1 | %'ListDir': scan the structure of the directory tree (for dataview.m) |
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3 | function [ListDevices,ListRecords,ListXml,List]=ListDir(CurrentPath,ListExperiments,ListDevices_in,ListRecords_in) |
4 | |
5 | ListRecords={}; |
6 | ListDevices={}; |
7 | ListXml={}; |
8 | irecord_tot=0; |
9 | idevice_tot=0; |
10 | ixml_tot=0; |
11 | for iexp=1:length(ListExperiments) |
12 | List.Experiment{iexp}.name=ListExperiments{iexp}; |
13 | hdir=dir(fullfile(CurrentPath,ListExperiments{iexp})); |
14 | idevice=0; |
15 | for isub=1:length(hdir)% scan the sub-directories of the current experiment |
16 | if hdir(isub).isdir |
17 | name=hdir(isub).name;%name of the current device |
18 | if ~isequal(name(1),'.')% subdirectory of the current experiment |
19 | [testnew,testselect]=test_select(name,ListDevices,ListDevices_in); |
20 | if testselect |
21 | idevice=idevice+1; |
22 | List.Experiment{iexp}.Device{idevice}.name=name; |
23 | if testnew |
24 | idevice_tot=idevice_tot+1; |
25 | ListDevices{idevice_tot}=name; |
26 | end |
27 | CurrentDevice=fullfile(CurrentPath,ListExperiments{iexp},name); |
28 | hsubxml=dir(fullfile(CurrentDevice,'*.xml'));%look at xml files in the subdirectory of the current device |
29 | if isempty(hsubxml) % the subdirectory of the current device contains directories 'Record'' |
30 | hsubdir=dir(fullfile(CurrentPath,ListExperiments{iexp},name));%list what is inside the directory 'Device' |
31 | irecord=0; |
32 | for isubsub=1:length(hsubdir)% subdirectories of the current device |
33 | if hsubdir(isubsub).isdir |
34 | RecordName=hsubdir(isubsub).name; |
35 | if ~isequal(RecordName(1),'.') |
36 | [testnew,testselect]=test_select(RecordName,ListRecords,ListRecords_in); |
37 | if testselect |
38 | if testnew |
39 | irecord_tot=irecord_tot+1; |
40 | ListRecords{irecord_tot}=RecordName; |
41 | end |
42 | irecord=irecord+1; |
43 | List.Experiment{iexp}.Device{idevice}.Record{irecord}.name=RecordName; |
44 | hsubsubxml=dir(fullfile(CurrentDevice,RecordName,'*.xml'));% |
45 | for ixml=1:length(hsubsubxml) |
46 | XmlName=hsubsubxml(ixml).name; |
47 | List.Experiment{iexp}.Device{idevice}.Record{irecord}.xmlfile{ixml}=XmlName; |
48 | testnew=test_select(XmlName,ListXml,{}); |
49 | if testnew |
50 | ixml_tot=ixml_tot+1; |
51 | ListXml{ixml_tot}=XmlName; |
52 | end |
53 | end |
54 | end |
55 | end |
56 | end |
57 | end |
58 | else |
59 | for ixml=1:length(hsubxml) |
60 | XmlName=hsubxml(ixml).name; |
61 | List.Experiment{iexp}.Device{idevice}.xmlfile{ixml}=XmlName; |
62 | testnew=test_select(XmlName,ListXml,{}); |
63 | if testnew |
64 | ixml_tot=ixml_tot+1; |
65 | ListXml{ixml_tot}=XmlName; |
66 | end |
67 | end |
68 | end |
69 | end |
70 | end |
71 | end |
72 | end |
73 | end |
74 | |
75 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
76 | function [testnew,testselect]=test_select(name,ListDevices,ListDevices_in) |
77 | if ~isempty(ListDevices_in) |
78 | testnew=0; |
79 | testselect=0; |
80 | for ilist=1:length(ListDevices_in) |
81 | if isequal(name,ListDevices_in{ilist}) |
82 | testnew=1; |
83 | testselect=1; |
84 | break |
85 | end |
86 | end |
87 | else |
88 | testnew=1; |
89 | testselect=1; |
90 | end |
91 | if testnew |
92 | for ilist=1:length(ListDevices) |
93 | if isequal(name,ListDevices{ilist}) |
94 | testnew=0; |
95 | break |
96 | end |
97 | end |
98 | end |