1 | %'RUN_STLIN': combine velocity fields for stereo PIV
2 | % file_A,file_B: input velocity files
3 | %vel_type: string ='civ1' or 'civ2'
4 | function RUN_STLIN(file_A,file_B,vel_type,file_st,nx_patch,ny_patch,thresh_patch,fileAxml,fileBxml)
5 |
6 | [XmlDataA,error]=imadoc2struct(fileAxml);%read xml file associated to image series A
7 | [XmlDataB,error]=imadoc2struct(fileBxml);%read xml file associated to image series B
8 | npxA=[]; npyA=[]; pxB=[]; npyB=[];
9 | if isfield(XmlDataA,'Camera') && isfield(XmlDataB,'Camera')
10 | if isfield(XmlDataA.Camera,'ImageSize')&& isfield(XmlDataB.Camera,'ImageSize')
11 | ImageSizeA=XmlDataA.Camera.ImageSize;
12 | ImageSizeB=XmlDataB.Camera.ImageSize;
13 | if ~isempty(ImageSizeA)&& ~isempty(ImageSizeB)
14 | xindex=findstr(ImageSizeA,'x');
15 | if length(xindex)>=2
16 | npxA=str2num(ImageSizeA(1:xindex(1)-1));
17 | npyA=str2num(ImageSizeA(xindex(1)+1:xindex(2)-1));
18 | end
19 | xindex=findstr(ImageSizeB,'x');
20 | if length(xindex)>=2
21 | npxB=str2num(ImageSizeB(1:xindex(1)-1));
22 | npyB=str2num(ImageSizeB(xindex(1)+1:xindex(2)-1));
23 | end
24 | end
25 | end
26 | end
27 | %%%%%%%% added for Duran
28 | if isfield(XmlDataA,'Npx')&&isfield(XmlDataA,'Npy')&&isfield(XmlDataB,'Npx')&&isfield(XmlDataB,'Npy')
29 | npxA=XmlDataA.Npx;
30 | npyA=XmlDataA.Npy;
31 | npxB=XmlDataB.Npx;
32 | npyB=XmlDataB.Npy;
33 | end
34 | %%%%%%%% added for Duran
35 | if isempty(npxA) ||isempty(npxB)
36 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','The size of image A needs to be defined in the xml file ImaDoc')
37 | return
38 | elseif isempty(npxB) || isempty(npyB)
39 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','The size of image B needs to be defined in the xml file ImaDoc')
40 | return
41 | end
42 | if isfield(XmlDataA,'GeometryCalib')
43 | tsaiA=XmlDataA.GeometryCalib;
44 | else
45 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','no geometric calibration available for image A')
46 | return
47 | end
48 | if isfield(XmlDataB,'GeometryCalib')
49 | tsaiB=XmlDataB.GeometryCalib;
50 | else
51 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','no geometric calibration available for image B')
52 | return
53 | end
54 |
55 | %corners of each image in px coordinates:
56 | cornerA(:,1)=[0 0 npxA npxA]';%x positions
57 | cornerA(:,2)=[0 npyA 0 npyA]';%y positions
58 | cornerB(:,1)=[0 0 npxB npxB]';%x positions
59 | cornerB(:,2)=[0 npyB 0 npyB]';%y positions
60 | %corners of each image in phys coordinates:
61 | [xyA(:,1),xyA(:,2)]=phys_XYZ(tsaiA,cornerA(:,1),cornerA(:,2));
62 | [xyB(:,1),xyB(:,2)]=phys_XYZ(tsaiB,cornerB(:,1),cornerB(:,2));
63 | max_x=max(max(xyA(:,1)),max(xyB(:,1)));%maximum on the 4 corners of the the images
64 | min_x=min(min(xyA(:,1)),min(xyB(:,1)));%minimum on the 4 corners of the the images
65 | max_y=max(max(xyA(:,2)),max(xyB(:,2)));
66 | min_y=min(min(xyA(:,2)),min(xyB(:,2)));
67 | array_realx=[min_x:(max_x-min_x)/(nx_patch-1):max_x];
68 | array_realy=[min_y:(max_y-min_y)/(ny_patch-1):max_y];
69 | [grid_realx,grid_realy]=meshgrid(array_realx,array_realy);
70 | grid_real(:,1)=reshape(grid_realx,nx_patch*ny_patch,1);
71 | grid_real(:,2)=reshape(grid_realy,nx_patch*ny_patch,1);
72 | grid_real(:,3)=zeros(nx_patch*ny_patch,1);
73 | [grid_imaA(:,1),grid_imaA(:,2)]=px_XYZ(tsaiA,grid_real(:,1),grid_real(:,2));
74 | [grid_imaB(:,1),grid_imaB(:,2)]=px_XYZ(tsaiB,grid_real(:,1),grid_real(:,2));
75 |
76 | flagA=grid_imaA(:,1)>0 & grid_imaA(:,1)<npxA & grid_imaA(:,2)>0 & grid_imaA(:,2)<npyA;
77 | flagB=grid_imaB(:,1)>0 & grid_imaB(:,1)<npxB & grid_imaB(:,2)>0 & grid_imaB(:,2)<npyB;
78 | ind_good=find(flagA==1&flagB==1);
79 | XimaA=grid_imaA(ind_good,1);
80 | YimaA=grid_imaA(ind_good,2);
81 | XimaB=grid_imaB(ind_good,1);
82 | YimaB=grid_imaB(ind_good,2);
83 | grid_real_x=grid_real(ind_good,1);
84 | grid_real_y=grid_real(ind_good,2);
85 |
86 | % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
87 | % %read the velocity fields
88 | % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
89 | %read field A
90 | [Field,VelTypeOut]=read_civxdata(file_A,[],vel_type);
91 | %removes false vectors
92 | if isfield(Field,'FF')
93 | Field.X=Field.X(find(Field.FF==0));
94 | Field.Y=Field.Y(find(Field.FF==0));
95 | Field.U=Field.U(find(Field.FF==0));
96 | Field.V=Field.V(find(Field.FF==0));
97 | end
98 | %interpolate on the grid common to both images in phys coordinates
99 | dXa= griddata_uvmat(Field.X,Field.Y,Field.U,XimaA,YimaA);
100 | dYa= griddata_uvmat(Field.X,Field.Y,Field.V,XimaA,YimaA);
101 | dt=Field.dt;
102 | time=Field.Time;
103 |
104 | %read field B
105 | [Field,VelTypeOut]=read_civxdata(file_B,[],vel_type);
106 | if ~isequal(Field.dt,dt)
107 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','different time intervals for the two velocity fields ')
108 | return
109 | end
110 | if ~isequal(Field.Time,time)
111 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','different times for the two velocity fields ')
112 | return
113 | end
114 | %removes false vectors
115 | if isfield(Field,'FF')
116 | Field.X=Field.X(find(Field.FF==0));
117 | Field.Y=Field.Y(find(Field.FF==0));
118 | Field.U=Field.U(find(Field.FF==0));
119 | Field.V=Field.V(find(Field.FF==0));
120 | end
121 | %interpolate on XimaB
122 | dXb=griddata_uvmat(Field.X,Field.Y,Field.U,XimaB,YimaB);
123 | dYb=griddata_uvmat(Field.X,Field.Y,Field.V,XimaB,YimaB);
124 | %eliminate Not-a-Number
125 | ind_Nan=find(and(~isnan(dXa),~isnan(dXb)));
126 | dXa=dXa(ind_Nan);
127 | dYa=dYa(ind_Nan);
128 | dXb=dXb(ind_Nan);
129 | dYb=dYb(ind_Nan);
130 | grid_phys1(:,1)=grid_real_x(ind_Nan);
131 | grid_phys1(:,2)=grid_real_y(ind_Nan);
132 |
133 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
134 | %compute the differential coefficients of the geometric calibration
135 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
136 | [A11,A12,A13,A21,A22,A23]=pxcm_tsai(tsaiA,grid_phys1);
137 | [B11,B12,B13,B21,B22,B23]=pxcm_tsai(tsaiB,grid_phys1);
138 |
139 | C1=A11.*A22-A12.*A21;
140 | C2=A13.*A22-A12.*A23;
141 | C3=A13.*A21-A11.*A23;
142 | D1=B11.*B22-B12.*B21;
143 | D2=B13.*B22-B12.*B23;
144 | D3=B13.*B21-B11.*B23;
145 | A1=(A22.*D1.*(C1.*D3-C3.*D1)+A21.*D1.*(C2.*D1-C1.*D2));
146 | A2=(A12.*D1.*(C3.*D1-C1.*D3)+A11.*D1.*(C1.*D2-C2.*D1));
147 | B1=(B22.*C1.*(C3.*D1-C1.*D3)+B21.*C1.*(C1.*D2-C2.*D1));
148 | B2=(B12.*C1.*(C1.*D3-C3.*D1)+B11.*C1.*(C2.*D1-C1.*D2));
149 | Lambda=(A1.*dXa+A2.*dYa+B1.*dXb+B2.*dYb)./(A1.*A1+A2.*A2+B1.*B1+B2.*B2);
150 |
151 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
152 | %Projection for compatible displacements
153 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
154 | Ua=dXa-Lambda.*A1;
155 | Va=dYa-Lambda.*A2;
156 | Ub=dXb-Lambda.*B1;
157 | Vb=dYb-Lambda.*B2;
158 |
159 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
160 | %Calculations of displacements and error
161 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
162 | U=(A22.*D2.*Ua-A12.*D2.*Va-B22.*C2.*Ub+B12.*C2.*Vb)./(C1.*D2-C2.*D1);
163 | V=(A21.*D3.*Ua-A11.*D3.*Va-B21.*C3.*Ub+B11.*C3.*Vb)./(C3.*D1-C1.*D3);
164 | W=(A22.*D1.*Ua-A12.*D1.*Va-B22.*C1.*Ub+B12.*C1.*Vb)./(C2.*D1-C1.*D2);
165 | W1=(-A21.*D1.*Ua+A11.*D1.*Va+B21.*C1.*Ub-B11.*C1.*Vb)./(C1.*D3-C3.*D1);
166 |
167 | error=sqrt((A1.*dXa+A2.*dYa+B1.*dXb+B2.*dYb).*(A1.*dXa+A2.*dYa+B1.*dXb+B2.*dYb)./(A1.*A1+A2.*A2+B1.*B1+B2.*B2));
168 |
169 | ind_error=(find(error<thresh_patch));
170 | U=U(ind_error);
171 | V=V(ind_error);
172 | W=W(ind_error);%correction for water interface
173 | error=error(ind_error);
174 |
175 | %create nc grid file
176 | Result.ListGlobalAttribute={'nb_coord','nb_dim','constant_pixcm','absolut_time_T0','hart','dt','civ'};
177 | Result.nb_coord=3;%grid file, no velocity
178 | Result.nb_dim=2;
179 | Result.constant_pixcm=0;%no linear correspondance with images
180 | Result.absolut_time_T0=time;%absolute time of the field
181 | Result.hart=0;
182 | Result.dt=dt;%time interval for image correlation (put by default)
183 | % cte.title='grid';
184 | Result.civ=0;%not a civ file (no direct correspondance with an image)
185 | % Result.ListDimName={'nb_vectors'}
186 | % Result.DimValue=length(U);
187 | Result.ListVarName={'vec_X','vec_Y','vec_U','vec_V','vec_W','vec_E'};
188 | Result.VarDimName={'nb_vectors','nb_vectors','nb_vectors','nb_vectors','nb_vectors','nb_vectors'}
189 | Result.vec_X= grid_phys1(ind_error,1);
190 | Result.vec_Y= grid_phys1(ind_error,2);
191 | Result.vec_U=U/dt;
192 | Result.vec_V=V/dt;
193 | Result.vec_W=W/dt;
194 | Result.vec_E=error;
195 | % error=write_netcdf(file_st,cte,fieldlabels,grid_phys);
196 | error=struct2nc(file_st,Result);
197 | display([file_st ' written'])
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 | %'pxcm_tsai': find differentials of the Tsai calibration
202 | function [A11,A12,A13,A21,A22,A23]=pxcm_tsai(a,var_phys)
203 | R=(a.R)';
204 |
205 | x=var_phys(:,1);
206 | y=var_phys(:,2);
207 |
208 | if isfield(a,'PlanePos')
209 | prompt={'Plane 1 Index','Plane 2 Index'};
210 | Rep=inputdlg(prompt,'Target displacement test');
211 | Z1=str2double(Rep(1));
212 | Z2=str2double(Rep(2));
213 | z=(a.PlanePos(Z2,3)+a.PlanePos(Z1,3))/2
214 | else
215 | z=0;
216 | end
217 |
218 | %transform coeff for differentiels
219 | a.C11=R(1)*R(8)-R(2)*R(7);
220 | a.C12=R(2)*R(7)-R(1)*R(8);
221 | a.C21=R(4)*R(8)-R(5)*R(7);
222 | a.C22=R(5)*R(7)-R(4)*R(8);
223 | a.C1x=R(3)*R(7)-R(9)*R(1);
224 | a.C1y=R(3)*R(8)-R(9)*R(2);
225 | a.C2x=R(6)*R(7)-R(9)*R(4);
226 | a.C2y=R(6)*R(8)-R(9)*R(5);
227 |
228 | % %dependence in x,y
229 | % denom=(R(7)*x+R(8)*y+R(9)*z+a.Tz).*(R(7)*x+R(8)*y+R(9)*z+a.Tz);
230 | % A11=(a.f*a.sx*(a.C11*y-a.C1x*z+R(1)*a.Tz-R(7)*a.Tx)./denom)/a.dpx;
231 | % A12=(a.f*a.sx*(a.C12*x-a.C1y*z+R(2)*a.Tz-R(8)*a.Tx)./denom)/a.dpx;
232 | % A21=(a.f*a.sx*(a.C21*y-a.C2x*z+R(4)*a.Tz-R(7)*a.Ty)./denom)/a.dpy;
233 | % A22=(a.f*(a.C22*x-a.C2y*z+R(5)*a.Tz-R(8)*a.Ty)./denom)/a.dpy;
234 | % A13=(a.f*(a.C1x*x+a.C1y*y+R(3)*a.Tz-R(9)*a.Tx)./denom)/a.dpx;
235 | % A23=(a.f*(a.C2x*x+a.C2y*y+R(6)*a.Tz-R(9)*a.Ty)./denom)/a.dpy;
236 |
237 | %dependence in x,y
238 | denom=(R(7)*x+R(8)*y+R(9)*z+a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)).*(R(7)*x+R(8)*y+R(9)*z+a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3));
239 | A11=(a.fx_fy(1)*(a.C11*y-a.C1x*z+R(1)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(7)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(1))./denom);
240 | A12=(a.fx_fy(1)*(a.C12*x-a.C1y*z+R(2)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(8)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(1))./denom);
241 | A21=(a.fx_fy(1)*(a.C21*y-a.C2x*z+R(4)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(7)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(2))./denom);
242 | A22=(a.fx_fy(2)*(a.C22*x-a.C2y*z+R(5)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(8)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(2))./denom);
243 | A13=(a.fx_fy(2)*(a.C1x*x+a.C1y*y+R(3)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(9)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(1))./denom);
244 | A23=(a.fx_fy(2)*(a.C2x*x+a.C2y*y+R(6)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(3)-R(9)*a.Tx_Ty_Tz(2))./denom);
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |