function child = children(tree,uid) % XMLTREE/CHILDREN Return children's UIDs of node uid % FORMAT child = children(tree,uid) % % tree - a tree % uid - uid of the element % child - array of the UIDs of children of node uid %_______________________________________________________________________ % % Return UID's of children of node uid %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)children.m Guillaume Flandin 02/04/09 error(nargchk(2,2,nargin)); child = []; uid = uid(:); l = length(tree); for i=1:length(uid) if uid(i) > 0 & uid(i) <= l if strcmp(tree.tree{uid(i)}.type,'element') child = [child tree.tree{uid(i)}.contents]; end else error('[XMLTree] Invalid UID.'); end end if isempty(child), child = []; end