function tree = copy(tree,subuid,uid) % XMLTREE/COPY Copy Method (copy a subtree in another branch) % FORMAT tree = copy(tree,subuid,uid) % % tree - XMLTree object % subuid - UID of the subtree to copy % uid - UID of the element where the subtree must be duplicated %__________________________________________________________________________ % % Copy a subtree to another branch. % The tree parameter must be in input AND in output. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2002-2015 % Guillaume Flandin % $Id: copy.m 6480 2015-06-13 01:08:30Z guillaume $ %error(nargchk(2,3,nargin)); if nargin == 2 uid = parent(tree,subuid); end l = length(tree); tree = sub_copy(tree,subuid,uid); tree.tree{uid}.contents = [tree.tree{uid}.contents l+1]; % to have the copy next to the original and not at the end? % contents = get(tree,parent,'contents'); % i = find(contents==uid); % tree = set(tree,parent,'contents',[contents(1:i) l+1 contents(i+1:end)]); %========================================================================== function tree = sub_copy(tree,uid,p) l = length(tree); tree.tree{l+1} = tree.tree{uid}; tree.tree{l+1}.uid = l+1; tree.tree{l+1}.parent = p; tree.tree{l+1}.contents = []; if isfield(tree.tree{uid},'contents') contents = get(tree,uid,'contents'); m = length(tree); for i=1:length(contents) tree.tree{l+1}.contents = [tree.tree{l+1}.contents m+1]; tree = sub_copy(tree,contents(i),l+1); m = length(tree); end end