function tree = move(tree,uida, uidb) % XMLTREE/MOVE Move (move a subtree inside a tree from A to B) % % tree - XMLTree object % uida - initial position of the subtree % uidb - parent of the final position of the subtree %__________________________________________________________________________ % % Move a subtree inside a tree from A to B. % The tree parameter must be in input AND in output. %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2002-2015 % Guillaume Flandin % $Id: move.m 6480 2015-06-13 01:08:30Z guillaume $ %error(nargchk(3,3,nargin)); p = tree.tree{uida}.parent; tree.tree{p}.contents(find(tree.tree{p}.contents==uida)) = []; tree.tree(uidb).contents = [tree.tree(uidb).contents uida];