[925] | 1 | function varargout = add(tree,uid,type,parameter)
| 2 | % XMLTREE/ADD Method (add childs to elements of an XML Tree)
| 3 | % FORMAT vararout = add(tree,uid,type,parameter)
| 4 | %
| 5 | % tree - XMLTree object
| 6 | % uid - array of uid's
| 7 | % type - 'element', 'chardata', 'cdata', 'pi' or 'comment'
| 8 | % parameter - property name (a character array unless type='pi' for
| 9 | % which parameter=struct('target','','value',''))
| 10 | %
| 11 | % new_uid - UID's of the newly created nodes
| 12 | %
| 13 | % tree = add(tree,uid,type,parameter);
| 14 | % [tree, new_uid] = add(tree,uid,type,parameter);
| 15 | %__________________________________________________________________________
| 16 | %
| 17 | % Add a node (element, chardata, cdata, pi or comment) in the XML Tree.
| 18 | % It adds a child to the element whose UID is iud.
| 19 | % Use attributes({'set','get','add','del','length'},...) function to
| 20 | % deal with the attributes of an element node (initialized empty).
| 21 | % The tree parameter must be in input AND in output.
| 22 | %__________________________________________________________________________
| 23 | % Copyright (C) 2002-2011 http://www.artefact.tk/
| 24 |
| 25 | % Guillaume Flandin
| 26 | % $Id: add.m 4460 2011-09-05 14:52:16Z guillaume $
| 27 |
| 28 |
| 29 | if ~isa(uid,'double')
| 30 | error('[XMLTree] UID must be a double array.');
| 31 | end
| 32 | if ~ischar(type)
| 33 | error('[XMLTree] TYPE must be a valid item type.');
| 34 | end
| 35 | if strcmp(type,'pi')
| 36 | if ~isfield(parameter,'target') || ~isfield(parameter,'value') || ...
| 37 | ~ischar(parameter.target) || ~ischar(parameter.value)
| 38 | error(['[XMLTree] For a Processing Instruction, ',...
| 39 | 'PARAMETER must be a struct.']);
| 40 | end
| 41 | elseif ~ischar(parameter)
| 42 | error('[XMLTree] PARAMETER must be a string.');
| 43 | end
| 44 |
| 45 | if nargout == 2
| 46 | l = length(tree.tree);
| 47 | varargout{2} = (l+1):(l+numel(uid));
| 48 | end
| 49 |
| 50 | for i=1:numel(uid)
| 51 | if uid(i)<1 || uid(i)>length(tree.tree)
| 52 | error('[XMLTree] Invalid UID.');
| 53 | end
| 54 | if ~strcmp(tree.tree{uid(i)}.type,'element')
| 55 | error('[XMLTree] Cannot add a child to a non-element node.');
| 56 | end
| 57 | l = length(tree.tree);
| 58 | switch type
| 59 | case 'element'
| 60 | tree.tree{l+1} = struct('type','element',...
| 61 | 'name',parameter,...
| 62 | 'attributes',[],...
| 63 | 'contents',[],...
| 64 | 'parent',[],...
| 65 | 'uid',l+1);
| 66 | case 'chardata'
| 67 | tree.tree{l+1} = struct('type','chardata',...
| 68 | 'value',parameter,...
| 69 | 'parent',[],...
| 70 | 'uid',l+1);
| 71 | case 'cdata'
| 72 | tree.tree{l+1} = struct('type','cdata',...
| 73 | 'value',parameter,...
| 74 | 'parent',[],...
| 75 | 'uid',l+1);
| 76 | case 'pi'
| 77 | tree.tree{l+1} = struct('type','pi',...
| 78 | 'target',parameter.target,...
| 79 | 'value',parameter.value,...
| 80 | 'parent',[],...
| 81 | 'uid',l+1);
| 82 | case 'comment'
| 83 | tree.tree{l+1} = struct('type','comment',...
| 84 | 'value',parameter,...
| 85 | 'parent',[],...
| 86 | 'uid',l+1);
| 87 | otherwise
| 88 | error(sprintf('[XMLTree] %s: unknown item type.',type));
| 89 | end
| 90 | tree.tree{uid(i)}.contents = [tree.tree{uid(i)}.contents l+1];
| 91 | tree.tree{l+1}.parent = uid(i);
| 92 | end
| 93 |
| 94 | varargout{1} = tree;