#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Gabriel Moreau # License GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent # # apt-get install perl-base perl-modules libyaml-syck-perl libnet-netmask-perl libreadonly-perl libfile-touch-perl package DDT::RE; use strict; #use warnings; use Readonly; Readonly our $MAC_ADDRESS => qr{ (?: [0-9A-F]{2} :){5} [0-9A-F]{2} }xms; Readonly our $IPv4_ADDRESS => qr{ [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} }xms; package main; use strict; #use warnings; use version; our $VERSION = version->declare('0.9.6'); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); #use YAML; use YAML::Syck; use Net::Netmask; use File::Touch; use File::Copy; use Socket; my $command = shift @ARGV || 'help'; my %cmd_db = ( 'add-alias' => \&cmd_add_alias, 'add-dhcp' => \&cmd_add_dhcp, 'add-float' => \&cmd_add_float, 'add-static' => \&cmd_add_static, 'add-virtual' => \&cmd_add_virtual, 'change-comment' => \&cmd_change_comment, 'change-domainset' => \&cmd_change_domainset, 'change-host' => \&cmd_change_host, 'change-ip' => \&cmd_change_ip, 'change-mac' => \&cmd_change_mac, 'change-tag' => \&cmd_change_tag, 'check-dns' => \&cmd_check_dns, 'create-domainset' => \&cmd_create_domainset, 'create-pool' => \&cmd_create_pool, 'create-pxe' => \&cmd_create_pxe, 'create-tag' => \&cmd_create_tag, 'del-pc' => \&cmd_del_pc, 'del-float' => \&cmd_del_float, 'disable-pc' => \&cmd_disable_pc, 'disable-float' => \&cmd_disable_float, 'disable-pxe' => \&cmd_disable_pxe, 'enable-pc' => \&cmd_enable_pc, 'enable-float' => \&cmd_enable_float, 'enable-pxe' => \&cmd_enable_pxe, 'gen-dhcp-file' => \&cmd_generate_dhcp_file, 'gen-dns-file' => \&cmd_generate_dns_file, 'help' => \&cmd_help, 'load-database' => \&cmd_load_database, 'remove-pxe' => \&cmd_remove_pxe, 'remove-tag' => \&cmd_remove_tag, 'search-mac' => \&cmd_search_mac, 'show' => \&cmd_show_host, 'show-domainset' => \&cmd_show_domainset, 'show-pool' => \&cmd_show_pool, 'show-pxe' => \&cmd_show_pxe, 'show-tag' => \&cmd_show_tag, 'upgrade-db' => \&cmd_upgrade_db, 'version' => \&cmd_version, ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $CONFIG; my $xdg_config_home = $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"; $CONFIG = config_load("$xdg_config_home/ddt/config.yml") if -e "$xdg_config_home/ddt/config.yml"; my $COMPUTER_BASENAME = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'basename'} || 'ddt'; my $COMPUTER_EXT = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'ext'} || 'db'; my $FOLDER_APP = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'folder'} || '/var/lib/ddt'; my $FOLDER_BACKUP = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'backup'} || "$FOLDER_APP/backup"; my $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP = $CONFIG->{'generate'}{'dhcp'} || "$FOLDER_APP/dhcp"; my $FOLDER_GEN_DNS = $CONFIG->{'generate'}{'dns'} || "$FOLDER_APP/dns"; my $SCRIPT_UPDATE = $CONFIG->{'script'}{'update'} || '/usr/share/ddt/update-dhcp-server'; my $COMPUTER_YAML = "$FOLDER_APP/$COMPUTER_BASENAME.$COMPUTER_EXT"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkdir $FOLDER_APP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_APP; mkdir $FOLDER_BACKUP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_BACKUP; mkdir $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP; mkdir $FOLDER_GEN_DNS, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_GEN_DNS; if (defined $cmd_db{$command}) { $cmd_db{$command}->(@ARGV); } else { print {*STDERR} "ddt: command $command not found\n\n"; $cmd_db{'help'}->(); exit 1; } exit; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOAD SAVE section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub config_load { my $config_file = shift; my $configdb = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($config_file); return $configdb; } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Load computer database sub ipamdb_load { my $database_yaml = shift; touch $database_yaml if not -e $database_yaml; my $computer_db = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($database_yaml); # add database version if not exist if (not exists $computer_db->{'version'}) { $computer_db->{'version'} = 1; } return $computer_db; } #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Save computer database sub ipamdb_save { my ($database_yaml, $computer_db) = @_; my $dirdb = $database_yaml; $dirdb =~ s{ / [^/]* $}{}xms; mkdir "$dirdb", 0755 unless -d "$dirdb"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile($database_yaml, $computer_db); return $computer_db; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTROL section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub control_exist_pool { my ($computer_db, $pool) = @_; return exists $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool} ? 1 : 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_domainset #Description: controle l'existence d'un domain set dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (faux) ou 1 (vrai) sub control_exist_domainset { my ($computer_db, $domainset) = @_; return 1 if exists $computer_db->{$domainset}; print {*STDERR} "Error: domain set $domainset not found\n"; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_hostname #Description: controle l'existence d'un nom de machine dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_hostname { my ($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) = @_; if ($computer_db->{$domainset} eq '') { return 1; } my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { #print "Error: Hostname already exist: $hostname\n"; return 0; } } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_mac #Description: controle l'existence d'une adresse MAC dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_mac { my ($computer_db, $mac) = @_; for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { #print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; return 0; } } } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_ip #Description: controle l'existence d'une adresse IP dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_ip { my ($computer_db, $ip) = @_; for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { #print "Erreur: cette adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; return 0 if $value->{$id}{'ip'} eq $ip; } } } for my $current_pool (keys %{$computer_db->{'pool'}}) { #--- Cette partie pour tester les ip des pools est bonne ne plus la changer ---# my @T_pool_ip = @{ $computer_db->{'pool'}{$current_pool}{'ip'}}; for my $pool_ip (@T_pool_ip) { #print "Erreur: cette adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; return 0 if $pool_ip eq $ip; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_syntaxe_mac #Description: controle la syntaxe d'une adresse MAC (juste la longueur pas les valeurs) # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_syntax_mac_address { my $mac = shift; if (scalar(split /:/, $mac) == 6 and $mac =~ $DDT::RE::MAC_ADDRESS) { return 1; } print {*STDERR} "Error: Bad MAC syntax: $mac\n"; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_syntax_ip #Description: controle la syntaxe d'une adresse IP (juste la longueur pas les valeurs) # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_syntax_ip { my $ip = shift; if ($ip ne 'pool') { my @ip_split = split /\./, $ip; if ( scalar(@ip_split) != 4 ) { print {*STDERR} "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip\n"; return 0; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub control_syntax_comment { my $comment = shift; if ($comment !~ m{^20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: No date like 2014-01-10 at the beginning: $comment\n"; return 0; } if ($comment !~ m{\(\w+\)$}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: No (SERVICE) at the end: $comment\n"; return 0; } if ($comment =~ m{\s\s}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: Double space: $comment\n"; return 0; } return 1; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTILITY section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_cmd_name { my ($pkg, $sub) = split /::/, (caller(1))[3]; $sub =~ s/^cmd_//; $sub =~ s/_/-/g; return $sub; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub normalize_mac_address { my $mac_address = shift; # D07E-28D1-7AB8 or d07e28-d17ab8 if ($mac_address =~ m{^ (?: [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} -){2} [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} $}xms or $mac_address =~ m{^ [0-9A-Fa-f]{6} - [0-9A-Fa-f]{6} $}xms) { $mac_address =~ s/-//g; return join q{:}, unpack('(A2)*', uc($mac_address)); } return join q{:}, map { substr( uc("00$_"), -2) } split m/ [:-] /xms, $mac_address; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub normalize_comment { my $comment = shift; $comment =~ s{^(20\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)\s(.*)$}{$1-$2-$3 $4}; return $comment; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_mac_from_hostname { my ($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname, $mac) = @_; return $mac if $mac ne ''; return '' if $hostname eq ''; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'hostname'} ne $hostname; return $mac_address; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_mac_from_ip { my ($computer_db, $domainset, $ip, $mac) = @_; return $mac if $mac ne ''; return '' if $ip eq ''; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'ip'} ne $ip; return $mac_address; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return a tuple (hash computer, iostat) # iostat 0/ok, 1/not exist sub get_computer_from_mac { my ($computer_db, $domainset, $mac) = @_; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; return $attribute, 0; } return {}, 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_alias #Description: ajoute un alias pour une machine. Pour la fonctionnalité CNAME dans le DNS. sub add_alias { my ($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $alias) = @_; control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt=0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { print $value->{$id}->{'alias'}; $alias = $alias . ' ' . $value->{$id}->{'alias'}; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'alias'} = $alias; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Update attribute alias [OK]\n"; exit; } } $cpt=$cpt+1; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_static #Description: ajoute une machine non dhcp (donc à adressage fixe dans le fichier YAML) sub add_static { my ($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment) = @_; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'static', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, 'alias' => '', }}; print "Add the computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_dhcp #Description: section à corriger pour prendre en compte l'ajout d'une machine dans un pool dhcp #--- usage: ddt add_dhcp -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 -i sub add_dhcp { my ($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment) = @_; my $timestamp = time; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip.\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, 'alias' => '', }}; print "Add the computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- usage: ddt add_float -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 -i sub add_float { my ($computer_db, $pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment) = @_; my $timestamp = time; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_exist_pool($computer_db, $pool) or die "Error: The pool doesn't exists: $pool\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $pool, 'ip' => $pool, 'address_type' => 'pool-dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, }}; print "Add the computer in pool MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset, Pool: $pool\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_alias { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $alias); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'alias|a=s' => \$alias, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $alias eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); add_alias($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $alias); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_dhcp { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); add_dhcp($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($pool, $domainset) = split /\./, $pool, 2 if $pool =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); add_float($computer_db, $pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_static { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); add_static($computer_db, $hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # No real computer, just an entry A in DNS with virtual MAC sub cmd_add_virtual { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); my $timestamp = time; control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip.\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $mac = join ':', 'FF', 'FF', map({sprintf("%02X", $_)} split(/\./, $ip)); control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) or die "Error: Virtual Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'static', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, }}; print "Add the virtual computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CHANGE computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_mac #Description: change la mac adresse d'une machine en saisissant soit l'ip # soit le nom de la mahcine et spécifiant le domaine #--- usage: ddt change_mac -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 #--- usage: ddt change_mac -d legi-sector03 -i -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 sub change_mac { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $host = $value->{$id}; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}->[$cpt] = { $mac => $host }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $host->{'hostname'}\n"; print "MAC: $mac\n"; print "IP: $host->{'ip'}\n"; exit; } $cpt++; } } #print "Mise à jour de l'adresse MAC [FAILED]\n"; #print "l'adresse IP n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset\n"; } elsif ($hostname ne '') { if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { my $host = $value->{$id}; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}->[$cpt] = { $mac => $host }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $host->{'hostname'}\n"; print "MAC: $mac\n"; print "IP: $host->{'ip'}\n"; exit; } } $cpt++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_ip #Description: change l'adresse IP d'une machine en saisissant le nom de la machine # et le domaine sub change_ip { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip\n"; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ( ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'dhcp') or ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'static') ) ) { $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'ip'} = $ip; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $hostname\n"; print "MAC: $id\n"; print "IP: $ip\n"; exit; } else { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Modification de l'adresse IP [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname sur le domain set $domainset fait partie du pool DHCP ".$value->{$id}->{'ip'}."\n"; print "Veuillez la supprimer du pool et la recréer avec l'adresse IP que vous souhaitez.\n"; exit; } } } $cpt++; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_host #Description: change le computer hostname en saisissant l'IP et le domaine sub change_host { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'hostname'} = $hostname; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $hostname\n"; print "MAC: $id\n"; print "IP: $ip\n"; exit; } } $cpt++; } print "Error: Failed to update computer hostname\n"; print "L'adresse IP: $ip n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_mac { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $mac eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; change_mac($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_ip { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq ''; change_ip($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_host { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq ''; change_host($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_comment { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { my $host = $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$mac}; $host->{'comment'} = $comment; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } } $cpt++; } print "Mise à jour du commentaire de la machine [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_domainset { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $ip, $mac); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_DOMAINSET: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { my $host = $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]{$mac}; next LOOP_ON_DOMAINSET if $host->{'ip'} ne $ip; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; splice(@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}, $cpt_mac => 1); push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => $host }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } print "Update of domain set $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac ou l'adresse IP: $ip n'existe pas dans la base\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $tags); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'tag|t=s' => \$tags, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $tags eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $mac eq '' and $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); if ($tags !~ m/^ (?:\w+,)* \w+ $/xms) { die "Error: Bad format for tags (comma separated list): $tags\n"; } for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { next if $tag eq 'universal'; die "Error: TAG doesn't exist in the database. Create it before with create_tag: $tag\n" if not exists $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag}; } control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; $mac = get_mac_from_ip($computer_db, $domainset, $ip, $mac) if $ip ne ''; $mac = get_mac_from_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname, $mac) if $hostname ne ''; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; $attribute->{'tag'} = $tags; $attribute->{'modify_time'} = time; delete $attribute->{'tag'} if $tags eq 'universal'; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } print "Mise à jour du commentaire de la machine [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ACTIVATION section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: disable_pc #Description: désactive une machine (du DHCP ou en IP statique, et du DNS) (champs enabled=non) sub disable_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print "L'adresse IP: $ip a été désactivée. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset); if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print "La machine $hostname (domaine: $domainset) a été désactivé du DHCP. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Désactivation de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } #print "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub disable_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown physical MAC address: $mac\n"; exit; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$computer_db->($domainset_current)} , $cpt_mac => 1); my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Désactivation de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Désactivation de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: enable_pc #Description: active une machine désactivée(du DHCP ou en IP statique, et du DNS) (champs enabled=non) sub enable_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; print "L'adresse IP: $ip a été réactivée. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } $cpt_mac=$cpt_mac+1; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; print "La machine $hostname (domaine: $domainset) a été réactivée du DHCP. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Réactivation de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } #print "La machine $hostname n'existe pas sur le domaineset: $domainset\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub enable_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Adresse MAC $mac non trouvée.\n"; exit; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$computer_db->($domainset_current)} , $cpt_mac => 1); my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Réactivation de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Réactivation de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; enable_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; disable_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); ($pool) = split /\./, $pool, 2 if $pool =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; disable_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); ($pool) = split /\./, $pool, 2 if $pool =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; enable_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DELETE section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: del_pc #Description: supprime une machine en DHCP ou en IP statique. sub del_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; splice(@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, $cpt_mac => 1); print "La machine $ip a été supprimer du domaine $domainset\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } #print "La machine $ip n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset.\n"; } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; splice(@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, $cpt_mac => 1); print "La machine $hostname a été supprimer du domaine $domainset\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Suppression de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool DHCP $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } #print "La machine $hostname n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset.\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: del_float #Description: supprime une machine d'un pool DHCP sub del_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Adresse MAC $mac non trouvée.\n"; exit; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$computer_db->($domainset_current)} , $cpt_mac => 1); splice(@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}, $cpt_mac => 1); ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); print "Suppression de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Suppression de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_del_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; del_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_del_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); ($pool) = split /\./, $pool, 2 if $pool =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; del_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DOMAIN SET section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_domainset { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $dns_extension, $comment); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'dns-extension|e=s' => \$dns_extension, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $dns_extension eq '' or $comment eq ''; $comment = normalize_comment($comment); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $computer_db->{'dset'} ||= {}; die "Error: Domain Set already exists: $domainset\n" if exists $computer_db->{'dset'}{$domainset}; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{'dset'}{$domainset} = { 'dns_extension' => $dns_extension, 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; $computer_db->{$domainset} ||= []; # Create empty Domain Set computer list by default ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # POOL section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: create_pool #Description: crée un pool dans le fichier de données YAML et dans le DHCP. # #Commentaires: il y a un petit bug si jamais on rentre que des adresses ip qui existent déjà. # Le pool est créé mais sans adresses ip. sub cmd_create_pool { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $domainset, $file_pool, $ipaddress_pool); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'file-pool|f=s' => \$file_pool, 'ipaddress-pool|i=s' => \$ipaddress_pool, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $file_pool eq '' or $ipaddress_pool eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); if ($computer_db->{'pool'}) { die "Error: Pool already exists: $pool\n" if exists $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool}; } #--- control if the domain's pool exist ---# control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; my @ip_list = (); #---control if address exist ---# if ($ipaddress_pool =~ /,/) { for my $ip (split /,/, $ipaddress_pool) { if ($ip =~ /-/) { my ($ip1, $ip2, $ip3, $range) = split /\./, $ip; my ($first, $last) = split /-/, $range; for (my $cpt = $first; $cpt <= $last; $cpt++) { my $ip_loc = "$ip1.$ip2.$ip3.$cpt"; control_syntax_ip($ip_loc) or die "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip_loc\n"; control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip_loc) or die "Error: IP address already exists: $ip_loc\n"; push @ip_list, $ip_loc; } } else { control_syntax_ip($ip) or next; if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 0 ) { print "L'adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; next; } push @ip_list, $ip; } } } my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool} = { 'ip' => [@ip_list], 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'file' => $file_pool, 'domain' => $domainset, }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_pool { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); printf "%-17s %-17s %s\n", 'Pool', 'File', 'DNS-Domain' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_PXE: for my $pool ( keys %{$computer_db->{'pool'}} ) { printf "%-17s %-17s %s\n", $pool, $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool}{'file'}, $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool}{'domain'}, } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PXE section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pxe_config, $ip_next_server, $filename, $comment); GetOptions( 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, 'next-server|n=s' => \$ip_next_server, 'filename|f=s' => \$filename, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pxe_config eq '' or $ip_next_server eq '' or $filename eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); $computer_db->{'pxe'} ||= {}; die "Error: PXE config already exists: $pxe_config\n" if exists $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; control_syntax_ip($ip_next_server) or die "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip_next_server\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config} = { 'ip_next_server' => $ip_next_server, 'filename' => $filename, 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_remove_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pxe_config); GetOptions( 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pxe_config eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $computer_db->{'pxe'} ||= {}; die "Error: PXE config does not exist: $pxe_config\n" if not exists $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; # Test if some computer use this config LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { my $hostname = $attribute->{'hostname'}; die "Error: computer still use this PXE config: $hostname.$domainset_current $mac_address\n" if $pxe_config eq $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } } } delete $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); printf "%-12s %-13s %-30s %s\n", 'PXE-Config', 'Next-Server', 'Filename', 'Comment' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_PXE: for my $pxe_config ( keys %{$computer_db->{'pxe'}} ) { my $ip_next_server = $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'ip_next_server'}; my $filename = $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'filename'}; my $comment = $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'comment'}; printf "%-12s %-13s %-30s %s\n", $pxe_config, $ip_next_server, $filename, $comment; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $pxe_config); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $pxe_config eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); die "Error: PXE config not exists: $pxe_config\n" if not exists $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { for my $id (keys %{$computer}) { if ($computer->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'} = $pxe_config; print "IP Address: $ip, PXE enabled in config: $pxe_config\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'} = $pxe_config; print "Host $hostname ($domainset), PXE enabled in config: $pxe_config\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { die "Error. Host $hostname ($domainset) in a pool. No PXE possible\n"; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_exist_domainset($computer_db, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { for my $id (keys %{$computer}) { if ($computer->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { next if not exists $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $pxe_config = $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; delete $computer_db->{$domainset_current}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; print "IP Address: $ip, PXE disable from config: $pxe_config\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { next if not exists $value->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $pxe_config = $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; delete $computer_db->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; print "Host $hostname ($domainset), PXE disable from config: $pxe_config\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { die "Error. Host $hostname ($domainset) in a pool. No PXE possible\n"; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TAG section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($tag, $comment); GetOptions( 'tag|t=s' => \$tag, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $tag eq '' or $comment eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); $computer_db->{'tag'} ||= {}; die "Error: TAG already exists: $tag\n" if exists $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag}; die "Error: TAG 'universal' is intrinsic. It's not possible to create it.\n" if $tag eq 'universal'; if ($tag !~ m/^ \w+ $/xms) { die "Error: Bad format for TAG (alphanumeric string): $tag\n"; } control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag} = { 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_remove_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($tag); GetOptions( 'tag|t=s' => \$tag, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $tag eq ''; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); $computer_db->{'tag'} ||= {}; die "Error: TAG does not exist: $tag\n" if not exists $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag}; # Test if some computer use this config LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; if (exists $attribute->{'tag'}) { my $hostname = $attribute->{'hostname'}; die "Error: Computer still use this TAG: $hostname.$domainset_current $mac_address\n" if $tag eq $attribute->{'tag'}; } } } delete $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag}; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); printf "%-12s %s\n", 'TAG', 'Comment' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_TAG: for my $tag ( keys %{$computer_db->{'tag'}} ) { my $comment = $computer_db->{'tag'}{$tag}{'comment'}; printf "%-12s %s\n", $tag, $comment; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_upgrade_db { my $flag_change; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domainsetdb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; my $new_mac = normalize_mac_address($mac_address); print "perl -pi -e 's/$mac_address:/$new_mac:/' $COMPUTER_YAML\n" if "$mac_address" ne "$new_mac"; my $comment = $attribute->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/\s\s+/ /g and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s/^\s+\S// and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s/\S\s+$// and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d)\/O(\d\/\d\d)}{$1/0$2} and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/)O(\d)}{$1/0$2} and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)}{$1-$2-$3} and $flag_change++; if ($comment !~ m/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/) { print "# no date at beginning of comment $mac_address\n"; } $attribute->{'comment'} = $comment; } } print "# FLAG :$flag_change\n"; ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db) if $flag_change; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_domainset { my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; print "$domainset_current\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_search_mac { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($mac); GetOptions( 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $mac eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domainsetdb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $attribute->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment = $attribute->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $enable = $attribute->{'enabled'}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $attribute->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $attribute->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $attribute->{'hostname'} . '.' . $domainset_current, $attribute->{'ip'}, $mac_address, $attribute->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: show #Description: liste les machines à partir du fichier YAML par nom de domaine. sub cmd_show_host { my %ipdb = (); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (sort keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; print "\n# *** List of pool computers in the domain set: $domainset_current ***\n"; printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %5s %7s %-10s %s\n", 'Hostname', 'IPv4-Address', 'MAC-Address', 'Type', 'Status', 'Date', 'Comment'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domainsetdb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; my $ip = $attribute->{'ip'}; if ($ip =~ m/$DDT::RE::IPv4_ADDRESS/xms) { if ( not exists $ipdb{$ip} ) { $ipdb{$ip} = { 'mac_address' => $mac_address, %{$attribute}, 'domainset' => $domainset_current, }; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } else { print {*STDERR} "# Warning: $ip already exists in the database !\n"; } } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $attribute->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment = normalize_comment($attribute->{'comment'}); $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $enable = $attribute->{'enabled'}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $attribute->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $attribute->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $attribute->{'hostname'} . '.' . $domainset_current, $ip, $mac_address, $attribute->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } print "\n# *** List of computers ordered by IP and domain set ***\n"; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %ipdb)) { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $ipdb{$ip}->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment =$ipdb{$ip}->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $enable = $ipdb{$ip}->{'enabled'}; if (exists $ipdb{$ip}->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $ipdb{$ip}->{'hostname'} . '.' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'domainset'}, $ip, normalize_mac_address($ipdb{$ip}->{'mac_address'}), $ipdb{$ip}->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: cmd_generate_dhcp_file #Description: génère les fichiers de configuration des machines et des pools du dhcp sub cmd_generate_dhcp_file { backup_database(); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); my %file_pool; for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; open FILE_VLAN, '>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DHCP/$domainset_current"; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { ALL_MAC_ADDRESS: for my $mac_addres (keys %{$value}) { #host pcdavoust { deny-unknown-clients; #hardware ethernet 0:6:5b:b8:13:d1; #fixed-address; #} my $hostname = $value->{$mac_addres}{'hostname'}; my $ip = $value->{$mac_addres}{'ip'}; my $comment = $value->{$mac_addres}{'comment'}; my $address_type = $value->{$mac_addres}{'address_type'}; my $enabled = $value->{$mac_addres}{'enabled'}; my $tags = $value->{$mac_addres}{'tag'} || 'universal'; my $buffer; if ($address_type eq 'dhcp') { if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = "host $hostname {\n"; # deny-unknown-clients; $buffer .= " hardware ethernet $mac_addres;\n"; $buffer .= " fixed-address $ip;\n"; if (exists $value->{$mac_addres}{'pxe_config'}) { my $pxe_config = $value->{$mac_addres}{'pxe_config'}; my $ip_next_server = $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'ip_next_server'}; my $filename = $computer_db->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'filename'}; $buffer .= " next-server $ip_next_server;\n"; $buffer .= " filename \"$filename\";\n"; } $buffer .= " #comment: $comment\n"; $buffer .= " }\n"; $buffer .= "\n"; for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { $file_pool{"tag-$tag"} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{"tag-$tag"}}, "subclass \"tag-$tag\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } } else { $buffer = "#host $hostname {\n"; # deny-unknown-clients; $buffer .= "# hardware ethernet $mac_addres;\n"; $buffer .= "# fixed-address $ip;\n"; $buffer .= "# comment: $comment \n"; $buffer .= "# }\n"; $buffer .= "\n"; } print FILE_VLAN $buffer; } elsif ($address_type eq 'pool-dhcp') { #--- Génère les fichiers pool dhcp ---# for my $current_pool (keys %{$computer_db->{'pool'}}) { next if $current_pool ne $ip; if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = "subclass \"$current_pool\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { $file_pool{"tag-$tag"} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{"tag-$tag"}}, "subclass \"tag-$tag\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } } else { $buffer = "#subclass \"$current_pool\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } my $current_pool_file_name = $computer_db->{'pool'}{$current_pool}{'file'}; $file_pool{$current_pool_file_name} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{$current_pool_file_name}}, $buffer; } } } } close FILE_VLAN; for my $file_name (keys %file_pool) { open FILE_POOL, '>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DHCP/$file_name"; print FILE_POOL @{$file_pool{$file_name}}; close FILE_POOL; } } print "Copy DHCP files from $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP to /etc/dhcp/include/\n"; exec $SCRIPT_UPDATE; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: cmd_generate_dns_file #Description: génère les fichiers d'enregistrements DNS sub cmd_generate_dns_file { my $buffer; my $buffer_rev; my $pool_domain; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; if ($domainset_current eq 'pool') { #next; for my $value (@{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}) { for my $pool_name (keys %{$value}) { $pool_domain = $value->{$pool_name}->{'domain'}."\n"; #print $value->{$pool_name}->{'file'}; chomp $pool_domain; open FILE_FORWARD_DNS, '>>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$pool_domain.fwd"; open FILE_REVERSE_DNS, '>>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$pool_domain.rev"; my @T_pool_ip = @{$value->{$pool_name}->{'ip'}}; for my $pool_ip (@T_pool_ip) { my @T_split = split(/\./ , $pool_ip); $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ;\n", "$pool_name$T_split[3]", $pool_ip; $buffer_rev = "$T_split[3] IN PTR $pool_name$T_split[3].$pool_domain.\n"; print FILE_FORWARD_DNS $buffer; print FILE_REVERSE_DNS $buffer_rev; } close FILE_FORWARD_DNS; close FILE_REVERSE_DNS; } } } else { #--- Création du fichier non-reverse ---# open ( FILE_FORWARD_DNS, ">> $FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$domainset_current.fwd"); open ( FILE_REVERSE_DNS, ">> $FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$domainset_current.rev"); my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; for my $value (@domainsetdb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { #host pcdavoust { deny-unknown-clients; #hardware ethernet 0:6:5b:b8:13:d1; #fixed-address; #} my $hostname = $value->{$id}->{'hostname'}; my $ip = $value->{$id}->{'ip'}; my $comment = $value->{$id}->{'comment'}; my $address_type = $value->{$id}->{'address_type'}; my $enabled = $value->{$id}->{'enabled'}; my $dns_domain = $domainset_current; if (exists $computer_db->{'dset'}{$domainset_current}) { $dns_domain = $computer_db->{'dset'}{$domainset_current}{'dns_extension'}; } my @T_split = split(/\./ , $ip); if (($address_type eq 'dhcp') or ($address_type eq 'static')) { if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ; %s\n", $hostname, $ip, $comment; if (exists $value->{$id}->{'dns_extension'} and "$value->{$id}->{'dns_extension'}" != "$dns_domain") { print "A FAIRE\n"; } $buffer_rev = $T_split[3]." IN PTR $hostname.$dns_domain.\n"; } else { $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ; %s\n", $hostname, $ip, $comment; $buffer_rev = ";".$T_split[3]." IN PTR $hostname.$dns_domain.\n"; } print FILE_REVERSE_DNS $buffer_rev; print FILE_FORWARD_DNS $buffer; } } #$cpt=$cpt+1; } print "- DNS: db.$domainset_current.fwd db.$domainset_current.rev [CREATE].\n"; print "Ex : sort -k 4n -t . /usr/local/dhcp-dns-tools/dns/dns.hmg.priv\n"; close FILE_REVERSE_DNS; close FILE_FORWARD_DNS; } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub shell_command { my $cmd = shift; require FileHandle; my $fh = new FileHandle; my @result = (); open $fh, q{-|}, "LANG=C $cmd" or die "Can't exec $cmd\n"; @result = <$fh>; close $fh; chomp @result; return @result; } sub cmd_check_dns { my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domainset_current (keys %{$computer_db}) { next if $domainset_current eq 'dset'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pool'; next if $domainset_current eq 'pxe'; next if $domainset_current eq 'tag'; next if $domainset_current eq 'version'; my @domainsetdb = @{$computer_db->{$domainset_current}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domainsetdb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; #my $new_mac = normalize_mac_address($mac_address); my $ip = $attribute->{'ip'}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if not $ip =~ m/$DDT::RE::IPv4_ADDRESS/xms; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'enabled'} eq 'no'; my $dns_hostname_fq = scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip), AF_INET); my ($dns_hostname) = split /\./, $dns_hostname_fq; if ($attribute->{'hostname'} ne $dns_hostname) { print "$mac_address ($domainset_current) $ip - $dns_hostname / $attribute->{'hostname'} # $attribute->{'comment'}\n"; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } my $packed_ip = scalar gethostbyname($dns_hostname_fq); if (defined $packed_ip) { my $ip_address = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); if ($ip ne $ip_address) { print "reverse DNS error for $dns_hostname_fq / $ip\n"; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } } } } LOOP_ON_DNS: for my $dns ('legi.grenoble-inp.fr', 'hmg.priv') { LOOP_ON_IP: for (shell_command("host -t A -l $dns")) { # smtp2.legi.grenoble-inp.fr has address next if not m/has address/; next if not m/^(\w[\w-_\.]+\w)\s+has\saddress\s+(\d[\d\.]+\d)$/; my ($hostname_fq, $ip) = ($1, $2); control_syntax_ip($ip) or next LOOP_ON_IP; if (control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 1) { printf "Unkown IP: %015s / %s\n", $ip, $hostname_fq; next LOOP_ON_IP; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: load_data_dhcp #Description: permet de charger le fichier de données YAML via les fichiers de configuration # machines. # ATTENTION: LES COMMENTAIRES DU FICHIER DISPARAITRONT. sub load_data_dhcp { my ($domainset, $input_file) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); my @T_mac; my @T_host; my @T_ip; my $cpt; open (FILE, "<$input_file"); my @buffer = ; close(FILE); for my $ligne (@buffer) { #-- $ligne =~ s/#.*$//; $ligne =~ s/\s+/ /; $ligne =~ s/^\s+//; next if $ligne eq ''; if ($ligne =~ /^host /) { $cpt=0; my @T_split = split(/host\s+/, $ligne); @T_host = split(/ /, $T_split[1]); chomp($T_host[0]); $cpt++; } if ($ligne =~ /^*ethernet /) { $ligne =~ s/;//g; @T_mac = split(/ethernet\s+/, $ligne); chomp($T_mac[1]); $cpt++; } if ($ligne =~ /^*address /) { $ligne =~ s/;//g; @T_ip = split(/address\s+/, $ligne); chomp($T_ip[1]); $cpt++; } if ($cpt == 3) { # print "MAC $T_mac[1] HOST $T_host[0] IP $T_ip[1].\n"; my $mac = $T_mac[1]; my $hostname = $T_host[0]; my $ip = $T_ip[1]; $cpt = 0; if ( control_exist_hostname($computer_db, $domainset, $hostname) == 0 ) { print "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; next; } control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or next; if ( control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) == 0) { print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; next; } control_syntax_ip($ip) or next; if ( control_exist_ip($computer_db, $ip) == 0 ) { print "Error: IP address already exists: $ip\n"; next; } my $timestamp = time; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'alias' => '', }}; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: load_data_pool #Description: permet de charger le fichier YAML via les fichiers de conf 'pool' du dhcp. sub load_data_pool { my ($domainset, $input_file) = @_; my @T_mac; open (FILE, "<$input_file"); my @buffer = ; close(FILE); my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); for my $ligne (@buffer) { #-- $ligne =~ s/#.*$//; $ligne =~ s/\s+/ /; $ligne =~ s/^\s+//; $ligne =~ s/;//g; $ligne =~ s/"//g; next if $ligne eq ''; if (($ligne =~ /^subclass/)) { my @T_split = split(/ / ,$ligne); my $pool = $T_split[1]; @T_mac = split(/:/ , $T_split[2]); my $mac = $T_mac[1].":".$T_mac[2].":".$T_mac[3].":".$T_mac[4].":".$T_mac[5].":".$T_mac[6]; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or next; if (control_exist_mac($computer_db, $mac) == 0) { print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; next; } #--- cette partie teste si le pool existe. if (not exists $computer_db->{'pool'}{$pool}) { print "Error: Create pool with create_pool command before load database: $pool\n"; exit; } if ($computer_db->{'pool'}{'domain'} eq $domainset) { my $timestamp = time; push @{$computer_db->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $pool, 'ip' => $pool, 'address_type' => 'pool-dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }}; } else { print "Ajout de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "Error: The pool doesn't exists: $pool, for the domain: $domainset\n"; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_data_file { my ($domainset, $input_file, $type_file) = @_; my $computer_db = ipamdb_load($COMPUTER_YAML); #$computer_db if ($type_file eq 'dhcp') { load_data_dhcp($domainset, $input_file); } elsif ($type_file eq 'pool-dhcp') { load_data_pool($domainset, $input_file); } ipamdb_save("$COMPUTER_YAML", $computer_db); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_load_database { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $input_file, $type_file); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'filename|f=s' => \$input_file, 'kind|k=s' => \$type_file, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $input_file eq '' or $type_file eq ''; load_data_file($domainset, $input_file, $type_file); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: backup_database #Description: sauvegarde et réinitialise les fichiers d'enregistrements DHCP. sub backup_database { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime time; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; copy($COMPUTER_YAML, "$FOLDER_BACKUP/$COMPUTER_BASENAME-$date.conf") or die "Error: Database copy backup failed: $!\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELP section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: exit_on_error_option #Description: messages d'aide des options pour les différentes commandes sub exit_on_error_option { my ($command) = @_; if ($command eq 'add-dhcp') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory if option -i != 'pool'). Example: -h info8pc154\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address or the keyword 'pool'\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool to which the machine belongs (mandatory if option -i == 'pool')\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_dhcp -h most1mc130 -d legi-661 -i -m 00:17:F2:D3:2B:FF -c '2008-07-03 Mac Book Guillaume Balleyrac (MOST)\n"; print " ddt add_dhcp -p pool-stagiaire -i pool -d hmg.priv -m 02:00:54:55:4E:01 -c '2008-09-02 Portable Perso - Laanaia Nabil - Achim Wirth (MEIGE)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool to which the machine belongs (mandatory)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_float -p pool-stagiaire -d hmg.priv -i -m 00:AB:1B:CC:AA:2F -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-static') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_static -h legipc1 -d hmg.priv -i -m 00:AB:1B:CC:AA:2F -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-virtual') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_virtual -h legipc1 -d legi-211 -i -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-alias') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -a : computer alias name (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-domainset') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : new domain set (mandatory)\n"; print " -e : DNS domain name extension( mandatory). Example legi.grenoble-inp.fr\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2016-08-22 VLAN legi-261 (INFO)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt create_domainset -d legi-264 -e legi.grenoble-inp.fr -c '2016-08-22 VLAN legi-261 (INFO)'\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-pool') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool. Example: pool-legi-priv\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment for the pool. (domain set attachment must exist in file $COMPUTER_BASENAME.conf). Example: legi.grenoble-inp.fr\n"; print " -f : configuration filename on the DHCP server for the pool\n"; print " -i : adresse(s) IP ou plage d'IP. Séparateur d'adresses IP: ','. Séparateur de plage '-'\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt -p pool-hmg -d hmg.priv -f pool.hmg.priv -i,,\n"; print " ddt -p turbocavit -d legi-sector03 -f pool-legi-public -i\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; print " -n : internet IP address for the DHCP next-server.\n"; print " -f : filename on TFTP server to load at boot\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 PXE Boot for CentOS (MOST)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'remove-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -t : name of the TAG (mandatory). Example: restricted\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 tag restricted (INFO)\n"; print "tag 'universal' is intrinsic\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'remove-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the TAG. Example: restricted\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-mac') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h). Possible value: classical IP address or the keyword 'pool'\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-ip') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : new internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-host') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address\n"; print " -h : new computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print "It's not possible to change hostname for computer that belongs to a pool\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-comment') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -c : new comment (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-domainset') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : new domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-661\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i or -m)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h or -m)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory unless option -h or -i, priority). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -t : list of tags separated by comma (mandatory). Example: -t internal,windows\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'load-database') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment\n"; print " -f : input file in DHCP format\n"; print " -k : possible cases (kind): dhcp, pool-dhcp, fix-address\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt enable_pc -i\n"; print " ddt enable_pc -d hmg.priv -h kevinpc\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt disable_pc -i\n"; print " ddt disable_pc -d hmg.priv -h kevinpc\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'del-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'del-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)l\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'search-mac') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; } else { print "No help for command: $command\n"; } exit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_version { print <<'END'; ddt - management of computer names and IP addresses Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Gabriel Moreau License GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent END print "Version $VERSION\n\n"; print ' $Id: ddt 295 2018-07-18 09:51:42Z g7moreau $'."\n"; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: usage #Description: message d'aide sur les commandes du script sub cmd_help { print < but just C... In practise, DDT is an IP Address Management (IPAM) service. It has been used in the LEGI laboratory for over 10 years. The tool is quite effective and tries to keep things simple but easily configurable for your site like a swiss army knife. Everything is saved in a YAML database and entries could be added, deleted, or modified by the command line. =head1 COMMANDS =head2 add-alias ddt add-alias [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--alias|-a alias] =head2 add-dhcp ddt add-dhcp [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--mac|-m mac] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 add-float ddt add-float [--pool|-p pool] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--mac|-m mac] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 add-static ddt add-static [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--mac|-m mac] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 add-virtual ddt add-virtual [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 change-comment ddt change-comment [--domainset|-d domainset] [--mac|-m mac] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 change-domainset ddt change-domainset [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--mac|-m mac] =head2 change-host ddt change-host [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 change-ip ddt change-ip [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 change-mac ddt change-mac [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--mac|-m mac] =head2 change-tag ddt change-tag [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--mac|-m mac] [--tag|-t tag] =head2 check-dns ddt check-dns =head2 create-domainset ddt create-domainset [--domainset|-d domainset] [--dns-extension|-e dns_extension] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 create-pool ddt create-pool [--pool|-p pool] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--file-pool|-f file_pool] [--ipaddress-pool|-i ipaddress_pool] =head2 create-pxe ddt create-pxe [--bootp|-b pxe_config] [--next-server|-n next_server] [--filename|-f filename] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 create-tag ddt create-tag [--tag|-t tag] [--comment|-c comment] =head2 del-float ddt del-float [--pool|-p pool] [--mac|-m mac] =head2 del-pc ddt del-pc [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 disable-pc ddt disable-pc [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 disable-float ddt disable-float [--pool|-p pool] [--mac|-m mac] =head2 disable-pxe ddt disable-pxe [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 enable-float ddt enable-float [--pool|-p pool] [--mac|-m mac] =head2 enable-pc ddt enable-pc [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] =head2 enable-pxe ddt enable-pxe [--hostname|-h hostname] [--domainset|-d domainset] [--ip|-i ip] [--bootp|-b pxe_config] =head2 gen-dhcp-file ddt gen-dhcp-file =head2 gen-dns-file ddt gen-dns-file =head2 help ddt help =head2 load-database ddt load-database [--domainset|-d domainset] [--filename|-f filename] [--kind|-k kind] =head2 remove-pxe ddt remove-pxe [--bootp|-b pxe_config] =head2 remove-tag ddt remove-tag [--tag|-t tag] =head2 search-mac ddt search-mac [--mac|-m mac] =head2 show-domainset ddt show-domainset =head2 show ddt show =head2 show-pool ddt show-pool [--no-header|-H] =head2 show-pxe ddt show-pxe [--no-header|-H] =head2 show-tag ddt show-tag [--no-header|-H] =head2 version ddt version =head1 AUTHORS Written by Gabriel Moreau, Kevin Reverchon, Olivier De-Marchi - Grenoble - France =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Licence GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Gabriel Moreau .