; } ### # va rechercher le port et le switch sur lequel est la machine sub find_switch_port { my $arp = shift; my $switch_proposal = shift || q{}; my %ret; $ret{switch_description} = 'unknow'; $ret{switch_port} = '0'; return %ret if $arp eq 'unknow';; my @switch_search = @SWITCH; if ($switch_proposal ne q{}) { for my $sw (@SWITCH) { next if $sw->{hostname} ne $switch_proposal; unshift @switch_search, $sw; last; } } my $research = '' . arp_hex_to_dec($arp); LOOP_ON_SWITCH: for my $sw (@switch_search) { my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( %{$sw->{local_session}} ); print "$error \n" if $error; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$research] ); if (not defined $result or $result->{$research} eq 'noSuchInstance') { $session->close; next LOOP_ON_SWITCH; } my $swport = $result->{$research}; $session->close; # IMPORTANT !! # ceci empeche la detection sur certains port ... # en effet les switch sont relies entre eux par un cable reseau et du coup # tous les arp de toutes les machines sont presentes sur ces ports (ceux choisis ici sont les miens) # cette partie est a ameliore, voir a configurer dans l'entete # 21->24 45->48 # my $flag = 0; SWITCH_PORT_IGNORE: foreach my $p (@{$sw->{portignore}}) { next SWITCH_PORT_IGNORE if $swport ne get_numerical_port($sw->{model},$p); # $flag = 1; next LOOP_ON_SWITCH; } # if ($flag == 0) { $ret{switch_hostname} = $sw->{hostname}; $ret{switch_description} = $sw->{description}; $ret{switch_port} = get_human_readable_port($sw->{model}, $swport); # $swport; last LOOP_ON_SWITCH; # } # } # $session->close; } return %ret; } ### # va rechercher les port et les switch sur lequel est la machine sub find_all_switch_port { my $arp = shift; my $ret = {}; return $ret if $arp eq 'unknow'; for my $sw (@SWITCH) { $SWITCH_PORT_COUNT{$sw->{hostname}} = {} if not exists $SWITCH_PORT_COUNT{$sw->{hostname}}; } my $research = '' . arp_hex_to_dec($arp); LOOP_ON_ALL_SWITCH: for my $sw (@SWITCH) { my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( %{$sw->{local_session}} ); print "$error \n" if $error; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$research] ); if(defined $result and $result->{$research} ne 'noSuchInstance'){ my $swport = $result->{$research}; #print "DEBUG $arp $swport -- $sw->{hostname} \n"; # if ( $sw->{hostname} eq 'sw10-batE1-3s.hmg.priv' and $swport == 19 ) { $swport = 20; print "DEBUG $swport -- $sw->{hostname} \n";} # if ( $sw->{hostname} eq 'sw8-batE1-3s.hmg.priv' and $swport == 23 ) { $swport = 24; print "DEBUG $swport -- $sw->{hostname} \n";} # if ( $sw->{hostname} eq 'sw10-batE1-3s.hmg.priv' ) { print "DEBUG $swport -- $sw->{hostname} \n";} # if ( $sw->{hostname} eq 'sw8-batE1-3s.hmg.priv' ) { print "DEBUG $swport -- $sw->{hostname} \n";} $ret->{$sw->{hostname}} = {}; $ret->{$sw->{hostname}}{hostname} = $sw->{hostname}; $ret->{$sw->{hostname}}{description} = $sw->{description}; $ret->{$sw->{hostname}}{port} = get_human_readable_port($sw->{model}, $swport); $SWITCH_PORT_COUNT{$sw->{hostname}}->{$swport}++; } $session->close; } return $ret; } sub get_list_network { return keys %{$KLASK_CFG->{network}}; } sub get_current_interface { my $network = shift; return $KLASK_CFG->{network}{$network}{interface}; } ### # liste l'ensemble des adresses ip d'un réseau sub get_list_ip { my @network = @_; my $cidrlist = Net::CIDR::Lite->new; for my $net (@network) { my @line = @{$KLASK_CFG->{network}{$net}{'ip-subnet'}}; for my $cmd (@line) { for my $method (keys %{$cmd}){ $cidrlist->add_any($cmd->{$method}) if $method eq 'add'; } } } my @res = (); for my $cidr ($cidrlist->list()) { my $net = new NetAddr::IP $cidr; for my $ip (@{$net}) { $ip =~ s{ /32 }{}xms; push @res, $ip; } } return @res; } # liste l'ensemble des routeurs du réseau sub get_list_main_router { my @network = @_; my @res = (); for my $net (@network) { push @res, $KLASK_CFG->{network}{$net}{'main-router'}; } return @res; } sub get_human_readable_port { my $sw_model = shift; my $sw_port = shift; if ($sw_model eq 'HP8000M') { my $reste = (($sw_port - 1) % 8) + 1; my $major = int (($sw_port - 1) / 8); return "$INTERNAL_PORT_MAP{$major}$reste"; } if ($sw_model eq 'HP2424M') { if ($sw_port > 24) { my $reste = $sw_port - 24; return "A$reste"; } } if ($sw_model eq 'HP1600M') { if ($sw_port > 16) { my $reste = $sw_port - 16; return "A$reste"; } } return $sw_port; } sub get_numerical_port { my $sw_model = shift; my $sw_port = shift; if ($sw_model eq 'HP8000M') { my $letter = substr $sw_port, 0, 1; my $reste = substr $sw_port, 1; return $INTERNAL_PORT_MAP_REV{$letter} * 8 + $reste; } if ($sw_model eq 'HP2424M') { if ($sw_port =~ m/^A/xms ) { my $reste = substr $sw_port, 1; return 24 + $reste; } } if ($sw_model eq 'HP1600M') { if ($sw_port =~ m/^A/xms ) { my $reste = substr $sw_port, 1; return 16 + $reste; } } return $sw_port; } ################ # Les commandes ################ sub cmd_help { print <<'END'; klask - ports manager and finder for switch klask updatedb klask exportdb --format [txt|html] klask removedb computer* klask cleandb --day number_of_day --verbose klask updatesw klask exportsw --format [txt|dot] klask searchdb computer klask search computer klask search-mac-on-switch switch mac_addr klask ip-free --day number_of_day --format [txt|html] [vlan_name] klask enable switch port klask disable switch port klask status switch port END return; } sub cmd_version { print <<'END'; Klask - ports manager and finder for switch Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Gabriel Moreau END print ' $Rev: 81 $'."\n"; print ' $Date: 2011-03-29 16:04:16 +0000 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) $'."\n"; print ' $Id: klask 81 2011-03-29 16:04:16Z g7moreau $'."\n"; return; } sub cmd_search { my @computer = @_; init_switch_names(); #nomme les switchs fastping(@computer); for my $clientname (@computer) { my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($clientname); #resolution arp my %where = find_switch_port($resol_arp{mac_address}); #retrouve l'emplacement printf '%-22s %2i %-30s %-15s %18s', $where{switch_description}, $where{switch_port}, $resol_arp{hostname_fq}, $resol_arp{ipv4_address}, $resol_arp{mac_address}."\n" unless $where{switch_description} eq 'unknow' and $resol_arp{hostname_fq} eq 'unknow' and $resol_arp{mac_address} eq 'unknow'; } return; } sub cmd_searchdb { my @computer = @_; fastping(@computer); my $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE"); LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $clientname (@computer) { my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($clientname); #resolution arp my $ip = $resol_arp{ipv4_address}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER unless exists $computerdb->{$ip}; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min; printf "%-22s %2s %-30s %-15s %-18s %s\n", $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_name}, $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_port}, $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq}, $ip, $computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}, $date; } return; } sub cmd_updatedb { my @network = @_; @network = get_list_network() if not @network; test_switchdb_environnement(); my $computerdb = {}; $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE") if -e "$KLASK_DB_FILE"; my $timestamp = time; my %computer_not_detected = (); my $timestamp_last_week = $timestamp - (3600 * 24 * 7); my $number_of_computer = get_list_ip(@network); # + 1; my $size_of_database = keys %{$computerdb}; $size_of_database = 1 if $size_of_database == 0; my $i = 0; my $detected_computer = 0; init_switch_names('yes'); #nomme les switchs { # Remplis le champs portignore des ports d'inter-connection pour chaque switch my $switch_connection = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_SW_FILE"); my %db_switch_output_port = %{$switch_connection->{output_port}}; my %db_switch_connected_on_port = %{$switch_connection->{connected_on_port}}; my %db_switch_chained_port = (); for my $swport (keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; $db_switch_chained_port{$sw_connect} .= "$port_connect:"; } for my $sw (@SWITCH){ push @{$sw->{portignore}}, $db_switch_output_port{$sw->{hostname}} if exists $db_switch_output_port{$sw->{hostname}}; if ( exists $db_switch_chained_port{$sw->{hostname}} ) { chop $db_switch_chained_port{$sw->{hostname}}; push @{$sw->{portignore}}, split m/ : /xms, $db_switch_chained_port{$sw->{hostname}}; } # print "$sw->{hostname} ++ @{$sw->{portignore}}\n"; } } my %router_mac_ip = (); DETECT_ALL_ROUTER: # for my $one_router ('') { for my $one_router ( get_list_main_router(@network) ) { my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($one_router); $router_mac_ip{ $resol_arp{mac_address} } = $resol_arp{ipv4_address}; } ALL_NETWORK: for my $net (@network) { my @computer = get_list_ip($net); my $current_interface = get_current_interface($net); fastping(@computer); LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $one_computer (@computer) { $i++; my $total_percent = int (($i*100)/$number_of_computer); my $localtime = time - $timestamp; my ($sec,$min) = localtime $localtime; my $time_elapse = 0; $time_elapse = $localtime * ( 100 - $total_percent) / $total_percent if $total_percent != 0; my ($sec_elapse,$min_elapse) = localtime $time_elapse; printf "\rComputer scanned: %4i/%i (%2i%%)", $i, $number_of_computer, $total_percent; # printf ", Computer detected: %4i/%i (%2i%%)", $detected_computer, $size_of_database, int(($detected_computer*100)/$size_of_database); printf ', detected: %4i/%i (%2i%%)', $detected_computer, $size_of_database, int(($detected_computer*100)/$size_of_database); printf ' [Time: %02i:%02i / %02i:%02i]', int($localtime/60), $localtime % 60, int($time_elapse/60), $time_elapse % 60; # printf ' [%02i:%02i/%02i:%02i]', int($localtime/60), $localtime % 60, int($time_elapse/60), $time_elapse % 60; printf ' %-14s', $one_computer; my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($one_computer,$current_interface); # do not search on router connection (why ?) if ( exists $router_mac_ip{$resol_arp{mac_address}}) { $computer_not_detected{$one_computer} = $current_interface; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } # do not search on switch inter-connection if (exists $switch_level{$resol_arp{hostname_fq}}) { $computer_not_detected{$one_computer} = $current_interface; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } my $switch_proposal = q{}; if (exists $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} and exists $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{switch_hostname}) { $switch_proposal = $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{switch_hostname}; } # do not have a mac address if ($resol_arp{mac_address} eq 'unknow' or (exists $resol_arp{timestamps} and $resol_arp{timestamps} < ($timestamp - 3 * 3600))) { $computer_not_detected{$one_computer} = $current_interface; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } my %where = find_switch_port($resol_arp{mac_address},$switch_proposal); # # arp: 00:0B:DB:D5:F6:65 # hostname: pcroyon.hmg.priv # port: 5 # switch: sw-batH-legi:hp2524 # timestamp: 1164355525 # do not have a mac address # if ($resol_arp{mac_address} eq 'unknow') { # $computer_not_detected{$one_computer} = $current_interface; # next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; # } # detected on a switch if ($where{switch_description} ne 'unknow') { $detected_computer++; $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = { hostname_fq => $resol_arp{hostname_fq}, mac_address => $resol_arp{mac_address}, switch_hostname => $where{switch_hostname}, switch_description => $where{switch_description}, switch_port => $where{switch_port}, timestamp => $timestamp, network => $net, }; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } # new in the database but where it is ? if (not exists $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}) { $detected_computer++; $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = { hostname_fq => $resol_arp{hostname_fq}, mac_address => $resol_arp{mac_address}, switch_hostname => $where{switch_hostname}, switch_description => $where{switch_description}, switch_port => $where{switch_port}, timestamp => $resol_arp{timestamp}, network => $net, }; } # mise a jour du nom de la machine si modification dans le dns $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{hostname_fq} = $resol_arp{hostname_fq}; # mise à jour de la date de détection si détection plus récente par arpwatch $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{timestamp} = $resol_arp{timestamp} if exists $resol_arp{timestamp} and $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{timestamp} < $resol_arp{timestamp}; # relance un arping sur la machine si celle-ci n'a pas été détectée depuis plus d'une semaine # push @computer_not_detected, $resol_arp{ipv4_address} if $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{timestamp} < $timestamp_last_week; $computer_not_detected{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = $current_interface if $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}{timestamp} < $timestamp_last_week; } } # final end of line at the end of the loop printf "\n"; my $dirdb = $KLASK_DB_FILE; $dirdb =~ s{ / [^/]* $}{}xms; mkdir "$dirdb", 0755 unless -d "$dirdb"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE", $computerdb); for my $one_computer (keys %computer_not_detected) { my $interface = $computer_not_detected{$one_computer}; system "arping -c 1 -w 1 -rR -i $interface $one_computer &>/dev/null"; # print "arping -c 1 -w 1 -rR -i $interface $one_computer 2>/dev/null\n"; } return; } sub cmd_removedb { my @computer = @_; test_maindb_environnement(); my $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE"); LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $one_computer (@computer) { if ( $one_computer =~ m/^ $RE_IPv4_ADDRESS $/xms and exists $computerdb->{$one_computer} ) { delete $computerdb->{$one_computer}; next; } my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($one_computer); delete $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} if exists $computerdb->{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}; } my $dirdb = $KLASK_DB_FILE; $dirdb =~ s{ / [^/]* $}{}xms; mkdir "$dirdb", 0755 unless -d "$dirdb"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE", $computerdb); return; } sub cmd_cleandb { my @options = @_; my $days_to_clean = 15; my $verbose; my $database_has_changed; my $ret = GetOptionsFromArray(\@options, 'day|d=i' => \$days_to_clean, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, ); my @vlan_name = get_list_network(); my $computerdb = {}; $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE") if -e "$KLASK_DB_FILE"; my $timestamp = time; my $timestamp_barrier = 3600 * 24 * $days_to_clean; ALL_VLAN: for my $vlan (@vlan_name) { my @ip_list = get_list_ip($vlan); my %mactimedb = (); LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: for my $ip (@ip_list) { next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if not exists $computerdb->{$ip}; #&& $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp} > $timestamp_barrier; my $ip_timestamp = $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp}; my $ip_mac = $computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}; $mactimedb{$ip_mac} ||= [ $ip, $ip_timestamp ]; if ( $mactimedb{$ip_mac}->[1] - $ip_timestamp > $timestamp_barrier ) { print "remove ip $ip\n" if $verbose; delete $computerdb->{$ip}; $database_has_changed++; } if ( $ip_timestamp - $mactimedb{$ip_mac}->[1] > $timestamp_barrier ) { print "remove ip ".$mactimedb{$ip_mac}->[0]."\n" if $verbose; delete $computerdb->{$mactimedb{$ip_mac}->[0]}; $database_has_changed++; } if ( $ip_timestamp > $mactimedb{$ip_mac}->[1]) { $mactimedb{$ip_mac} = [ $ip, $ip_timestamp ]; } } } if ( $database_has_changed ) { my $dirdb = $KLASK_DB_FILE; $dirdb =~ s{ / [^/]* $}{}xms; mkdir "$dirdb", 0755 unless -d "$dirdb"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE", $computerdb); } return; } sub cmd_exportdb { my @ARGV = @_; my $format = 'txt'; my $ret = GetOptions( 'format|f=s' => \$format, ); my %possible_format = ( txt => \&cmd_exportdb_txt, html => \&cmd_exportdb_html, ); $format = 'txt' if not defined $possible_format{$format}; $possible_format{$format}->(@ARGV); return; } sub cmd_exportdb_txt { test_maindb_environnement(); my $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE"); printf "%-26s %-4s %-40s %-15s %-18s %-16s %s\n", qw(Switch Port Hostname-FQ IPv4-Address MAC-Address Date VLAN); print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %{$computerdb})) { # next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq 'unknow'; # to be improve in the future next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq ($computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description}); # switch on himself ! # dans le futur # next if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq 'unknow'; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min; printf "%-27s %2s <------- %-40s %-15s %-18s %-16s %s\n", $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description}, $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_port}, $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq}, $ip, $computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}, $date, $computerdb->{$ip}{network} || ''; } return; } sub cmd_exportdb_html { test_maindb_environnement(); my $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE"); # # print <<'END_HTML'; END_HTML my %mac_count = (); LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (keys %{$computerdb}) { # to be improve in the future next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq ($computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description}); # switch on himself ! $mac_count{$computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}}++; } my $typerow = 'even'; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %{$computerdb})) { # to be improve in the future next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq ($computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description}); # switch on himself ! my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min; # $odd_or_even++; # my $typerow = $odd_or_even % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'; $typerow = $typerow eq 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; my $switch_hostname = $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description} || 'unkown'; chomp $switch_hostname; my $switch_hostname_sort = sprintf '%s %3s' ,$switch_hostname, $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_port}; my $ip_sort = sprintf '%03i%03i%03i%03i', split m/ \. /xms, $ip; my $mac_sort = sprintf '%04i-%s', 9999 - $mac_count{$computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}}, $computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address}; $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} = 'unknow' if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} =~ m/^ \d+ \. \d+ \. \d+ \. \d+ $/xms; my ( $host_short ) = split m/ \. /xms, $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq}; my $vlan = $computerdb->{$ip}{network} || ''; print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } my $switch_connection = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_SW_FILE"); my %db_switch_output_port = %{$switch_connection->{output_port}}; my %db_switch_parent = %{$switch_connection->{parent}}; my %db_switch_connected_on_port = %{$switch_connection->{connected_on_port}}; my %db_switch = %{$switch_connection->{switch_db}}; for my $sw (sort keys %db_switch_output_port) { my $switch_hostname_sort = sprintf '%s %3s' ,$sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; $typerow = $typerow eq 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; if (exists $db_switch_parent{$sw}) { my $mac_address = $db_switch{$db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}}->{mac_address}; my $ipv4_address = $db_switch{$db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}}->{ipv4_address}; my $timestamp = $db_switch{$db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}}->{timestamp}; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $timestamp; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min; my $ip_sort = sprintf '%03i%03i%03i%03i', split m/ \. /xms, $ipv4_address; my $mac_sort = sprintf '%04i-%s', 9999, $mac_address; my ( $host_short ) = sprintf '%s %3s' , split(m/ \. /xms, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}, 1), $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{port}; print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } else { print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } } for my $swport (sort keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; for my $sw (keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}}) { my $switch_hostname_sort = sprintf '%s %3s' ,$sw_connect, $port_connect; my $mac_address = $db_switch{$sw}->{mac_address}; my $ipv4_address = $db_switch{$sw}->{ipv4_address}; my $timestamp = $db_switch{$sw}->{timestamp}; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $timestamp; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min; my $ip_sort = sprintf '%03i%03i%03i%03i', split m/ \. /xms, $ipv4_address; my $mac_sort = sprintf '%04i-%s', 9999, $mac_address; $typerow = $typerow eq 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; if (exists $db_switch_output_port{$sw}) { my ( $host_short ) = sprintf '%s %3s' , split( m/\./xms, $sw, 1), $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } else { print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } } } print <<'END_HTML';
Klask Host Database
Switch Port Link Hostname-FQ IPv4-Address MAC-Address VLAN Date
Switch Port Link Hostname-FQ IPv4-Address MAC-Address VLAN Date
$switch_hostname $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_port} <------- $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} $ip $computerdb->{$ip}{mac_address} $vlan $date
$sw $db_switch_output_port{$sw} +--> $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{port} $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch} $ipv4_address $mac_address $date
$sw $db_switch_output_port{$sw} +--> router
$sw_connect $port_connect <--+ $db_switch_output_port{$sw} $sw $ipv4_address $mac_address $date
$sw_connect $port_connect <--+ $sw $ipv4_address $mac_address $date
END_HTML return; } sub cmd_iplocation { my $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE"); LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %{$computerdb})) { next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname_fq} eq ($computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_description}); # switch on himself ! my $sw_hostname = $computerdb->{$ip}{switch_hostname} || q{}; next if $sw_hostname eq 'unknow'; my $sw_location = q{}; for my $sw (@SWITCH) { next if $sw_hostname ne $sw->{hostname}; $sw_location = $sw->{location}; last; } printf "%s: \"%s\"\n", $ip, $sw_location if not $sw_location eq q{}; } return; } sub cmd_ip_free { my @vlan_name = @_; my $days_to_dead = 365 * 2; my $format = 'txt'; my $ret = GetOptionsFromArray(\@vlan_name, 'day|d=i' => \$days_to_dead, 'format|f=s' => \$format, ); my %possible_format = ( txt => \&cmd_ip_free_txt, html => \&cmd_ip_free_html, ); $format = 'txt' if not defined $possible_format{$format}; @vlan_name = get_list_network() if not @vlan_name; my $computerdb = {}; $computerdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_DB_FILE") if -e "$KLASK_DB_FILE"; my $timestamp = time; my $timestamp_barrier = $timestamp - (3600 * 24 * $days_to_dead ); my %result_ip = (); ALL_NETWORK: for my $vlan (@vlan_name) { my @ip_list = get_list_ip($vlan); # my $current_interface = get_current_interface($vlan); LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: for my $ip (@ip_list) { next LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS if exists $computerdb->{$ip} && $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp} > $timestamp_barrier; my $ip_date_last_detection = ''; if (exists $computerdb->{$ip}) { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime $computerdb->{$ip}{timestamp}; $year += 1900; $mon++; $ip_date_last_detection = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min; } $result_ip{$ip} ||= {}; $result_ip{$ip}->{date_last_detection} = $ip_date_last_detection; my $packed_ip = scalar gethostbyname($ip); my $hostname_fq = 'unknown'; $hostname_fq = scalar gethostbyaddr($packed_ip, AF_INET) || 'unknown' if defined $packed_ip; $result_ip{$ip}->{hostname_fq} = $hostname_fq; $result_ip{$ip}->{vlan} = $vlan; } } $possible_format{$format}->(%result_ip); } sub cmd_ip_free_txt { my %result_ip = @_; printf "%-15s %-40s %-16s %s\n", qw(IPv4-Address Hostname-FQ Date VLAN); print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %result_ip)) { printf "%-15s %-40s %-16s %s\n", $ip, $result_ip{$ip}->{hostname_fq}, $result_ip{$ip}->{date_last_detection}, $result_ip{$ip}->{vlan}; } } sub cmd_ip_free_html { my %result_ip = @_; print <<'END_HTML'; END_HTML my $typerow = 'even'; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %result_ip)) { $typerow = $typerow eq 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; my $ip_sort = sprintf '%03i%03i%03i%03i', split m/ \. /xms, $ip; my ( $host_short ) = split m/ \. /xms, $result_ip{$ip}->{hostname_fq}; print <<"END_HTML"; END_HTML } print <<'END_HTML';
Klask Free IP Database
IPv4-Address Hostname-FQ VLAN Date
IPv4-Address Hostname-FQ VLAN Date
$ip $result_ip{$ip}->{hostname_fq} $result_ip{$ip}->{vlan} $result_ip{$ip}->{date_last_detection}
END_HTML } sub cmd_enable { my $switch = shift; my $port = shift; #snmpset -v 1 -c community X.X.X.X = 1 (up) #snmpset -v 1 -c community X.X.X.X = 2 (down) system "snmpset -v 1 -c public $switch$port = 1"; return; } sub cmd_disable { my $switch = shift; my $port = shift; system "snmpset -v 1 -c public $switch$port = 2"; return; } sub cmd_status { my $switch = shift; my $port = shift; system "snmpget -v 1 -c public $switch$port"; return; } sub cmd_search_mac_on_switch { my $switch_name = shift || q{}; my $mac_address = shift || q{}; if ($switch_name eq q{} or $mac_address eq q{}) { die "Usage: klask search-mac-on-switch SWITCH_NAME MAC_ADDRESS\n"; } if (not defined $SWITCH_DB{$switch_name}) { die "Switch $switch_name must be defined in klask configuration file\n"; } my $sw = $SWITCH_DB{$switch_name}; my %session = ( -hostname => $sw->{hostname} ); $session{-version} = $sw->{version} || 1; $session{-port} = $sw->{snmpport} || $DEFAULT{snmpport} || 161; if (exists $sw->{version} and $sw->{version} eq '3') { $session{-username} = $sw->{username} || 'snmpadmin'; } else { $session{-community} = $sw->{community} || $DEFAULT{community} || 'public'; } my $research = '' . arp_hex_to_dec($mac_address); print "Klask search OID $research on switch $switch_name\n"; my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( %session ); print "$error \n" if $error; my $result = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$research] ); if (not defined $result or $result->{$research} eq 'noSuchInstance') { print "Klask do not find MAC $mac_address on switch $switch_name\n"; $session->close; } my $swport = $result->{$research}; $session->close; print "Klask find MAC $mac_address on switch $switch_name port $swport\n"; return; } sub cmd_updatesw { my @options = @_; my $verbose; my $ret = GetOptionsFromArray(\@options, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, ); init_switch_names('yes'); #nomme les switchs print "\n"; my %where = (); my %db_switch_output_port = (); my %db_switch_ip_hostname = (); DETECT_ALL_ROUTER: # for my $one_computer ('') { for my $one_router ( get_list_main_router(get_list_network()) ) { my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($one_router, q{*}, q{low}); # resolution arp next DETECT_ALL_ROUTER if $resol_arp{mac_address} eq 'unknow'; $where{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = find_all_switch_port($resol_arp{mac_address}); # retrouve les emplacements des routeurs print "VERBOSE_1: Router detected $resol_arp{ipv4_address} - $resol_arp{mac_address}\n" if $verbose; } ALL_ROUTER_IP_ADDRESS: for my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %where)) { # '')) { next ALL_ROUTER_IP_ADDRESS if not exists $where{$ip}; # /a priori/ idiot car ne sers à rien... ALL_SWITCH_CONNECTED: for my $switch_detected ( keys %{$where{$ip}} ) { my $switch = $where{$ip}->{$switch_detected}; next ALL_SWITCH_CONNECTED if $switch->{port} eq '0'; $db_switch_output_port{$switch->{hostname}} = $switch->{port}; print "VERBOSE_2: output port $switch->{hostname} : $switch->{port}\n" if $verbose; } } my %db_switch_link_with = (); my @list_switch_ip = (); my @list_switch_ipv4 = (); for my $sw (@SWITCH){ push @list_switch_ip, $sw->{hostname}; } my $timestamp = time; ALL_SWITCH: for my $one_computer (@list_switch_ip) { my %resol_arp = resolve_ip_arp_host($one_computer, q{*}, q{low}); # arp resolution next ALL_SWITCH if $resol_arp{mac_address} eq 'unknow'; push @list_switch_ipv4,$resol_arp{ipv4_address}; $where{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = find_all_switch_port($resol_arp{mac_address}); # find port on all switch if ($verbose) { my @l = (); for my $c ( keys %{$where{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}} ) { push @l, "$c -+ "; #$where{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}}->{$c}{hostname}; } print "VERBOSE_3 $one_computer $resol_arp{ipv4_address} $resol_arp{mac_address} --- @l\n"; } $db_switch_ip_hostname{$resol_arp{ipv4_address}} = $resol_arp{hostname_fq}; $SWITCH_DB{$one_computer}->{ipv4_address} = $resol_arp{ipv4_address}; $SWITCH_DB{$one_computer}->{mac_address} = $resol_arp{mac_address}; $SWITCH_DB{$one_computer}->{timestamp} = $timestamp; } ALL_SWITCH_IP_ADDRESS: for my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(@list_switch_ipv4)) { next ALL_SWITCH_IP_ADDRESS if not exists $where{$ip}; DETECTED_SWITCH: for my $switch_detected ( keys %{$where{$ip}} ) { next DETECTED_SWITCH if not exists $SWITCH_PORT_COUNT{ $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip} }; my $switch = $where{$ip}->{$switch_detected}; print "VERBOSE_4: $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip} -> $switch->{hostname} : $switch->{port}\n" if $verbose; next if $switch->{port} eq '0'; next if $switch->{port} eq $db_switch_output_port{$switch->{hostname}}; next if $switch->{hostname} eq $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip}; # $computerdb->{$ip}{hostname}; $db_switch_link_with{ $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip} } ||= {}; $db_switch_link_with{ $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip} }->{ $switch->{hostname} } = $switch->{port}; print "VERBOSE_5: $db_switch_ip_hostname{$ip} -> $switch->{hostname} : $switch->{port}\n" if $verbose; } } my %db_switch_connected_on_port = (); my $maybe_more_than_one_switch_connected = 'yes'; while ($maybe_more_than_one_switch_connected eq 'yes') { for my $sw (keys %db_switch_link_with) { for my $connect (keys %{$db_switch_link_with{$sw}}) { my $port = $db_switch_link_with{$sw}->{$connect}; $db_switch_connected_on_port{"$connect:$port"} ||= {}; $db_switch_connected_on_port{"$connect:$port"}->{$sw}++; # Just to define the key } } $maybe_more_than_one_switch_connected = 'no'; SWITCH_AND_PORT: for my $swport (keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { next if keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}} == 1; $maybe_more_than_one_switch_connected = 'yes'; my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; my @sw_on_same_port = keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}}; CONNECTED: for my $sw_connected (@sw_on_same_port) { next CONNECTED if not keys %{$db_switch_link_with{$sw_connected}} == 1; $db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport} = {$sw_connected => 1}; for my $other_sw (@sw_on_same_port) { next if $other_sw eq $sw_connected; delete $db_switch_link_with{$other_sw}->{$sw_connect}; } # We can not do better for this switch for this loop next SWITCH_AND_PORT; } } } my %db_switch_parent =(); for my $sw (keys %db_switch_link_with) { for my $connect (keys %{$db_switch_link_with{$sw}}) { my $port = $db_switch_link_with{$sw}->{$connect}; $db_switch_connected_on_port{"$connect:$port"} ||= {}; $db_switch_connected_on_port{"$connect:$port"}->{$sw} = $port; $db_switch_parent{$sw} = {switch => $connect, port => $port}; } } print "Switch output port and parent port connection\n"; print "---------------------------------------------\n"; for my $sw (sort keys %db_switch_output_port) { if (exists $db_switch_parent{$sw}) { printf "%-27s %2s +--> %2s %-25s\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{port}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}; } else { printf "%-27s %2s +--> router\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; } } print "\n"; print "Switch parent and children port inter-connection\n"; print "------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $swport (sort keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; for my $sw (keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}}) { if (exists $db_switch_output_port{$sw}) { printf "%-27s %2s <--+ %2s %-25s\n", $sw_connect, $port_connect, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $sw; } else { printf "%-27s %2s <--+ %-25s\n", $sw_connect, $port_connect, $sw; } } } my $switch_connection = { output_port => \%db_switch_output_port, parent => \%db_switch_parent, connected_on_port => \%db_switch_connected_on_port, link_with => \%db_switch_link_with, switch_db => \%SWITCH_DB, }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$KLASK_SW_FILE", $switch_connection); return; } sub cmd_exportsw { my @ARGV = @_; test_switchdb_environnement(); my $format = 'txt'; my $ret = GetOptions( 'format|f=s' => \$format, ); my %possible_format = ( txt => \&cmd_exportsw_txt, dot => \&cmd_exportsw_dot, ); $format = 'txt' if not defined $possible_format{$format}; $possible_format{$format}->(@ARGV); return; } sub cmd_exportsw_txt { my $switch_connection = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_SW_FILE"); my %db_switch_output_port = %{$switch_connection->{output_port}}; my %db_switch_parent = %{$switch_connection->{parent}}; my %db_switch_connected_on_port = %{$switch_connection->{connected_on_port}}; print "Switch output port and parent port connection\n"; print "---------------------------------------------\n"; for my $sw (sort keys %db_switch_output_port) { if (exists $db_switch_parent{$sw}) { printf "%-27s %2s +--> %2s %-25s\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{port}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}; } else { printf "%-27s %2s +--> router\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; } } print "\n"; print "Switch parent and children port inter-connection\n"; print "------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $swport (sort keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; for my $sw (keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}}) { if (exists $db_switch_output_port{$sw}) { printf "%-27s %2s <--+ %2s %-25s\n", $sw_connect, $port_connect, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $sw; } else { printf "%-27s %2s <--+ %-25s\n", $sw_connect, $port_connect, $sw; } } } return; } sub cmd_exportsw_dot { my $switch_connection = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$KLASK_SW_FILE"); my %db_switch_output_port = %{$switch_connection->{output_port}}; my %db_switch_parent = %{$switch_connection->{parent}}; my %db_switch_connected_on_port = %{$switch_connection->{connected_on_port}}; my %db_switch_link_with = %{$switch_connection->{link_with}}; my %db_switch_global = %{$switch_connection->{switch_db}}; my %db_building= (); for my $sw (@SWITCH) { my ($building, $location) = split m/ \/ /xms, $sw->{location}, 2; $db_building{$building} ||= {}; $db_building{$building}->{$location} ||= {}; $db_building{$building}->{$location}{ $sw->{hostname} } = 'y'; } print "digraph G {\n"; print "site [label = \"site\", color = black, fillcolor = gold, shape = invhouse, style = filled];\n"; print "internet [label = \"internet\", color = black, fillcolor = cyan, shape = house, style = filled];\n"; my $b=0; for my $building (keys %db_building) { $b++; print "\"building$b\" [label = \"$building\", color = black, fillcolor = gold, style = filled];\n"; print "site -> \"building$b\" [len = 2, color = firebrick];\n"; my $l = 0; for my $loc (keys %{$db_building{$building}}) { $l++; print "\"location$b-$l\" [label = \"$building" . q{/} . join(q{\n}, split(m{ / }xms, $loc)) . "\", color = black, fillcolor = orange, style = filled];\n"; # print "\"location$b-$l\" [label = \"$building / $loc\", color = black, fillcolor = orange, style = filled];\n"; print "\"building$b\" -> \"location$b-$l\" [len = 2, color = firebrick]\n"; for my $sw (keys %{$db_building{$building}->{$loc}}) { print "\"$sw:$db_switch_output_port{$sw}\" [label = $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, color = black, fillcolor = lightblue, peripheries = 2, style = filled];\n"; my $swname = $sw; $swname .= q{\n-\n} . "$db_switch_global{$sw}->{model}" if exists $db_switch_global{$sw} and exists $db_switch_global{$sw}->{model}; print "\"$sw\" [label = \"$swname\", color = black, fillcolor = palegreen, shape = rect, style = filled];\n"; print "\"location$b-$l\" -> \"$sw\" [len = 2, color = firebrick, arrowtail = dot]\n"; print "\"$sw\" -> \"$sw:$db_switch_output_port{$sw}\" [len=2, style=bold, arrowhead = normal, arrowtail = invdot]\n"; for my $swport (keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; next if not $sw_connect eq $sw; next if $port_connect eq $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; print "\"$sw:$port_connect\" [label = $port_connect, color = black, fillcolor = plum, peripheries = 1, style = filled];\n"; print "\"$sw:$port_connect\" -> \"$sw\" [len=2, style=bold, arrowhead= normal, arrowtail = inv]\n"; } } } } # print "Switch output port and parent port connection\n"; # print "---------------------------------------------\n"; for my $sw (sort keys %db_switch_output_port) { if (exists $db_switch_parent{$sw}) { # printf " \"%s:%s\" -> \"%s:%s\"\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{switch}, $db_switch_parent{$sw}->{port}; } else { printf " \"%s:%s\" -> internet\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}; } } print "\n"; # print "Switch parent and children port inter-connection\n"; # print "------------------------------------------------\n"; for my $swport (sort keys %db_switch_connected_on_port) { my ($sw_connect,$port_connect) = split m/ : /xms, $swport; for my $sw (keys %{$db_switch_connected_on_port{$swport}}) { if (exists $db_switch_output_port{$sw}) { printf " \"%s:%s\" -> \"%s:%s\" [color = navyblue]\n", $sw, $db_switch_output_port{$sw}, $sw_connect, $port_connect; } else { printf " \"%s\" -> \"%s%s\"\n", $sw, $sw_connect, $port_connect; } } } print "}\n"; return; } __END__ =head1 NAME klask - ports manager and finder for switch =head1 USAGE klask updatedb klask exportdb --format [txt|html] klask removedb computer* klask cleandb --day number_of_day --verbose klask updatesw klask exportsw --format [txt|dot] klask searchdb computer klask search computer klask search-mac-on-switch switch mac_addr klask ip-free --day number_of_day --format [txt|html] [vlan_name] klask enable switch port klask disable swith port klask status swith port =head1 DESCRIPTION klask is a small tool to find where is a host in a big network. klask mean search in brittany. Klask has now a web site dedicated for it ! http://servforge.legi.inpg.fr/projects/klask =head1 COMMANDS =head2 search This command takes one or more computer in argument. It search a computer on the network and give the port and the switch on which the computer is connected. =head2 enable This command activate a port on a switch by snmp. So you need to give the switch and the port number on the command line. =head2 disable This command deactivate a port on a switch by snmp. So you need to give the switch and the port number on the command line. =head2 status This command return the status of a port number on a switch by snmp. So you need to give the switch name and the port number on the command line. =head2 updatedb This command will scan networks and update a database. To know which are the cmputer scan, you have to configure the file /etc/klask.conf This file is easy to read and write because klask use YAML format and not XML. =head2 exportdb This command print the content of the database. There is actually only one format. It's very easy to have more format, it's just need times... =head2 updatesw This command build a map of your manageable switch on your network. The list of the switch must be given in the file /etc/klask.conf. =head2 exportsw --format [txt|dot] This command print the content of the switch database. There is actually two format. One is just txt for terminal and the other is the dot format from the graphviz environnement. klask exportsw --format dot > /tmp/map.dot dot -Tpng /tmp/map.dot > /tmp/map.png =head1 CONFIGURATION Because klask need many parameters, it's not possible actually to use command line parameters. The configuration is done in a /etc/klask.conf YAML file. This format have many advantage over XML, it's easier to read and to write ! Here an example, be aware with indent, it's important in YAML, do not use tabulation ! default: community: public snmpport: 161 network: labnet: ip-subnet: - add: - add: interface: eth0 main-router: gw1.labnet.local schoolnet: ip-subnet: - add: - add: interface: eth0.38 main-router: gw2.schoolnet.local switch: - hostname: sw1.klask.local portignore: - 1 - 2 - hostname: sw2.klask.local location: BatK / 2 / K203 type: HP2424 portignore: - 1 - 2 I think it's pretty easy to understand. The default section can be overide in any section, if parameter mean something in theses sections. Network to be scan are define in the network section. You must put a add by network. Maybe i will make a delete line to suppress specific computers. The switch section define your switch. You have to write the port number to ignore, this is important if your switchs are cascade. Juste put the ports numbers between switch. =head1 FILES /etc/klask.conf /var/cache/klask/klaskdb /var/cache/klask/switchdb =head1 SEE ALSO Net::SNMP, Net::Netmask, Net::CIDR::Lite, NetAddr::IP, YAML =head1 VERSION $Id: klask 81 2011-03-29 16:04:16Z g7moreau $ =head1 AUTHOR Written by Gabriel Moreau, Grenoble - France =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gabriel Moreau.