function s = convert(tree,uid) % XMLTREE/CONVERT Converter an XML tree in a Matlab structure % % tree - XMLTree object % uid - uid of the root of the subtree, if provided. % Default is root % s - converted structure %_______________________________________________________________________ % % Convert an xmltree into a Matlab structure, when possible. % When several identical tags are present, a cell array is used. % The root tag is not saved in the structure. % If provided, only the structure corresponding to the subtree defined % by the uid UID is returned. %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)convert.m Guillaume Flandin 02/04/11 % Exemple: % tree: field1field2field3 % toto = convert(tree); % <=> toto = struct('titi',{{'field1', 'field3'}},'tutu','field2') error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)); % Get the root uid of the output structure if nargin == 1 % Get the root uid of the XML tree root_uid = root(tree); else % Uid provided by user root_uid = uid; end % Initialize the output structure % struct([]) should be used but this only works with Matlab 6 % So we create a field that we delete at the end %s = struct(get(tree,root_uid,'name'),''); % struct([]) s = struct('deletedummy',''); %s = sub_convert(tree,s,root_uid,{get(tree,root_uid,'name')}); s = sub_convert(tree,s,root_uid,{}); s = rmfield(s,'deletedummy'); %======================================================================= function s = sub_convert(tree,s,uid,arg) type = get(tree,uid,'type'); switch type case 'element' child = children(tree,uid); l = {}; ll = {}; for i=1:length(child) if isfield(tree,child(i),'name') ll = { ll{:}, get(tree,child(i),'name') }; end end for i=1:length(child) if isfield(tree,child(i),'name') name = get(tree,child(i),'name'); nboccur = sum(ismember(l,name)); nboccur2 = sum(ismember(ll,name)); l = { l{:}, name }; if nboccur | (nboccur2>1) arg2 = { arg{:}, name, {nboccur+1} }; else arg2 = { arg{:}, name}; end else arg2 = arg; end s = sub_convert(tree,s,child(i),arg2); end if isempty(child) s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},''); end case 'chardata' s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},get(tree,uid,'value')); case 'cdata' s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},get(tree,uid,'value')); case 'pi' % Processing instructions are evaluated if possible app = get(tree,uid,'target'); switch app case {'matlab',''} s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},eval(get(tree,uid,'value'))); case 'unix' s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},unix(get(tree,uid,'value'))); case 'dos' s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},dos(get(tree,uid,'value'))); case 'system' s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},system(get(tree,uid,'value'))); otherwise try, s = sub_setfield(s,arg{:},feval(app,get(tree,uid,'value'))); catch, warning('[Xmltree/convert] Unknown target application'); end end case 'comment' % Comments are forgotten otherwise warning(sprintf('Type %s unknown : not saved',get(tree,uid,'type'))); end %======================================================================= function s = sub_setfield(s,varargin) % Same as setfield but using '{}' rather than '()' %if (isempty(varargin) | length(varargin) < 2) % error('Not enough input arguments.'); %end subs = varargin(1:end-1); for i = 1:length(varargin)-1 if (isa(varargin{i}, 'cell')) types{i} = '{}'; elseif isstr(varargin{i}) types{i} = '.'; subs{i} = varargin{i}; %strrep(varargin{i},' ',''); % deblank field name else error('Inputs must be either cell arrays or strings.'); end end % Perform assignment try s = builtin('subsasgn', s, struct('type',types,'subs',subs), varargin{end}); catch error(lasterr) end