'civ_3D': function associated with the interface 'civ_3D.fig' for PIV in volume
function varargout = civ_3D(varargin)
This function calls:
- editxml 'editxml': function for editing xml files using a xml schema (associated with the GUI editxml.fig)
- imadoc2struct 'imadoc2struct': reads the xml file for image documentation
- msgbox_uvmat 'msgbox_uvmat': associated with GUI msgbox_uvmat.fig to display message boxes, for error, warning or input calls
- name2display 'name2display': extracts the root name and field numbers from an input filename
- name_generator 'name_generator': creates a file name from a root name and indices.
- nc2struct 'nc2struct': transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure
- num2stra 'num2stra': transform number to the corresponding character string depending on the nomenclature
- read_image 'read_image': reads an image from a single file or a movie file
- stra2num 'stra2num': transform letters (a, b, c) or numerical strings ('1','2'..) to the corresponding numbers
- struct2xml 'struct2xml': transform a matlab structure to a xml tree.
This function is called by:
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