1 | %'RUN_FIX': function for fixing velocity fields:
2 | %-----------------------------------------------
3 | % RUN_FIX(filename,field,flagindex,thresh_vecC,thresh_vel,iter,flag_mask,maskname,fileref,fieldref)
4 | %
5 | %filename: name of the netcdf file (used as input and output)
6 | %field: structure specifying the names of the fields to fix (depending on civ1 or civ2)
7 | %.vel_type='civ1' or 'civ2';
8 | %.nb=name of the dimension common to the field to fix ('nb_vectors' for civ1);
9 | %.fixflag=name of fix flag variable ('vec_FixFlag' for civ1)
10 | %flagindex: flag specifying which values of vec_f are removed:
11 | % if flagindex(1)=1: vec_f=-2 vectors are removed
12 | % if flagindex(2)=1: vec_f=3 vectors are removed
13 | % if flagindex(3)=1: vec_f=2 vectors are removed (if iter=1) or vec_f=4 vectors are removed (if iter=2)
14 | %iter=1 for civ1 fields and iter=2 for civ2 fields
15 | %thresh_vecC: threshold in the image correlation vec_C
16 | %flag_mask: =1 mask used to remove vectors (0 else)
17 | %maskname: name of the mask image file for fix
18 | %thresh_vel: threshold on velocity, or on the difference with the reference file fileref if exists
19 | %inf_sup=1: remove values smaller than threshold thresh_vel, =2, larger than threshold
20 | %fileref: .nc file name for a reference velocity (='': refrence 0 used)
21 | %fieldref: 'civ1','filter1'...feld used in fileref
22 |
23 | function error=RUN_FIX(filename,field,flagindex,iter,thresh_vecC,flag_mask,maskname,thresh_vel,inf_sup,fileref,fieldref)
24 | error=[]; %default
25 | vel_type{1}=field.vel_type;
26 | %check writing access
27 | [errorread,message]=fileattrib(filename);
28 | if ~isempty(message) && ~isequal(message.UserWrite,1)
29 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no writting access to ' filename ' (RUN_FIX.m)']);
30 | return
31 | end
32 | Field=read_civxdata(filename,'ima_cor',field.vel_type);
33 | if isfield(Field,'Txt')
34 | error=Field.Txt; %error in reading
35 | return
36 | end
37 |
38 | if ~isfield(Field,'X') || ~isfield(Field,'Y') || ~isfield(Field,'U') || ~isfield(Field,'V')
39 | error=['input file ' filename ' does not contain vectors in RUN_FIX.m']; %bad input file
40 | return
41 | end
42 | if ~isfield(Field,'C')
43 | Field.C=ones(size(Field.X));%correlation=1 by default
44 | end
45 | if ~isfield(Field,'F')
46 | Field.F=ones(size(Field.X));%warning flag=1 by default
47 | end
48 | if ~isfield(Field,'FF')
49 | Field.FF=zeros(size(Field.X));%fixflag=0 by default
50 | end
51 |
52 | vec_f_unit=abs(Field.F)-10*double(uint16(abs(Field.F)/10)); %unityterm of vec_F in abs value
53 | vec_f_sign=sign(Field.F).*vec_f_unit;% gives the unity digit of vec_f with correct sign
54 | flag1=(flagindex(1)==1)&(vec_f_sign==-2);%removed vectors vec_f=-2
55 | flag2=(flagindex(2)==1)&(vec_f_sign==3);%removed vectors vec_f=3
56 | if iter==1
57 | flag3=(flagindex(3)==1)&(vec_f_sign==2); % Hart vectors
58 | elseif iter==2
59 | flag3=(flagindex(3)==1)&(vec_f_sign==4); %
60 | end
61 | flag4=(Field.C < thresh_vecC)&(flag1~=1)&(flag2~=1)&(flag3~=1); % =1 for low vec_C vectors not previously removed
62 |
63 | % criterium on velocity values
64 | delta_u=Field.U;%default without ref file
65 | delta_v=Field.V;
66 | if exist('fileref','var') && ~isempty(fileref)
67 | if ~exist(fileref,'file')
68 | error='reference file not found in RUN_FIX.m';
69 | display(error);
70 | return
71 | end
72 | FieldRef=read_civxdata(fileref,[],fieldref);
73 | if isfield(FieldRef,'FF')
74 | index_true=find(FieldRef.FF==0);
75 | FieldRef.X=FieldRef.X(index_true);
76 | FieldRef.Y=FieldRef.Y(index_true);
77 | FieldRef.U=FieldRef.U(index_true);
78 | FieldRef.V=FieldRef.V(index_true);
79 | end
80 | if ~isfield(FieldRef,'X') || ~isfield(FieldRef,'Y') || ~isfield(FieldRef,'U') || ~isfield(FieldRef,'V')
81 | error='reference file is not a velocity field in RUN_FIX.m '; %bad input file
82 | return
83 | end
84 | if length(FieldRef.X)<=1
85 | errordlg('reference field with one vector or less in RUN_FIX.m')
86 | return
87 | end
88 | vec_U_ref=griddata_uvmat(FieldRef.X,FieldRef.Y,FieldRef.U,Field.X,Field.Y); %interpolate vectors in the ref field
89 | vec_V_ref=griddata_uvmat(FieldRef.X,FieldRef.Y,FieldRef.V,Field.X,Field.Y); %interpolate vectors in the ref field to the positions of the main field
90 | delta_u=Field.U-vec_U_ref;%take the difference with the interpolated ref field
91 | delta_v=Field.V-vec_V_ref;
92 | end
93 | thresh_vel_x=thresh_vel;
94 | thresh_vel_y=thresh_vel;
95 | if isequal(inf_sup,1)
96 | flag5=abs(delta_u)<thresh_vel_x & abs(delta_v)<thresh_vel_y &(flag1~=1)&(flag2~=1)&(flag3~=1)&(flag4~=1);
97 | elseif isequal(inf_sup,2)
98 | flag5=(abs(delta_u)>thresh_vel_x | abs(delta_v)>thresh_vel_y) &(flag1~=1)&(flag2~=1)&(flag3~=1)&(flag4~=1);
99 | end
100 |
101 | % flag7 introduce a grey mask, matrix M
102 | if isequal (flag_mask,1)
103 | M=imread(maskname);
104 | nxy=size(M);
105 | M=reshape(M,1,nxy(1)*nxy(2));
106 | rangx0=[0.5 nxy(2)-0.5];
107 | rangy0=[0.5 nxy(1)-0.5];
108 | vec_x1=Field.X-Field.U/2;%beginning points
109 | vec_x2=Field.X+Field.U/2;%end points of vectors
110 | vec_y1=Field.Y-Field.V/2;%beginning points
111 | vec_y2=Field.Y+Field.V/2;%end points of vectors
112 | indx=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(vec_x1-rangx0(1))/(rangx0(2)-rangx0(1)));% image index x at abcissa vec_x
113 | indy=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(vec_y1-rangy0(1))/(rangy0(2)-rangy0(1)));% image index y at ordinate vec_y
114 | test_in=~(indx < 1 |indy < 1 | indx > nxy(2) |indy > nxy(1)); %=0 out of the mask image, 1 inside
115 | indx=indx.*test_in+(1-test_in); %replace indx by 1 out of the mask range
116 | indy=indy.*test_in+(1-test_in); %replace indy by 1 out of the mask range
117 | ICOMB=((indx-1)*nxy(1)+(nxy(1)+1-indy));%determine the indices in the image reshaped in a Matlab vector
118 | Mvalues=M(ICOMB);
119 | flag7b=((20 < Mvalues) & (Mvalues < 200))| ~test_in';
120 | indx=1+round((nxy(2)-1)*(vec_x2-rangx0(1))/(rangx0(2)-rangx0(1)));% image index x at abcissa Field.X
121 | indy=1+round((nxy(1)-1)*(vec_y2-rangy0(1))/(rangy0(2)-rangy0(1)));% image index y at ordinate vec_y
122 | test_in=~(indx < 1 |indy < 1 | indx > nxy(2) |indy > nxy(1)); %=0 out of the mask image, 1 inside
123 | indx=indx.*test_in+(1-test_in); %replace indx by 1 out of the mask range
124 | indy=indy.*test_in+(1-test_in); %replace indy by 1 out of the mask range
125 | ICOMB=((indx-1)*nxy(1)+(nxy(1)+1-indy));%determine the indices in the image reshaped in a Matlab vector
126 | Mvalues=M(ICOMB);
127 | flag7e=((Mvalues > 20) & (Mvalues < 200))| ~test_in';
128 | flag7=(flag7b|flag7e)';
129 | else
130 | flag7=0;
131 | end
132 | flagmagenta=flag1|flag2|flag3|flag4|flag5|flag7;
133 | fixflag_unit=Field.FF-10*floor(Field.FF/10); %unity term of fix_flag
134 |
135 | %write fix flags in the netcdf file
136 | hhh=which('netcdf.open');% look for built-in matlab netcdf library
137 | if ~isequal(hhh,'')% case of new builtin Matlab netcdf library
138 | nc=netcdf.open(filename,'NC_WRITE');
139 | netcdf.reDef(nc)
140 | if iter==1
141 | netcdf.putAtt(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),'fix1',1)
142 | elseif iter==2
143 | netcdf.putAtt(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),'fix2',1)
144 | end
145 | dimid = netcdf.inqDimID(nc,field.nb);
146 | try
147 | varid = netcdf.inqVarID(nc,field.fixflag);% look for already existing fixflag variable
148 | catch
149 | varid=netcdf.defVar(nc,field.fixflag,'double',dimid);%create fixflag variable if it does not exist
150 | end
151 | netcdf.endDef(nc)
152 | netcdf.putVar(nc,varid,fixflag_unit+10*flagmagenta);
153 | netcdf.close(nc)
154 | else %old netcdf library
155 | nc=netcdf(filename,'write'); %open netcdf file for writing
156 | result=redef(nc);
157 | if isempty(result), msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','##Bad redef operation.'),end
158 | if iter==1
159 | nc.fix=1;
160 | elseif iter==2
161 | nc.fix2=1;
162 | end
163 | nc{field.fixflag}=ncfloat(field.nb);
164 | fixflag_unit=Field.FF-10*floor(Field.FF/10); %unity term of fix_flag
165 | nc{field.fixflag}(:)=fixflag_unit+10*flagmagenta;
166 | close(nc);
167 | end