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| 20 | <h1>read_civxdata |
| 21 | </h1> |
| 22 | |
| 23 | <h2><a name="_name"></a>PURPOSE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
| 24 | <div class="box"><strong>'read_civxdata': reads civx data from netcdf files</strong></div> |
| 25 | |
| 26 | <h2><a name="_synopsis"></a>SYNOPSIS <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
| 27 | <div class="box"><strong>function [Field,VelTypeOut]=read_civxdata(filename,FieldNames,VelType) </strong></div> |
| 28 | |
| 29 | <h2><a name="_description"></a>DESCRIPTION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
| 30 | <div class="fragment"><pre class="comment">'read_civxdata': reads civx data from netcdf files |
| 31 | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 32 | COMBINE ET REMPLACE read_ncfield, read_vel et read_scalar_new |
| 33 | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 34 | OUTPUT: |
| 35 | nb_coord,nb_dim, |
| 36 | Civ: =0 or 1, indicates whether the data is civ (A SUPPRIMER ?) |
| 37 | CivStage: =0, ??? A UTILISER POUR REMPLACER civ |
| 38 | =1, civ1 has been performed only |
| 39 | =2, fix1 has been performed |
| 40 | =3, pacth1 has been performed |
| 41 | =4, civ2 has been performed |
| 42 | =5, fix2 has been performed |
| 43 | =6, pacth2 has been performed |
| 44 | time: absolute time |
| 45 | Field |
| 46 | .Txt: (char string) error message if any |
| 47 | .NbDim: number of dimensions (=0 by default) |
| 48 | .NbCoord: number of vector components |
| 49 | .CoordType: expresses the type of coordinate ('px' for image, 'sig' for instruments, or 'phys') |
| 50 | .dt: time interval for the corresponding image pair |
| 51 | .CivStage: =0, ??? A UTILISER POUR REMPLACER civ |
| 52 | =1, civ1 has been performed only |
| 53 | =2, fix1 has been performed |
| 54 | =3, pacth1 has been performed |
| 55 | =4, civ2 has been performed |
| 56 | =5, fix2 has been performed |
| 57 | =6, pacth2 has been performed |
| 58 | .X, .Y, .Z: set of vector coordinates |
| 59 | .U,.V,.W: corresponding set of vector components |
| 60 | .F: warning flags |
| 61 | .FF: error flag, =0 for good vectors |
| 62 | .C: scalar associated with velocity (used for vector colors) |
| 63 | .CoordType |
| 64 | .DijU; matrix of spatial derivatives (DijU(1,1,:)=DUDX, |
| 65 | DijU(1,2,:)=DUDY, Dij(2,1,:)=DVDX, DijU(2,2,:)=DVDY |
| 66 | .A, .AX, .AY: additional scalar |
| 67 | dt:time interval of the image pair red from a single file, or vector with</pre></div> |
| 68 | |
| 69 | <!-- crossreference --> |
| 70 | <h2><a name="_cross"></a>CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../up.png"></a></h2> |
| 71 | This function calls: |
| 72 | <ul style="list-style-image:url(../matlabicon.gif)"> |
| 73 | <li><a href="nc2struct.html" class="code" title="function [Data,var_detect,ichoice]=nc2struct(nc,varargin)">nc2struct</a> 'nc2struct': transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure</li></ul> |
| 74 | This function is called by: |
| 75 | <ul style="list-style-image:url(../matlabicon.gif)"> |
| 76 | <li><a href="RUN_FIX.html" class="code" title="function error=RUN_FIX(filename,field,flagindex,iter,thresh_vecC,flag_mask,maskname,thresh_vel,inf_sup,fileref,fieldref)">RUN_FIX</a> 'RUN_FIX': function for fixing velocity fields:</li><li><a href="RUN_STLIN.html" class="code" title="function RUN_STLIN(file_A,file_B,vel_type,file_st,nx_patch,ny_patch,thresh_patch,fileAxml,fileBxml)">RUN_STLIN</a> 'RUN_STLIN': combine velocity fields for stereo PIV</li><li><a href="uvmat.html" class="code" title="function varargout = uvmat(varargin)">uvmat</a> 'uvmat': function associated with the GUI 'uvmat.fig' for images and data field visualization</li></ul> |
| 77 | <!-- crossreference --> |
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