'plot_field': plot any field with the structure defined in the uvmat package
function [PlotType,PlotParamOut,haxes]= plot_field(Data,haxes,PlotParam,KeepLim,PosColorbar)
This function calls:
- check_field_structure 'check_field_structure': check the validity of the field struture representation consistant with the netcdf format
- find_field_indices 'find_file_indices': test field structure for input in proj_field and plot_field
- msgbox_uvmat 'msgbox_uvmat': associated with GUI msgbox_uvmat.fig to display message boxes, for error, warning or input calls
- plot_text 'plot_text': function for displaying the content of a Matlab structure in a figure
- proj_grid 'proj_grid': project fields with unstructured coordinantes on a regular grid
- read_plot_param 'read_plot_param': read plotting parameters from the interface uvmat
- set_col_vec 'set_col_vec': sets the color code for vectors depending on a scalar vec_C and parameters given by the struct colcode
- set_title 'set_title': defines the 'TITLE' of a projection object
This function is called by:
- geometry_calib 'geometry_calib': performs geometric calibration from a set of reference points
- mouse_down 'mouse_down': function activated when the mouse button is pressed on a figure (callback for 'WindowButtonDownFcn'
- update_obj 'update_obj': update the object graph representation and its projection field, record it in the uvmat interface
- uvmat 'uvmat': function associated with the GUI 'uvmat.fig' for images and data field visualization
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