1 | %'calc_field': defines fields (velocity, vort, div...) OBSOLETE: fusionner
2 | %avec calc_field_interp et calc_field_tps
3 | %---------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | % [DataOut,errormsg]=calc_field(FieldList,DataIn,Coord_interp)
5 | %
6 | % OUTPUT:
7 | % Scal: matlab vector representing the scalar values (length nbvec defined by var_read)
8 | % if no input, Scal=list of programmed scalar names (to put in menus)
9 | % if only the field name is put as input, vec_A=type of scalar, which can be:
10 | % 'discrete': related to the individual velocity vectors, not interpolated by patch
11 | % 'vel': scalar calculated solely from velocity components
12 | % 'der': needs spatial derivatives
13 | % 'var': the scalar name directly corresponds to a field name in the netcdf files
14 | % error: error flag
15 | % error = 0; OK
16 | % error = 1; the prescribed scalar cannot be read or calculated from available fields
17 | %
18 | % INPUT:
19 | % FieldList: cell array of strings representing the name(s) of the field(s) to calculate
20 | % DataIn: structure representing the field, as defined in check_field_srtructure.m
21 | % Coord_interp(:,nb_coord) optional set of coordinates to interpolate the field (use with thin plate shell)
22 | %
23 | % FUNCTION related
24 | % varname_generator.m: determines the field names to read in the netcdf
25 | % file, depending on the scalar
26 | function [FieldOptions,ColorList]=calc_field
27 | %function [DataOut,errormsg]=calc_field(FieldList,DataIn,Coord_interp)
28 |
29 | %list of defined scalars to display in menus (in addition to 'ima_cor').
30 | % a type is associated to each scalar:
31 | % 'discrete': related to the individual velocity vectors, not interpolated by patch
32 | % 'vel': calculated from velocity components, continuous field (interpolated with velocity)
33 | % 'der': needs spatial derivatives
34 | % 'var': the scalar name corresponds to a field name in the netcdf files
35 | % a specific variable name for civ1 and civ2 fields are also associated, if
36 | % the scalar is calculated from other fields, as explicited below
37 |
38 | %% list of field options implemented
39 | FieldOptions={'vec(U,V)';...%image correlation corresponding to a vel vector
40 | 'C';...%image correlation corresponding to a vel vector
41 | 'norm(U,V)';...%norm of the velocity
42 | 'curl(U,V)';...%vorticity
43 | 'div(U,V)';...%divergence
44 | 'strain(U,V)';...%rate of strain
45 | 'U';... %u velocity component
46 | 'V';... %v velocity component
47 | 'W';... %w velocity component
48 | 'W_normal';... %w velocity component normal to the plane
49 | 'error'}; %error associated to a vector (for stereo or patch)
50 | ColorList={'C';...%image correlation corresponding to a vel vector
51 | 'norm(U,V)';...%norm of the velocity
52 | 'U';... %u velocity component
53 | 'V';... %v velocity component
54 | }
55 | % errormsg=[]; %default error message
56 | % if ~exist('FieldList','var')
57 | % DataOut=FieldOptions;% gives the list of possible field inputs in the absence of input
58 | % return
59 | % end
60 | return
61 | %% check input
62 | if ~exist('DataIn','var')
63 | DataIn=[];
64 | end
65 | if ischar(FieldList)
66 | FieldList={FieldList};%convert a string input to a cell with one string element
67 | end
68 | check_grid=0;
69 | check_der=0;
70 | check_calc=ones(size(FieldList));
71 | for ilist=1:length(FieldList)
72 | switch FieldList{ilist}
73 | case {'u','v','velocity','norm_vel','ima_cor'}
74 | check_grid=1;% needs a regular grid
75 | case{'vort','div','strain'}% needs spatial derivatives spatial derivatives
76 | check_der=1;
77 | % case {'velocity','norm_vel','ima_cor'};
78 | otherwise
79 | check_calc(ilist)=0;
80 | end
81 | end
82 | FieldList=FieldList(check_calc==1);
83 | if isfield(DataIn,'Z')&& isequal(size(DataIn.Z),size(DataIn.X))
84 | nbcoord=3;
85 | else
86 | nbcoord=2;
87 | end
88 | ListVarName={};
89 | ValueList={};
90 | RoleList={};
91 | units_cell={};
92 |
93 | %% reproduce global attributes
94 | DataOut.ListGlobalAttribute=DataIn.ListGlobalAttribute;
95 | for ilist=1:numel(DataOut.ListGlobalAttribute)
96 | DataOut.(DataOut.ListGlobalAttribute{ilist})=DataIn.(DataIn.ListGlobalAttribute{ilist});
97 | end
98 |
99 | %% interpolation with new civ data
100 | [CellVarIndex,NbDimVec,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(DataIn);
101 | icell_tps=[];
102 | for icell=1:numel(CellVarIndex)
103 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell};
104 | if NbDimVec(icell)>=2 && ~isempty(VarType.subrange_tps)
105 | icell_tps=[icell_tps icell];
106 | end
107 | end
108 |
109 | %if isfield(DataIn,'SubRange') && isfield(DataIn,'Coord_tps') && (exist('Coord_interp','var') || check_grid ||check_der)
110 | if ~isempty(icell_tps)
111 | %create a default grid if needed
112 | if ~exist('Coord_interp','var')
113 | for ind=1:numel(icell_tps)
114 | SubRange=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell_tps(ind)}.subrange_tps});
115 | XMax(ind)=max(max(SubRange(1,:,:)));% extrema of the coordinates
116 | YMax(ind)=max(max(SubRange(2,:,:)));
117 | XMin(ind)=min(min(SubRange(1,:,:)));
118 | YMin(ind)=min(min(SubRange(2,:,:)));
119 | end
120 | XMax=max(XMax);
121 | YMax=max(YMax);
122 | XMin=min(XMin);
123 | YMin=min(YMin);
124 | if ~isfield(DataIn,'CoordMesh')
125 | DataIn.Coord
126 | Mesh=sqrt(2*(XMax-XMin)*(YMax-YMin)/numel(DataIn.Coord_tps));
127 | % adjust the mesh to a value 1, 2 , 5 *10^n
128 | ord=10^(floor(log10(DataIn.CoordMesh)));%order of magnitude
129 | if DataIn.CoordMesh/ord>=5
130 | DataIn.CoordMesh=5*ord;
131 | elseif DataIn.CoordMesh/ord>=2
132 | DataIn.CoordMesh=2*ord;
133 | else
134 | DataIn.CoordMesh=ord;
135 | end
136 | end
137 | coord_x=XMin:DataIn.CoordMesh:XMax;% increase the recommanded mesh to visualisation
138 | coord_y=YMin:DataIn.CoordMesh:YMax;
139 | DataOut.coord_x=[XMin XMax];
140 | DataOut.coord_y=[YMin YMax];
141 | [XI,YI]=meshgrid(coord_x,coord_y);
142 | Coord_interp=cat(3,XI,YI);%[XI YI];
143 | end
144 | npx=size(Coord_interp,2);
145 | npy=size(Coord_interp,1);
146 | Coord_interp=reshape(Coord_interp,npx*npy,size(Coord_interp,3));
147 |
148 | %initialise output
149 | nb_sites=size(Coord_interp,1);
150 | nb_coord=size(Coord_interp,2);
151 | nbval=zeros(nb_sites,1);
152 | NbSubDomain=size(DataIn.SubRange,3);
153 | DataOut.ListVarName={'coord_y','coord_x'};
154 | DataOut.VarDimName={{'coord_y'},{'coord_x'}};
155 | DataOut.VarAttribute{1}=[];
156 | DataOut.VarAttribute{2}=[];
157 | for ilist=1:length(FieldList)
158 | switch FieldList{ilist}
159 | case 'velocity'
160 | DataOut.U=zeros(nb_sites,1);
161 | DataOut.V=zeros(nb_sites,1);
162 | otherwise
163 | DataOut.(FieldList{ilist})=zeros(nb_sites,1);
164 | end
165 | end
166 |
167 | % interpolate data in each subdomain
168 | for icell=icell_tps
169 | for isub=1:NbSubDomain
170 | nbvec_sub=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.nbsites_tps});
171 | SubRange=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.subrange_tps});
172 | check_range=(Coord_interp >=ones(nb_sites,1)*SubRange(:,1,isub)' & Coord_interp<=ones(nb_sites,1)*SubRange(:,2,isub)');
173 | ind_sel=find(sum(check_range,2)==nb_coord);
174 | nbval(ind_sel)=nbval(ind_sel)+1;% records the number of values for eacn interpolation point (in case of subdomain overlap)
175 | Coord_tps=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.coord_tps});
176 | if check_grid
177 | EM = tps_eval(Coord_interp(ind_sel,:),Coord_tps(1:nbvec_sub,:,isub));%kernels for calculating the velocity from tps 'sources'
178 | end
179 | if check_der
180 | [EMDX,EMDY] = tps_eval_dxy(Coord_interp(ind_sel,:),Coord_tps(1:nbvec_sub,:,isub));%kernels for calculating the spatial derivatives from tps 'sources'
181 | end
182 | ListVar={};
183 | U_tps=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.vector_x_tps});
184 | V_tps=DataIn.(DataIn.ListVarName{VarType{icell}.vector_y_tps});
185 | for ilist=1:length(FieldList)
186 | var_count=numel(ListVar);
187 | switch FieldList{ilist}
188 | case 'velocity'
189 | ListVar=[ListVar {'U', 'V'}];
190 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='vector_x';
191 | VarAttribute{var_count+2}.Role='vector_y';
192 | DataOut.U(ind_sel)=DataOut.U(ind_sel)+EM *U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
193 | DataOut.V(ind_sel)=DataOut.V(ind_sel)+EM *V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
194 | case 'u'
195 | ListVar=[ListVar {'u'}];
196 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
197 | DataOut.u(ind_sel)=DataOut.u(ind_sel)+EM *U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
198 | case 'v'
199 | ListVar=[ListVar {'v'}];
200 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
201 | DataOut.v(ind_sel)=DataOut.v(ind_sel)+EM *V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
202 | case 'norm_vel'
203 | ListVar=[ListVar {'norm_vel'}];
204 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
205 | U=DataOut.U(ind_sel)+EM *U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
206 | V=DataOut.V(ind_sel)+EM *V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
207 | DataOut.norm_vel(ind_sel)=sqrt(U.*U+V.*V);
208 | case 'vort'
209 | ListVar=[ListVar {'vort'}];
210 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
211 | DataOut.vort(ind_sel)=DataOut.vort(ind_sel)-EMDY *DataIn.U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub)+EMDX *DataIn.V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
212 | case 'div'
213 | ListVar=[ListVar {'div'}];
214 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
215 | DataOut.div(ind_sel)=DataOut.div(ind_sel)+EMDX*DataIn.U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub)+EMDY *DataIn.V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
216 | case 'strain'
217 | ListVar=[ListVar {'strain'}];
218 | VarAttribute{var_count+1}.Role='scalar';
219 | DataOut.strain(ind_sel)=DataOut.strain(ind_sel)+EMDY*DataIn.U_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub)+EMDX *DataIn.V_tps(1:nbvec_sub+3,isub);
220 | end
221 | end
222 | end
223 | DataOut.FF=nbval==0; %put errorflag to 1 for points outside the interpolation rang
224 | nbval(nbval==0)=1;% to avoid division by zero for averaging
225 | if isempty(find(strcmp('FF',DataOut.ListVarName),1))% if FF is not already listed
226 | DataOut.ListVarName=[DataOut.ListVarName {'FF'}];
227 | DataOut.VarDimName=[DataOut.VarDimName {{'coord_y','coord_x'}}];
228 | DataOut.VarAttribute{length(DataOut.ListVarName)}.Role='errorflag';
229 | end
230 | DataOut.ListVarName=[DataOut.ListVarName ListVar];
231 | for ifield=1:numel(ListVar)
232 | VarDimName{ifield}={'coord_y','coord_x'};
233 | DataOut.(ListVar{ifield})=DataOut.(ListVar{ifield})./nbval;
234 | DataOut.(ListVar{ifield})=reshape(DataOut.(ListVar{ifield}),npy,npx);
235 | end
236 | DataOut.FF=reshape(DataOut.FF,npy,npx);
237 | DataOut.VarDimName=[DataOut.VarDimName VarDimName];
238 | DataOut.VarAttribute=[DataOut.VarAttribute VarAttribute];
239 | end
240 | else
241 |
242 | %% civx data
243 | DataOut=DataIn;
244 | for ilist=1:length(FieldList)
245 | if ~isempty(FieldList{ilist})
246 | [VarName,Value,Role,units]=feval(FieldList{ilist},DataIn);%calculate field with appropriate function named FieldList{ilist}
247 | ListVarName=[ListVarName VarName];
248 | ValueList=[ValueList Value];
249 | RoleList=[RoleList Role];
250 | units_cell=[units_cell units];
251 | end
252 | end
253 | %erase previous data (except coordinates)
254 | for ivar=nbcoord+1:length(DataOut.ListVarName)
255 | VarName=DataOut.ListVarName{ivar};
256 | DataOut=rmfield(DataOut,VarName);
257 | end
258 | DataOut.ListVarName=DataOut.ListVarName(1:nbcoord);
259 | if isfield(DataOut,'VarDimName')
260 | DataOut.VarDimName=DataOut.VarDimName(1:nbcoord);
261 | else
262 | errormsg='element .VarDimName missing in input data';
263 | return
264 | end
265 | DataOut.VarAttribute=DataOut.VarAttribute(1:nbcoord);
266 | %append new data
267 | DataOut.ListVarName=[DataOut.ListVarName ListVarName];
268 | for ivar=1:length(ListVarName)
269 | DataOut.VarDimName{nbcoord+ivar}=DataOut.VarDimName{1};
270 | DataOut.VarAttribute{nbcoord+ivar}.Role=RoleList{ivar};
271 | DataOut.VarAttribute{nbcoord+ivar}.units=units_cell{ivar};
272 | DataOut.(ListVarName{ivar})=ValueList{ivar};
273 | end
274 | end
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% velocity fieldn%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
279 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units_cell]=velocity(DataIn)
280 | VarName={};
281 | ValCell={};
282 | Role={};
283 | units_cell={};
284 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
285 | units=[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit];
286 | else
287 | units='pixel';
288 | end
289 | if isfield(DataIn,'U')
290 | VarName=[VarName {'U'}];
291 | ValCell=[ValCell {DataIn.U}];
292 | Role=[Role {'vector_x'}];
293 | units_cell=[units_cell {units}];
294 | end
295 | if isfield(DataIn,'V')
296 | VarName=[VarName {'V'}];
297 | ValCell=[ValCell {DataIn.V}];
298 | Role=[Role {'vector_y'}];
299 | units_cell=[units_cell {units}];
300 | end
301 | if isfield(DataIn,'W')
302 | VarName=[VarName {'W'}];
303 | ValCell=[ValCell {DataIn.W}];
304 | Role=[Role {'vector_z'}];
305 | units_cell=[units_cell {units}];
306 | end
307 | if isfield(DataIn,'F')
308 | VarName=[VarName {'F'}];
309 | ValCell=[ValCell {DataIn.F}];
310 | Role=[Role {'warnflag'}];
311 | units_cell=[units_cell {[]}];
312 | end
313 | if isfield(DataIn,'FF')
314 | VarName=[VarName,{'FF'}];
315 | ValCell=[ValCell {DataIn.FF}];
316 | Role=[Role {'errorflag'}];
317 | units_cell=[units_cell {[]}];
318 | end
319 |
320 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% ima cor%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
321 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=ima_cor(DataIn)
322 | VarName={};
323 | ValCell={};
324 | Role={};
325 | units={};
326 | if isfield(DataIn,'C')
327 | VarName{1}='C';
328 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.C;
329 | Role={'ancillary'};
330 | units={[]};
331 | end
332 |
333 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% norm_vec %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
334 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=norm_vel(DataIn)
335 | VarName={};
336 | ValCell={};
337 | Role={};
338 | units={};
339 | if isfield(DataIn,'U') && isfield(DataIn,'V')
340 | VarName{1}='norm_vel';
341 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.U.*DataIn.U+ DataIn.V.*DataIn.V;
342 | if isfield(DataIn,'W') && isequal(size(DataIn.W),size(DataIn.U))
343 | ValCell{1}=ValCell{1}+DataIn.W.*DataIn.W;
344 | end
345 | ValCell{1}=sqrt(ValCell{1});
346 | Role{1}='scalar';
347 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
348 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
349 | else
350 | units={'pixel'};
351 | end
352 | end
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% vorticity%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
357 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=vort(DataIn)
358 | VarName={};
359 | ValCell={};
360 | Role={};
361 | units={};
362 | if isfield(DataIn,'DjUi')
363 | VarName{1}='vort';
364 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.DjUi(:,1,2)-DataIn.DjUi(:,2,1); %vorticity
365 | siz=size(ValCell{1});
366 | ValCell{1}=reshape(ValCell{1},siz(1),1);
367 | Role{1}='scalar';
368 | if isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
369 | units={[DataIn.TimeUnit '-1']};
370 | else
371 | units={[]};
372 | end
373 | end
374 |
375 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% divergence%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
376 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=div(DataIn)
377 | VarName={};
378 | ValCell={};
379 | Role={};
380 | units={};
381 | if isfield(DataIn,'DjUi')
382 | VarName{1}='div';
383 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.DjUi(:,1,1)+DataIn.DjUi(:,2,2); %DUDX+DVDY
384 | siz=size(ValCell{1});
385 | ValCell{1}=reshape(ValCell{1},siz(1),1);
386 | Role{1}='scalar';
387 | if isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
388 | units={[DataIn.TimeUnit '-1']};
389 | else
390 | units={[]};
391 | end
392 | end
393 |
394 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% strain %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
395 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=strain(DataIn)
396 | VarName={};
397 | ValCell={};
398 | Role={};
399 | units={};
400 | if isfield(DataIn,'DjUi')
401 | VarName{1}='strain';
402 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.DjUi(:,1,2)+DataIn.DjUi(:,2,1);%DVDX+DUDY
403 | siz=size(ValCell{1});
404 | ValCell{1}=reshape(ValCell{1},siz(1),1);
405 | Role{1}='scalar';
406 | if isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
407 | units={[DataIn.TimeUnit '-1']};
408 | else
409 | units={[]};
410 | end
411 | end
412 |
413 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% u %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
414 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=u(DataIn)
415 | VarName={};
416 | ValCell={};
417 | Role={};
418 | units={};
419 | if isfield(DataIn,'U')
420 | VarName{1}='U';
421 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.U;
422 | Role{1}='scalar';
423 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
424 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
425 | else
426 | units={'pixel'};
427 | end
428 | end
429 |
430 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% v %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
431 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=v(DataIn)
432 | VarName={};
433 | ValCell={};
434 | Role={};
435 | units={};
436 | if isfield(DataIn,'V')
437 | VarName{1}='V';
438 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.V;
439 | Role{1}='scalar';
440 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
441 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
442 | else
443 | units={'pixel'};
444 | end
445 | end
446 |
447 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% w %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
448 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=w(DataIn)
449 | VarName={};
450 | ValCell={};
451 | Role={};
452 | units={};
453 | if isfield(DataIn,'W')
454 | VarName{1}='W';
455 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.W;
456 | Role{1}='scalar';%will remain unchanged by projection
457 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
458 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
459 | else
460 | units={'pixel'};
461 | end
462 | end
463 |
464 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% w_normal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
465 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=w_normal(DataIn)
466 | VarName={};
467 | ValCell={};
468 | Role={};
469 | units={};
470 | if isfield(DataIn,'W')
471 | VarName{1}='W';
472 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.W;
473 | Role{1}='vector_z';%will behave like a vector component by projection
474 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
475 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
476 | else
477 | units={'pixel'};
478 | end
479 | end
480 |
481 | %%%%%%%%%%%%% error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
482 | function [VarName,ValCell,Role,units]=error(DataIn)
483 | VarName={};
484 | ValCell={};
485 | Role={};
486 | units={};
487 | if isfield(DataIn,'E')
488 | VarName{1}='E';
489 | ValCell{1}=DataIn.E;
490 | Role{1}='ancillary'; %TODO CHECK units in actual fields
491 | if isfield(DataIn,'CoordUnit') && isfield(DataIn,'TimeUnit')
492 | units={[DataIn.CoordUnit '/' DataIn.TimeUnit]};
493 | else
494 | units={'pixel'};
495 | end
496 | end
497 |