1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | # |
3 | # 2011/11/03 gabriel |
4 | |
5 | use strict; |
6 | |
7 | use Getopt::Long(); |
8 | use Pod::Usage; |
9 | use Coro; |
10 | use Coro::Signal; |
11 | use Coro::Semaphore; |
12 | use Coro::AnyEvent; |
13 | use Coro::Handle; |
14 | use IO::File; |
15 | |
16 | my $task = 0; |
17 | my $overload = 1; |
18 | my $file = ''; |
19 | my $dir; |
20 | my $cmd; |
21 | my $logtrace; |
22 | my $verbose; |
23 | my $help; |
24 | my $sig_transmit; |
25 | my $sig_checkpoint = 'USR2'; |
26 | |
27 | Getopt::Long::GetOptions( |
28 | 'task=i' => \$task, |
29 | 'overload=f' => \$overload, |
30 | 'file=s' => \$file, |
31 | 'dir=s' => \$dir, |
32 | 'cmd=s' => \$cmd, |
33 | 'logtrace=s' => \$logtrace, |
34 | 'verbose' => \$verbose, |
35 | 'help' => \$help, |
36 | 'transmit' => \$sig_transmit, |
37 | 'kill=s' => \$sig_checkpoint, |
38 | ) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0); |
39 | pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $help; |
40 | |
41 | if ($task == 0) { |
42 | open(NODE_FILE, '<', "$ENV{OAR_NODE_FILE}") or die "can't open ENV{OAR_NODE_FILE}: $!"; |
43 | $task++ while <NODE_FILE>; |
44 | close NODE_FILE; |
45 | } |
46 | |
47 | # re-run, keep trace of job already done |
48 | my %state; |
49 | my $log_h = IO::File->new(); |
50 | if (-e "$logtrace") { |
51 | $log_h->open("< $logtrace") |
52 | or die "error: can't read log file: $!"; |
53 | while (<$log_h>) { |
54 | $state{$1} = 'start' if m/^start\s+job\s+([^\s]+)\s/; |
55 | $state{$1} = 'end' if m/^end\s+job\s+([^\s]+)\s/; |
56 | } |
57 | $log_h->close(); |
58 | } |
59 | if ($logtrace) { |
60 | $log_h->open(">> $logtrace") |
61 | or die "error: can't append log file $logtrace: $!"; |
62 | $log_h->autoflush; |
63 | $log_h = unblock $log_h; |
64 | } |
65 | |
66 | # job to run |
67 | my @job = (); |
68 | #open (JOB_LIST, '<', "$file") or die "can't open $file: $!"; |
69 | #while (<JOB_LIST>) { |
70 | # chomp; |
71 | # next if m/^#/; |
72 | # push @job, $_ if m/^\s*oarsub/; |
73 | # } |
74 | #close JOB_LIST; |
75 | if (-e "$file") { |
76 | my $job_num = 0; |
77 | open(JOB_LIST, '<', "$file") or die "error: can't open job file $file: $!"; |
78 | while (my $job_cmd = <JOB_LIST>) { |
79 | chomp $job_cmd; |
80 | next if $job_cmd =~ m/^#/; |
81 | next if $job_cmd =~ m/^\s*$/; |
82 | # Add oarsub -S if not |
83 | $job_cmd = "oarsub -S $job_cmd" if $job_cmd !~ m/^\s*oarsub/; |
84 | $job_num++; |
85 | my ($job_name) = $job_cmd =~ m/#.*?\bname=(\S+?)\b/i; |
86 | $job_name ||= $job_num; |
87 | push @job, { |
88 | name => $job_name, |
89 | cmd => "$job_cmd", |
90 | num => $job_num, |
91 | }; |
92 | } |
93 | close JOB_LIST; |
94 | } |
95 | else { |
96 | # Add oarsub -S if not |
97 | $cmd = "oarsub -S $cmd" if $cmd !~ m/^\s*oarsub/; |
98 | my $job_num = 0; |
99 | opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "error: can't open folder $dir: $!"; |
100 | while (my $item = readdir(DIR)) { |
101 | next if $item =~ m/^\./; |
102 | next if $item =~ m/:/; |
103 | next if $item =~ m/\.old$/; |
104 | next if $item =~ m/\.sav$/; |
105 | next if $item =~ m/\.bak$/; |
106 | next if $item =~ m/\.no$/; |
107 | next unless (-d "$dir/$item"); |
108 | $job_num++; |
109 | push @job, { |
110 | name => $item, |
111 | cmd => "cd $dir/$item/; $cmd", |
112 | num => $job_num, |
113 | }; |
114 | } |
115 | closedir DIR; |
116 | } |
117 | |
118 | my $container_id=$ENV{OAR_JOB_ID}; |
119 | my $insert_oar_option = "-t inner=$container_id"; |
120 | |
121 | # interactive job |
122 | if (not $container_id > 1) { |
123 | $insert_oar_option = ''; |
124 | $overload = 1; |
125 | } |
126 | |
127 | my $finished = new Coro::Signal; |
128 | my $job_todo = new Coro::Semaphore 0; |
129 | my $job_name_maxlen; |
130 | for (@job) { |
131 | $job_todo->up; |
132 | $job_name_maxlen = length($_->{name}) if length($_->{name}) > $job_name_maxlen; |
133 | } |
134 | |
135 | my $job_active = new Coro::Semaphore 0; |
136 | |
137 | my %scheduled = (); |
138 | |
139 | # OAR checkpoint and default signal SIGUSR2 |
140 | my $oar_checkpoint = new Coro::Semaphore 0; |
141 | my $notify = new Coro::Signal; |
142 | $SIG{$sig_checkpoint} = sub { |
143 | print "warning: receive checkpoint at " |
144 | . time |
145 | . ", no new job, just finishing running job\n" |
146 | if $verbose; |
147 | $oar_checkpoint->up(); |
148 | $notify->send if $sig_transmit; |
149 | }; |
150 | |
151 | # asynchrone notify job |
152 | async { |
153 | while () { |
154 | $notify->wait; |
155 | |
156 | for my $job_pid (keys %scheduled) { |
157 | system "oardel --checkpoint --signal $sig_checkpoint $job_pid"; |
158 | cede; |
159 | } |
160 | } |
161 | } |
162 | |
163 | # asynchrone start job block |
164 | async { |
165 | JOB: |
166 | for my $job (@job) { |
167 | my $job_name = $job->{name}; |
168 | my $job_cmd = $job->{cmd}; |
169 | |
170 | # job has been already run ? |
171 | if (exists $state{$job_name}) { |
172 | if ($state{$job_name} eq 'start') { |
173 | print "warning: job $job_name was not clearly finished, relaunching...\n" |
174 | if $verbose; |
175 | } |
176 | elsif ($state{$job_name} eq 'end') { |
177 | delete $state{$job_name}; # free memory |
178 | $job_todo->down; |
179 | print "warning: job $job_name already run\n" if $verbose; |
180 | cede; |
181 | next JOB; |
182 | } |
183 | } |
184 | |
185 | while ($job_active->count >= $task*$overload) { |
186 | cede; |
187 | } |
188 | |
189 | # no more launch job when OAR checkpointing |
190 | last JOB if $oar_checkpoint->count() > 0; |
191 | |
192 | $job_cmd =~ s/^\b(oarsub)\b/$1 $insert_oar_option/; |
193 | print "$job_cmd" if $verbose; |
194 | my $job_id = `$job_cmd|grep ^OAR_JOB_ID|cut -f 2 -d '='`; |
195 | chomp $job_id; |
196 | if ($job_id > 1) { |
197 | $scheduled{$job_id} = { |
198 | name => $job_name, |
199 | }; |
200 | $job_active->up; |
201 | |
202 | my $msg = sprintf "start job %${job_name_maxlen}s / %i at %s\n", |
203 | $job_name, $job_id, time; |
204 | $log_h->print($msg) if $logtrace; |
205 | print($msg) if $verbose; |
206 | } |
207 | cede; |
208 | |
209 | # asynchrone guard for job end |
210 | async { |
211 | my $timer; |
212 | GUARD: |
213 | while () { |
214 | cede; |
215 | $timer = AE::now + 5; |
216 | while ( AE::now < $timer ) { AE::now_update; cede; } |
217 | my $is_finish = `oarstat -s -j $job_id`; |
218 | chomp $is_finish; |
219 | last GUARD if $is_finish =~ m/Terminated/; |
220 | } |
221 | |
222 | my $msg = sprintf "end job %${job_name_maxlen}s / %i at %s\n", |
223 | $scheduled{$job_id}->{name}, $job_id, time; |
224 | |
225 | # Job non finish, just suspend if received checkpoint signal |
226 | $msg =~ s/^end\s+job/suspend job/ |
227 | if $sig_transmit and $oar_checkpoint->count() > 0; |
228 | |
229 | $log_h->print($msg) if $logtrace; |
230 | print($msg) if $verbose; |
231 | |
232 | $job_active->down; |
233 | $job_todo->down; |
234 | delete $scheduled{$job_id}; |
235 | } |
236 | } |
237 | }; |
238 | |
239 | async { |
240 | while () { |
241 | # for my $job_id (keys %scheduled) { |
242 | # my $is_finish = `oarstat -s -j $job_id`; |
243 | # chomp $is_finish; |
244 | # if ($is_finish =~ m/Terminated/) { |
245 | # delete $scheduled{$job_id}; |
246 | # $job_active->down; |
247 | # $job_todo->down; |
248 | # } |
249 | # cede; |
250 | # } |
251 | |
252 | # checkpointing ! just finishing running job and quit |
253 | $finished->send if $oar_checkpoint->count() > 0 and scalar(keys(%scheduled)) == 0; |
254 | |
255 | $finished->send if $job_todo->count == 0; |
256 | cede; |
257 | } |
258 | }; |
259 | |
260 | cede; |
261 | |
262 | # all job have been done |
263 | $finished->wait; |
264 | |
265 | # close log trace file |
266 | $log_h->close() if $logtrace; |
267 | |
268 | |
269 | __END__ |
270 | |
271 | =head1 NAME |
272 | |
273 | oar-dispatch - dispatch lot of small oar job |
274 | |
275 | =head1 SYNOPSIS |
276 | |
277 | oar-dispatch [--task integer] [--overload real] --file filecommand [--verbose] |
278 | oar-dispatch --help |
279 | |
280 | =head1 OPTIONS |
281 | |
282 | =over 12 |
283 | |
284 | =item B<[-t|--task integer]> |
285 | |
286 | Number of task to do in parallel. |
287 | Default to the line number of the file OAR_NODE_FILE. |
288 | |
289 | =item B<[-o|--overload real]> |
290 | |
291 | Number of OAR job to create / number of task. |
292 | Some job are create in advance to start whenever it's possible. |
293 | 1.1 by default. |
294 | |
295 | =item B<[-f|--file filecommand]> |
296 | |
297 | File name which content OAR job list |
298 | |
299 | =item B<[-v|--verbose]> |
300 | |
301 | =item B<[-h|--help]> |
302 | |
303 | =back |
304 | |
305 | Input job file name content can have |
306 | |
307 | - empty line |
308 | - comment line begin with # |
309 | - oarsub command without -t option |
310 | |
311 | C<oar-dispatch> will add C<-t inner=container_id> in this command line, |
312 | just after C<oarsub>. |
313 | |
314 | =head1 EXAMPLE |
315 | |
316 | Example where the file F<$HOME/test/subjob.txt> is a list of OAR script job (and can be executable but not need here). |
317 | |
318 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob1.oar |
319 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob2.oar |
320 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob3.oar |
321 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob4.oar |
322 | ... |
323 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob38.oar |
324 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob39.oar |
325 | oarsub -n test -l /core=1,walltime=00:05:00 $HOME/test/subjob40.oar |
326 | |
327 | These jobs could be launch with |
328 | |
329 | oarsub -t container -n test-container -l /core=6,walltime=00:35:00 "oar-dispatch -f ./subjob.list.txt" |
330 | |
331 | Total C<walltime> is defined by the formula: |
332 | |
333 | total_walltime = subjob_walltime * total_subjob / core + global_delay |
334 | |
335 | In practise, C<oar-dispatch> take few second and each subjob run in less than it's walltime so |
336 | |
337 | total_walltime < subjob_walltime * total_subjob / core |
338 | |
339 | If launch in interactif, C<overload> parameter is equal to 1, |
340 | C<task> must be define |
341 | and no inner container is add to the C<oarsub> command line. |
342 | |
343 | |
344 | =head1 SEE ALSO |
345 | |
346 | oar-parexec, mpilauncher |
347 | |
348 | |
349 | =head1 AUTHORS |
350 | |
351 | Written by Gabriel Moreau, Grenoble - France |
352 | |
353 | |
355 | |
356 | GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent |
357 | |
358 | Copyright (C) 2011 Gabriel Moreau / LEGI - CNRS UMR 5519 - France |
359 | |