#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Gabriel Moreau # License GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent # # apt-get install perl-base perl-modules libyaml-syck-perl libnet-netmask-perl libreadonly-perl libfile-touch-perl package DDT::RE; use strict; #use warnings; use Readonly; Readonly our $MAC_ADDRESS => qr{ (?: [0-9A-F]{2} :){5} [0-9A-F]{2} }xms; Readonly our $IPv4_ADDRESS => qr{ [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} \. [0-9]{1,3} }xms; package main; use strict; #use warnings; use version; our $VERSION = version->declare('0.9.4'); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); #use YAML; use YAML::Syck; use Net::Netmask; use File::Touch; use File::Copy; use Socket; my $command = shift @ARGV || 'help'; my %cmd_db = ( 'add-alias' => \&cmd_add_alias, 'add-dhcp' => \&cmd_add_dhcp, 'add-float' => \&cmd_add_float, 'add-static' => \&cmd_add_static, 'add-virtual' => \&cmd_add_virtual, 'change-comment' => \&cmd_change_comment, 'change-domainset' => \&cmd_change_domainset, 'change-host' => \&cmd_change_host, 'change-ip' => \&cmd_change_ip, 'change-mac' => \&cmd_change_mac, 'change-tag' => \&cmd_change_tag, 'check-dns' => \&cmd_check_dns, 'create-domainset' => \&cmd_create_domainset, 'create-pool' => \&cmd_create_pool, 'create-pxe' => \&cmd_create_pxe, 'create-tag' => \&cmd_create_tag, 'del-pc' => \&cmd_del_pc, 'del-float' => \&cmd_del_float, 'disable-pc' => \&cmd_disable_pc, 'disable-float' => \&cmd_disable_float, 'disable-pxe' => \&cmd_disable_pxe, 'enable-pc' => \&cmd_enable_pc, 'enable-float' => \&cmd_enable_float, 'enable-pxe' => \&cmd_enable_pxe, 'gen-dhcp-file' => \&cmd_generate_dhcp_file, 'gen-dns-file' => \&cmd_generate_dns_file, 'help' => \&cmd_help, 'load-database' => \&cmd_load_database, 'remove-pxe' => \&cmd_remove_pxe, 'remove-tag' => \&cmd_remove_tag, 'search-mac' => \&cmd_search_mac, 'show' => \&cmd_show_host, 'show-domainset' => \&cmd_show_domainset, 'show-pool' => \&cmd_show_pool, 'show-pxe' => \&cmd_show_pxe, 'show-tag' => \&cmd_show_tag, 'upgrade-db' => \&cmd_upgrade_db, 'version' => \&cmd_version, ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $CONFIG; my $xdg_config_home = $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"; $CONFIG = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("$xdg_config_home/ddt/config.yml") if -e "$xdg_config_home/ddt/config.yml"; my $COMPUTER_BASENAME = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'basename'} || 'ddt'; my $COMPUTER_EXT = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'ext'} || 'db'; my $FOLDER_APP = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'folder'} || '/var/lib/ddt'; my $FOLDER_BACKUP = $CONFIG->{'database'}{'backup'} || "$FOLDER_APP/backup"; my $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP = $CONFIG->{'generate'}{'dhcp'} || "$FOLDER_APP/dhcp"; my $FOLDER_GEN_DNS = $CONFIG->{'generate'}{'dns'} || "$FOLDER_APP/dns"; my $SCRIPT_UPDATE = $CONFIG->{'script'}{'update'} || '/usr/share/ddt/update-dhcp-server'; my $COMPUTER_YAML = "$FOLDER_APP/$COMPUTER_BASENAME.$COMPUTER_EXT"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkdir $FOLDER_APP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_APP; mkdir $FOLDER_BACKUP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_BACKUP; mkdir $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP; mkdir $FOLDER_GEN_DNS, 0755 if not -d $FOLDER_GEN_DNS; touch $COMPUTER_YAML if not -e $COMPUTER_YAML; my $COMPUTER_DB = YAML::Syck::LoadFile($COMPUTER_YAML); if (defined $cmd_db{$command}) { $cmd_db{$command}->(@ARGV); } else { print {*STDERR} "ddt: command $command not found\n\n"; $cmd_db{'help'}->(); exit 1; } exit; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONTROL section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub control_exist_pool { my ($COMPUTER_DB, $pool) = @_; return exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool} ? 1 : 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_domainset #Description: controle l'existence d'un domain set dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (faux) ou 1 (vrai) sub control_exist_domainset { my ($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) = @_; return 1 if exists $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}; print {*STDERR} "Error: domain set $domainset not found\n"; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_hostname #Description: controle l'existence d'un nom de machine dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_hostname { my ($COMPUTER_DB, $domain, $hostname) = @_; if ($COMPUTER_DB->{$domain} eq '') { return 1; } my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain}}; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { #print "Error: Hostname already exist: $hostname\n"; return 0; } } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_mac #Description: controle l'existence d'une adresse MAC dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_mac { my ($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) = @_; for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { #print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; return 0; } } } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_exist_ip #Description: controle l'existence d'une adresse IP dans le fichier YAML # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_exist_ip { my ($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) = @_; for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { #print "Erreur: cette adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; return 0 if $value->{$id}{'ip'} eq $ip; } } } for my $current_pool (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}}) { #--- Cette partie pour tester les ip des pools est bonne ne plus la changer ---# my @T_pool_ip = @{ $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$current_pool}{'ip'}}; for my $pool_ip (@T_pool_ip) { #print "Erreur: cette adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; return 0 if $pool_ip eq $ip; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_syntaxe_mac #Description: controle la syntaxe d'une adresse MAC (juste la longueur pas les valeurs) # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_syntax_mac_address { my $mac = shift; if (scalar(split /:/, $mac) == 6 and $mac =~ $DDT::RE::MAC_ADDRESS) { return 1; } print {*STDERR} "Error: Bad MAC syntax: $mac\n"; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: control_syntax_ip #Description: controle la syntaxe d'une adresse IP (juste la longueur pas les valeurs) # return 0 (si trouvé) ou 1 (si non trouvé) sub control_syntax_ip { my $ip = shift; if ($ip ne 'pool') { my @ip_split = split /\./, $ip; if ( scalar(@ip_split) != 4 ) { print {*STDERR} "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip\n"; return 0; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub control_syntax_comment { my $comment = shift; if ($comment !~ m{^20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: No date like 2014-01-10 at the beginning: $comment\n"; return 0; } if ($comment !~ m{\(\w+\)$}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: No (SERVICE) at the end: $comment\n"; return 0; } if ($comment =~ m{\s\s}) { print {*STDERR} "Syntax Error: Double space: $comment\n"; return 0; } return 1; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTILITY section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_cmd_name { my ($pkg, $sub) = split /::/, (caller(1))[3]; $sub =~ s/^cmd_//; $sub =~ s/_/-/g; return $sub; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub normalize_mac_address { my $mac_address = shift; # D07E-28D1-7AB8 or d07e28-d17ab8 if ($mac_address =~ m{^ (?: [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} -){2} [0-9A-Fa-f]{4} $}xms or $mac_address =~ m{^ [0-9A-Fa-f]{6} - [0-9A-Fa-f]{6} $}xms) { $mac_address =~ s/-//g; return join q{:}, unpack('(A2)*', uc($mac_address)); } return join q{:}, map { substr( uc("00$_"), -2) } split m/ [:-] /xms, $mac_address; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub normalize_comment { my $comment = shift; $comment =~ s{^(20\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d)\s(.*)$}{$1-$2-$3 $4}; return $comment; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_mac_from_hostname { my ($domain, $hostname, $mac) = @_; return $mac if $mac ne ''; return '' if $hostname eq ''; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'hostname'} ne $hostname; return $mac_address; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_mac_from_ip { my ($domain, $ip, $mac) = @_; return $mac if $mac ne ''; return '' if $ip eq ''; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'ip'} ne $ip; return $mac_address; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # return a tuple (hash computer, iostat) # iostat 0/ok, 1/not exist sub get_computer_from_mac { my ($domain, $mac) = @_; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; return $attribute, 0; } return {}, 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_alias #Description: ajoute un alias pour une machine. Pour la fonctionnalité CNAME dans le DNS. sub add_alias { my ($hostname, $domainset, $alias) = @_; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt=0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { print $value->{$id}->{'alias'}; $alias = $alias . ' ' . $value->{$id}->{'alias'}; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'alias'} = $alias; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Update attribute alias [OK]\n"; exit; } } $cpt=$cpt+1; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_static #Description: ajoute une machine non dhcp (donc à adressage fixe dans le fichier YAML) sub add_static { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment) = @_; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'static', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, 'alias' => '', }}; print "Add the computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: add_dhcp #Description: section à corriger pour prendre en compte l'ajout d'une machine dans un pool dhcp #--- usage: ddt add_dhcp -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 -i sub add_dhcp { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment) = @_; my $timestamp = time; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip.\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, 'alias' => '', }}; print "Add the computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- usage: ddt add_float -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 -i sub add_float { my ($pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment) = @_; my $timestamp = time; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; control_exist_pool($COMPUTER_DB, $pool) or die "Error: The pool doesn't exists: $pool\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $pool, 'ip' => $pool, 'address_type' => 'pool-dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, }}; print "Add the computer in pool MAC: $mac, Domain Set: $domainset, Pool: $pool\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_alias { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $alias); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'alias|a=s' => \$alias, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $alias eq ''; add_alias($hostname, $domainset, $alias); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_dhcp { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; add_dhcp($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($pool, $domainset) = split /\./, $pool, 2 if $pool =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; add_float($pool, $domainset, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_add_static { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; add_static($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $comment); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # No real computer, just an entry A in DNS with virtual MAC sub cmd_add_virtual { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $comment); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $comment eq ''; $comment = normalize_comment($comment); my $timestamp = time; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip.\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $mac = join ':', 'FF', 'FF', map({sprintf("%02X", $_)} split(/\./, $ip)); control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) or die "Error: Virtual Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'static', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'comment' => $comment, }}; print "Add the virtual computer: $hostname, IP: $ip, Domain Set: $domainset\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CHANGE computer section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_mac #Description: change la mac adresse d'une machine en saisissant soit l'ip # soit le nom de la mahcine et spécifiant le domaine #--- usage: ddt change_mac -d legi-sector03 -h meolpacif -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 #--- usage: ddt change_mac -d legi-sector03 -i -m 00:18:F3:03:6F:66 sub change_mac { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac) = @_; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) or die "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $host = $value->{$id}; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}->[$cpt] = { $mac => $host }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $host->{'hostname'}\n"; print "MAC: $mac\n"; print "IP: $host->{'ip'}\n"; exit; } $cpt++; } } #print "Mise à jour de l'adresse MAC [FAILED]\n"; #print "l'adresse IP n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset\n"; } elsif ($hostname ne '') { if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) { my $host = $value->{$id}; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}->[$cpt] = { $mac => $host }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $host->{'hostname'}\n"; print "MAC: $mac\n"; print "IP: $host->{'ip'}\n"; exit; } } $cpt++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_ip #Description: change l'adresse IP d'une machine en saisissant le nom de la machine # et le domaine sub change_ip { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) or die "Error: IP address already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $ip\n"; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ( ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'dhcp') or ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'static') ) ) { $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'ip'} = $ip; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $hostname\n"; print "MAC: $id\n"; print "IP: $ip\n"; exit; } else { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Modification de l'adresse IP [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname sur le domain set $domainset fait partie du pool DHCP ".$value->{$id}->{'ip'}."\n"; print "Veuillez la supprimer du pool et la recréer avec l'adresse IP que vous souhaitez.\n"; exit; } } } $cpt++; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: change_host #Description: change le computer hostname en saisissant l'IP et le domaine sub change_host { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) or die "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'hostname'} = $hostname; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$id}{'modify_time'} = time; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Update [OK]\n"; print "Hostname: $hostname\n"; print "MAC: $id\n"; print "IP: $ip\n"; exit; } } $cpt++; } print "Error: Failed to update computer hostname\n"; print "L'adresse IP: $ip n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_mac { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $mac eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; change_mac($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_ip { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq ''; change_ip($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_host { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $ip eq ''; change_host($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_comment { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $mac, $comment); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $mac eq '' or $comment eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); $comment = normalize_comment($comment); control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}; my $cpt = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { my $host = $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt]{$mac}; $host->{'comment'} = $comment; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } } $cpt++; } print "Mise à jour du commentaire de la machine [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_domainset { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $ip, $mac); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $ip eq '' or $mac eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; control_syntax_ip($ip) or exit; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_DOMAINSET: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { my $host = $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]{$mac}; next LOOP_ON_DOMAINSET if $host->{'ip'} ne $ip; $host->{'modify_time'} = time; splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}, $cpt_mac => 1); push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => $host }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } print "Update of domain set $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac ou l'adresse IP: $ip n'existe pas dans la base\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_change_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $mac, $tags); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, 'tag|t=s' => \$tags, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $tags eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $mac eq '' and $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); if ($tags !~ m/^ (?:\w+,)* \w+ $/xms) { die "Error: Bad format for tags (comma separated list): $tags\n"; } for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { next if $tag eq 'universal'; die "Error: TAG doesn't exist in the database. Create it before with create_tag: $tag\n" if not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag}; } control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; $mac = get_mac_from_ip($domainset, $ip, $mac) if $ip ne ''; $mac = get_mac_from_hostname($domainset, $hostname, $mac) if $hostname ne ''; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; $attribute->{'tag'} = $tags; $attribute->{'modify_time'} = time; delete $attribute->{'tag'} if $tags eq 'universal'; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } print "Mise à jour du commentaire de la machine [FAILED]\n"; print "L'adresse MAC: $mac n'existe pas dans le domaine: $domainset.\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ACTIVATION section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: disable_pc #Description: désactive une machine (du DHCP ou en IP statique, et du DNS) (champs enabled=non) sub disable_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print "L'adresse IP: $ip a été désactivée. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset); if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print "La machine $hostname (domaine: $domainset) a été désactivé du DHCP. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Désactivation de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } #print "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub disable_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown physical MAC address: $mac\n"; exit; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->($domain_name)} , $cpt_mac => 1); my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'no'; print $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Désactivation de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Désactivation de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: enable_pc #Description: active une machine désactivée(du DHCP ou en IP statique, et du DNS) (champs enabled=non) sub enable_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { print "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; exit; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; print "L'adresse IP: $ip a été réactivée. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } $cpt_mac=$cpt_mac+1; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; print "La machine $hostname (domaine: $domainset) a été réactivée du DHCP. Valeur du champs enabled: [".$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'}."]\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Réactivation de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } #print "La machine $hostname n'existe pas sur le domaineset: $domainset\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub enable_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Adresse MAC $mac non trouvée.\n"; exit; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->($domain_name)} , $cpt_mac => 1); my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'enabled'} = 'yes'; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Réactivation de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Réactivation de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; enable_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; disable_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; disable_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; enable_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DELETE section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: del_pc #Description: supprime une machine en DHCP ou en IP statique. sub del_pc { my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip) = @_; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, $cpt_mac => 1); print "La machine $ip a été supprimer du domaine $domainset\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } #print "La machine $ip n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset.\n"; } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, $cpt_mac => 1); print "La machine $hostname a été supprimer du domaine $domainset\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { print "Suppression de la machine $hostname sur le domaine $domainset [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $hostname fait partie du pool DHCP $hostname.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } #print "La machine $hostname n'existe pas sur le domaine $domainset.\n"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: del_float #Description: supprime une machine d'un pool DHCP sub del_float { my ($pool, $mac) = @_; my $cpt_mac; if ( control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) == 1 ) { print "Adresse MAC $mac non trouvée.\n"; exit; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; $cpt_mac=0; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if ($id eq $mac) { if ($value->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $pool) { #splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->($domain_name)} , $cpt_mac => 1); splice(@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}, $cpt_mac => 1); YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); print "Suppression de la machine $mac du pool $pool [OK]\n"; exit; } else { print "Suppression de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "La machine $mac n'appartient pas au pool $pool.\n"; exit; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_del_pc { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; del_pc($hostname, $domainset, $ip); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_del_float { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $mac); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $mac eq ''; del_float($pool, $mac); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DOMAIN SET section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_domainset { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $dns_extension, $comment); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'dns-extension|e=s' => \$dns_extension, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $dns_extension eq '' or $comment eq ''; $comment = normalize_comment($comment); $COMPUTER_DB->{'dset'} ||= {}; die "Error: Domain Set already exists: $domainset\n" if exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'dset'}{$domainset}; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{'dset'}{$domainset} = { 'dns_extension' => $dns_extension, 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset} ||= []; # Create empty Domain Set computer list by default YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # POOL section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: create_pool #Description: crée un pool dans le fichier de données YAML et dans le DHCP. # #Commentaires: il y a un petit bug si jamais on rentre que des adresses ip qui existent déjà. # Le pool est créé mais sans adresses ip. sub cmd_create_pool { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pool, $domainset, $file_pool, $ipaddress_pool); GetOptions( 'pool|p=s' => \$pool, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'file-pool|f=s' => \$file_pool, 'ipaddress-pool|i=s' => \$ipaddress_pool, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pool eq '' or $domainset eq '' or $file_pool eq '' or $ipaddress_pool eq ''; if ($COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}) { die "Error: Pool already exists: $pool\n" if exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool}; } #--- control if the domain's pool exist ---# control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; my @ip_list = (); #---control if address exist ---# if ($ipaddress_pool =~ /,/) { for my $ip (split /,/, $ipaddress_pool) { if ($ip =~ /-/) { my ($ip1, $ip2, $ip3, $range) = split /\./, $ip; my ($first, $last) = split /-/, $range; for (my $cpt = $first; $cpt <= $last; $cpt++) { my $ip_loc = "$ip1.$ip2.$ip3.$cpt"; control_syntax_ip($ip_loc) or die "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip_loc\n"; control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip_loc) or die "Error: IP address already exists: $ip_loc\n"; push @ip_list, $ip_loc; } } else { control_syntax_ip($ip) or next; if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 0 ) { print "L'adresse IP $ip existe déjà\n"; next; } push @ip_list, $ip; } } } my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool} = { 'ip' => [@ip_list], 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'file' => $file_pool, 'domain' => $domainset, }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_pool { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); printf "%-17s %-17s %s\n", 'Pool', 'File', 'DNS-Domain' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_PXE: for my $pool ( keys %{$COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}} ) { printf "%-17s %-17s %s\n", $pool, $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool}{'file'}, $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool}{'domain'}, } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PXE section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pxe_config, $ip_next_server, $filename, $comment); GetOptions( 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, 'next-server|n=s' => \$ip_next_server, 'filename|f=s' => \$filename, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pxe_config eq '' or $ip_next_server eq '' or $filename eq '' or $comment eq ''; $comment = normalize_comment($comment); $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'} ||= {}; die "Error: PXE config already exists: $pxe_config\n" if exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; control_syntax_ip($ip_next_server) or die "Error: Bad IP syntax: $ip_next_server\n"; control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config} = { 'ip_next_server' => $ip_next_server, 'filename' => $filename, 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_remove_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($pxe_config); GetOptions( 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $pxe_config eq ''; $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'} ||= {}; die "Error: PXE config does not exist: $pxe_config\n" if not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; # Test if some computer use this config LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { my $hostname = $attribute->{'hostname'}; die "Error: computer still use this PXE config: $hostname.$domain_name $mac_address\n" if $pxe_config eq $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } } } delete $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); printf "%-12s %-13s %-30s %s\n", 'PXE-Config', 'Next-Server', 'Filename', 'Comment' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_PXE: for my $pxe_config ( keys %{$COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}} ) { my $ip_next_server = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'ip_next_server'}; my $filename = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'filename'}; my $comment = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'comment'}; printf "%-12s %-13s %-30s %s\n", $pxe_config, $ip_next_server, $filename, $comment; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_enable_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip, $pxe_config); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, 'bootp|b=s' => \$pxe_config, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $pxe_config eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; die "Error: PXE config not exists: $pxe_config\n" if not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { for my $id (keys %{$computer}) { if ($computer->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'} = $pxe_config; print "IP Address: $ip, PXE enabled in config: $pxe_config\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'} = $pxe_config; print "Host $hostname ($domainset), PXE enabled in config: $pxe_config\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { die "Error. Host $hostname ($domainset) in a pool. No PXE possible\n"; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_disable_pxe { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($hostname, $domainset, $ip); GetOptions( 'hostname|h=s' => \$hostname, 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'ip|i=s' => \$ip, ); ($hostname, $domainset) = split /\./, $hostname, 2 if $hostname =~ m/\./; exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname eq '' and $ip eq ''; exit_on_error_option($help) if $hostname ne '' and $ip ne ''; control_exist_domainset($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset) or exit; if ($ip ne '') { control_syntax_ip($ip); if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown IP address: $ip\n"; } for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { for my $id (keys %{$computer}) { if ($computer->{$id}->{'ip'} eq $ip) { next if not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $pxe_config = $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; delete $COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; print "IP Address: $ip, PXE disable from config: $pxe_config\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } $cpt_mac++; } } } } else { if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 1 ) { die "Error: Unkown host: $hostname, in domain set: $domainset\n"; } my $cpt_mac = 0; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} ne 'pool-dhcp')) { next if not exists $value->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $pxe_config = $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'modify_time'} = $timestamp; delete $COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}[$cpt_mac]->{$id}->{'pxe_config'}; print "Host $hostname ($domainset), PXE disable from config: $pxe_config\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); exit; } if (($value->{$id}->{'hostname'} eq $hostname) and ($value->{$id}->{'address_type'} eq 'pool-dhcp')) { die "Error. Host $hostname ($domainset) in a pool. No PXE possible\n"; } } $cpt_mac++; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TAG section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_create_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($tag, $comment); GetOptions( 'tag|t=s' => \$tag, 'comment|c=s' => \$comment, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $tag eq '' or $comment eq ''; $comment = normalize_comment($comment); $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'} ||= {}; die "Error: TAG already exists: $tag\n" if exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag}; die "Error: TAG 'universal' is intrinsic. It's not possible to create it.\n" if $tag eq 'universal'; if ($tag !~ m/^ \w+ $/xms) { die "Error: Bad format for TAG (alphanumeric string): $tag\n"; } control_syntax_comment($comment) or exit; my $timestamp = time; $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag} = { 'comment' => $comment, 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_remove_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($tag); GetOptions( 'tag|t=s' => \$tag, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $tag eq ''; $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'} ||= {}; die "Error: TAG does not exist: $tag\n" if not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag}; # Test if some computer use this config LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; if (exists $attribute->{'tag'}) { my $hostname = $attribute->{'hostname'}; die "Error: Computer still use this TAG: $hostname.$domain_name $mac_address\n" if $tag eq $attribute->{'tag'}; } } } delete $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag}; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_tag { local @ARGV = @_; my ($no_header); GetOptions( 'no-header|H' => \$no_header, ); printf "%-12s %s\n", 'TAG', 'Comment' if not $no_header; LOOP_ON_TAG: for my $tag ( keys %{$COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}} ) { my $comment = $COMPUTER_DB->{'tag'}{$tag}{'comment'}; printf "%-12s %s\n", $tag, $comment; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL section #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_upgrade_db { my $flag_change; LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domaindb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; my $new_mac = normalize_mac_address($mac_address); print "perl -pi -e 's/$mac_address:/$new_mac:/' $COMPUTER_YAML\n" if "$mac_address" ne "$new_mac"; my $comment = $attribute->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/\s\s+/ /g and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s/^\s+\S// and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s/\S\s+$// and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d)\/O(\d\/\d\d)}{$1/0$2} and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/)O(\d)}{$1/0$2} and $flag_change++; $comment =~ s{^(\d\d\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)}{$1-$2-$3} and $flag_change++; if ($comment !~ m/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/) { print "# no date at beginning of comment $mac_address\n"; } $attribute->{'comment'} = $comment; } } print "# FLAG :$flag_change\n"; YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB) if $flag_change; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_show_domainset { LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; print "$domain_name\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_search_mac { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($mac); GetOptions( 'mac|m=s' => \$mac, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $mac eq ''; $mac = normalize_mac_address($mac); control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or exit; LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domaindb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $mac_address ne $mac; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $attribute->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment = $attribute->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $enable = $attribute->{'enabled'}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $attribute->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $attribute->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $attribute->{'hostname'} . '.' . $domain_name, $attribute->{'ip'}, $mac_address, $attribute->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: show #Description: liste les machines à partir du fichier YAML par nom de domaine. sub cmd_show_host { my %ipdb = (); LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; print "\n# *** List of computers in the domain set: $domain_name ***\n"; printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %5s %7s %-10s %s\n", 'Hostname', 'IPv4-Address', 'MAC-Address', 'Type', 'Status', 'Date', 'Comment'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domaindb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; if ($attribute->{'ip'} =~ $DDT::RE::IPv4_ADDRESS) { if ( not exists $ipdb{ $attribute->{'ip'} } ) { $ipdb{ $attribute->{'ip'} } = { 'mac_address' => $mac_address, %{$attribute}, 'domain' => $domain_name, }; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } else { print {*STDERR} "# Warning: $attribute->{'ip'} already exists in the database !\n"; } } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $attribute->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment = normalize_comment($attribute->{'comment'}); $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $ip = $attribute->{'ip'}; my $enable = $attribute->{'enabled'}; if (exists $attribute->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $attribute->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $attribute->{'hostname'} . '.' . $domain_name, $ip, $mac_address, $attribute->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } print "\n# *** List of computers ordered by IP and domain set ***\n"; LOOP_ON_IP_ADDRESS: foreach my $ip (Net::Netmask::sort_by_ip_address(keys %ipdb)) { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime $ipdb{$ip}->{'modify_time'}; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday; my $comment =$ipdb{$ip}->{'comment'}; $comment =~ s/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s//; my $enable = $ipdb{$ip}->{'enabled'}; if (exists $ipdb{$ip}->{'pxe_config'}) { $enable .= '/' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'pxe_config'}; } if (exists $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}) { $enable .= ':' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'tag'}; } printf "%-30s %-20s %17s %9s %3s %10s %s\n", $ipdb{$ip}->{'hostname'} . '.' . $ipdb{$ip}->{'domain'}, $ip, normalize_mac_address($ipdb{$ip}->{'mac_address'}), $ipdb{$ip}->{'address_type'}, $enable, $date, $comment; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: cmd_generate_dhcp_file #Description: génère les fichiers de configuration des machines et des pools du dhcp sub cmd_generate_dhcp_file { backup_database(); my %file_pool; for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; open FILE_VLAN, '>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DHCP/$domain_name"; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; for my $value (@domaindb) { ALL_MAC_ADDRESS: for my $mac_addres (keys %{$value}) { #host pcdavoust { deny-unknown-clients; #hardware ethernet 0:6:5b:b8:13:d1; #fixed-address; #} my $hostname = $value->{$mac_addres}{'hostname'}; my $ip = $value->{$mac_addres}{'ip'}; my $comment = $value->{$mac_addres}{'comment'}; my $address_type = $value->{$mac_addres}{'address_type'}; my $enabled = $value->{$mac_addres}{'enabled'}; my $tags = $value->{$mac_addres}{'tag'} || 'universal'; my $buffer; if ($address_type eq 'dhcp') { if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = "host $hostname {\n"; # deny-unknown-clients; $buffer .= " hardware ethernet $mac_addres;\n"; $buffer .= " fixed-address $ip;\n"; if (exists $value->{$mac_addres}{'pxe_config'}) { my $pxe_config = $value->{$mac_addres}{'pxe_config'}; my $ip_next_server = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'ip_next_server'}; my $filename = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pxe'}{$pxe_config}{'filename'}; $buffer .= " next-server $ip_next_server;\n"; $buffer .= " filename \"$filename\";\n"; } $buffer .= " #comment: $comment\n"; $buffer .= " }\n"; $buffer .= "\n"; for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { $file_pool{"tag-$tag"} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{"tag-$tag"}}, "subclass \"tag-$tag\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } } else { $buffer = "#host $hostname {\n"; # deny-unknown-clients; $buffer .= "# hardware ethernet $mac_addres;\n"; $buffer .= "# fixed-address $ip;\n"; $buffer .= "# comment: $comment \n"; $buffer .= "# }\n"; $buffer .= "\n"; } print FILE_VLAN $buffer; } elsif ($address_type eq 'pool-dhcp') { #--- Génère les fichiers pool dhcp ---# for my $current_pool (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}}) { next if $current_pool ne $ip; if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = "subclass \"$current_pool\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; for my $tag (split/,/, $tags) { $file_pool{"tag-$tag"} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{"tag-$tag"}}, "subclass \"tag-$tag\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } } else { $buffer = "#subclass \"$current_pool\" 1:$mac_addres; # $comment\n"; } my $current_pool_file_name = $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$current_pool}{'file'}; $file_pool{$current_pool_file_name} ||= []; push @{$file_pool{$current_pool_file_name}}, $buffer; } } } } close FILE_VLAN; for my $file_name (keys %file_pool) { open FILE_POOL, '>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DHCP/$file_name"; print FILE_POOL @{$file_pool{$file_name}}; close FILE_POOL; } } print "Copy DHCP files from $FOLDER_GEN_DHCP to /etc/dhcp/include/\n"; exec $SCRIPT_UPDATE; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: cmd_generate_dns_file #Description: génère les fichiers d'enregistrements DNS sub cmd_generate_dns_file { my $buffer; my $buffer_rev; my $pool_domain; for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; if ($domain_name eq 'pool') { #next; for my $value (@{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}) { for my $pool_name (keys %{$value}) { $pool_domain = $value->{$pool_name}->{'domain'}."\n"; #print $value->{$pool_name}->{'file'}; chomp $pool_domain; open FILE_FORWARD_DNS, '>>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$pool_domain.fwd"; open FILE_REVERSE_DNS, '>>', "$FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$pool_domain.rev"; my @T_pool_ip = @{$value->{$pool_name}->{'ip'}}; for my $pool_ip (@T_pool_ip) { my @T_split = split(/\./ , $pool_ip); $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ;\n", "$pool_name$T_split[3]", $pool_ip; $buffer_rev = "$T_split[3] IN PTR $pool_name$T_split[3].$pool_domain.\n"; print FILE_FORWARD_DNS $buffer; print FILE_REVERSE_DNS $buffer_rev; } close FILE_FORWARD_DNS; close FILE_REVERSE_DNS; } } } else { #--- Création du fichier non-reverse ---# open ( FILE_FORWARD_DNS, ">> $FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$domain_name.fwd"); open ( FILE_REVERSE_DNS, ">> $FOLDER_GEN_DNS/db.$domain_name.rev"); my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; for my $value (@domaindb) { for my $id (keys %{$value}) { #host pcdavoust { deny-unknown-clients; #hardware ethernet 0:6:5b:b8:13:d1; #fixed-address; #} my $hostname = $value->{$id}->{'hostname'}; my $ip = $value->{$id}->{'ip'}; my $comment = $value->{$id}->{'comment'}; my $address_type = $value->{$id}->{'address_type'}; my $enabled = $value->{$id}->{'enabled'}; my $dns_domain = $domain_name; if (exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'dset'}{$domain_name}) { $dns_domain = $COMPUTER_DB->{'dset'}{$domain_name}{'dns_extension'}; } my @T_split = split(/\./ , $ip); if (($address_type eq 'dhcp') or ($address_type eq 'static')) { if ($enabled eq 'yes') { $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ; %s\n", $hostname, $ip, $comment; if (exists $value->{$id}->{'dns_extension'} and "$value->{$id}->{'dns_extension'}" != "$dns_domain") { print "A FAIRE\n"; } $buffer_rev = $T_split[3]." IN PTR $hostname.$dns_domain.\n"; } else { $buffer = sprintf "%-24s IN A %-15s ; %s\n", $hostname, $ip, $comment; $buffer_rev = ";".$T_split[3]." IN PTR $hostname.$dns_domain.\n"; } print FILE_REVERSE_DNS $buffer_rev; print FILE_FORWARD_DNS $buffer; } } #$cpt=$cpt+1; } print "- DNS: db.$domain_name.fwd db.$domain_name.rev [CREATE].\n"; print "Ex : sort -k 4n -t . /usr/local/dhcp-dns-tools/dns/dns.hmg.priv\n"; close FILE_REVERSE_DNS; close FILE_FORWARD_DNS; } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub shell_command { my $cmd = shift; require FileHandle; my $fh = new FileHandle; my @result = (); open $fh, q{-|}, "LANG=C $cmd" or die "Can't exec $cmd\n"; @result = <$fh>; close $fh; chomp @result; return @result; } sub cmd_check_dns { LOOP_ON_DOMAIN: for my $domain_name (keys %{$COMPUTER_DB}) { next if $domain_name eq 'dset'; next if $domain_name eq 'pool'; next if $domain_name eq 'pxe'; next if $domain_name eq 'tag'; my @domaindb = @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domain_name}}; LOOP_ON_COMPUTER: for my $computer (@domaindb) { my ($mac_address, $attribute) = %{$computer}; #my $new_mac = normalize_mac_address($mac_address); my $ip = $attribute->{'ip'}; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if not $ip =~ m/$DDT::RE::IPv4_ADDRESS/xms; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER if $attribute->{'enabled'} eq 'no'; my $dns_hostname_fq = scalar gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip), AF_INET); my ($dns_hostname) = split /\./, $dns_hostname_fq; if ($attribute->{'hostname'} ne $dns_hostname) { print "$mac_address ($domain_name) $ip - $dns_hostname / $attribute->{'hostname'} # $attribute->{'comment'}\n"; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } my $packed_ip = scalar gethostbyname($dns_hostname_fq); if (defined $packed_ip) { my $ip_address = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); if ($ip ne $ip_address) { print "reverse DNS error for $dns_hostname_fq / $ip\n"; next LOOP_ON_COMPUTER; } } } } LOOP_ON_DNS: for my $dns ('legi.grenoble-inp.fr', 'hmg.priv') { LOOP_ON_IP: for (shell_command("host -t A -l $dns")) { # smtp2.legi.grenoble-inp.fr has address next if not m/has address/; next if not m/^(\w[\w-_\.]+\w)\s+has\saddress\s+(\d[\d\.]+\d)$/; my ($hostname_fq, $ip) = ($1, $2); control_syntax_ip($ip) or next LOOP_ON_IP; if (control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 1) { printf "Unkown IP: %015s / %s\n", $ip, $hostname_fq; next LOOP_ON_IP; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: load_data_dhcp #Description: permet de charger le fichier de données YAML via les fichiers de configuration # machines. # ATTENTION: LES COMMENTAIRES DU FICHIER DISPARAITRONT. sub load_data_dhcp { my ($domainset, $input_file) = @_; my @T_mac; my @T_host; my @T_ip; my $cpt; open (FILE, "<$input_file"); my @buffer = ; close(FILE); for my $ligne (@buffer) { #-- $ligne =~ s/#.*$//; $ligne =~ s/\s+/ /; $ligne =~ s/^\s+//; next if $ligne eq ''; if ($ligne =~ /^host /) { $cpt=0; my @T_split = split(/host\s+/, $ligne); @T_host = split(/ /, $T_split[1]); chomp($T_host[0]); $cpt++; } if ($ligne =~ /^*ethernet /) { $ligne =~ s/;//g; @T_mac = split(/ethernet\s+/, $ligne); chomp($T_mac[1]); $cpt++; } if ($ligne =~ /^*address /) { $ligne =~ s/;//g; @T_ip = split(/address\s+/, $ligne); chomp($T_ip[1]); $cpt++; } if ($cpt == 3) { # print "MAC $T_mac[1] HOST $T_host[0] IP $T_ip[1].\n"; my $mac = $T_mac[1]; my $hostname = $T_host[0]; my $ip = $T_ip[1]; $cpt = 0; if ( control_exist_hostname($COMPUTER_DB, $domainset, $hostname) == 0 ) { print "Error: Hostname already exist in domain set attachement $domainset: $hostname\n"; next; } control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or next; if ( control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) == 0) { print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; next; } control_syntax_ip($ip) or next; if ( control_exist_ip($COMPUTER_DB, $ip) == 0 ) { print "Error: IP address already exists: $ip\n"; next; } my $timestamp = time; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $hostname, 'ip' => $ip, 'address_type' => 'dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, 'alias' => '', }}; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: load_data_pool #Description: permet de charger le fichier YAML via les fichiers de conf 'pool' du dhcp. sub load_data_pool { my ($domainset, $input_file) = @_; my @T_mac; open (FILE, "<$input_file"); my @buffer = ; close(FILE); for my $ligne (@buffer) { #-- $ligne =~ s/#.*$//; $ligne =~ s/\s+/ /; $ligne =~ s/^\s+//; $ligne =~ s/;//g; $ligne =~ s/"//g; next if $ligne eq ''; if (($ligne =~ /^subclass/)) { my @T_split = split(/ / ,$ligne); my $pool = $T_split[1]; @T_mac = split(/:/ , $T_split[2]); my $mac = $T_mac[1].":".$T_mac[2].":".$T_mac[3].":".$T_mac[4].":".$T_mac[5].":".$T_mac[6]; control_syntax_mac_address($mac) or next; if (control_exist_mac($COMPUTER_DB, $mac) == 0) { print "Error: Physical MAC address already exists: $mac\n"; next; } #--- cette partie teste si le pool existe. if (not exists $COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{$pool}) { print "Error: Create pool with create_pool command before load database: $pool\n"; exit; } if ($COMPUTER_DB->{'pool'}{'domain'} eq $domainset) { my $timestamp = time; push @{$COMPUTER_DB->{$domainset}}, { $mac => { 'hostname' => $pool, 'ip' => $pool, 'address_type' => 'pool-dhcp', 'enabled' => 'yes', 'create_time' => $timestamp, 'modify_time' => $timestamp, }}; } else { print "Ajout de la machine $mac [FAILED]\n"; print "Error: The pool doesn't exists: $pool, for the domain: $domainset\n"; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_data_file { my ($domainset, $input_file, $type_file) = @_; #$COMPUTER_DB if ($type_file eq 'dhcp') { load_data_dhcp($domainset, $input_file); } elsif ($type_file eq 'pool-dhcp') { load_data_pool($domainset, $input_file); } YAML::Syck::DumpFile("$COMPUTER_YAML", $COMPUTER_DB); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_load_database { local @ARGV = @_; my $help = get_cmd_name(); my ($domainset, $input_file, $type_file); GetOptions( 'domainset|d=s' => \$domainset, 'filename|f=s' => \$input_file, 'kind|k=s' => \$type_file, ); exit_on_error_option($help) if $domainset eq '' or $input_file eq '' or $type_file eq ''; load_data_file($domainset, $input_file, $type_file); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: backup_database #Description: sauvegarde et réinitialise les fichiers d'enregistrements DHCP. sub backup_database { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime time; $year += 1900; $mon++; my $date = sprintf '%04i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%02i-%02i', $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; copy($COMPUTER_YAML, "$FOLDER_BACKUP/$COMPUTER_BASENAME-$date.conf") or die "Error: Database copy backup failed: $!\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELP section #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: exit_on_error_option #Description: messages d'aide des options pour les différentes commandes sub exit_on_error_option { my ($command) = @_; if ($command eq 'add-dhcp') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory if option -i != 'pool'). Example: -h info8pc154\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address or the keyword 'pool'\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool to which the machine belongs (mandatory if option -i == 'pool')\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_dhcp -h most1mc130 -d legi-661 -i -m 00:17:F2:D3:2B:FF -c '2008-07-03 Mac Book Guillaume Balleyrac (MOST)\n"; print " ddt add_dhcp -p pool-stagiaire -i pool -d hmg.priv -m 02:00:54:55:4E:01 -c '2008-09-02 Portable Perso - Laanaia Nabil - Achim Wirth (MEIGE)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool to which the machine belongs (mandatory)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_float -p pool-stagiaire -d hmg.priv -i -m 00:AB:1B:CC:AA:2F -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-static') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_static -h legipc1 -d hmg.priv -i -m 00:AB:1B:CC:AA:2F -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-virtual') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 DELL Laptop 6400 - Olivier Toto (INFO)\n"; print "Example:\n"; print " ddt add_virtual -h legipc1 -d legi-211 -i -c '2013-09-25 Dell OptiPlex 745 - Eric Goncalves (NRJ)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'add-alias') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -a : computer alias name (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-domainset') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : new domain set (mandatory)\n"; print " -e : DNS domain name extension( mandatory). Example legi.grenoble-inp.fr\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2016-08-22 VLAN legi-261 (INFO)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt create_domainset -d legi-264 -e legi.grenoble-inp.fr -c '2016-08-22 VLAN legi-261 (INFO)'\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-pool') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool. Example: pool-legi-priv\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment for the pool. (domain set attachment must exist in file $COMPUTER_BASENAME.conf). Example: legi.grenoble-inp.fr\n"; print " -f : configuration filename on the DHCP server for the pool\n"; print " -i : adresse(s) IP ou plage d'IP. Séparateur d'adresses IP: ','. Séparateur de plage '-'\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt -p pool-hmg -d hmg.priv -f pool.hmg.priv -i,,\n"; print " ddt -p turbocavit -d legi-sector03 -f pool-legi-public -i\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; print " -n : internet IP address for the DHCP next-server.\n"; print " -f : filename on TFTP server to load at boot\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 PXE Boot for CentOS (MOST)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'remove-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print " -b : name of the PXE/BOOTP configuration. Example: most\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-pxe') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'create-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -t : name of the TAG (mandatory). Example: restricted\n"; print " -c : comment (mandatory). Example: 2014-04-07 tag restricted (INFO)\n"; print "tag 'universal' is intrinsic\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'remove-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -b : name of the TAG. Example: restricted\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-mac') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h). Possible value: classical IP address or the keyword 'pool'\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-ip') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print " -i : new internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-host') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory). Possible value: classical IP address\n"; print " -h : new computer hostname (mandatory)\n"; print "It's not possible to change hostname for computer that belongs to a pool\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-comment') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -c : new comment (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-domainset') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : new domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-661\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'change-tag') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i or -m)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory). Example: -d legi-sector03\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h or -m)\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory unless option -h or -i, priority). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; print " -t : list of tags separated by comma (mandatory). Example: -t internal,windows\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'load-database') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment\n"; print " -f : input file in DHCP format\n"; print " -k : possible cases (kind): dhcp, pool-dhcp, fix-address\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt enable_pc -i\n"; print " ddt enable_pc -d hmg.priv -h kevinpc\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'enable-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool (mandatory)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'disable-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory if option -h)\n"; print "Examples:\n"; print " ddt disable_pc -i\n"; print " ddt disable_pc -d hmg.priv -h kevinpc\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'del-pc') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -d : domain set attachment (mandatory)\n"; print " -h : computer hostname (mandatory unless option -i)\n"; print " -i : internet IP address (mandatory unless option -h)\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'del-float') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory)l\n"; print " -p : name of the DHCP pool\n"; } elsif ($command eq 'search-mac') { print "List of options for command: $command\n"; print " -m : physical MAC address (mandatory). Example: -m 0F:58:AB:2A:22:11\n"; } else { print "No help for command: $command\n"; } exit; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cmd_version { print <<'END'; ddt - management of computer names and IP addresses Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Gabriel Moreau License GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent END print "Version $VERSION\n\n"; print ' $Id: ddt 227 2018-06-19 16:51:13Z g7moreau $'."\n"; return; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nom: usage #Description: message d'aide sur les commandes du script sub cmd_help { print <.