function tree = xml_parser(xmlstr) % XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Processor % FORMAT tree = xml_parser(xmlstr) % % xmlstr - XML string to parse % tree - tree structure corresponding to the XML file %_______________________________________________________________________ % % xml_parser.m is an XML 1.0 ( parser % written in Matlab. It aims to be fully conforming. It is currently not % a validating XML processor. % % A description of the tree structure provided in output is detailed in % the header of this m-file. %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)xml_parser.m Guillaume Flandin 2002/04/04 % XML Processor for MATLAB (The Mathworks, Inc.). % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Guillaume Flandin % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation Inc, 59 Temple Pl. - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Suggestions for improvement and fixes are always welcome, although no % guarantee is made whether and when they will be implemented. % Send requests to % Check also the latest developments on the following webpage: % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % The implementation of this XML parser is much inspired from a % Javascript parser available at % A mex-file xml_findstr.c is also required, to encompass some % limitations of the built-in findstr Matlab function. % Compile it on your architecture using 'mex -O xml_findstr.c' command % if the compiled version for your system is not provided. % If this function behaves badly (crash or wrong results), comment the % line '#define __HACK_MXCHAR__' in xml_findstr.c and compile it again. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Structure of the output tree: % There are 5 types of nodes in an XML file: element, chardata, cdata, % pi and comment. % Each of them contains an UID (Unique Identifier): an integer between % 1 and the number of nodes of the XML file. % % element (a tag [contents] % |_ type: 'element' % |_ name: string % |_ attributes: cell array of struct 'key' and 'value' or [] % |_ contents: double array of uid's or [] if empty % |_ parent: uid of the parent ([] if root) % |_ uid: double % % chardata (a character array) % |_ type: 'chardata' % |_ value: string % |_ parent: uid of the parent % |_ uid: double % % cdata (a litteral string ) % |_ type: 'cdata' % |_ value: string % |_ parent: uid of the parent % |_ uid: double % % pi (a processing instruction ) % |_ type: 'pi' % |_ target: string (may be empty) % |_ value: string % |_ parent: uid of the parent % |_ uid: double % % comment (a comment ) % |_ type: 'comment' % |_ value: string % |_ parent: uid of the parent % |_ uid: double % %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % TODO/BUG/FEATURES: % - [compile] only a warning if TagStart is empty ? % - [attribution] should look for " and ' rather than only " % - [main] with normalize as a preprocessing, CDATA are modified % - [prolog] look for a DOCTYPE in the whole string even if it occurs % only in a far CDATA tag, bug even if the doctype is inside a comment % - [tag_element] erode should replace normalize here % - remove globals? uppercase globals rather persistent (clear mfile)? % - xml_findstr is indeed xml_strfind according to Mathworks vocabulary % - problem with entities: do we need to convert them here? (é) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %- XML string to parse and number of tags read global xmlstring Xparse_count xtree; %- Check input arguments error(nargchk(1,1,nargin)); if isempty(xmlstr) error('[XML] Not enough parameters.') elseif ~isstr(xmlstr) | sum(size(xmlstr)>1)>1 error('[XML] Input must be a string.') end %- Initialize number of tags (<=> uid) Xparse_count = 0; %- Remove prolog and white space characters from the XML string xmlstring = normalize(prolog(xmlstr)); %- Initialize the XML tree xtree = {}; tree = fragment; tree.str = 1; tree.parent = 0; %- Parse the XML string tree = compile(tree); %- Return the XML tree tree = xtree; %- Remove global variables from the workspace clear global xmlstring Xparse_count xtree; %======================================================================= % SUBFUNCTIONS %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function frag = compile(frag) global xmlstring xtree Xparse_count; while 1, if length(xmlstring)<=frag.str | ... (frag.str == length(xmlstring)-1 & strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str:end),' ')) return end TagStart = xml_findstr(xmlstring,'<',frag.str,1); if isempty(TagStart) %- Character data error(sprintf(['[XML] Unknown data at the end of the XML file.\n' ... ' Please send me your XML file at'])); xtree{Xparse_count} = chardata; xtree{Xparse_count}.value = erode(entity(xmlstring(frag.str:end))); xtree{Xparse_count}.parent = frag.parent; xtree{frag.parent}.contents = [xtree{frag.parent}.contents Xparse_count]; frag.str = ''; elseif TagStart > frag.str if strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str:TagStart-1),' ') %- A single white space before a tag (ignore) frag.str = TagStart; else %- Character data xtree{Xparse_count} = chardata; xtree{Xparse_count}.value = erode(entity(xmlstring(frag.str:TagStart-1))); xtree{Xparse_count}.parent = frag.parent; xtree{frag.parent}.contents = [xtree{frag.parent}.contents Xparse_count]; frag.str = TagStart; end else if strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str+1),'?') %- Processing instruction frag = tag_pi(frag); else if length(xmlstring)-frag.str>4 & strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str+1:frag.str+3),'!--') %- Comment frag = tag_comment(frag); else if length(xmlstring)-frag.str>9 & strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str+1:frag.str+8),'![CDATA[') %- Litteral data frag = tag_cdata(frag); else %- A tag element (empty (<.../>) or not) if ~isempty(frag.end) endmk = ['/' frag.end '>']; else endmk = '/>'; end if strcmp(xmlstring(frag.str+1:frag.str+length(frag.end)+2),endmk) | ... strcmp(strip(xmlstring(frag.str+1:frag.str+length(frag.end)+2)),endmk) frag.str = frag.str + length(frag.end)+3; return else frag = tag_element(frag); end end end end end end %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function frag = tag_element(frag) global xmlstring xtree Xparse_count; close = xml_findstr(xmlstring,'>',frag.str,1); if isempty(close) error('[XML] Tag < opened but not closed.'); else empty = strcmp(xmlstring(close-1:close),'/>'); if empty close = close - 1; end starttag = normalize(xmlstring(frag.str+1:close-1)); nextspace = xml_findstr(starttag,' ',1,1); attribs = ''; if isempty(nextspace) name = starttag; else name = starttag(1:nextspace-1); attribs = starttag(nextspace+1:end); end xtree{Xparse_count} = element; xtree{Xparse_count}.name = strip(name); if frag.parent xtree{Xparse_count}.parent = frag.parent; xtree{frag.parent}.contents = [xtree{frag.parent}.contents Xparse_count]; end if length(attribs) > 0 xtree{Xparse_count}.attributes = attribution(attribs); end if ~empty contents = fragment; contents.str = close+1; contents.end = name; contents.parent = Xparse_count; contents = compile(contents); frag.str = contents.str; else frag.str = close+2; end end %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function frag = tag_pi(frag) global xmlstring xtree Xparse_count; close = xml_findstr(xmlstring,'?>',frag.str,1); if isempty(close) warning('[XML] Tag close | nextspace == frag.str+2 xtree{Xparse_count}.value = erode(xmlstring(frag.str+2:close-1)); else xtree{Xparse_count}.value = erode(xmlstring(nextspace+1:close-1)); xtree{Xparse_count}.target = erode(xmlstring(frag.str+2:nextspace)); end if frag.parent xtree{frag.parent}.contents = [xtree{frag.parent}.contents Xparse_count]; xtree{Xparse_count}.parent = frag.parent; end frag.str = close+2; end %----------------------------------------------------------------------- function frag = tag_comment(frag) global xmlstring xtree Xparse_count; close = xml_findstr(xmlstring,'-->',frag.str,1); if isempty(close) warning('[XML] Tag