Joël Sommeria, revised March 2008


1.1 Aim:

    This Matlab toolbox is a set of Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) and related functions, designed to scan and analyse images, vector and scalar fields, in two or three dimensions. It can be used with a wide variety of input data: all image formats recognised by Matlab (function imread.m), .avi movies (after installation of the appropriate codex), binary files with the format NetCDF.  The package is however particularly designed for laboratory data obtained  from imaging systems: it includes a GUI to run the Particle Image Velocimetry  software CIVx of civproject, see http://www.civproject.org, as well as tools for geometric calibration, masks, grid generation and image pre-processing (background removal), and editing of xml documentation files. Stereoscopic PIV, PIV-LIF and 3D PIV in a volume (still under development) are handled. 

    This package can be used without knowledge of the Matlab language, but it is designed to be complemented by user defined Matlab functions, providing flexibility for further data analysis. It provides convenient tools to manage a set of processing function with a standardized input-output system.

1.2 The package:

      The master program is a Matlab GUI, made of a Matlab figure uvmat.fig and an associated set of functions in the file uvmat.m. The menu bar at the top of the GUI, push buttons and editing box in the uvmat.fig start the Matlab functions in uvmat.m (Callback functions). The directory UVMAT also contains the following set of GUI, which can be called by push buttons in uvmat.fig, or opened directly from the Matlab prompt. 

    Functions in the UVMAT directory are called by these GUIs. These are used to generate file names, read files and plot data, and perform various ancillary tasks. Type 'help fct_name' to get detail information on the function named fct_name, or open it with an editor.

 Help and documentation:  
     To install the package, uncompress  the whole directory UVMAT and read the instructions in the file README_INSTALL.txt contained in the sub-directory UVMAT_DOC. This directory also contains the current help file uvmat_doc.html and a sub-directory FUNCTIONS_DOC with detail documention for all functions. Finally a tutorial UV_DEMO is also available (outside UVMAT) with test data files. 
     The current help file is accessible on-line from each of the GUIs.  A short comment about  each GUI uicontrol (push buttons, edit boxes, menus..), as well as the name of this uicontrol, is provided as a tool tip window by moving the mouse over it. In this help document, the names of GUI uicontrols are quoted with bold characters, names of files in the package are underlined, and text on the matlab workspace is under quotes '  '. Features not yet implemented or tested (in particular 3D features) are marked by **.

Copyright and licence:
Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org.
        The package UVMAT is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
        UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License (file COPYING.txt) for more details.

1.3 Overview of the GUI uvmat.fig:

    Type 'uvmat' in the Matlab prompt to display the GUI. Then the path and date of the version of uvmat.m used is displayed in the central display window. During opening, the program checks that the Matlab path to all the functions called by uvmat are in the same directory UVMAT as uvmat.m, using the function check_functions. Indeed a function with a higher priority path could override a function of the toolbox with the same name (see the Matlab help 'help path'). The list of overridden functions is given in the central display window at the opening of the uvmat interface.

    The name of each uicontrol (push buttons, edit boxes, menus..) on the GUI can be displayed in a  tool tip window by moving the mouse over it: it is followed by a short help comment. The name is also displayed in the window text_display_1, at the upper right of the GUI. The red pushbuttons command the main actions, while the green ones command ancillary or help actions.  Links with other interfaces are in magenta.  The current activation of an uicontrol is indicated by a yellow color.

    The menu bar Open/Browse...at the top left allows to browse the directories to open files. The last previously opened files can be also directly accessed in the same menu. After selection, the file names are decomposed into path, root name, index and extension, displayed in the top edit boxes. The input file name, as well as other personal information,   is stored for convenience in a file (uvmat_perso.mat) automatically created in the user preference directory of Matlab (indicated by the Matlab command 'prefdir'). Browsers then  read default input in this file. A corruption of this file uvmat_perso.mat may lead to problems for  opening uvmat, type reinit on the Matlab prompt to delete it.

    A choice of input field ( 'image', 'velocity'... ) can be made by the menu Fields

    Two file series can be simultaneously opened and compared using the check box SubField ('-') at the upper left. 

    Once a root name has been introduced, navigation among  the file indices is provided by the push buttons  runplus ( '->')  and  runmin ('<-') at the upper left. The push button REFRESH reactualizes the current plot on the interface. 

    Parameters for the display of scalars/images and vector fields are defined in the frames SCAL and VEC respectively on the right side. 

    The push buttons calib. , maskgrid are used to create respectively a geometric calibration of the images, masks and grids used for PIV.

    The button CIV opens the interface civ.fig or Particle Imaging Velocimetry. The menu bar Run/Field series opens the interface series.fig for analysing field series.

1.4 General tools:

Mouse motion: the local coordinates and field values are obtained by moving the mouse over any plotting axes in the uvmat system. This is displayed in the four text boxes text_display_1, _2, _3, _4 on the upper right.

Zoom: a zoom rectangle can be cut in any plotting axes by pressing the mouse left button, moving the mouse while the button is pressed, and releasing the button to end the operation. The plot in the enclosed rectangular region is reproduced in a new figure. Zoom can be alternatively obtained in the initial figure by selecting the check box zoom on the right of the uvmat interface, and pressing the mouse left button on the figure. Zoom out by pressing the right mouse button. The zoomed region can be translated  through the initial field by pressing the directional arrows of the key board.

Other mouse operations: if an object creation option is selected, or the options calib. or mask, mouse action products specific effects, see the corresponding sections. These actions  override the zoom. 

Keyboard short cuts: the activation of the push buttons  runplus ( '->')  and  runmin ('<-') can be performed by the key board short cuts 'p' and 'm' respectively, after initialisation by pressing the mouse on the uvmat interface. Similarly the command of the push button run0 can be performed by typing the return carriage key.

 Extracting graphs:   The current field is displayed in the central window, while their histograms are displayed in the lower left graphs. The field in the central window can be copied to a separate figure by the push button extract_plot on the right. This allows plot editing, exporting and printing, using standard Matlab graphic tools. It is also possible to extract a subregion of any graph  by cutting a zoom rectangle with the mouse. The creation of projection objects, with the buttons in the box OBJECT, provides alternative ways for extracting graphs. Movies in the avi format can be extracted using  Export/make movie avi in the menu bar.

 Extracting data as Matlab arrays:  the data plotted in any figure  can be made available in the Matlab workspace as global  variables: for that purpose click on the corresponding axes with the right mouse button. The list of available fields is then displayed in a new figure, and the same list is printed on the Matlab workspace in the form of a Matlab structure 'CurData'. An image or scalar matrix is for instance obtained as CurData.A. 

2 Input files and navigation with uvmat:

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2.1 Input file naming and indexing:

    A wide variety of input files, organised in indexed series, can be opened by uvmat. When a file name is selected by the browser, it is automatically split into a root path (filling the edit box RootPath), a subdirectory (edit box SubDir), a root name (edit box RootFile), an index suffix (edit box FileIndex), a file extension (edit box FileExt). Note that no blank is allowed in path and file names, to avoid possible errors in some processing software. The input file name can be directly entered and modified by these edit boxes, without the browser. The file indices can be then incremented or decremented  by the navigation buttons runmin ('<-') and runplus ( '->'), see section 2.4.

    Different kinds of file indexing are recognised:

Cyclic indexing: it is sometimes useful to change file indices in a cyclic way as the field number is increased. For that purpose we use the convention that when the root name ends in the form [root '_xx' 'mmmm' ], where xx is a number and 'mmmm' a string of four letters beginning with m (like 'mask' or 'mean'), then the file number is taken modulo xx . This is convenient to visualize a mask for each slice or for subtracting a field average calculated on each slice. 

 Old nomenclature: double image series (bursts) were previously labeled by 3 digit number  and a letter, for instance 'Exp1/aa045b.png'. PIV results from images a and b were then represented as Exp1/A/aa045ab.nc. This older nomenclature is still handled but not recommended. 

Relevant Matlab functions: the file name is determined by the functions name_generator.m from a root name, indices and a nomenclature type ('_i', '_i_j'...). The reverse operation, splitting a name into a root and indices and detecting the nomenclature type, is performed by name2display.m. Other file nomenclatures could be defined by consistently changing these two inverse functions. 

2.2 Comparing two fields:

    A second field series can be opened and compared to the first one, using the menu bar Open_1. When this box is activated, the current input file name is copied in the second line of input file. Then a new file name and indices appear on the second line, as well as the check box SubField. The two file series will be scanned simultaneously, according to their own nomenclature.

    If the two files are both images or scalar, their difference is introduced as the input field. If the second file is an image (or scalar), while the first one is a vector field, the image will appear as a background in the vector field. This is convenient for instance to relate the CIV result to the quality of the raw image, or to relate vorticity to the vector field. This option is also activated by the check box mask, to visualize the mask as a background image in the velocity field, see Makemask for details.

      It is also possible to visualize an image pair as a small movie by simultaneously writting the field numbers i1 and i2, or j1 and j2 (or the letters a,b for the 'png_old' nomenclature) in each line, and selecting the checkbox '-' between the two lines of field numbers, see also 3.1

    If the two files are vector fields, their difference is taken as the input field, and is then displayed and analysed. If the two fields are not at the same points, the velocities of the second field are linearly interpolated at the positions of the first one (using the Matlab function griddata) . 

2.3 Documentation files (.xml):

     When a new root name is introduced, a documentation file is automatically sought, whose path and name are displayed by RootPath and  RootFile respectively, with extension .xml. This file contains information on timing for image series, geometric calibration and various information on the camera and illumination. The structure of the documentation file is constrained by an xml schema, XML_SCHEMAS/ImaDoc.xsd. The following information is directly used by uvmat:
    The xml documentation file is read by the function read_imadoc.m. If this file does not exist, a file with the same root name but extension .civ is read by the function read_imatext.m. This function can be modified to account for any user defined  format. In the absence of any documentation file, uvmat reads timing information directly on the input file in the case of avi movies or NetCDF files. The information read when a new root name is introduced is stored in the uvmat interface as 'UserData' .

2.4 Navigation among file indices:

    The field indices can be incremented or decremented by the push buttons  runplus ( '->') and  runmin ('<-') respectively.  This scanning is performed  over the first index (i) or the second one (j), depending on the selection of the check boxes scan_i or scan_j respectively. The step for increment is set by the edit box increment_scan

 The current indices are displayed in the four edit boxes i1, i2, j1, j2. The two first indices i1 and j1 are used for image series, while the second line i2, j2 is used to label the image pairs used for PIV data. The file indices can be directly set in these edit boxes, or equivalently in the edit box FileIndex at the top of the interface. The maximum value of each index is indicated by the edit boxes last_i and last_j respectively, filled from the xml documentation file.

    In the case of a second input field (check box SubField activated), the corresponding file indices FileIndex_1 is also updated by runplus ( '->') and  runmin ('<-') , so the indices of both fields remain synchronized by default. It is however possible to manually edit FieldIndex_1 to compare two fields with different indices. 

    For navigation with index pairs, the reference index, defined as the integer part of the mean value ((j1+j2)/2), is incremented. If the check box fix_pair is selected,  the difference j1-j2 is then imposed while the reference index is incremented. Else the pair with appropriate reference index is searched. In the case of multiple choices, the most recent file is chosen. This allows to scan successive fields obtained with different image pairs (to match changing velocity of the fluid). 

    Fields  can be continuously scanned as a movie by pressing the push button  RunMovie ( '-->') instead of runplus ( '->'). Press STOP to stop the movie.  The movie speed can be controlled by the slider movie speed. The movie can be extracted and recorded as an avi file, by activating the menu bar Export/make movie avi.

2.5 Ancillary input files:

3 Field representation (uvmat): 

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   The uvmat interface primarily reads and visualises two-dimensional fields, which can be images or scalars, or vector fields.

3.1 Images and scalars:

    Images are matrices of integers, visualised by the imagesc.m Matlab function.

    True color images are described by a matrix A(nx,ny,3) of integers between 0 and 255, the last index labeling the color component red, green or blue. They are displayed directly as color images.

    The black and white (B/W) images are described by a matrix A(nx,ny,1) of integers, whose range depends on the camera dynamics (0 to 255 for 8 bit images, 0 to 65535 for 16 bit images). They are represented with grey levels, according to the colorbar displayed on the right. The luminosity and contrast can be adjusted using the edit boxes AMin and AMax on the right of the interface: the luminosity level AMin (and levels below) is represented as black, and the luminosity level AMax (or levels above) as white. Selecting the AutoScal check box, AMin and AMax are set automatically to the image minimum and maximum respectively. Then the image may appear dark if a single point is very bright, in that case unselect the option AutoScal, and choose a lower value for AMax.

    Two images can be visually compared by switching back and forth between them as a short movie. This is quite useful to get a visual feeling of the image correlation. This effect is obtained by introducing two image numbers in the edit boxes j1 and j2, and selecting the checkbox fix_pair ('|') between the two lines of field numbers. The speed of the movie can be adjusted by the slider speed which then appears. Press STOP to stop the motion. 

    Scalar fields are  represented like B/W images, but with with a false color map ranging from blue (minimum values) to red (maximum). They can be alternatively displayed as B/W images by the check box auto_scalar ('B/W') (to test**). Other false color maps can be introduced by the standard Matlab figure menu Edit/Colormap , after extracting the figure with 'EXTRACT PLOT'.
Scalar are represented by matrices with real ('double') values, unlike images which are integers. They can be alternatively defined with unstructured grid: they are then linearly interpolated on a regular grid before plotting (which is a fairly slow process).

    The x,y coordinates, image value, and pixel indices i and j are displayed on the upper right, when the mouse is moved on the image.  To extract the image visualize it by yourselves, click on it with the mouse riight button, then type 'image(CurData.AX,CurData.AY,CurData.A)' on the Matlab workspace. 

3.2 Vectors:

    The vector fields are represented as arrows. The length of the arrows can be automatically adjusted (checkbox AutoVec selected), or manually set  by the edit box  VecScale

    Colors represent scalars associated with the vectors. With the default option 'ima_cor', the value of the image correlation (vec_C) is represented by a code with three colors. The red values correspond to poor correlations, green to fair values, and blue to good ones. The value range covered by each of the three colors is set by the pair of sliders on the upper right.

    Other color representations can be specified by the menu on the upper right. 'Black' and 'white' provides arrows with this fixed color. The other options provide a choice of scalars, for instance the vector norm ('norm_vec') or vorticity ('vort'). The list of available scalars is set by the function calc_scal.m. A quasi-continuous color representation with 64 levels can be used instead of the three colors by mouse clicking the color band between the two sliders. A second click switches back to the three color representation. The color thresholds can be relative to the min-max scalar values or remain fixed, depending on the 'auto' check box on the upper right.

    If the option show flags is selected, the correlation colors are taken over by flag colors indicating dubious or false vectors.  False vectors are detected by various criteria: they are not removed from the files but marqued by flags, so that the process is reversible. By default these vectors are displayed in magenta, and they can be just removed from the view by deselecting the option magenta on. But in all cases these magenta vectors are not taken into account in processing: they are ignored in statistics or replaced by interpolation from neighboors when needed, in particular to get the fields interp or filter on a regular grid. The black color indicates some warning from the CIV process, but the corresponding vectors are taken into account in the processing (see the FIX in the civ interface or the ACTION fix_vel to remove  dubious vectors using different criteria). The display of black color can be desactivated by unselecting the option show black. Then their correlation color is seen. 

    One can also use the same mouse operation to display information on any vector in the text window on the upper right (there will be no change in the data if the pushbutton record is not pressed). These are the position coordinates vec_X and vec_Y, the velocity components vec_U and vec_V, the correlation vec_C, and flags vec_F and FixFlag in case of anomaly. Their meaning is explained below.

    The fields interp and filter are interpolations from several vectors, so they bear no color information (and cannot be removed by the mouse). If a first  velocity field civ1 or civ2 is substracted to a second field (by activating the two fields simultaneously or by using the pushbutton -),the colors are set by the first field, and the removed vectors of field 2 are not taken into account for the interpolation to the grid points of the first field.

    The current vector field information can be made available in the Command window by clicking with the right mouse button in the  plot.  To plot the vector field by yourselves type  'quiver(CurData.X,CurData.Y,CurData.U,CurData.V)'. To remove the false vectors, type 'index=find(CurData.FF~=0)' to select the appropriate vector indices , then 'quiver(CurData.X(index),CurData.Y(index),CurData.U(index),CurData.V(index))'. 

Manual editing of vectors:  One can manually remove a vector with the mouse. First activate the edit_vect push button. A selected vector becomes magenta. Inversely, if a magenta vector is selected, it is rehabilitated and retrieve its initial color.  The corrections are  recorded as false flags in the data file by pressing the pushbutton record.

3.3 Selecting fields from CIVx files:

    The uvmat package recognizes  the NetCDF fields obtained from the CIVx software (see **ref).  This includes the velocity fields and their spatial derivatives, as well as information about the CIV processing (correlation values and flags). The content of any NetCDF file can be checked directly by the Matlab command ncbrowser, or by the GUI get_field.fig. The vorticity, divergence, or strain are read in the same NetCDF files, but are available only after a PATCH operation has been run in the CIVx software. 

    One of the field options civ1, interp1 and filter1, civ2, interp2 and filter2 can be chosen, using the check boxes on the left. The first CIV processing is visualized by the CIV1 option. Then filter1 and interp1 fields are interpolated on a regular grid, with or without smoothing respectively. It allows to fill holes and get spatial derivatives. If a scalar depending on spatial derivatives, like vort, is selected, the field option switches automatically from civ2 or interp2 to filter2, from civ1 or interp1 to filter2. If a refined CIV processing has been realised, it can be visualized by civ2, patch2, filter2. If more than two iterations have been performed, only the last two are stored, with the names civ1 and 2.

    If no field option is selected, it will be automatically chosen. For velocity, 'civ2' is chosen in priority, or 'civ1' if it does not exist. For scalar fields, like vort, 'filter2' is chosen in priority, or 'filter1' if it does not exist. This choice is motivated by the fact that civ2 results are supposedly better than civ1, that the velocity fields are most reliably defined by the uninterpolated civ fileds, while filter is needed for spatial derivatives.

    The choice of field names in the .nc file is set by the function 'varname_generator.m' of the UVMAT toolbox.

    The reading and calculation of scalars from the NetCDF files is done by the function 'UVMAT/calc_scal.m'. New scalars can be defined by modifying this function. They will appear in the FIELDS menu as a submenu scalar.The same scalars can be also displayed as colors of the vectors.

3.4 Succession of operations:

The following succession of operations is performed by uvmat.fig:
Reading: The input field is first read from the input file by the function read_ncfield.m or read_image.m.
Transform: a transform can be systematically applied just after reading, for instance to take into account geometric calibration. The processing function is set by the menu menu_coord on the left. With the default 'phys' option, the input field is transformed (by the function phys.m) if it contains the key 'CoordType' with value 'raw' (or 'px'), else it is left unchanged. Similarly, a reverse transform to image coordinates is performed if the input file contains the key 'CoordType' with value 'phys'. 
    Note that this transform can be also performed pointwise when moving the mouse. In 3D cases, the initial 3D coordinates are given by the mouse, while the plot axis correspond to the coordinates of  the current plane.
    Other transform functions can be made, following the examples in the subdirectories IMA_TRANSFORMS and VEL_TRANSFORMS.

Scalar calculation: a scalar can be calculated from the input data, as selected by  the menu Fields. It is then mapped as an image, or represented by contours (selecting the check box contour in the frame SCAL).  If a vector field is plotted, a scalar can be  alternatively represented as arrow color, as described in section 3.2.

Comparison: when two fields of the same nature are introduced, the difference is taken by the function subfield.m

Projection: on the projection object, see section 5.

3.5 Histograms

Histograms of the input fields are represented on the bottom left. The choice of the variable is done by the menus histo1_menu and histo2_menu

 For color images, the histogram of each color component, r, g, b, is given with a curve of the corresponding color. In case of saturation, the proportion of pixels beyond the max limit is written on the graph.

3.6 Viewing volume fields:**

not yet implemented

4 The GUI get_field.fig:

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4.1 Overview:

    This GUI is designed to analyse a NetCDF file, showing all the variables, attributes and variable dimensions. Variables can be selected and plotted. The GUI is opened by the prompt command 'get_field' or 'get_field (input)', where 'input' is a NetCDF file name or a Matlab structure  with the appropriate content. It is also opened by the GUI uvmat.fig when an input NetCDF file does contain recognized variables.  Finally the GUI get_field.m is also opened by pressing the right mouse button on a current plotting axis, to display information on the corresponding fields.     
      When a NetCDF input file is entered, the names and value of the global attributes are listed in the left column attributes, the list of variables in the central column variables, and the list of dimension names and values in the right column dimensions. By selecting one of the variables in the central column, the corresponding variable attributes and dimensions are displayed in the left and right columns respectively. By a right button mouse click on the interface, the whole content of the NetCDF file can be made available on the Matlab prompt in the form of a Matlab structure 'CurData'.
    Ordinary graphs: to make a simple graph, select the abscissa in the column abscissa, and a corresponding set of fields  in the column ordinate, then press PLOT. If the variable is indexed with more than one dimension, plots of each component are made versus the first index (like with the plot Matlab command). If no abscissa is selected ( blank selected at the top of abscissa), variables are plotted versus their (first) index .
    Plots can be made in a new figure (default), or added to an existing one. The choice of available figures is available in the listbox menu list_fig. The full list of available plotting axes can be obtained in list_fig by pressing browse_field.

4.2 2D and 3D plots:

    2D vector plots or scalar images can be made by selecting the check boxes check_2D or check_scalar respectively. Then select the appropriate variables representing the velocity components and/or the scalar, then the variables chosen as abscissa, ordinate and z coordinate.
      If these coordinate variables correspond to  one of the dimensions of the matrix selected as scalar or vector components, they will be used as structured coordinates. If they have the same dimensions as the matrix, they will be used as unstructured coordinates.  If the blank option is selected for a coordinate, the corresponding matrix index is used as coordinate.
    If the  options check_2D and check_scalar are simultaenously selected, the scalar is represented as colors of the vector arrows.
     The uvmat GUI is automatically opened when 2D or 3D fields are displayed, allowing us to adjust the plotting parameters. In 3D, a middle plane of cut is automatically selected. This can be moved then with the slider on the interface set_object (see section 5). The default cuts are made at constant z coordiante, but any of the three initial coordiantes can be used as z coordinate, using the menu coord_z.
    Once uvmat is opened, navigations through file numbers is then possible, while keeping the same selection of plotted field variables.

5 Projection objects:

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5-1 Definition and editing with the uvmat interface:

    These are geometrical objects used to define cuts along lines, or planes for 3D data, to interpolate fields on a regular grid, to restrict the visualization of fields and their analysis to subregions. See next subsection for details. Objects are created by selecting the appropriate creation buttons on the interface uvmat (lower right). This opens an auxiliary GUI set_object.fig

    The list of current projection objects is displayed on the uvmat interface. Each field displayed by uvmat is projected on these current objects, and displayed in corresponding satellite figures. The projection of fields on objects is performed by the function proj_field.m, which can be used also for instance in the GUI series.fig

     Object can be interactively drawn with the mouse on the GUI uvmat . First activate the creation mode by selecting the appropriate item in the menu bar Tools.
     -'points': mark points with mouse left button. Use right click to end the series. The list of coordinates appear on the set_object interface.  These can be then manually edited, use plot on the GUI set_object to validate. The range of action  can be set on the GUI set_object by the edit box YMax (only needed in the ProjMode 'projection'). This range is visualized by dashed circles around each point. The set of points can be determined from successive images (to track a feature for instance): for that purpose use the keyboard keys 'p' and 'm' to increament or decrement fields  without the mouse. 
    -'line': just draw a line, keeping the mouse left button pressed, release to end. The range of action, set by YMax, is visualized by two dashed lines (only in ProjMode 'projection').
    -'polyline': draw a line with several segments, press and release the mouse left button to mark each summit, press the right button to end the line.
   -'rectangle': defined by its center, half width and half height.
   -'polygon': closed line made of n consecutive segments (defined by n points)
   -ellipse: defined by its center, half width and half height.
   -plane: plane with associated cartesian coordinates
   -volume: volume with associated cartesian coordinates

5-2 Object properties:

    The type of projection object is defined by a  'Style' and a projection mode 'ProjMode', whose possible options are listed in the table below.  A 'TITLE', derived from these two properties, is also given for clarity. 




Resulting fields




set of n values of each field component, corresponding to the n points of projection.



profile of each field component  (and mean value) along the line.

       The vectors are projected along the line direction  and its normal, providing the new x and y components respectively. 





histogram of each field component inside or outside the closed line + surface integral.

MASK polygon mask_inside
no projection result. Object used to make masks.




2D  field components. Vectors are projected  in the plane (new x y components), and along the normal in 3D. 






3D field components. Vectors are projected along  the  new coordinates attached to the volume . 

definition of Euler's angle


5-3 Object plotting:

Projections objects are drawn in magenta color when they are selected for creation or edition, and in blue otherwise.

6 Geometric calibration:

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6-1 Generalities:

    Transforming image to physical coordinates is an important problem for measuring techniques based on imaging. The image coordinates represent the two cartesian axis x,y of the image, with origin at the lower left corner. Note that the y direction is directed upward, while the corresponding image index j is oriented downward.  The physical coordinates are defined from the experimental set-up. The correspondance is obtained by imaging  reference object(s) whose positions are known with respect to the physical coordinate system. We handle three kinds of transforms:

    The transform coefficients for each image series are stored in the corresponding xml documentation file, in the section ImaDoc/GeometryCalib. These coefficients are read by the function UVMAT/read_imadoc.m. The function phys.m applies the transform of any input field from image to physical coordinates, while px.m applies the reverse transform.   The coefficients for the Tsai transform can be determined using the image acquisition software Acquix. Calibration coefficients  can be also obtained with the interface geometry_calib.fig

6-2 The GUI geometry_calib.fig:

    This GUI appears by pressing by activating the menu bar Tools/Geometric calibration in the GUI uvmat .
    To introduce new reference points, select 'append' in the edit_append menu, and mark the points with the mouse on uvmat (with the option 'px' in menu_coord). The new image coordinates then appear in the list ListCoord. Reference points can be also added manually using the edit boxes with the option 'append'. For proper calibration, the point coordinates  should be ordered in a monotonic way (like on a grid).
         If calibration data already exist in the ImaDoc file when geometry_calib is opened, the corresponding list of reference points are displayed  in the central window ListCoord of geometry_calib. The three first columns indicate the physical coordinates and the two last ones the corresponding image coordinates.
    Alternatively, a file with point coordinates (created by set_object) can be  imported with the import browser at the top of the GUI  geometry_calib. In the 'edit' mode the new point coordinates will be listed below the current line in ListCoord, replacing the previous data. In the 'append' mode, it will be added at the bottom of the current list. If the input file contain pixel coordinates (CoordType='px')..... created by set_object, in pixel coordinates, only the pixel coordinates are displayed. The corresponding physical coordinates can be introduced by manually editing each line in the list ListCoord.
    For editing a referece point, select it in the list ListCoord, and use the edit boxes XObject, YObject, ZObject (for 3D calibration), XImage, YImage. Type return carriage to validate the edition. The reference point can be suppressed by typing the 'backward' arrow on the key-boeard, or by filling the five boxes with blank values.
    Press the button plot to visualise the list of reference points. The physical or image coordinates will be used in the list ListCoord, depending on the option 'phys' or 'px' in the menu menu_coord of the GUI uvmat . 
    A translation or rotation (in physical space) can be introduced by the edit boxes on the top of geometry_calib. Press the '+' or '-' button to control the sign of the translation or rotation. In the case of rotation, the origin of the rotation, as well as the angle (in degree) must be introduced. The resulting coordinates appear in the list ListCoord.
    Once the list of calibration points has been completed, press a calibration button at the top of geometry_calib, with the following options (see previous sub-section).
 calib_rescale: yields coefficients for simple rescaling and translation  without rotation,
 calib_lin: yields coefficients for a linear transform
 calib_tsai: yields coefficients for the Tsai model, including perspective effects and quadradic deformation. This option requires a sufficient number of calibration points (typically > 10) sufficiently spread over the image.

     The coefficients are recorded in the xml file associated with the image currently opened by uvmat. If previous calibration data already exist, the previous xml file is updated, but  the original one is preserved with the extension .xml~.  If no xml file already exists, it is created. The image transformation to phys coordiantes can be directly seen on the uvmat interface after completion of the calib... commands.
      To reproduce the same calibrationn for image series, open one of the image in the series, and do again the calibration with the same points, or copy-paste the section GeometryCalib of the xml documentation file with a text editor.

    The coefficients are recorded in the xml file under the key ImaDoc/GeometryCalib as follows:
<focal>: focal length, in mm  (=1 for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<dpx_dpy>: dimensions of the individual sensor elements, in mm  (=[1 1] for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<Cx_Cy>: position coordinates of the optical axis on the sensor (in px) (=[0 0] for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<sx>: aspect ratio of sensor elements (=1 for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<kappa1>: coefficient of quadratic deformation (=1 for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<Tx_Ty_Tz>: translation, (Tz=1 for the options calib_lin and calib_rescale)
<R>: rotation matrix (in 3 lines)
      For the option calib_rescale
           R (i=1)= [pxcmx 0 0]
           R (i=2)= [0 pxcmy 0]
           R (i=3)= [0 0 1]
where pxcmx and pxcmy are the scaling factors along x and y.
<ErrorRms>: rms difference (in X and Y direction) between the image coordinates measured for the calibration points and the coordinates transformed from their physical coordinates (using the function UVMAT/px.m)
<ErrorMax> : maximum difference (in X and Y direction) between the image coordinates measured for the calibration points and the coordinates transformed from their physical coordinates. (using the function UVMAT/px.m)
<SourceCalib> set of the point coordinates used for calibration
 <PointCoord> [x y z X Y] , where x,y,z are the physical coordinates of each point, X Y its image coordinates.

7 Masks and grids:

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7-1 Masks:

    Mask files are used to restrict the domain of CIV processing, to take into account fluid boundaries or invalid image zones. They must be stored as .png images with 8 bits, with names [filebase '_xxmask_' 'filenumber' '.png'], where xx is the number of masks (nbslices) used when the series of fields corresponds physically to a set of nbslices positions. The mask filenumber used is the image field number modulo nbslices. Use xx=1 in the default case of a fixed position and a single mask. Masks can be made by pressing the menu bar Tools/make mask on the GUI uvmat. The mask is created interactively with the mouse on the current image. 

First open an input image file name with the browser, or the edit box and carriadge return. From the image name, a corresponding mask name is proposed in the lower edit box. It should be edited if a series of masks is made, in case of mutipositions (number nbslices) of the laser sheet in a series. The names must be [filebase '_xxmask' 'filenumber' '.png'], where xx is the number of masks (nbslices). The mask filenumber used is the image field number modulo nbslices. The filenumber can be incremented by the NEXT press button.

Holes can be made by the press button mask_hole which allows to draw a polygon on the image (the matlab image processing toolbox is needed). The inside of this polygone is masked.

Press the red push button  save_mask which appeared on the lower right. The saved mask is then displayed. A new image can be then entered.

7-2 Grids:

To create a grid for PIV, activate the menu bar Tools/Make grid on the GUI uvmat. Introduce a minimum value, mesh, and maximum value for each coordinate x in the edit boxes XMin, DX, XMax respectively. Do the same for the y coordinate.  This must be expressed in physical coordinates. 

The grid will be limited to an  image , or to the common region of two images, depending whether one or two image names are indicated in the edit boxes image_1 and image_2. Press save to save the corresponding grid file (s). A dialog box appears to edit the name of the output grid file, and a second one in case of two images.

8 Operations on field series:

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8-1 The GUI series.fig:

    Operations on field series are controled by the GUI series.fig, which allows to set the root name and file indices on which a processing function  must operate. The root path, subdirectory, root file name and extension are introduced in the same way as with the uvmat interface, on the edit windows RootPath, SubDir, RootFile and FileExt respectively. The nomenclature for file indexing is represented in NomType ('Indices').
    Several input file series can be introduced simultaneously. For that purpose activate the check box  add and browse for a new field: the new field will appear on a new line.
    The velocity type and field is automatioally chosen by default, but it can be specified by VelType and Field. For that purpose use the menus VelTypeMenu and fieldsinput. In case of multiple input file series, these menus act only on the first line.  
    The set of file indices is set in the frame RANGE, while the processing function is chosen in the menu ACTION. All actions operate on the same series of input files, whose list can be obtained with the option check_files. The option aver_stat calculates  a global average on the successive fields, while time_series provides a time series. The option merge_proj is used to project a whole series on a given grid, or to create a file series obtained by concatenation of different fields different fields.  Finally any additional function can be called and included in the menu by selecting the option usr_defined... .
    Any action is performed from field index first_i to last_i with increment incr_i. In case of double indexing, action is similarly performed from field index first_j to last_j with increment incr_j. Succesive file names are ordered as a matrix Name {j,i} with the index j varying the fastest. The parameter nb_slice can be introduced to scan the i index modulo nb_slice.
    For pair indexing, the selected pair must be chosen in the menu list_pair-civ in the frame PAIRS (browse again an input field if this menu does not appear). Then the first_i and last_i refer to the 'reference indices'. With the option '*-*' in list_pair-civ, available pairs are automatically chosen (this is appropriate if several image pairs are used in a time series, to account for a changing mean velocity).
    A projection object can be introduced by selecting the check box GetObject. If a projection object has been already created the  opened interface set_object will be used. Otherwise the blank set_object interface appears, and a projection object can be imported from an existing xml Object file. 

8-2 check_files:

Gives the series of files selected for processing and checks their existence. The oldest modified file is indicated, which is useful to detect whether any file in a civ processing is missing (then the oldest file is not updated).
For NetCDF files, the last operation made (civ1, fix1, patch1, civ2, fix2, patch2) is indicated. The details of each NetCDF file can be dispalyed by selecting it with the mouse on the list.

8-3 aver_stat:

    This option provides any average over the processed files. If nb_slice is not equal to 1, the average is performed slice by slice, providing nb_slice results.   If a projection object is selected (check box GetObject), the field is projected before averaging.
    For unstructured coordinates varying for successive fields, the data is linearly interpolated on the coordinates of the first field in the series. It is then advised to project the fields on a regular grid, creating a projection object of type 'plane' with projection mode 'interp'.
    With a projection object with title PATCH, the global histogram of field variables on the selected region will be obtained.   

8-4 time_series:

  This action provides a time series of the input field. It is advised to use a POINTS projection object, so the series is limited to the selected points.

8-5 merge_proj: 

    This option allows to merge several field series  in a single one. This is useful to merge fields obtained with different cameras. Select the different series, activating the check box add. In this case, it is generally useful to first interpolate the fields on a single grid. For that purpose select the check box GetObject, creating a projection object of type 'plane' with projection mode 'interp'.
    Since the different views have their own calibration, it is important to use the option 'phys' (menu menu_coord), and to create the grid in phys coordinates.

8-6 more...:

This action calls any user defined function by its name, acting on the series of fields defiend for ACTION.
Some examples of usr_defined functions are in the subdirectory UVMAT/USR_FCT.

List of available functions:
-sub_background: used to removed a mean background to the images. This is useful before CIV processing when some fiked features are visible in the background (when the laser sheet is close to the bottom).

To update (**):
-uvprofile: calculate the mean velocity profile and Reynolds stress u'v' along a band, averaged over the series of fields.
-view_ima3D: provides a perspective view of a 3D image defined by a series of slice 2D images. The isosurfaces of the scalar field are represented.
-part_stat: count particles and provides their density and luminosity histogramm

Peaklocking errors:(to update **)

By selecting the press button 'peaklocking' on the 'plotgraph' interface, you smooth the current velocity histograms while preserving its integral over each unity (in pixels). This appears in red. Then an estimate of the peaklocking error is obtained by comparing the initial histogram to the smooth one.

9 The GUI editxml.fig:

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    This GUI editxml.fig visualises xml files. It is automatically called by the browser of uvmat when a file .xml is opened.
    When an input file is opened, editxml detects the title key, e.g. ImaDoc, and looks for the corresponding xml schema (e.g. ImaDoc.xsd ). This schema is sought  in the directory defined by <SchemaPath> in the installation file PARAM_LINUX or PARAM_WIN of uvmat. If the schema is fund, the hierarchical structure and keys given by the schema are diplayed.  Otherwise the  keys of the xml file are displayed.
    Simple elements in the xml file  are listed in the forme 'key'='value', and the corresponding attributes are shown in green. Comments from the schema are dispalyed in blue. Complex elements are indicated by '+'. Selecting them on the list gives access to the lower hierarchical level.  Press the  arrow '<---' to move back upward in the hierarchy.
     Manual editing of element value is possible. Select the element and use the lower edit box. This edit box transforms in a menu when a preselected list of allowed input values has been set by the schema.

10 Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV)

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10-1 Civ operations:

The civ.fig interface processing can be directly opened by the 'civ' command on the Matlab prompt. Then a documentation file (.xml or .civ) should be enter to begin. It can be also opened by uvmat, activating the pusch button civ. With the fields option images it sets the interface at the default starting operation civ1. With the other fields options, it detects the state of processing of the existing NetCDF files, and proposes the next operation (fix1, patch1, civ2...). A third way of opening the interface is just to open the Matlab image (.fig file) stored after each processing in the directory of the .civ file. Then just edit it and run a new calculation.
First check the root name in the top edit box, and the series of fields. Then set the chosen series of operation by the check boxes on the left; The corresponding menus appear.

CIV1: The main parameters is the chosen image pair in the left menu, the size of the correlation box (ibx, iby), the search range defined by its size in pixels (isx, isy) and a systematic shift (shift x,y). The default value 21x21 is generally good, use a larger size for images with few particles, use an elongated box (e.g. 11x41) to optimize the resolution in one direction (for instance in a boundary layer). The search parameters (isx, isy,shift x,y) can be estimated using the press button calcul search range. First introduce the estimated minimum and maximum values of each velocity component u and v. The result depends on the time interval of the image pair. Change the selected image pair if the maximum displacement (ibsx-ibx)/2 is too small (lack of precision) or too large (bad image correlations and risks of faulse vectors). A good typical displacement is 5-10 pixels. A parameter rho controls the smoothing of the image corelation curves used in civ, the default value 1 is generally used.
    The grid determines the central positions of the correlation boxes (in pixels). A default regular grid can be set by the meshes dx and dy (in pixels). A custom grid can be stored in a text file, and selected by the GET_GRID push button. This is convenient to limitate the processing to a subregion or to fine tune the resolution. See the site http://www.civproject.org/documentation for the file format. The function MISC_FCT/makegrid.m in UVMAT creates an example. An alternating way to select a subregion is to use a mask image. If a mask image with an appropriate name is found in the image directory, it wil be detected by the pushbutton GET_MASK, and the indication xxmask appears in the edit box. (xx is the number of slices, equal to 1 for a single mask).  Finally thresholds on image intensity can be introduced to suppress underexposed or overexposed parts of the image: select the check box ImaThresh ('THRESH'), and edit the boxes MinIma and MaxIma which then appear.
    The velocity results are stored in the subdirectory set by SUBDIR_CIV1.

FIX1: used after civ1 to remove some false vectors using different criteria. Use generally the default options on vec_F. A threshold on the image correlation values (vec_C) can be introduced. Use first a small threshold 0.2, look at the resulting fields, by looking at red vectors in the view_field menu. If many red vectors appear, redo the fix operation with a higher threshold. A threshold on the velocity values can be also introduced: erratic zero velocity vectors can be indeed produced by a fixed image background. A mask image can be also introduced. It has the same effect as the one used in civ1, but the removed vectors are kept in memory, and labelled as false.
With a civ field selected and a second field, for instance filter, you can remove all vectors whose difference with the second field exceeds a threshold.
Interactive fixing with the mouse is also possible, see section 3.2, but it is not recommended.

PATCH1: interpolates the velocity values on a regular grid with a smoothing parameter rho. This also provides the spatial derivatives (vorticity, divergence) needed for the refined processing civ2. The numbers of grid points in x and y are set by nx and ny. The vectors which are too far from the smoothed field (erratic vectors) can be eliminated, using a threshold expressed in pixel displacement. The thin plate spline method must be done by subdomains for computational saving, use the default value 300.

CIV2: provides a refined calculation of the velocity field, using the civ1 result as previous estimate. The search range is determined by the civ1 field so there is no parameter. Use the option decimal shift to reduce peaklocking effects (advised). The option deformation is useful in the presence of strong shear or vorticity. Then image deformation and rotation is introduced before calculating the correlations. The other parameters (rho, ibx,iby, grid, mask) are used like for civ1 (take the same by default). The image pair for civ2 can be different than the one used in civ1 to get the first estimate. It is generally advised to use a moderate time interval for civ1, to avoid false vectors, and to take a larger intervel for civ2, in order to optimize precision. As civ2 already knows where to look and takes into account image strain and rotation (with the option deformation) it allows for higher time intervals.

FIX2: like FIX1, except for the different flags vec_F provided by civ2. Use the default options.


Further iterations: improvements can be obtained by further iterations of the civ2-fix2-patch2 process. Open again the interface, and consider the previous civ2 result as the prior guess civ1. It will be recopied and relabelled as civ1 in the new NetCDF file produced.

10-2 Codes for vector flags:

Code for vec_F:

10-3 RUN and BATCH: 

    RUN controls the computation from the Matlab window, which you cannot use until the computations are finished, while BATCH sends the same computations as background computing tasks in the network. In the first option, the civ1 computations are first perfomed fo all the fields, then the fix1, then the patch1.... In the batch option, the whole series of computations is performed for the first field, and then repeated for each successive field.
    In both cases, the status of the computations can be checked by opening .cmx and .log files, using the uvmat browser or any text editor. These files are writtent in the same subdirectory as the NetCDF result files. Each .cmx file contains the set of parameters used for a civ computation. It is written by the civ interface just before ordering the computations. By contrast , the .log file is produced after completion of the computations, and it contains some information on the process, including possibly error messages.

10-4 Displacement between two image series:  

    This can be useful for steroscopic view, or to compare series of images to a reference, to measure displacement rather than velocity.  For that purpose select the check box compare ( '-' )on the top left, and browse the second file, or edit manually the edit boxes displ_filebase and displ_filebase_1.
    Then select the option 'displacement'. A file with recognized indexing will be varied with the same index in each series (appropiate for stereo view), while a second file with no index will remain unchanged (approprite for a fixed reference).

10-5 Stereoscopic PIV:

To obtain the three velocity components in a plane with stereoscopic PIV, use the following procedure:

Install two cameras viewing a common field with angle about 45 ° on each side. A system of titled objective lenses (Sheimpflug) allows to optimize the focus in the whole image. 

Make a careful geometric calibration, by taking the images of a grid positioned in the plane of the laser sheet used for particle illumination. Introduce a Tsai calibration with the calibration tool associated with the  image acquisition software Acquix. Calibration can be adjusted with the uvmat interface (see calibration).
    This calibration model is valid in air or with an interface air-water perpendicular to the line of sight for each camera. Otherwise, the calibration problem is more complex.

Perform usual PIV for each image series:
    The images from each camera (camA and camB) must be in the same directory and the PIV results in a single subdirectory. It is advised to do the successive operations including civ2 and fix2. This double series of PIV processing can be done in two steps (keeping the same CIV subdirectory) or simulatenously, using the compare ('-') option.  Then the check boxed test_stereo1 and test_stereo2 in the PATCH1 and PATCH2 frames must be unselected.
    For PIV near a staigth wall, it is advised to create a grid for each image series, corresponding to a common array of physical positions. This can be done by the pusch button grid in uvmat (bottom right).

Combine PIV fields:  this is done by selecting PATCH1 and  test_stereo1 (at level civ1), or PATCH2 and  test_stereo2 (at level civ2) in the stereo mode (check box compare selected). The resulting fields camA-camB are in physical coordinates. They are final results which cannot be processed for further Civ operations: one must go back to the two image series for that purpose. Note that this stereo combination is only  possible in the RUN mode for the moment (no BATCH)**.

10-6 3D PIV in a volume:(to be implemented**)

11 LIF:(to update **)

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Joel Sommeria 2002-12-04