1 | %'calc_field_interp': calculate fields (velocity, vort, div...) using linear interpolation if requested
2 | %---------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % [VarVal,ListVarName,VarAttribute,errormsg]=calc_field_interp(Coord,Data,FieldName,XI,YI)
4 | %
5 | % OUTPUT:
6 | % VarVal: array giving the values of the calculated field
7 | % ListVarName: corresponding list of variable names
8 | % VarAttribute: corresponding list of variable attributes, each term #ilist is of the form VarAttribute{ilist}.tag=value
9 | %
10 | % INPUT:
11 | % Coord(nbpoints,2): matrix of x,y coordinates of the input data points
12 | % Data: inputfield structure
13 | % FieldName: string representing the field to calculate, or cell array of fields (as displayed in uvmat/FieldName)
14 | % XI, YI: set of x and y coordinates where the fields need to be linearly interpolated,
15 | % if XI, YI are missing, there is no interpolation (case of colors in vector plots)
16 | %
17 | function [VarVal,ListVarName,VarAttribute,errormsg]=calc_field_interp(Coord,Data,FieldName,XI,YI)
18 |
19 | %% initialization
20 | VarVal={};
21 | ListVarName={};
22 | VarAttribute={};
23 | errormsg='';
24 | InputVarList={};
25 | if ischar(FieldName),FieldName={FieldName};end
26 | check_skipped=zeros(size(FieldName));% default, =1 to mark the variables which can be calculated
27 | check_interp=ones(size(FieldName));% default, =1 to mark the variables which can be interpolated (not ancillary)
28 | Operator=cell(size(FieldName));
29 |
30 | %% analyse the list of input fields: needed variables and requested operations
31 | for ilist=1:numel(FieldName)
32 | Operator{ilist}='';%default empty operator (vec, norm,...)
33 | r=regexp(FieldName{ilist},'(?<Operator>(^vec|^norm|^curl|^div|^strain))\((?<UName>.+),(?<VName>.+)\)$','names');% analyse the field name
34 | if isempty(r) % the field name is a variable itself
35 | ivar=find(strcmp(FieldName{ilist},Data.ListVarName));
36 | if isempty(ivar)
37 | check_skipped(ilist)=1; %variable not found
38 | elseif isempty(find(strcmp(FieldName{ilist},InputVarList), 1));
39 | if isfield(Data.VarAttribute{ivar},'Role') &&...
40 | (strcmp(Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.Role,'ancillary')||strcmp(Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.Role,'warnflag')||strcmp(Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.Role,'errorflag'))
41 | check_interp(ilist)=0; % ancillary variable, not interpolated
42 | end
43 | InputVarList=[InputVarList FieldName{ilist}];% the variable is added to the list of input variables if it is not already in the list
44 | end
45 | else
46 | if ~isfield(Data,r.UName)||~isfield(Data,r.VName)%needed input variable not found
47 | check_skipped(ilist)=1;
48 | elseif strcmp(r.Operator,'curl')||strcmp(r.Operator,'div')||strcmp(r.Operator,'strain')
49 | Operator{ilist}=r.Operator;
50 | switch r.Operator
51 | case 'curl'% case of CivX data format
52 | UName{ilist}='vort';
53 | Data.vort=Data.DjUi(:,1,2)-Data.DjUi(:,2,1);
54 | case 'div'
55 | UName{ilist}='div';
56 | Data.div=Data.DjUi(:,1,1)+Data.DjUi(:,2,2);
57 | case 'strain'
58 | UName{ilist}='strain';
59 | Data.strain=Data.DjUi(:,1,2)+Data.DjUi(:,2,1);
60 | end
61 | InputVarList=[InputVarList UName{ilist}]; %the variable is added to the list if it is not already in the list
62 | else
63 | UName{ilist}=r.UName;
64 | VName{ilist}=r.VName;
65 | if isempty(find(strcmp(r.UName,InputVarList)));
66 | InputVarList=[InputVarList UName{ilist}]; %the variable is added to the list if it is not already in the list
67 | end
68 | if isempty(find(strcmp(r.VName,InputVarList), 1));
69 | InputVarList=[InputVarList VName{ilist}]; %the variable is added to the list if it is not already in the list
70 | end
71 | Operator{ilist}=r.Operator;
72 | end
73 | end
74 | end
75 |
76 | %% create interpolator for each variable to interpolate
77 | if exist('XI','var')
78 | for ilist=1:numel(InputVarList)
79 | F.(InputVarList{ilist})=TriScatteredInterp(Coord,Data.(InputVarList{ilist}),'linear');
80 | end
81 | end
82 |
83 | %% perform the linear interpolation for the requested variables
84 | for ilist=1:numel(FieldName)
85 | if ~check_skipped(ilist)
86 | nbvar=numel(ListVarName);
87 | switch Operator{ilist}
88 | case 'vec'
89 | if exist('XI','var')
90 | if check_interp(ilist)
91 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=F.(UName{ilist})(XI,YI);
92 | VarVal{nbvar+2}=F.(VName{ilist})(XI,YI);
93 | end
94 | else
95 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=Data.(UName{ilist});
96 | VarVal{nbvar+2}=Data.(VName{ilist});
97 | end
98 | ListVarName{nbvar+1}=UName{ilist};
99 | ListVarName{nbvar+2}=VName{ilist};
100 | VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.Role='vector_x';
101 | VarAttribute{nbvar+2}.Role='vector_y';
102 | case 'norm'
103 | if exist('XI','var')
104 | if check_interp(ilist)
105 | U2=F.(UName{ilist})(XI,YI).*F.(UName{ilist})(XI,YI);
106 | V2=F.(VName{ilist})(XI,YI).*F.(VName{ilist})(XI,YI);
107 | end
108 | else
109 | U2=Data.(UName{ilist}).*Data.(UName{ilist});
110 | V2=Data.(VName{ilist}).*Data.(VName{ilist});
111 | end
112 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=sqrt(U2+V2);
113 | ListVarName{nbvar+1}='norm';
114 | VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.Role='scalar';
115 | case {'curl','div','strain'}
116 | if exist('XI','var')
117 | if check_interp(ilist)
118 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=F.(UName{ilist})(XI,YI);
119 | end
120 | else
121 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=Data.(UName{ilist});
122 | end
123 | ListVarName{nbvar+1}=UName{ilist};
124 | VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.Role='scalar';
125 | otherwise
126 | if ~isempty(FieldName{ilist})
127 | if exist('XI','var')
128 | if check_interp(ilist)
129 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=F.(FieldName{ilist})(XI,YI);
130 | end
131 | else
132 | VarVal{nbvar+1}= Data.(FieldName{ilist});
133 | end
134 | ListVarName{nbvar+1}=FieldName{ilist};
135 | VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.Role='scalar';
136 | end
137 | end
138 | end
139 | end
140 |
141 | %% put an error flag to indicate NaN data
142 | if exist('XI','var')&&~isempty(VarVal)
143 | nbvar=numel(VarVal);
144 | ListVarName{nbvar+1}='FF';
145 | VarVal{nbvar+1}=isnan(VarVal{nbvar});
146 | VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.Role='errorflag';
147 | end
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |