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'name2display': extracts the root name and field numbers from an input filename
function [RootPath,RootFile,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ext,nom_type,subdir]=name2display(fileinput)
This function calls:
This function is called by:
- civ 'civ': function associated with the interface 'civ.fig' for PIV, spline interpolation and stereo PIV (patch)
- civ_3D 'civ_3D': function associated with the interface 'civ_3D.fig' for PIV in volume
- geometry_calib 'geometry_calib': performs geometric calibration from a set of reference points
- name_generator 'name_generator': creates a file name from a root name and indices.
- read_xls 'read_xls': function for reading and displaying Excel files
- series 'series': master function associated to the GUI series.m for analysis field series
- set_grid 'set_grid':produce grid for PIV with one or two images (stereo case)
- uvmat 'uvmat': function associated with the GUI 'uvmat.fig' for images and data field visualization
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