'mouse_up': function activated when the mouse button is released
function mouse_up(ggg,eventdata,handles)
This function calls:
- close_fig 'close_fig': function activated when a figure is closed
- get_plot_handles 'get_plot_handles': list the handles of elements setting the plotting parameters in the uvmat interface
- keyboard_callback 'keyboard_callback:' function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard
- mouse_down 'mouse_down': function activated when the mouse button is pressed on a figure (callback for 'WindowButtonDownFcn'
- mouse_motion 'mouse_motion': permanently called by mouse motion over a figure (Callback for 'WindowButtonMotionFcn' of the figure)
- mouse_up 'mouse_up': function activated when the mouse button is released
- set_object 'set_object': GUI to edit a projection object
- update_obj 'update_obj': update the object graph representation and its projection field, record it in the uvmat interface
- write_plot_param 'write_plot_param': update the plotting parameters on the uvmat interface after a plotting operation
This function is called by:
- mouse_up 'mouse_up': function activated when the mouse button is released
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