source: trunk/oarutils/mpilauncher.cpp @ 347

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1#include <sys/types.h>
2#include <dirent.h>
3#include <errno.h>
4#include <string.h>
5#include <stdlib.h>
6#include <vector>
7#include <string>
8#include <iostream>
9#include <fstream>
11#include <mpi.h>
13using namespace std;
16 * These two variables sets the command to launch in each sub-directory
17 * and the arguments required. The name of the root directory of the
18 * datasets is given as an argument when starting the MPIlauncher. const
19 * string
20 * commandToLaunch("$HOME/SOURCES/MES-PROJETS/MPILAUNCHER/appli.exe");
21 * const string("-l -info");
22 */
25 * getListOfDir(string rep, vector<string> &files)
26 *
27 * Gets the list of tjhe subdirectories in the directory rep and returns
28 * them in a vector array of strings. Directories ";" and ".." are removed
29 * from the vector array.
30 */
31int getListOfDir(string rep, vector < string > &files) {
32   DIR *dir;
33   struct dirent *ent;
34   int count;
36   count = 0;
37   dir = opendir(rep.c_str());
38   if (dir != NULL) {
39      /*
40       * search for the files within directory
41       */
42      while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
43         if (ent->d_type == DT_DIR) {
44            if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") *
45                  strcmp(ent->d_name, "..")) {
46               count++;
47               files.push_back(string(ent->d_name));
48               }
49            }
50      closedir(dir);
51      }
52   else {
53      cerr << "Directory " << rep.c_str() << " not found" << endl;
54      }
55   return count;
56   }
59 * getListOfCommand(string rep, vector<string> &files) Gets the list of
60 * commands in the ascii file fich. One command per line (no wrap) in this
61 * first version.
62 */
63int getListOfCommand(const string & fich, vector < string > &commands) {
64   int count;
65   string line;
67   count = 0;
68   commands.clear();
70   std::ifstream infile(fich.c_str(), std::ios_base::in);
71   while (getline(infile, line, '\n')) {
72      // remove all trailing blanks
73      while (line.size() > 0 && isspace(line[line.size() - 1]))
74         line.erase(line.size() - 1);
76      // no empty line
77      if (line.size() > 0) {
78         commands.push_back(line);
79         count++;
80         }
81      }
82   return count;
83   }
86 * Main program
87 */
88int main(int argc, char **argv) {
89   vector < string > files = vector < string > ();
90   string rep; // root folder where to find subfolders
91   int rank, size, nbdir, stride;
92   int nbcmd;
93   /*
94    * These two variables sets the command to launch in each
95    * sub-directory and the arguments required. The name of the root
96    * directory of the datasets is given as an argument when starting the
97    * MPIlauncher.
98    */
99   string commandToLaunch;
100   string arguments;
101   string commandfile;
103   string finalCommand; // command to execute
105   MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);      // starts MPI
106   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // get current process id
107   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // get number of processes
109   if (argc < 3) {
110      cout << "USAGE:" << endl;
111      cout << argv[0] << " root_directory  command [arguments]" <<
112           endl;
113      cout << argv[0] << " -f  command_file" << endl;
114      }
115   else {
116      if (strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) {
117         /*
118          * processing a command file now.
119          */
120         commandfile = argv[2];
121         nbcmd = getListOfCommand(commandfile, files);
122         int reste;
123         stride = nbcmd / size;
124         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stride; i++) {
125            cerr << "Process " << rank << " execute " <<
126                 files[stride * rank + i] << endl;
127            system(files[stride * rank + i].c_str());
128            }
129         // remaining command lines
130         reste = nbcmd - stride * size;
131         if (rank > 0 && rank <= reste) {
132            cerr << "Process " << rank << " execute " <<
133                 files[nbcmd - rank] << endl;
134            system(files[nbcmd - rank].c_str());
135            }
136         }
137      else {
138         /*
139          * processing a list of dir now
140          */
141         rep = string(argv[1]);
142         commandToLaunch = string(argv[2]);
143         for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++)
144            (arguments += argv[i]) += " ";
146         nbdir = getListOfDir(rep, files);
148         // Number of dir should divide by number of cpus
149         if (nbdir % size != 0) {
150            if (rank == 0)
151               cerr << nbdir <<
152                    " dataset(s) to process cannot fit on "
153                    << size << " processes" << endl <<
154                    "FAILED" << endl;
155            }
156         else {
157            // execute the command
158            stride = nbdir / size;
159            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stride; i++) {
160               string finalCommand("cd ");
161               finalCommand += rep;
162               finalCommand += "/";
163               finalCommand +=
164                  files[stride * rank + i];
165               finalCommand += ";";
166               finalCommand += commandToLaunch;
167               finalCommand += " ";
168               finalCommand += arguments;
169               // cout<<"On "<<rank<<" execute "<<finalCommand<<endl;
170               system(finalCommand.c_str());
171               }
172            }
173         }
174      }
175   MPI_Finalize();
177   return 0;
178   }
181 * Documentation in Perl POD format (man perlpod)
182 *
183 * =head1 NAME
184 *
185 *  mpilauncher - parallel execute lot of small job via mpi
186 *
187 * =head1 SYNOPSIS
188 *
189 *  mpilauncher root_folder command [args]
190 *  mpilauncher -f command_file
191 *
192 * =head1 DESCRIPTION
193 *
194 * C<mpilauncher> need to be executed inside an MPI environment (mpirun),
195 * typically a cluster... Job process are divide by the number of core and
196 * are launched on each core via the "system" command one after other.
197 *
198 * There is two case: jobs are list and define in a file (option -f) or
199 * one command is launched inside a lot of folder. In this last case, you
200 * need to give the root folder path in which you have all your subfolder...
201 *
202 *
203 * =head1 SEE ALSO
204 *
205 * oar-dispatch, oar-parexec
206 *
207 *
208 * =head1 AUTHORS
209 *
210 * Written by Patrick Begou - Gabriel Moreau, Grenoble - France
211 *
212 *
214 *
215 * GPL version 2 or later
216 *
217 * Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Begou / LEGI - CNRS UMR 5519 - France
218 *
219 * =cut
220 *
221 */
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