#!/usr/bin/env perl # # 2018/01/17 Gabriel Moreau # # apt-get install libyaml-syck-perl libtemplate-perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Copy qw{copy}; use YAML::Syck; use Getopt::Long(); use Cwd(); use Template; my ($verbose); Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'verbose' => \$verbose, ); my %CMD_DB = ( 'help' => \&cmd_help, 'version' => \&cmd_version, 'check' => \&cmd_check, 'make-link' => \&cmd_make_link, 'make-author' => \&cmd_make_author, 'make-licence' => \&cmd_make_licence, 'make-copyright' => \&cmd_make_copyright, 'list-licence' => \&cmd_list_licence, ); ################################################################ # main program ################################################################ my $cmd = shift @ARGV || 'help'; if (defined $CMD_DB{$cmd}) { $CMD_DB{$cmd}->(@ARGV); } else { print {*STDERR} "project-meta: command $cmd not found\n\n"; $CMD_DB{'help'}->(); exit 1; } exit; ################################################################ # subroutine ################################################################ ################################################################ # command ################################################################ sub cmd_help { print <<'END'; project-meta - opendata project metafile manager project-meta [-verbose] check project-meta make-link project-meta make-author project-meta make-licence project-meta make-copyright project-meta make-licence project-meta list-licence END } ################################################################ sub cmd_version { print "0.01\n"; } ################################################################ sub print_ok { my ($key, $test) = @_; printf "%-35s : %s\n", $key, $test ? 'yes' : 'no'; } ################################################################ sub cmd_check { my $meta = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("PROJECT-META.yml"); my $acronym = $meta->{'project'}{'acronym'}; my $current_dir = Cwd::getcwd(); my $dap_folder = $meta->{'public-dap'}{'dap-folder'}; print_ok 'project/acronym', $acronym =~ m{\d\d\w[\w\d_]+}; print_ok 'public-dap/dap-folder', $dap_folder ne '' and $dap_folder =~ m{^/}; print_ok 'dap-folder not match current_dir', $dap_folder !~ m{$current_dir}; #print YAML::Syck::Dump($meta); } ################################################################ sub addfolder2list { my ($folderdb, $folder) = @_; $folder =~ s{/[^/]+$}{}; $folderdb->{$folder}++; addfolder2list($folderdb, $folder) if $folder =~ m{/}; } ################################################################ sub cmd_make_link { my $meta = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("PROJECT-META.yml"); my $acronym = $meta->{'project'}{'acronym'}; my $current_dir = Cwd::getcwd(); my $dap_folder = $meta->{'public-dap'}{'dap-folder'}; # Create a list of the folder my %folders; for my $dataset (@{$meta->{'public-dap'}{'data-set'}}) { addfolder2list(\%folders, $dataset); } print "chmod o+rX,o-w $current_dir\n"; for my $folder (sort keys %folders) { print "chmod o+rX,o-w $current_dir/$folder\n"; print "mkdir -p $dap_folder/$acronym/$folder\n"; } for my $dataset (@{$meta->{'public-dap'}{'data-set'}}) { my $folder = $dataset =~ s{/[^/]+$}{}r; print "ln --symbolic --target-directory $dap_folder/$acronym/$folder/ $current_dir/$dataset\n"; print "chmod -R o+rX,o-w $dap_folder/$acronym/\n"; } } ################################################################ sub cmd_make_author { my $meta = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("PROJECT-META.yml"); my $current_dir = Cwd::getcwd(); my $acronym = $meta->{'project'}{'acronym'}; my $authors_list = $meta->{'project'}{'authors'}; if (-f "$current_dir/AUTHORS.txt") { # Test for manual or automatically generated file # Automatically generated file by project-meta my $automatic; open my $fh, '<', "$current_dir/AUTHORS.txt" or die $!; for my $line (<$fh>) { $line =~ m/Automatically generated .* project-meta/i and $automatic++; } close $fh; if (not $automatic) { print "Warning: AUTHORS.txt already exists\n"; return; } print "Warning: update AUTHORS.txt\n"; } my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/share/project-meta/template.d'); my $msg_format = ''; $tt->process('AUTHORS.tt', { acronym => $acronym, authorlist => $authors_list, }, \$msg_format) || die $tt->error; open my $fh, '>', "$current_dir/AUTHORS.txt" or die $!; print $fh "$msg_format\n\n"; close $fh; } ################################################################ sub cmd_make_licence { my $meta = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("PROJECT-META.yml"); my $current_dir = Cwd::getcwd(); if (-f "$current_dir/LICENCE.txt") { print "Warning: LICENCE.txt already exists\n"; return; } my $licence = $meta->{'public-dap'}{'data-licence'}; if (not -f "/usr/share/project-meta/licence.d/$licence.txt") { print "Error: licence $licence doesn't exists in project-meta database\n"; exit 1; } copy("/usr/share/project-meta/licence.d/$licence.txt", "$current_dir/LICENCE.txt") or die "Error: licence copy failed - $!"; print "Info: LICENCE.txt file create\n"; return; } ################################################################ sub cmd_make_copyright { my $meta = YAML::Syck::LoadFile("PROJECT-META.yml"); my $current_dir = Cwd::getcwd(); if (-f "$current_dir/COPYRIGHT.txt") { # Test for manual or automatically generated file # Automatically generated file by project-meta my $automatic; open my $fh, '<', "$current_dir/COPYRIGHT.txt" or die $!; for my $line (<$fh>) { $line =~ m/Automatically generated .* project-meta/i and $automatic++; } close $fh; if (not $automatic) { print "Warning: COPYRIGHT.txt already exists\n"; return; } print "Warning: update COPYRIGHT.txt\n"; } my $tt = Template->new(INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/share/project-meta/template.d'); my $msg_format = ''; $tt->process('COPYRIGHT.tt', { title => $meta->{'project'}{'title'}, acronym => $meta->{'project'}{'acronym'}, authorlist => $meta->{'project'}{'authors'}, description => $meta->{'project'}{'short-description'}, licence => $meta->{'public-dap'}{'data-licence'}, doi => $meta->{'publication'}{'doi'}, urldoi => $meta->{'publication'}{'url'}, }, \$msg_format) || die $tt->error; open my $fh, '>', "$current_dir/COPYRIGHT.txt" or die $!; print $fh "$msg_format\n\n"; close $fh; } ################################################################ sub cmd_list_licence { opendir my $dh, '/usr/share/project-meta/licence.d/' or die $!; for my $licence (readdir $dh) { # Keep only file next if not -f "/usr/share/project-meta/licence.d/$licence"; # Keep only .txt file next if not $licence =~ m/\.txt$/; $licence =~ s/\.txt$//; print "$licence\n"; } closedir $dh; } ################################################################ # documentation ################################################################ __END__ =head1 NAME project-meta - opendata project metafile manager =head1 USAGE project-meta [-verbose] check project-meta make-link project-meta make-author project-meta make-licence project-meta make-copyright project-meta make-licence project-meta list-licence =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 COMMANDS Some command are defined in the source code but are not documented here. Theses could be not well defined, not finished, not well tested... You can read the source code and use them at your own risk (like for all the Klask code). =head2 make-licence project-meta make-licence Copy the licence file from the project-meta licence database at the current folder with the file name: LICENCE.txt. The licence is defined in the PROJECT-META.yml specification under the key C. The list of possible licence is given with the command L. =head2 list-licence project-meta list-licence Give the list of all the open data licence supported by the project-meta licence database. =head1 AUTHOR Written by Gabriel Moreau, Grenoble - France =head1 SPECIAL THANKS The list of people below did not directly contribute to project-meta's source code but provided me with some data, returned bugs or helped me in another small task like having new ideas ... Maybe I forgot your contribution in recent years, please forgive me in advance and send me an e-mail to correct this. Joel Sommeria, Julien Chauchat, Cyrille Bonamy. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Licence GNU GPL version 2 or later and Perl equivalent Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Gabriel Moreau .