1 | %'civ_3D': function associated with the interface 'civ_3D.fig' for PIV in volume |
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3 | % provides an interface for the software CIVx |
4 | % function varargout = civ_3D(varargin) |
5 | % provides an interface for the software CIVx |
6 | % |
8 | % Copyright 2008-2014, LEGI / CNRS UJF G-INP, Joel.Sommeria@legi.grenoble-inp.fr |
10 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. |
11 | % |
12 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
13 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
14 | % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or |
15 | % (at your option) any later version. |
16 | % |
17 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
18 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
20 | % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details. |
22 | function varargout = civ_3D(varargin) |
23 | |
24 | % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 26-Mar-2010 22:51:31 |
25 | % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT |
26 | gui_Singleton = 1; |
27 | gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... |
28 | 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... |
29 | 'gui_OpeningFcn', @civ_3D_OpeningFcn, ... |
30 | 'gui_OutputFcn', @civ_3D_OutputFcn, ... |
31 | 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... |
32 | 'gui_Callback', []); |
33 | if nargin & isstr(varargin{1}) |
34 | gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); |
35 | end |
36 | |
37 | if nargout |
38 | [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); |
39 | else |
40 | gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); |
41 | end |
42 | % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT |
43 | |
44 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 | % --- Executes just before civ_3D is made visible. |
46 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
47 | function civ_3D_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) |
48 | % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. |
49 | % hObject handle to figure |
50 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
51 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
52 | % varargin command line arguments to civ_3D (see VARARGIN) |
53 | global test_batch patch_new_exe%=1 if patch processing available |
54 | %filebase: root name |
55 | %nom_type: nomencalture used ('png_old','_i_j'...) |
56 | %list of field numbers to process |
57 | %subdir: subdirectory of the opened netcdf file |
58 | %ind_opening: operation number advised for beginning (1=civ1,2=fix1,3=patch1,4=civ2,5=fix2,6=patch2), |
59 | %ind_a_opening ind_b_opening chosen pair from the opened netcdf file |
60 | % Choose default command line output for civ_3D |
61 | handles.output = hObject; |
62 | % Update handles structure |
63 | guidata(hObject, handles); |
64 | |
65 | %default initial parameters |
66 | filebase=''; % root file name ('filebase'.civ_3D) |
67 | nom_type=[]; % nomenclature type |
68 | ext=[]; |
69 | testall=0; |
70 | browse=[]; |
71 | |
72 | %load the initial parameters if the interface is started from uvmat |
73 | if ~isempty(varargin)% the interface is opened from uvmat |
74 | varcell=varargin{1}; |
75 | filebase=varcell{1}; |
76 | nom_type_read=varcell{2}; |
77 | num1=varcell{3}; |
78 | num2=varcell{4}; |
79 | num_a=varcell{5}; |
80 | num_b=varcell{6}; |
81 | subdir=varcell{7}; |
82 | ind_opening=varcell{8}; |
83 | ind_a_opening=varcell{9}; |
84 | ind_b_opening=varcell{10}; |
85 | ext=varcell{11}; |
86 | else |
87 | num1=1; % set of field i numbers |
88 | num2=2; % set of field i numbers |
89 | num_a=1; % set of field j numbers (fields a) |
90 | num_b=1; % second set of field j numbers (fields b) |
91 | subdir='A'; % subdir for the netcdf result files |
92 | ind_opening=1; % proposed operation number (1=civ1,2=fix1,3=patch1,4=civ2,5=fix2,6=patch2) |
93 | ind_a_opening=1; % proposed index in the menu of fields a |
94 | ind_b_opening=2; % proposed index in the menu of fields b |
95 | end |
96 | |
97 | if exist('ext','var') & length(ext)>1 & (~isempty(imformats(ext([2:end])))|... |
98 | isequal(ext,'.avi')|isequal(ext,'.AVI'));%if an image file has been opened by uvmat |
99 | browse.ext_ima=ext; |
100 | if exist('nom_type_read','var') |
101 | browse.nom_type_ima=nom_type_read; % the image nomenclature is stored |
102 | end |
103 | elseif isequal(ext,'.nc') |
104 | if exist('nom_type_read','var') |
105 | browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type_read;% the netcdf nomenclature is stored |
106 | end |
107 | end |
108 | set(handles.displ_filebase,'String',filebase); |
109 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'UserData',testall); |
110 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse) |
111 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String',ext) |
112 | |
113 | |
114 | % set(handles.ImaDoc,'String',ext) |
115 | |
116 | %read names of the .exe file to adjust the interface according to |
117 | %available prog |
118 | %read names of the .exe file |
119 | path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat |
120 | path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT |
121 | if isunix |
122 | syst='LINUX' |
123 | %fid = fopen(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM_LINUX.txt'),'r');%open the file with civ_3D binary names |
124 | xmlfile=fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM_LINUX.xml') |
125 | if exist(xmlfile,'file') |
126 | t=xmltree(xmlfile); |
127 | sparam=convert(t); |
128 | end |
129 | else |
130 | syst='WIN' |
131 | %fid = fopen(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM_WIN.txt'),'r');%open the file with civ_3D binary names |
132 | xmlfile=fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM_WIN.xml'); |
133 | if exist(xmlfile,'file') |
134 | t=xmltree(xmlfile); |
135 | sparam=convert(t); |
136 | end |
137 | end |
138 | |
139 | patch_new_exe=''; |
140 | todo_patch=''; |
141 | sge=0; |
142 | |
143 | if isfield(sparam,'PatchNew_exe') |
144 | patch_new_exe=sparam.PatchNew_exe; |
145 | end |
146 | if isfield(sparam,'Todo_path') |
147 | todo_path=sparam.Todo_path |
148 | end |
149 | if isfield(sparam,'SGE') |
150 | sge=str2num(sparam.SGE); |
151 | end |
152 | name_todo=fullfile(todo_path,'TODO.txt') |
153 | test_batch=1; |
154 | if ~sge |
155 | if isequal(todo_path,'') |isequal(todo_path,[]) |
156 | ['no batch distributed processing available:file path TODO.txt not defined in UVMAT/PARAM_' syst] |
157 | test_batch=0; |
158 | end |
159 | if exist(name_todo,'file')~=2 |
160 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no batch distributed processing available, queue file ' name_todo ' absent']); |
161 | % test_batch=0; % Problems to detect file on linux/nfs filesystems |
162 | end |
163 | end |
164 | |
165 | |
166 | if test_batch==0 |
167 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784])% put the BATCH button in grey (unactivated) |
168 | end |
169 | |
170 | set(handles.subdir_civ1,'String',subdir)%default subdir on which uvmat was working |
171 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'String',subdir)%default subdir on which uvmat was working |
172 | |
173 | %initiate advised operations |
174 | if isequal(ind_opening,[]) |
175 | ind_opening=1; % default |
176 | end |
177 | % set default operation options |
178 | enable_civ1(handles,'off') |
179 | enable_civ2(handles,'off') |
180 | desable_fix1(handles) |
181 | desable_patch1(handles) |
182 | desable_fix2(handles) |
183 | desable_patch2(handles) |
184 | set(handles.CIV1,'Value',0) |
185 | set(handles.FIX1,'Value',0) |
186 | set(handles.PATCH1,'Value',0) |
187 | set(handles.CIV2,'Value',0) |
188 | set(handles.FIX2,'Value',0) |
189 | set(handles.PATCH2,'Value',0) |
190 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
191 | if isequal(ind_opening,1) |
192 | set(handles.CIV1,'Value',1) |
193 | enable_civ1(handles,'on') |
194 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,2) |
195 | set(handles.FIX1,'Value',1) |
196 | enable_fix1(handles) |
197 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,3) |
198 | set(handles.PATCH1,'Value',1) |
199 | enable_patch1(handles) |
200 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,4) |
201 | set(handles.CIV2,'Value',1) |
202 | enable_civ2(handles,1) |
203 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,5) |
204 | set(handles.FIX2,'Value',1) |
205 | enable_fix2(handles) |
206 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
207 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
208 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
209 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,6) |
210 | set(handles.PATCH2,'Value',1) |
211 | enable_patch2(handles) |
212 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
213 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
214 | end |
215 | |
216 | % set the range of fields (1:1 by default) and selected pair |
217 | if isempty(num2)|isequal(num2,num1) |
218 | num_ref_i=num1; |
219 | else |
220 | num_ref_i=floor((num1+num2)/2); |
221 | browse.incr_pair(1)=num2-num1; |
222 | browse.incr_pair(2)=0; |
223 | end |
224 | if isempty(num_b)|isequal(num_a,num_b) |
225 | if isempty(num_a) |
226 | num_ref_j=1; |
227 | else |
228 | num_ref_j=num_a; |
229 | end |
230 | else |
231 | num_ref_j=floor((num_a+num_b)/2); |
232 | browse.incr_pair(2)=num_b-num_a; |
233 | end |
234 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(num_ref_i)); |
235 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(num_ref_i)); |
236 | set(handles.ref_i,'String',num2str(num_ref_i)); |
237 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse); |
238 | if ~isempty(varargin)% the interface is opened from uvmat |
239 | displ_filebase_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
240 | end |
241 | |
242 | set(handles.waitbar_1,'Position',[0.946 0.877 0.03 0.001]) |
243 | set(handles.waitbar_patch1,'Position',[0.946 0.626 0.03 0.001]) |
244 | set(handles.waitbar_civ2,'Position',[0.946 0.406 0.03 0.001]) |
245 | set(handles.waitbar_patch2,'Position',[0.946 0.187 0.03 0.001]) |
246 | |
247 | |
248 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
249 | % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. |
250 | %----------------------------------------------------------------- |
251 | function varargout = civ_3D_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
252 | % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); |
253 | % hObject handle to figure |
254 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
255 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
256 | % Get default command line output from handles structure |
257 | varargout{1} = handles.output; |
258 | |
259 | %------------------------------------------------------------------ |
260 | % --- Executes on button press in browse_root. |
261 | function browse_root_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
262 | %get the input file properties |
263 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
264 | oldfile=''; %default |
265 | if isempty(filebase)|isequal(filebase,'')%loads the previously stored file name and set it as default in the file_input box |
266 | dir_perso=prefdir; |
267 | profil_perso=fullfile(dir_perso,'uvmat_perso.mat') |
268 | if exist(profil_perso,'file') |
269 | h=load (profil_perso); |
270 | if isfield(h,'filebase')&ischar(h.filebase) |
271 | oldfile=h.filebase; |
272 | end |
273 | if isfield(h,'RootPath')&ischar(h.RootPath) |
274 | % oldfile=h.filebase{1} |
275 | oldfile=h.RootPath; |
276 | end |
277 | end |
278 | else |
279 | oldfile=filebase; |
280 | end |
281 | testall=get(handles.ImaDoc,'UserData'); |
282 | ind_opening=1;%default |
283 | browse.incr_pair=[0 0]; %default |
284 | |
285 | menu={'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'; '*.xml;*.vol; *.avi;*.AVI','(*.xml,*.civ,*.avi,*.vol)'; ... |
286 | '*.xml', '.xml files';'*.civ', '.civ files';... |
287 | '*.avi;*.AVI', '.avi files';'*.vol', '.vol files'}; |
288 | |
289 | [FileName, PathName, filtindex] = uigetfile( menu, 'Pick a file',oldfile); |
290 | fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name |
291 | sizf=size(fileinput); |
292 | if (~ischar(fileinput)|~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end %stop if fileinput not a character string |
293 | [path,name,ext]=fileparts(fileinput); |
294 | testeditxml=0; |
295 | if isequal(ext,'.xml') |
296 | testeditxml=1; |
297 | t_browse=xmltree(fileinput); |
298 | head_element=get(t_browse,1); |
299 | if isfield(head_element,'name')& isequal(head_element.name,'ImaDoc') |
300 | testeditxml=0; |
301 | end |
302 | end |
303 | if testeditxml==1 | isequal(ext,'.xls') |
304 | heditxml=editxml({fileinput}); |
305 | set(heditxml,'Tag','browser') |
306 | waitfor(heditxml,'Tag','idle') |
307 | if ~ishandle(heditxml) |
308 | return |
309 | end |
310 | attr=findobj(get(heditxml,'children'),'Tag','CurrentAttributes'); |
311 | set(handles.browse,'UserData',fileinput)% store for future opening with browser |
312 | fileinput=get(attr,'UserData'); |
313 | if ~exist(fileinput,'file') |
314 | return |
315 | end |
316 | end |
317 | [RootPath,RootFile,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ext,nom_type,subdir]=name2display(fileinput); |
318 | filebase=fullfile(RootPath,RootFile); |
319 | if isequal(get(handles.compare,'Value'),1) |
320 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData'); |
321 | else |
322 | browse=[];%initialisation |
323 | end |
324 | if length(ext)>1 & (~isempty(imformats(ext([2:end])))||... |
325 | isequal(lower(ext),'.avi')||isequal(ext,'.vol'));%if an image file has been opened by uvmat |
326 | browse.ext_ima=ext; |
327 | browse.nom_type_ima=nom_type; |
328 | browse.field_count=str2num(field_count); |
329 | end |
330 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String',ext); |
331 | %%%%% read the state of the selected netcdf file to advise default operation |
332 | if isequal(ext,'.nc') |
333 | browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type; |
334 | ind_opening=2;% propose 'fix' as the default option |
335 | Data=nc2struct(fileinput,[]); |
336 | if isfield(Data,'fix') & isequal(Data.fix,1) |
337 | ind_opening=3; |
338 | end |
339 | if isfield(Data,'patch') & isequal(Data.patch,1) |
340 | ind_opening=4; |
341 | end |
342 | if isfield(Data,'civ2') & isequal(Data.civ2,1) |
343 | ind_opening=5; |
344 | end |
345 | if isfield(Data,'fix2') & isequal(Data.fix2,1) |
346 | ind_opening=6; |
347 | end |
348 | if isfield(Data,'pixcmx') & isequal(Data,'pixcmy') |
349 | browse.pxcmx=Data.pixcmx; |
350 | browse.pxcmy=Data.pixcmy; |
351 | end |
353 | subdir='';%default |
354 | if testciv |
355 | [Pathbase,Namebase]=fileparts(filebase) |
356 | [Pathprev,subdir,extdir]=fileparts(Pathbase) |
357 | subdir=[subdir extdir] |
358 | % if isequal (subdir,subdir_obs) |
359 | filebase=fullfile(Pathprev,Namebase)% move upward to get the base name (corresponding to the .civ_3D file and images) |
360 | % end |
361 | end |
362 | set(handles.subdir_civ1,'String',subdir);%set the default subdir directories for installing the .nc results |
363 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'String',subdir); |
364 | browse.testciv=testciv; |
365 | browse.ind_opening=ind_opening; |
366 | end |
367 | set(handles.displ_filebase,'String',filebase); |
368 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String',ext); |
369 | if ~isempty(str2num(field_count)) |
370 | ref_i=str2num(field_count); |
371 | if ~isempty(str2num(str2)) |
372 | ref_i=floor((ref_i+str2num(str2))/2);% reference image number corresponding to the file |
373 | browse.incr_pair(1)=str2num(str2)-str2num(field_count); |
374 | browse.incr_pair(2)=0; |
375 | end |
376 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(ref_i)); |
377 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(ref_i)); |
378 | set(handles.ref_i,'String',num2str(ref_i)); |
379 | end |
380 | if isequal(ind_opening,1) |
381 | set(handles.CIV1,'Value',1) |
382 | enable_civ1(handles,'on') |
383 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,2) |
384 | set(handles.FIX1,'Value',1) |
385 | enable_fix1(handles) |
386 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,3) |
387 | set(handles.PATCH1,'Value',1) |
388 | enable_patch1(handles) |
389 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,4) |
390 | set(handles.CIV2,'Value',1) |
391 | enable_civ2(handles,1) |
392 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,5) |
393 | set(handles.FIX2,'Value',1) |
394 | enable_fix2(handles) |
395 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
396 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
397 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
398 | elseif isequal(ind_opening,6) |
399 | set(handles.PATCH2,'Value',1) |
400 | enable_patch2(handles) |
401 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
402 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Enable','On') |
403 | end |
404 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse);% store information from browser |
405 | testall=isequal(menu(filtindex,1),{'*.*'}); |
406 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'UserData',testall); |
407 | |
408 | displ_filebase_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
409 | |
410 | %------------------------------------------------ |
411 | |
412 | function ImaDoc_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
413 | displ_filebase_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
414 | |
415 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
416 | %function activated when a new filebase (image series) is introduced |
417 | %------------------------------------------------------------ |
418 | function displ_filebase_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
419 | |
420 | global test_batch |
421 | set(gcf,'Pointer','watch') |
422 | ext_ima=[]; %default |
423 | nom_type_ima=[];%default |
424 | field_count=1;%default |
425 | nom_type_nc=[]; |
426 | npx=[];%default |
427 | npy=[]; |
428 | TimeUnit='s'; %default |
429 | CoordUnit='cm';%default |
430 | pxcmx_search=[];%default |
431 | pxcmy_search=[];%default |
432 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
433 | |
434 | ext=get(handles.ImaDoc,'String'); |
435 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData');%default |
436 | if ~isempty(browse) |
437 | if isfield(browse,'ext_ima') |
438 | ext_ima=browse.ext_ima; |
439 | end |
440 | if isfield(browse,'nom_type_ima') |
441 | nom_type_ima=browse.nom_type_ima; |
442 | end |
443 | if isfield(browse,'field_count') |
444 | field_count=browse.field_count; |
445 | end |
446 | end |
447 | |
448 | %default first_i and j and increments |
449 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String'));%value possibly set by uvmat_Opening |
450 | if isempty(first_i)| first_i < 1 |
451 | first_i=1; %default first_i |
452 | end |
453 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
454 | if isempty(last_i)| last_i < first_i |
455 | last_i=first_i; %default last_i |
456 | end |
457 | |
458 | incr_i=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
459 | if isempty(incr_i) | incr_i < 1; |
460 | set(handles.incr_i,'String','1') %default incr_i |
461 | end |
462 | dt=[];%default |
463 | testmode=0;%default |
464 | nbfield=1; %default |
465 | if isfield(browse,'pxcmx') & isfield(browse,'pxcmy') |
466 | pxcmx=num2str(browse.pxcmx); |
467 | pxcmy=num2str(browse.pxcmy); |
468 | else |
469 | pxcmx=1;%default |
470 | pxcmy=1; |
471 | end |
472 | %look for an image documentation file |
473 | if ~isequal(ext,'.xml') & ~ isequal(ext,'.avi')& ~ isequal(ext,'.AVI') |
474 | if exist([filebase '.xml'],'file') |
475 | ext='.xml'; |
476 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String','.xml') |
477 | elseif exist([filebase '.civ_3D'],'file') |
478 | ext='.civ_3D'; |
479 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String','.civ_3D') |
480 | elseif exist([filebase '.avi'],'file') |
481 | ext='.avi'; |
482 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String','.avi') |
483 | elseif exist([filebase '.AVI'],'file') |
484 | ext='.AVI'; |
485 | set(handles.ImaDoc,'String','.AVI') |
486 | end |
487 | end |
488 | %%%%%%%% read image documentation file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
489 | mode=''; %default |
490 | if isequal(ext,'.xml') |
491 | [XmlData,warntext]=imadoc2struct([filebase '.xml']) |
492 | if isfield(XmlData,'Heading')&&isfield(XmlData.Heading','ImageName') |
493 | [PP,FF,fc,str2,str_a,str_b,ext_ima_read,nom_type_read]=name2display(XmlData.Heading.ImageName); |
494 | end |
495 | if isfield(XmlData,'TimeUnit') |
496 | TimeUnit=XmlData.TimeUnit; |
497 | end |
498 | if isfield(XmlData,'Npx')&&isfield(XmlData,'Npy') |
499 | set(handles.npx,'String',num2str(XmlData.Npx)); |
500 | set(handles.npy,'String',num2str(XmlData.Npy)); |
501 | end |
502 | if isfield(XmlData,'Time')&&~isempty(XmlData.Time) |
503 | time=XmlData.Time; |
504 | set(handles.npz,'String',num2str(size(time,2))); |
505 | end |
506 | pxcmx_search=1; |
507 | pxcmy_search=1; |
508 | if isfield(XmlData,'GeometryCalib') |
509 | tsai=XmlData.GeometryCalib; |
510 | if isfield(tsai,'f') & isfield(tsai,'Tz') & isfield(tsai,'dpx') & isfield(tsai,'dpy')& isfield(tsai,'R') |
511 | rot2D=tsai.R([1:2],[1,2]); |
512 | pxcmx_search=tsai.f * sqrt(det(rot2D))/(tsai.Tz*tsai.dpx); |
513 | pxcmy_search=tsai.f * sqrt(det(rot2D))/(tsai.Tz*tsai.dpy); |
514 | end |
515 | if isfield(tsai,'CoordUnit') |
516 | CoordUnit=tsai.CoordUnit; |
517 | end |
518 | end |
519 | if isempty(ext_ima_read) |
520 | ext_ima='.png';%default |
521 | else |
522 | ext_ima=ext_ima_read; |
523 | end |
524 | if isempty(nom_type_read) |
525 | nom_type_ima='_i_j'; |
526 | msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','no ImageName defined in ImaDoc/Heading, take _i_j indexing by default') |
527 | else |
528 | nom_type_ima=nom_type_read; |
529 | end |
530 | |
531 | elseif isequal(ext,'.avi')|isequal(ext,'.AVI') |
532 | nom_type_ima='avi'; |
533 | ext_ima=ext; |
534 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'series(Di)'}) |
535 | dt=0.04;%default |
536 | if exist([filebase ext],'file')==2 |
537 | info=aviinfo([filebase ext]);%read infos on the avi movie |
538 | dt=1/info.FramesPerSecond;%time interval between successive frames |
539 | nbfield=info.NumFrames;%number of frames |
540 | end |
541 | time=(dt*[0:nbfield-1])';%list of image times |
542 | set(handles.dt,'String',num2str(dt*1000));%store the time interval between successive images |
543 | |
544 | % no image documentation file found: look for a series of existing images or .nc files |
545 | elseif ~isequal(ext,'.nc') |
546 | subdir=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String'); |
547 | incr_pair=[0 0];%default |
548 | if isfield(browse,'incr_pair') |
549 | incr_pair=browse.incr_pair; |
550 | end |
551 | nbdetect=0;%test of detected images |
552 | field_i=field_count; |
553 | idetect=1; |
554 | % imagename='';%default |
555 | while idetect==1 %look for the maximum file number in the series |
556 | field_i=field_i+1; |
557 | % imagename_last=imagename; |
558 | imagename=name_generator(filebase,field_i,1,ext_ima,nom_type_ima); |
559 | idetect=exist(imagename,'file'); |
560 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'none') |
561 | idetect=0; %stop if the same image is repeated (if nom_type='none') |
562 | nbdetect=1; |
563 | end |
565 | nbdetect=nbdetect+idetect; |
566 | end |
567 | % nb_field=field_i-1;% last detected field number |
568 | nb_field=field_i;% last detected field number |
569 | field_i=field_count;%look for the minimum file number in the series |
570 | idetect=1; |
571 | while idetect==1 |
572 | field_i=field_i-1; |
573 | imagename=name_generator(filebase,field_i,1,ext_ima,nom_type_ima); |
574 | idetect=exist(imagename,'file'); |
575 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'none') |
576 | idetect=0; %stop if the same image is repeted (if nom_type='none') |
577 | nbdetect=1; |
578 | end |
579 | nbdetect=nbdetect+idetect; |
580 | end |
581 | first_i=max(field_i+1,1); |
582 | %determine the set of times and possible intervals for CIV_3D |
583 | % dt=(1/1000)*str2num(get(handles.dt,'String')); |
584 | time=(0:nb_field-1)'; |
585 | % set(handles.incr_i,'UserData',dt);%store the time interval |
586 | % between successive images |
587 | %displ_num:list of possible time intervals for civ_3D calculations |
588 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'series(Di)'}) |
589 | end |
590 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'none')% no file numbering used |
591 | first_i=1; |
592 | last_i=1; |
593 | first_j=1; |
594 | last_j=1; |
595 | end |
596 | |
597 | if exist('time','var') |
598 | nbfield=size(time,1); |
599 | set(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData',time); %store the set of times |
600 | set(handles.TimeUnit,'String',TimeUnit); |
601 | set(handles.nb_field,'String',num2str(nbfield)); |
602 | end |
603 | set(handles.CoordUnit,'String',[CoordUnit '/']) |
604 | if isempty(pxcmx_search) |
605 | set(handles.calcul_search,'UserData',[pxcmx pxcmy]); |
606 | else |
607 | set(handles.calcul_search,'UserData',[pxcmx_search pxcmy_search]); |
608 | end |
609 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(first_i)); |
610 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(last_i));% |
611 | browse.ext_ima=ext_ima; |
612 | browse.nom_type_ima=nom_type_ima; |
613 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse)% store the nomenclature type |
614 | |
615 | %%%%%%%%%%% set the menus of image pairs and default selection for civ_3D %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
616 | if isequal(get(handles.compare,'Value'),1) |
617 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'_i')| isequal(nom_type_nc,'_i1-i2')|~exist('nbfield2','var')|(nbfield2==1) |
618 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'st_series(Di)';'displacement'}) |
619 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
620 | elseif (nbfield==1)% simple series in j |
621 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'st_series(Dj)';'displacement'}) |
622 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
623 | else |
624 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'st_pair j1-j2';'st_series(Dj)';'st_series(Di)';'displacement'})%multiple choice |
625 | if isequal(mode,'volume') |
626 | set(handles.mode,'Value',3) |
627 | elseif nbfield2 <= 5 |
628 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1)% advice 'pair j1-j2' for small bursts |
629 | end |
630 | end |
631 | else |
632 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'_i')| isequal(nom_type_nc,'_i1-i2')|~exist('nbfield2','var')|(nbfield2==1) |
633 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'series(Di)'}) |
634 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
635 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'png_old')|isequal(nom_type_nc,'netc_old') |
636 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'pair j1-j2'}) |
637 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
638 | elseif (nbfield==1)% simple series in j |
639 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'series(Dj)'}) |
640 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
641 | else |
642 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'pair j1-j2';'series(Dj)';'series(Di)'})%multiple choice |
643 | if isequal(mode,'volume') |
644 | set(handles.mode,'Value',3) |
645 | elseif nbfield2 <= 5 |
646 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1)% advice 'pair j1-j2' for small bursts |
647 | else |
648 | set(handles.mode,'Value',2)% advice series Dj for long bursts, not volume |
649 | end |
650 | end |
651 | end |
652 | mode_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
653 | |
654 | %%%%%% initialize waitbars and RUN button |
655 | set(handles.waitbar_1,'Position',[0.946 0.876 0.03 0.001]) |
656 | set(handles.waitbar_patch1,'Position',[0.946 0.439 0.03 0.001]) |
657 | set(handles.waitbar_civ2,'Position',[0.946 0.219 0.03 0.001]) |
658 | set(handles.waitbar_patch2,'Position',[0.946 0.0 0.03 0.001]) |
659 | set(handles.RUN, 'Enable','On') |
660 | set(handles.RUN,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
661 | if isequal(test_batch,1)%if batch installation is available |
662 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
663 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
664 | end |
665 | |
666 | %%%%% store the root input filename for future opening |
667 | dir_perso=prefdir; |
668 | profil_perso=fullfile(prefdir,'uvmat_perso.mat'); |
669 | RootPath=fileparts(filebase); |
670 | if exist(profil_perso,'file') |
671 | save (profil_perso,'RootPath','-append'); %store the root name for future opening of uvmat |
672 | else |
673 | txt=ver('MATLAB'); |
674 | Release=txt.Release; |
675 | relnumb=str2num(Release(3:4)); |
676 | if relnumb >= 14 |
677 | save (profil_perso,'RootPath','-V6'); %store the root name for future opening of uvmat |
678 | else |
679 | save (profil_perso,'RootPath'); %store the root name for future opening of uvmat |
680 | end |
681 | end |
682 | % save(profil_perso, 'filebase'); %store the root name for future opening of uvmat |
683 | set(gcf,'Pointer','arrow') |
684 | |
685 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%???????????? |
686 | % --- Executes on button press in mode. |
687 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
688 | function mode_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
689 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData'); |
690 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
691 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
692 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
693 | displ_num=[];%default |
694 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
695 | % last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
696 | time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData'); %get the set of times |
697 | siztime=size(time); |
698 | nbfield=siztime(1); |
699 | nbfield2=siztime(2); |
700 | indchosen=1; %%first pair selected by default |
701 | if isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2')| isequal(mode,'st_pair j1-j2') |
702 | dt=1; |
703 | displ=''; |
704 | index=0; |
705 | %get all the time intervals in bursts |
706 | displ_dt=1;%default |
707 | nbfield2=min(nbfield2,10),%limitate the number of pairs to 10x10 |
708 | % if nbfield2<2 |
709 | % nbfield2=2, |
710 | % end |
711 | for numod_a=1:nbfield2-1 %nbfield2 always >=2 for 'pair j1-j2' mode |
712 | for numod_b=(numod_a+1):nbfield2 |
713 | index=index+1; |
714 | numlist_a(index)=numod_a; |
715 | numlist_b(index)=numod_b; |
716 | if ~isempty(time) |
717 | dt(numod_a,numod_b)=time(first_i,numod_b)-time(first_i,numod_a);%first time interval dt |
718 | displ_dt(index)=dt(numod_a,numod_b); |
719 | else |
720 | displ_dt(index)=1 |
721 | end |
722 | end |
723 | end |
724 | [dtsort,indsort]=sort(displ_dt); |
725 | displ_num(1,:)=numlist_a(indsort); |
726 | displ_num(2,:)=numlist_b(indsort); |
727 | displ_num(3,:)=0; |
728 | displ_num(4,:)=0; |
729 | set(handles.jtext,'Visible','Off') |
730 | set(handles.first_j,'Visible','Off') |
731 | set(handles.last_j,'Visible','Off') |
732 | set(handles.incr_j,'Visible','Off') |
733 | set(handles.nb_field2,'Visible','Off') |
734 | set(handles.ref_j,'Visible','Off') |
735 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
736 | for index=1:min(nbfield2-1,200) |
737 | displ_num(1,index)=-floor(index/2); |
738 | displ_num(2,index)=ceil(index/2); |
739 | displ_num(3,index)=0; |
740 | displ_num(4,index)=0; |
741 | end |
742 | set(handles.jtext,'Visible','On') |
743 | set(handles.first_j,'Visible','On') |
744 | set(handles.last_j,'Visible','On') |
745 | set(handles.incr_j,'Visible','On') |
746 | set(handles.nb_field2,'Visible','On') |
747 | set(handles.ref_j,'Visible','On') |
748 | if nbfield > 1 |
749 | set(handles.itext,'Visible','On') |
750 | set(handles.first_i,'Visible','On') |
751 | set(handles.last_i,'Visible','On') |
752 | set(handles.incr_i,'Visible','On') |
753 | set(handles.nb_field,'Visible','On') |
754 | set(handles.ref_i,'Visible','On') |
755 | else |
756 | set(handles.itext,'Visible','Off') |
757 | set(handles.first_i,'Visible','Off') |
758 | set(handles.last_i,'Visible','Off') |
759 | set(handles.incr_i,'Visible','Off') |
760 | set(handles.nb_field,'Visible','Off') |
761 | set(handles.ref_i,'Visible','Off') |
762 | end |
763 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Di)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
764 | for index=1:min(nbfield-1,200) |
765 | displ_num(1,index)=0; |
766 | displ_num(2,index)=0; |
767 | displ_num(3,index)=-floor(index/2); |
768 | displ_num(4,index)=ceil(index/2); |
769 | end |
770 | set(handles.itext,'Visible','On') |
771 | set(handles.first_i,'Visible','On') |
772 | set(handles.last_i,'Visible','On') |
773 | set(handles.incr_i,'Visible','On') |
774 | set(handles.nb_field,'Visible','On') |
775 | set(handles.ref_i,'Visible','On') |
776 | elseif isequal(mode,'displacement')%the pairs have the same indices |
777 | displ_num(1,1)=0; |
778 | displ_num(2,1)=0; |
779 | displ_num(3,1)=0; |
780 | displ_num(4,1)=0; |
781 | if nbfield > 1 |
782 | set(handles.itext,'Visible','On') |
783 | set(handles.first_i,'Visible','On') |
784 | set(handles.last_i,'Visible','On') |
785 | set(handles.incr_i,'Visible','On') |
786 | set(handles.nb_field,'Visible','On') |
787 | set(handles.ref_i,'Visible','On') |
788 | else |
789 | set(handles.itext,'Visible','Off') |
790 | set(handles.first_i,'Visible','Off') |
791 | set(handles.last_i,'Visible','Off') |
792 | set(handles.incr_i,'Visible','Off') |
793 | set(handles.nb_field,'Visible','Off') |
794 | set(handles.ref_i,'Visible','Off') |
795 | end |
796 | if nbfield2 > 1 |
797 | set(handles.jtext,'Visible','On') |
798 | set(handles.first_j,'Visible','On') |
799 | set(handles.last_j,'Visible','On') |
800 | set(handles.incr_j,'Visible','On') |
801 | set(handles.nb_field2,'Visible','On') |
802 | set(handles.ref_j,'Visible','On') |
803 | else |
804 | set(handles.jtext,'Visible','Off') |
805 | set(handles.first_j,'Visible','Off') |
806 | set(handles.last_j,'Visible','Off') |
807 | set(handles.incr_j,'Visible','Off') |
808 | set(handles.nb_field2,'Visible','Off') |
809 | set(handles.ref_j,'Visible','Off') |
810 | end |
811 | end |
812 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData',displ_num); |
813 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
814 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
815 | |
816 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
817 | % determine the menu for civ1 pairs depending on existing netcdf file at the middle of |
818 | % the field series set by first_i, incr, last_i |
819 | %---------------------------------------------------------------- |
820 | function find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
821 | set(gcf,'Pointer','watch') |
822 | %nomenclature types |
823 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
824 | [filepath,Nme,ext_dir]=fileparts(filebase); |
825 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData'); |
826 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
827 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
828 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
829 | % nomenclature type of the .nc files |
830 | nom_type_ima=[];%default |
831 | if isfield(browse,'nom_type_ima') |
832 | nom_type_ima=browse.nom_type_ima; |
833 | end |
834 | |
835 | %determine nom_type_nc: |
836 | nom_type_nc=[];%default |
837 | if isfield(browse,'nom_type_nc') |
838 | nom_type_nc=browse.nom_type_nc; |
839 | end |
840 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'png_old') | isequal(nom_type_nc,'netc_old')| isequal(nom_type_ima,'raw_SMD') |
841 | nom_type_nc='netc_old';%nom_type for the netcdf files |
842 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'none')|isequal(nom_type_nc,'none') |
843 | nom_type_nc='none'; |
844 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'avi')|isequal(nom_type_ima,'_i')|isequal(nom_type_ima,'ima_num')|... |
845 | isequal(nom_type_nc,'_i1-i2') |
846 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2'; |
847 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'_i_j1-j2')||isequal(nom_type_nc,'_i1-i2_j1-j2') |
848 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2_j1-j2'; |
849 | else |
850 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)')|isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
851 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2_j'; % PIV in volume |
852 | else |
853 | nom_type_nc='_i_j1-j2'; |
854 | end |
855 | end |
856 | browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type_nc; |
857 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse) |
858 | |
859 | %reads .nc subdirectoy and image numbers from the interface |
860 | subdir_civ1=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data |
861 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
862 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
863 | incr=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
864 | num1=first_i:incr:last_i; |
865 | if isempty(num1) |
866 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String',{''}); |
867 | return |
868 | end |
869 | ref_i=str2num(get(handles.ref_i,'String')); |
870 | time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData');%get the set of times |
871 | if isempty(time) |
872 | time=[0 1]; |
873 | end |
874 | displ_num=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData'); |
875 | |
876 | %eliminate the first pairs inconsistent with the position |
877 | if isempty(displ_num) |
878 | nbpair=0; |
879 | else |
880 | nbpair=length(displ_num(1,:));%nbre of displayed pairs |
881 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
882 | nbpair=min(2*ref_i-1,nbpair);%limit the number of pairs with positive first index |
883 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
884 | nbpair=min(2*ref_j-1,nbpair);%limit the number of pairs with positive first index |
885 | end |
886 | end |
887 | nbpair=min(200,nbpair);%limit the number of displayed pairs to 200 |
888 | |
889 | %look for existing processed pairs involving the field at the middle of the series if civ1 will not |
890 | % be performed, while the result is needed for next steps. |
891 | displ_pair={''}; |
892 | select=ones(size(1:nbpair));%default =1 for numbers of displayed pairs |
893 | testpair=0; |
894 | if get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 % |
895 | dirname=fullfile(filepath,subdir_civ1,ext_dir); |
896 | if ~exist(fullfile(filepath,subdir_civ1,ext_dir),'dir') |
897 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no civ1 file available: subdirectory ' subdir_civ1 ' does not exist']); |
898 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String',{}); |
899 | return |
900 | end |
901 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
902 | filename=name_generator(filebase,ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(1,ipair),'.nc',nom_type_nc,1,... |
903 | ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(2,ipair),subdir_civ1); |
904 | select(ipair)=exist(filename,'file'); |
905 | end |
906 | if ~exist('select','var') | isequal(select,zeros(size(1:nbpair))) |
907 | if isfield(browse,'incr_pair') |
908 | num_i1=ref_i-floor(browse.incr_pair(1)/2); |
909 | num_i2=ref_i+ceil(browse.incr_pair(1)/2); |
910 | num_j1=ref_j-floor(browse.incr_pair(2)/2); |
911 | num_j2=ref_j+ceil(browse.incr_pair(2)/2); |
912 | [filename]=name_generator(filebase,num_i1,num_j1,'.nc',nom_type_nc,1,num_i2,num_j2,subdir_civ1); |
913 | select(1)=exist(filename,'file'); |
914 | testpair=1; |
915 | else |
916 | if isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
917 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no civ1 file available for the selected reference index j=' num2str(ref_j) ' and subdirectory ' subdir_civ1]); |
918 | else |
919 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no civ1 file available for the selected reference index i=' num2str(ref_i) ' and subdirectory ' subdir_civ1]); |
920 | end |
921 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String',{''}); |
923 | return |
924 | end |
925 | end |
926 | end |
927 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') |
928 | if testpair |
929 | displ_pair{1}=['Di= ' num2str(-floor(browse.incr_pair(1)/2)) '|' num2str(ceil(browse.incr_pair(1)/2))]; |
930 | else |
931 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
932 | if select(ipair) |
933 | dt=time(ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),1)-time(ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),1);%time interval dt |
934 | displ_pair{ipair}=['Di= ' num2str(-floor(ipair/2)) '|' num2str(ceil(ipair/2)) ' :dt= ' num2str(dt*1000)]; |
935 | else |
936 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
937 | end |
938 | end |
939 | end |
940 | elseif isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2')%case of pairs |
941 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
942 | if select(ipair) |
943 | dt=time(ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),displ_num(2,ipair))-time(ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),displ_num(1,ipair));%time interval dt |
944 | displ_pair{ipair}=['j= ' num2stra(displ_num(1,ipair),nom_type_ima) '-' num2stra(displ_num(2,ipair),nom_type_ima) ... |
945 | ' :dt= ' num2str(dt*1000)]; |
946 | else |
947 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
948 | end |
949 | end |
950 | elseif isequal(mode,'displacement') |
951 | displ_pair={'Di=Dj=0'}; |
952 | end |
953 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String',displ_pair'); |
954 | ichoice=min(find(select)); |
955 | if (isempty(ichoice) | ichoice < 1); ichoice=1; end; |
956 | initial=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value'); |
957 | if initial>nbpair |~isequal(select(initial),1) |
958 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value',ichoice);% first valid pair proposed by default in the menu |
959 | end |
960 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String',displ_pair'); |
961 | initial=get(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value'); |
962 | if initial>nbpair |~isequal(select(initial),1) |
963 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value',ichoice);% same pair proposed by default for civ2 |
964 | end |
965 | set(gcf,'Pointer','arrow') |
966 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
967 | % determine the menu for civ2 pairs depending on the existing netcdf file at the |
968 | %middle of the series set by first_i, incr, last_i |
969 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
970 | function find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
971 | return %do not exist in 3D |
972 | set(gcf,'Pointer','watch') |
973 | %nomenclature types |
974 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
975 | [filepath,Nme,ext_dir]=fileparts(filebase); |
976 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData'); |
977 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
978 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
979 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
980 | |
981 | % nomenclature type of the .nc files |
982 | nom_type_ima='ima_num';%default |
983 | if isfield(browse,'nom_type_ima') |
984 | nom_type_ima=browse.nom_type_ima; |
985 | end |
986 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2';%default |
987 | if isfield(browse,'nom_type_nc') |
988 | nom_type_nc=browse.nom_type_nc; |
989 | end |
990 | if isequal(nom_type_ima,'png_old') | isequal(nom_type_ima,'netc_old')| isequal(nom_type_ima,'raw_SMD')| isequal(nom_type_nc,'netc_old') |
991 | nom_type_nc='netc_old';%nom_type for the netcdf files |
992 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'none')|isequal(nom_type_nc,'none') |
993 | nom_type_nc='none'; |
994 | elseif isequal(nom_type_ima,'avi')|isequal(nom_type_ima,'_i')|isequal(nom_type_ima,'ima_num')|isequal(nom_type_nc,'_i1-i2') |
995 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2'; |
996 | else |
997 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)')|isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
998 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2_j'; % PIV in volume |
999 | else |
1000 | nom_type_nc='_i_j1-j2'; |
1001 | end |
1002 | end |
1003 | browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type_nc; |
1004 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse) |
1005 | |
1006 | %reads .nc subdirectory and image numbers from the interface |
1007 | subdir_civ1=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf data |
1008 | subdir_civ2=get(handles.subdir_civ2,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ2 for the netcdf data |
1009 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
1010 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
1011 | incr=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
1012 | num1=first_i:incr:last_i; |
1013 | if isempty(num1) |
1014 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String',{}); |
1015 | return |
1016 | end |
1017 | ref_i=str2num(get(handles.ref_i,'String')); |
1018 | if isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2')|isequal(mode,'st_pair j1-j2') |
1019 | ref_j=0; |
1020 | else |
1021 | ref_j=str2num(get(handles.ref_j,'String')); |
1022 | end |
1023 | time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData'); %get the set of times |
1024 | if isempty(time) |
1025 | time=[0 1];%default |
1026 | end |
1027 | dt_unit=str2num(get(handles.dt,'String'));% used when there is no image documentation file |
1028 | displ_num=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData'); |
1029 | |
1030 | |
1031 | %eliminate the first pairs inconsistent with the position |
1032 | if isempty(displ_num) |
1033 | nbpair=0; |
1034 | else |
1035 | nbpair=length(displ_num(1,:));%nbre of displayed pairs |
1036 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
1037 | nbpair=min(2*ref_i-1,nbpair);%limit the number of pairs with positive first index |
1038 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
1039 | nbpair=min(2*ref_j-1,nbpair);%limit the number of pairs with positive first index |
1040 | end |
1041 | end |
1042 | nbpair=min(200,nbpair);%limit the number of displayed pairs to 200 |
1043 | |
1044 | %look for existing processed pairs involving the field at the middle of the series if civ1 will not |
1045 | % be performed, while the result is needed for next steps. |
1046 | displ_pair={''}; %default |
1047 | select=ones(size(1:nbpair));%default =1 for nubers of displayed pairs |
1048 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 & get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==0%&... |
1049 | if ~exist(fullfile(filepath,subdir_civ2,ext_dir),'dir') |
1050 | errordlg(['no civ2 file available: subdirectory ' subdir_civ2 ' does not exist']) |
1051 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String',{}); |
1052 | return |
1053 | end |
1054 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
1055 | [filename]=name_generator(filebase,ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(1,ipair),'.nc',nom_type_nc,1,... |
1056 | ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(2,ipair),subdir_civ1); |
1057 | select(ipair)=exist(filename,'file'); |
1058 | end |
1059 | if isequal(select,zeros(size(1:nbpair))) |
1060 | if isfield(browse,'incr_pair') |
1061 | num_i1=ref_i-floor(browse.incr_pair(1)/2); |
1062 | num_i2=ref_i+floor((browse.incr_pair(1)+1)/2); |
1063 | num_j1=ref_j-floor(browse.incr_pair(2)/2); |
1064 | num_j2=ref_j+floor((browse.incr_pair(2)+1)/2); |
1065 | filename=name_generator(filebase,num_i1,num_j1,'.nc',nom_type_nc,1,num_i2,num_j2,subdir_civ2); |
1066 | select(1)=exist(filename,'file'); |
1067 | else |
1068 | if isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
1069 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no civ2 file available for the selected reference index j=' num2str(ref_j) ' and subdirectory ' subdir_civ2]) |
1070 | else |
1071 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['no civ2 file available for the selected reference index i=' num2str(ref_i) ' and subdirectory ' subdir_civ2]) |
1072 | end |
1073 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String',{}); |
1074 | return |
1075 | end |
1076 | end |
1077 | end |
1078 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Di)') |
1079 | if ~isequal(get(handles.ext_txt,'String'),'dt(ms)=') |
1080 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
1081 | if select(ipair) |
1082 | dt=time(ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(2,ipair))-time(ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(1,ipair));%time interval dt |
1083 | displ_pair{ipair}=['Di= ' num2str(-floor(ipair/2)) '|' num2str(ceil(ipair/2)) ' :dt= ' num2str(dt*1000)]; |
1084 | else |
1085 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
1086 | end |
1087 | end |
1088 | else |
1089 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
1090 | if select(ipair) |
1091 | displ_pair{ipair}=['Di= ' num2str(-floor(ipair/2)) '|' num2str(ceil(ipair/2)) ' :dt= ' num2str(dt_unit*ipair)]; |
1092 | else |
1093 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
1094 | end |
1095 | end |
1096 | end |
1097 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | isequal(mode,'st_series(Dj)') % series on the j index |
1098 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
1099 | if select(ipair) |
1100 | dt=time(ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(2,ipair))-time(ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),ref_j+displ_num(1,ipair));%time interval dt |
1101 | displ_pair{ipair}=['Dj= ' num2str(-floor(ipair/2)) '|' num2str(ceil(ipair/2)) ' :dt= ' num2str(dt*1000)]; |
1102 | else |
1103 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
1104 | end |
1105 | end |
1106 | elseif isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2') | isequal(mode,'st_pair j1-j2') %case of pairs |
1107 | for ipair=1:nbpair |
1108 | if select(ipair) |
1109 | dt=time(ref_i+displ_num(4,ipair),displ_num(2,ipair))-time(ref_i+displ_num(3,ipair),displ_num(1,ipair));%time interval dt |
1110 | displ_pair{ipair}=['j= ' num2stra(displ_num(1,ipair),nom_type_ima) '-' num2stra(displ_num(2,ipair),nom_type_ima) ... |
1111 | ' :dt= ' num2str(dt*1000)]; |
1112 | else |
1113 | displ_pair{ipair}='...'; %pair not displayed in the menu |
1114 | end |
1115 | end |
1116 | elseif isequal(mode,'displacement') |
1117 | displ_pair={'Di=Dj=0'}; |
1118 | end |
1119 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String',displ_pair'); |
1120 | ichoice=min(find(select)); |
1121 | if (isempty(ichoice) | ichoice < 1); ichoice=1; end; |
1122 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 & get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==0 |
1123 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value',ichoice);% first valid pair proposed by default in the menu |
1124 | end |
1125 | set(gcf,'Pointer','arrow') |
1126 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
1127 | % determine the list of index pairs of processing file |
1128 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1129 | function [num1_civ1,num2_civ1,num_a_civ1,num_b_civ1,num1_civ2,num2_civ2,num_a_civ2,num_b_civ2]=... |
1130 | find_pair_indices(handles,mode) |
1131 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
1132 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
1133 | incr=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
1134 | list_civ1=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String'); |
1135 | index_civ1=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value'); |
1136 | str_civ1=list_civ1{index_civ1}; |
1137 | list_civ2=get(handles.list_pair_civ2,'String'); |
1138 | index_civ2=get(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value'); |
1139 | str_civ2=list_civ2{index_civ2}; |
1140 | if isempty(first_i), msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','first field number not defined'),... |
1141 | set(handles.RUN, 'Enable','On'), set(handles.RUN,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]),return,end; |
1142 | if isempty(last_i),msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','last field number not defined'),... |
1143 | set(handles.RUN, 'Enable','On'), set(handles.RUN,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]),return,end; |
1144 | if isempty(incr), msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','increment in field number not defined'),... |
1145 | set(handles.RUN, 'Enable','On'), set(handles.RUN,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]),return,end; |
1146 | if last_i < first_i , msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','last field number must be larger than the first one'),... |
1147 | set(handles.RUN, 'Enable','On'), set(handles.RUN,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]),return,end; |
1148 | num1=[first_i:incr:last_i]; |
1149 | if isequal (mode,'series(Di)') |
1150 | %recognize the pair civ1 from the display |
1151 | indsel=find((double(str_civ1)<48)|(double(str_civ1)>57));% character indices of non numerical characters |
1152 | str_raw=str_civ1(indsel); |
1153 | indsepar=find(str_raw=='|'); %character index of the separator |
1154 | d1=str2num(str_civ1([indsel(indsepar-1)+1:indsel(indsepar)-1])); |
1155 | if indsepar==length(str_raw) |
1156 | d2=str2num(str_civ1([indsel(indsepar)+1:end])); |
1157 | else |
1158 | d2=str2num(str_civ1([indsel(indsepar)+1:indsel(indsepar+1)-1])); |
1159 | end |
1160 | %recognize the pair civ2 from the display |
1161 | num1_civ1=num1-d1;% set of first image numbers |
1162 | num2_civ1=num1+d2; |
1163 | num_a_civ1=1; |
1164 | num_b_civ1=1; |
1165 | num1_civ2=num1-floor(index_civ2/2)*ones(size(num1));% set of first image numbers |
1166 | num2_civ2=num1+ceil(index_civ2/2)*ones(size(num1)); |
1167 | num1_civ2=num1-d1;% set of first image numbers |
1168 | num2_civ2=num1+d2; |
1169 | num_a_civ2=1; |
1170 | num_b_civ2=1; |
1171 | % adjust the first and last field number |
1172 | lastfield=str2num(get(handles.nb_field,'String')); |
1173 | if isequal(lastfield,[]) |
1174 | indsel=find((num1_civ1 >= 1)&(num1_civ2 >= 1)); |
1175 | else |
1176 | indsel=find((num2_civ1 <= lastfield)&(num2_civ2 <= lastfield)&(num1_civ1 >= 1)&(num1_civ2 >= 1)); |
1177 | end |
1178 | if length(indsel)>=1 |
1179 | firstind=indsel(1); |
1180 | lastind=indsel(end); |
1181 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(num1(firstind)))%update the display of first and last fields |
1182 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(num1(lastind))) |
1183 | num1=num1(indsel); |
1184 | num1_civ1=num1_civ1(indsel); |
1185 | num1_civ2=num1_civ2(indsel); |
1186 | num2_civ1=num2_civ1(indsel); |
1187 | num2_civ2=num2_civ2(indsel); |
1188 | end |
1189 | elseif isequal (mode,'series(Dj)')|isequal (mode,'st_series(Dj)') |
1190 | lastfield_j=str2num(get(handles.nb_field2,'String')); |
1191 | num1_civ1=num1;% set of first image numbers |
1192 | num2_civ1=num1; |
1193 | num_a_civ1=num_j-floor(index_civ1/2)*ones(size(num_j)); |
1194 | num_b_civ1=num_j+ceil(index_civ1/2)*ones(size(num_j)); |
1195 | num1_civ2=num1; |
1196 | num2_civ2=num1; |
1197 | num_a_civ2=num_j-floor(index_civ2/2)*ones(size(num_j)); |
1198 | num_b_civ2=num_j+ceil(index_civ2/2)*ones(size(num_j)); |
1199 | % adjust the first and last field number |
1200 | if isequal(lastfield_j,[]) |
1201 | indsel=find((num_a_civ1 >= 1)&(num_a_civ2 >= 1)); |
1202 | else |
1203 | indsel=find((num_b_civ1 <= lastfield_j)&(num_b_civ2 <= lastfield_j)&(num_a_civ1 >= 1)&(num_a_civ2 >= 1)); |
1204 | end |
1205 | if length(indsel)>=1 |
1206 | firstind=indsel(1); |
1207 | lastind=indsel(end); |
1208 | set(handles.first_j,'String',num2str(num_j(firstind)))%update the display of first and last fields |
1209 | set(handles.last_j,'String',num2str(num_j(lastind))) |
1210 | num_j=num_j(indsel); |
1211 | num_a_civ1=num_a_civ1(indsel); |
1212 | num_a_civ2=num_a_civ2(indsel); |
1213 | num_b_civ1=num_b_civ1(indsel); |
1214 | num_b_civ2=num_b_civ2(indsel); |
1215 | end |
1216 | elseif isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2') | isequal(mode,'st_pair j1-j2') %case of bursts (png_old or png_2D) |
1217 | num1_civ1=num1; |
1218 | num1_civ2=num1; |
1219 | displ_num=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData'); |
1220 | num2_civ1=num1; |
1221 | num_a_civ1=displ_num(1,index_civ1); |
1222 | num_b_civ1=displ_num(2,index_civ1); |
1223 | num2_civ2=num1; |
1224 | num_a_civ2=displ_num(1,index_civ2); |
1225 | num_b_civ2=displ_num(2,index_civ2); |
1226 | elseif isequal(mode,'displacement') |
1227 | num1_civ1=num1; |
1228 | num2_civ1=num1; |
1229 | num_a_civ1=num_j; |
1230 | num_b_civ1=num_j; |
1231 | num1_civ2=num1; |
1232 | num2_civ2=num1; |
1233 | num_a_civ2=num_j; |
1234 | num_b_civ2=num_j; |
1235 | end |
1236 | |
1237 | |
1238 | %------------------------------------------------------------- |
1239 | % --- Executes on selection change in list_pair_civ1. |
1240 | function list_pair_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1241 | %------------------------------------------------------------ |
1242 | %reproduce by default the chosen pair in the civ2 menu |
1243 | list_pair=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String');%get the menu of image pairs |
1244 | index_pair=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value'); |
1245 | displ_num=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData'); |
1246 | num_a=displ_num(1,index_pair); |
1247 | num_b=displ_num(2,index_pair); |
1248 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value',index_pair); |
1249 | |
1250 | %update first_i and last_i according to the chosen image pairs |
1251 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
1252 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
1253 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
1254 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') |
1255 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
1256 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
1257 | incr_i=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
1258 | num1=first_i:incr_i:last_i; |
1259 | lastfield=str2num(get(handles.nb_field,'String')); |
1260 | if ~isequal(lastfield,[]) |
1261 | ind=find((num1-floor(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num1))>0)& ... |
1262 | (num1+ceil(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num1))<=lastfield)); |
1263 | num1=num1(ind); |
1264 | end |
1265 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(num1(1))); |
1266 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(num1(end))); |
1267 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') |
1268 | first_j=str2num(get(handles.first_j,'String')); |
1269 | last_j=str2num(get(handles.last_j,'String')); |
1270 | incr_j=str2num(get(handles.incr_j,'String')); |
1271 | num_j=first_j:incr_j:last_j; |
1272 | lastfield2=str2num(get(handles.nb_field2,'String')); |
1273 | if ~isequal(lastfield2,[]) |
1274 | ind=find((num_j-floor(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num_j))>0)& ... |
1275 | (num_j+ceil(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num_j))<=lastfield2)); |
1276 | num1=num_j(ind); |
1277 | end |
1278 | set(handles.first_j,'String',num2str(num1(1))); |
1279 | set(handles.last_j,'String',num2str(num1(end))); |
1280 | end |
1281 | |
1282 | %------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1283 | % --- Executes on selection change in list_pair_civ2. |
1284 | function list_pair_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1285 | |
1286 | index_pair=get(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value');%get the selected position index in the menu |
1287 | |
1288 | %update first_i and last_i according to the chosen image pairs |
1289 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
1290 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
1291 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
1292 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') |
1293 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
1294 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
1295 | incr_i=str2num(get(handles.incr_i,'String')); |
1296 | num1=first_i:incr_i:last_i; |
1297 | lastfield=str2num(get(handles.nb_field,'String')); |
1298 | if ~isequal(lastfield,[]) |
1299 | ind=find((num1-floor(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num1))>0)& ... |
1300 | (num1+ceil(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num1))<=lastfield)); |
1301 | num1=num1(ind); |
1302 | end |
1303 | set(handles.first_i,'String',num2str(num1(1))); |
1304 | set(handles.last_i,'String',num2str(num1(end))); |
1305 | elseif isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') |
1306 | first_j=str2num(get(handles.first_j,'String')); |
1307 | last_j=str2num(get(handles.last_j,'String')); |
1308 | incr_j=str2num(get(handles.incr_j,'String')); |
1309 | num_j=first_j:incr_j:last_j; |
1310 | lastfield2=str2num(get(handles.nb_field2,'String')); |
1311 | if ~isequal(lastfield2,[]) |
1312 | ind=find((num_j-floor(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num_j))>0)& ... |
1313 | (num_j+ceil(index_pair/2)*ones(size(num_j))<=lastfield)); |
1314 | num1=num_j(ind); |
1315 | end |
1316 | set(handles.first_j,'String',num2str(num1(1))); |
1317 | set(handles.last_j,'String',num2str(num1(end))); |
1318 | end |
1319 | |
1320 | |
1321 | |
1322 | |
1323 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
1324 | % --- Executes on button press in BATCH: remote processing |
1325 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
1326 | function BATCH_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1327 | global civ1_exe civ2_exe patch_exe patch_new_exe fix_exe todo_path sge Civ_exe |
1328 | |
1329 | % pxcmx=get(handles.pxcmx,'String'); |
1330 | % pxcmy=get(handles.pxcmy,'String'); |
1331 | % npx=get(handles.pxcmx,'UserData'); |
1332 | % npy=get(handles.pxcmy,'UserData'); |
1333 | |
1334 | %check the list of operations: |
1335 | operations={'CIV1','FIX1','PATCH1','CIV2','FIX2','PATCH2'}; |
1336 | run_flag=1; |
1337 | box_test(1)=get(handles.CIV1,'Value'); |
1338 | box_test(2)=get(handles.FIX1,'Value'); |
1339 | box_test(3)=get(handles.PATCH1,'Value'); |
1340 | box_test(4)=get(handles.CIV2,'Value'); |
1341 | box_test(5)=get(handles.FIX2,'Value'); |
1342 | box_test(6)=get(handles.PATCH2,'Value'); |
1343 | index=find(box_test==1); |
1344 | if isempty(index) |
1345 | errordlg('no selected operation') |
1346 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1347 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1348 | return |
1349 | end |
1350 | index_first=min(index); |
1351 | index_last=max(index); |
1352 | box_used=box_test([index_first : index_last]); |
1353 | [box_missing,ind_missing]=min(box_used); |
1354 | if isequal(box_missing,0) |
1355 | errordlg(['missing' cell2mat(operations(ind_missing))]); |
1356 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1357 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1358 | return |
1359 | end |
1360 | |
1361 | %check mask if selecetd |
1362 | if isequal(get(handles.get_mask_civ1,'Value'),1) |
1363 | get_mask_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1364 | end |
1365 | if isequal(get(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Value'),1) |
1366 | get_mask_fix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1367 | end |
1368 | if isequal(get(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value'),1) |
1369 | get_mask_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1370 | end |
1371 | if isequal(get(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value'),1) |
1372 | get_mask_fix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1373 | end |
1374 | |
1375 | |
1376 | %read names of the .exe file |
1377 | path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat |
1378 | path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT |
1379 | %fid = fopen(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM_LINUX.txt'),'r');%open the file with civ_3D binary names |
1380 | xmlfile=fullfile(path_UVMAT,'PARAM.xml'); |
1381 | if exist(xmlfile,'file') |
1382 | t=xmltree(xmlfile); |
1383 | sparam=convert(t); |
1384 | end |
1385 | if isfield(sparam.BatchParam,'Civ3D3CBin') |
1386 | Civ3D3CBin=sparam.BatchParam.Civ3D3CBin; |
1387 | else |
1388 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','binary for CIV3D3C not defined in PARAM.xml') |
1389 | return |
1390 | end |
1391 | |
1392 | %choice of batch priority |
1393 | ind_answer=2; |
1394 | % if sge |
1395 | [s,w]=unix('qstat -q civ_3D.q|grep job_| wc -l'); %check the waiting list (command unix) |
1396 | if isequal(s,0) |
1397 | w(end)=[]; |
1398 | str_displ={[w ' jobs in the waiting list'];'Select a priority:'}; |
1399 | str={'urgent';'normal';'low'}; |
1400 | [ind_answer,v] = listdlg('PromptString',str_displ,... |
1401 | 'SelectionMode','single',... |
1402 | 'ListString',str,'ListSize',[200 200],'Name','job priority','InitialValue',3); |
1403 | if isequal(v,0) % to handle Cancel button and figure close, |
1404 | return % a better way should be create |
1405 | end |
1406 | else |
1407 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','batch system not available') |
1408 | return |
1409 | end |
1410 | % end |
1411 | %initialize the waitbars |
1412 | set(handles.waitbar_1,'Position',[0.946 0.876 0.03 0.001]) |
1413 | set(handles.waitbar_patch1,'Position',[0.946 0.439 0.03 0.001]) |
1414 | set(handles.waitbar_civ2,'Position',[0.946 0.219 0.03 0.001]) |
1415 | set(handles.waitbar_patch2,'Position',[0.946 0.0 0.03 0.001]) |
1416 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','Off') |
1417 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
1418 | |
1419 | %get the filename root, nomenclature and numbers |
1420 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1421 | % for Windows system find the UBC path name if needed |
1422 | if ~isunix & isequal(todo_path(1:2),'\\') & isequal(filebase(2:3),':\') |
1423 | cur_dir=pwd; |
1424 | if ~isequal(cur_dir(2:3),':\') |
1425 | cd(matlabroot); %move to the Matlab root directory if the current Matlab dir does not allow the dos command or is M: |
1426 | end |
1427 | [ss,ww]=dos(['net use ' filebase(1:2)]); |
1428 | if isequal(ss,0) |
1429 | rankpath=findstr(ww,'\\'); |
1430 | if ~isempty(rankpath) |
1431 | wwrest=ww(rankpath:end); |
1432 | rankend=min(find(double(wwrest)==10))-1; |
1433 | filebase=[wwrest(1:rankend) filebase(3:end)]; |
1434 | set(handles.displ_filebase,'String',filebase); |
1435 | end |
1436 | else |
1437 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','for BATCH option, UBC file names, beginning by \\, are needed'); |
1438 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1439 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1440 | return |
1441 | end |
1442 | end |
1443 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData') |
1444 | ext_ima=browse.ext_ima; |
1445 | nom_type_nc='_i1-i2'; |
1446 | nom_type_ima=browse.nom_type_ima; |
1447 | % nom_type_nc=browse.nom_type_nc; |
1448 | % if isequal(nom_type_ima2,[]),nom_type_ima2='ima_num';end; %default |
1449 | % if isequal(nom_type_nc,[]),nom_type_nc='_i1-i2';end; %default |
1450 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
1451 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
1452 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
1453 | time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData'); %get the set of times |
1454 | |
1455 | [num1_civ1,num2_civ1,num_a_civ1,num_b_civ1,num1_civ2,num2_civ2,num_a_civ2,num_b_civ2]=... |
1456 | find_pair_indices(handles,mode); %determine the pairs of processing file |
1457 | |
1458 | %check dir |
1459 | subdir_civ1=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String');%subdirectory subdir_civ1 for the netcdf output data |
1460 | subdir_civ2=get(handles.subdir_civ2,'String'); |
1461 | if isequal(subdir_civ1,''),subdir_civ1='A'; end% put default subdir |
1462 | if isequal(subdir_civ2,''),subdir_civ2=subdir_civ1; end% put default subdir |
1463 | currentdir=pwd;%store the current working directory |
1464 | [Path_ima,Name]=fileparts(filebase);%Path of the image files (.civ_3D) |
1465 | if ~exist(Path_ima,'dir') |
1466 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['path to images ' Path_ima ' not found']) |
1467 | return |
1468 | end |
1469 | cd(Path_ima);%move to the directory of the images |
1470 | dircur=pwd; %current working directory |
1471 | m2=''; |
1472 | [erread,message]=fileattrib(Path_ima); |
1473 | if ~isempty(message) & ~isequal(message.UserWrite,1) |
1474 | errordlg(['No writting access to ' Path_ima]) |
1475 | cd(currentdir) |
1476 | return |
1477 | end |
1478 | |
1479 | %test for reference file in fix |
1480 | ref_fix1=get(handles.ref_fix1,'UserData'); |
1481 | ref_fix2=get(handles.ref_fix2,'UserData'); |
1482 | if (~isempty(ref_fix1) & box_test(2)==1)|(~isempty(ref_fix2) & box_test(5)==1) |
1483 | errordlg('reference file not implemented in BATCH mode, use RUN') |
1484 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1485 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1486 | return |
1487 | end |
1488 | nbfield=length(num1_civ1); |
1489 | nbslice=length(num_a_civ1); |
1490 | |
1491 | %check the existence of the netcdf and image files involved |
1492 | % if box_test(1)==1;%CIV1 activated |
1493 | detect=1; |
1494 | while detect==1 %name a new subdir if one of the netcdf files already exists |
1495 | for ifile=1:nbfield |
1496 | % for j=1:nbslice |
1497 | filename=name_generator(filebase,num1_civ1(ifile),[],'.nc',... |
1498 | '_i1-i2',1,num2_civ1(ifile),[],subdir_civ1);% |
1499 | detect=exist(filename,'file') |
1500 | if detect% if a netcdf file already exists |
1501 | subdir_civ1=[subdir_civ1 '.0']; |
1502 | subdir_civ2=subdir_civ1; |
1503 | break |
1504 | end |
1505 | filecell_nc1(ifile)={filename}; |
1506 | if detect% if a netcdf file already exists |
1507 | break |
1508 | end |
1509 | end |
1510 | %create the new subdir_civ1 if it does not exist |
1511 | if ~exist(fullfile(Path_ima,subdir_civ1),'dir') |
1512 | [m1,m2,m3]=mkdir(subdir_civ1) |
1513 | if ~isequal(m2,'') |
1514 | msgbox(m2);%error message for directory creation |
1515 | end |
1516 | end |
1517 | end |
1518 | %get image names |
1519 | for ifile=1:nbfield |
1520 | filecell_ima1_civ1{ifile}=name_generator(filebase, num1_civ1(ifile),[],'.vol','_i');%first image |
1521 | filecell_ima2_civ1{ifile}=name_generator(filebase, num2_civ1(ifile),[],'.vol','_i'); %second image |
1522 | if ~exist(filecell_ima1_civ1{ifile},'file') |
1523 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[filecell_ima1_civ1{ifile} ' not found']) |
1524 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1525 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1526 | cd(currentdir) |
1527 | return |
1528 | end |
1529 | if ~exist(filecell_ima2_civ1{ifile},'file') |
1530 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[filecell_ima2_civ1{ifile} ' not found']) |
1531 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1532 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1533 | cd(currentdir) |
1534 | return |
1535 | end |
1536 | end |
1537 | |
1538 | cd(currentdir);%come back to the initial working directory |
1539 | % if ~isequal(m2,'') |
1540 | % msgbox(m2);%error message for directory creation |
1541 | % end |
1542 | set(handles.subdir_civ1,'String',subdir_civ1);%update the edit box |
1543 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'String',subdir_civ2);%update the edit box |
1544 | browse.nom_type_nc=nom_type_nc; |
1545 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse);%update the nomenclature type for uvmat |
1546 | |
1547 | for ifile=1:nbfield |
1548 | i_cmd=0; |
1549 | cmd='#!/bin/bash'; |
1550 | cmd=char({cmd;'#$ -cwd'}); |
1551 | cmd=char({cmd;'hostname && date'}); |
1552 | filename_cmx=cell2mat(filecell_nc1(ifile));%output netcdf file |
1553 | filename_cmx([end-1:end])='cm';%name of cmx file |
1554 | filename_cmx=[filename_cmx 'x']; |
1555 | |
1556 | %CIV1 |
1557 | if box_test(1)==1 |
1558 | %GET civ_3D PARAMETERS: |
1559 | par_civ1=read_param_civ1(handles,cell2mat(filecell_ima1_civ1(1,1))); |
1560 | p1text=[]; |
1561 | [par_civ1.path,resu_file,resu_ext]=fileparts(filecell_nc1{ifile}); |
1562 | par_civ1.volume1=filecell_ima1_civ1{ifile}; |
1563 | par_civ1.volume2=filecell_ima2_civ1{ifile}; |
1564 | par_civ1.nx=str2double(get(handles.npx,'String')); |
1565 | par_civ1.ny=str2double(get(handles.npy,'String'));; |
1566 | par_civ1.nz=par_civ1.gridLimits_Zmax - par_civ1.gridLimits_Zmin; |
1567 | 'TEST' |
1568 | par_civ1 |
1569 | % civAll=get(handles.Experimental,'Value'); % Boolean for new civ excution method |
1570 | % if isequal(civAll,1) |
1571 | civAllxml=struct2xml(par_civ1);% xml contents, all parameters |
1572 | civAllxml=set(civAllxml,1,'name','civ3d3c'); |
1573 | % save(civAllxml) |
1574 | par_civ1_3d_xml=fullfile(par_civ1.path,[resu_file '.xml']);%[par_civ1.path '/test_to_change.xml']; |
1575 | pvalue=num2str((1-ind_answer)*500) |
1576 | save(civAllxml,par_civ1_3d_xml); |
1577 | nb_processor='8'; |
1578 | ['echo /CIVX/bin/MPI/lam-7.1.3_g95/bin/mpirun C ' Civ3D3CBin ' -p ' par_civ1_3d_xml '|qsub -p ' pvalue ' -q lam.q -pe lam_loose ' nb_processor ' -e ' par_civ1_3d_xml '.errors -o ' par_civ1_3d_xml '.log' ] |
1579 | eval ( ['!echo /CIVX/bin/MPI/lam-7.1.3_g95/bin/mpirun C ' Civ3D3CBin ' -p ' par_civ1_3d_xml '|qsub -p ' pvalue ' -q lam.q -pe lam_loose ' nb_processor ' -e ' par_civ1_3d_xml '.errors -o ' par_civ1_3d_xml '.log' ]) |
1580 | |
1581 | end |
1582 | end |
1583 | |
1584 | set(handles.BATCH, 'Enable','On') |
1585 | set(handles.BATCH,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) |
1586 | |
1587 | %save GUI state |
1588 | [Path,Name]=fileparts(filebase); |
1589 | namefig=fullfile(Path,subdir_civ2,Name); |
1590 | detect=1; |
1591 | while detect==1 |
1592 | namefigfull=[namefig '.fig']; |
1593 | hh=dir(namefigfull); |
1594 | if ~isempty(hh) |
1595 | detect=1; |
1596 | namefig=[namefig '.0']; |
1597 | else |
1598 | detect=0; |
1599 | end |
1600 | end |
1601 | saveas(gcbf,namefigfull);%save the interface with name namefigfull |
1602 | |
1603 | |
1604 | %---------------------------------------- |
1605 | %PATCH |
1606 | %--------------------------------------- |
1607 | function cmd_PATCH=RUN_PATCH(filename_nc,nx_patch,ny_patch,rho_patch,subdomain_patch,thresh_value,test_interp) |
1608 | global patch_exe patch_new_exe |
1609 | namelog=[filename_nc([1:end-3]) '_patch.log']; |
1610 | if test_interp==0 |
1611 | cmd_PATCH=[patch_exe ' -f ' filename_nc ' -m ' nx_patch ' -n ' ny_patch ' -ro ' rho_patch ' -nopt ' subdomain_patch ... |
1612 | ' > ' namelog ' 2>&1'] % redirect standard output to the log file |
1613 | else %nouveau programme patch |
1614 | cmd_PATCH=[patch_new_exe ' -f ' filename_nc ' -m ' nx_patch ' -n ' ny_patch ' -ro ' rho_patch ... |
1615 | ' -max ' thresh_value ' -nopt ' subdomain_patch ' > ' namelog ' 2>&1']; % redirect standard output to the log file |
1616 | end |
1617 | |
1618 | |
1619 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
1620 | function first_j_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1621 | last_j_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1622 | |
1623 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
1624 | % --- Executes on button press in CIV1. |
1625 | function CIV1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1626 | enable_civ1(handles,get(handles.CIV1,'Value')) |
1627 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1628 | |
1629 | %------------------------------------------------------ |
1630 | % --- Executes on button press in FIX1. |
1631 | function FIX1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1632 | |
1633 | if get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==1 |
1634 | enable_fix1(handles) |
1635 | else |
1636 | desable_fix1(handles) |
1637 | end |
1638 | |
1639 | %---------------------------------------------------------------- |
1640 | % --- Executes on button press in PATCH1. |
1641 | function PATCH1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1642 | |
1643 | if get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==1 |
1644 | enable_patch1(handles) |
1645 | else |
1646 | desable_patch1(handles) |
1647 | end |
1648 | |
1649 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
1650 | % --- Executes on button press in CIV2. |
1651 | function CIV2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1652 | state=get(handles.CIV2,'Value'); |
1653 | enable_civ2(handles,state) |
1654 | if state |
1655 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1656 | end |
1657 | |
1658 | %--------------------------------------------------- |
1659 | % --- Executes on button press in FIX2. |
1660 | function FIX2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1661 | if get(handles.FIX2,'Value')==1 |
1662 | enable_fix2(handles) |
1663 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 |
1664 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) % select the available netcdf files |
1665 | end |
1666 | else |
1667 | desable_fix2(handles) |
1668 | end |
1669 | |
1670 | |
1671 | %------------------------------------------------------- |
1672 | % --- Executes on button press in PATCH2. |
1673 | function PATCH2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1674 | %-------------------------------------------------------- |
1675 | if get(handles.PATCH2,'Value')==1 |
1676 | enable_patch2(handles) |
1677 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 |
1678 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) % select the available netcdf files |
1679 | end |
1680 | else |
1681 | desable_patch2(handles) |
1682 | end |
1683 | |
1684 | |
1685 | |
1686 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
1687 | function first_i_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1688 | %------------------------------------------------------ |
1689 | last_i_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1690 | |
1691 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
1692 | % --- Executes on button press in calcul_search: determine the search range isx,isy |
1693 | %-------------------------------------------------------- |
1694 | function calcul_search_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1695 | |
1696 | %determine pair numbers |
1697 | list_pair=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'String');%get the menu of image pairs |
1698 | index=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value'); |
1699 | displ_num=get(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData'); |
1700 | time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData'); %get the set of times |
1701 | pxcm_xy=get(handles.calcul_search,'UserData') |
1702 | pxcmx=pxcm_xy(1); |
1703 | pxcmy=pxcm_xy(2); |
1704 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
1705 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
1706 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
1707 | if isequal (mode, 'series(Di)' ) |
1708 | ref_i=str2num(get(handles.ref_i,'String')); |
1709 | num1=ref_i-floor(index/2);% first image numbers |
1710 | num2=ref_i+ceil(index/2); |
1711 | num_a=1; |
1712 | num_b=1; |
1713 | elseif isequal (mode, 'series(Dj)') |
1714 | num1=1; |
1715 | num2=1; |
1716 | ref_j=str2num(get(handles.ref_j,'String')); |
1717 | num_a=ref_j-floor(index/2);% first image numbers |
1718 | num_b=ref_j+ceil(index/2); |
1719 | elseif isequal(mode,'pair j1-j2') %case of bursts (png_old or png_2D) |
1720 | ref_i=str2num(get(handles.ref_i,'String')); |
1721 | num1=ref_i; |
1722 | num2=ref_i; |
1723 | num_a=displ_num(1,index); |
1724 | num_b=displ_num(2,index); |
1725 | end |
1726 | dt=time(num2,num_b)-time(num1,num_a); |
1727 | ibx=str2num(get(handles.ibx,'String')); |
1728 | iby=str2num(get(handles.iby,'String')); |
1729 | umin=dt*pxcmx*str2num(get(handles.umin,'String')); |
1730 | umax=dt*pxcmx*str2num(get(handles.umax,'String')); |
1731 | vmin=dt*pxcmy*str2num(get(handles.vmin,'String')); |
1732 | vmax=dt*pxcmy*str2num(get(handles.vmax,'String')); |
1733 | shiftx=round((umin+umax)/2); |
1734 | shifty=round((vmin+vmax)/2); |
1735 | isx=(umax+2-shiftx)*2+ibx; |
1736 | isx=2*ceil(isx/2)+1; |
1737 | isy=(vmax+2-shifty)*2+iby; |
1738 | isy=2*ceil(isy/2)+1; |
1739 | set(handles.shiftx,'String',num2str(shiftx)); |
1740 | set(handles.shifty,'String',num2str(shifty)); |
1741 | set(handles.isx,'String',num2str(isx)); |
1742 | set(handles.isy,'String',num2str(isy)); |
1743 | |
1744 | |
1745 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
1746 | % Executes on carriage return on the subdir civ1 edit window |
1747 | %-------------------------------------------------------- |
1748 | function subdir_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1749 | subdir=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String'); |
1750 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'String',subdir); |
1751 | if get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 |
1752 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles); %update the list of available pairs from netcdf files in the new directory |
1753 | end |
1754 | |
1755 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
1756 | % Executes on carriage return on the subdir civ1 edit window |
1757 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
1758 | function subdir_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1759 | %update the list of available pairs from netcdf files in the new directory |
1760 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 & get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==0 |
1761 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1762 | end |
1763 | |
1764 | %------------------------------------------------------ |
1765 | % --- Executes on button press in get_mask_civ1. |
1766 | %------------------------------------------------------ |
1767 | function get_mask_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1768 | maskval=get(handles.get_mask_civ1,'Value') |
1769 | if isequal(maskval,0) |
1770 | set(handles.mask_civ1,'String','') |
1771 | else |
1772 | mask_displ='no mask'; %default |
1773 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1774 | [ nbslice, flag_mask]=get_mask(filebase,handles) |
1775 | if isequal(flag_mask,1) |
1776 | mask_displ=[num2str(nbslice) 'mask']; |
1777 | end |
1778 | if get(handles.compare,'Value')==1 & ~isequal(mask_displ,'no mask')% look for the second mask series |
1779 | filebase_a=get(handles.displ_filebase2,'String'); |
1780 | [nbslice_a, flag_mask_a]=get_mask(filebase_a,handles) |
1781 | if isequal(flag_mask_a,0) | ~isequal(nbslice_a,nbslice) |
1782 | mask_displ='no mask'; |
1783 | end |
1784 | end |
1785 | if isequal(mask_displ,'no mask') |
1786 | set(handles.get_mask_civ1,'Value',0) |
1787 | set(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Value',0) |
1788 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value',0) |
1789 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',0) |
1790 | else |
1791 | set(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Value',1) |
1792 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value',1) |
1793 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',1) |
1794 | end |
1795 | set(handles.mask_civ1,'String',mask_displ) |
1796 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'String',mask_displ) |
1797 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'String',mask_displ) |
1798 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String',mask_displ) |
1799 | end |
1800 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
1801 | % --- Executes on button press in get_mask_fix1. |
1802 | function get_mask_fix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1803 | maskval=get(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Value') |
1804 | if isequal(maskval,0) |
1805 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'String','') |
1806 | else |
1807 | mask_displ='no mask'; %default |
1808 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1809 | [nbslice, flag_mask]=get_mask(filebase,handles) |
1810 | if isequal(flag_mask,1) |
1811 | mask_displ=[num2str(nbslice) 'mask']; |
1812 | end |
1813 | if get(handles.compare,'Value')==1 & ~isequal(mask_displ,'no mask')% look for the second mask series |
1814 | filebase_a=get(handles.displ_filebase2,'String'); |
1815 | [nbslice_a, flag_mask_a]=get_mask(filebase_a,handles) |
1816 | if isequal(flag_mask_a,0) | ~isequal(nbslice_a,nbslice) |
1817 | mask_displ='no mask'; |
1818 | end |
1819 | end |
1820 | if isequal(mask_displ,'no mask') |
1821 | set(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Value',0) |
1822 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value',0) |
1823 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',0) |
1824 | else |
1825 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value',1) |
1826 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',1) |
1827 | end |
1828 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'String',mask_displ) |
1829 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'String',mask_displ) |
1830 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String',mask_displ) |
1831 | end |
1832 | %----------------------------------------- |
1833 | % --- Executes on button press in get_mask_civ2. |
1834 | function get_mask_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1835 | maskval=get(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value') |
1836 | if isequal(maskval,0) |
1837 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'String','') |
1838 | else |
1839 | mask_displ='no mask'; %default |
1840 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1841 | [nbslice, flag_mask]=get_mask(filebase,handles) |
1842 | if isequal(flag_mask,1) |
1843 | mask_displ=[num2str(nbslice) 'mask']; |
1844 | end |
1845 | if get(handles.compare,'Value')==1 & ~isequal(mask_displ,'no mask')% look for the second mask series |
1846 | filebase_a=get(handles.displ_filebase2,'String'); |
1847 | [nbslice_a, flag_mask_a]=get_mask(filebase_a,handles) |
1848 | if isequal(flag_mask_a,0) | ~isequal(nbslice_a,nbslice) |
1849 | mask_displ='no mask'; |
1850 | end |
1851 | end |
1852 | if isequal(mask_displ,'no mask') |
1853 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Value',0) |
1854 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',0) |
1855 | else |
1856 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',1) |
1857 | end |
1858 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'String',mask_displ) |
1859 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String',mask_displ) |
1860 | end |
1861 | %------------------------------------- |
1862 | % --- Executes on button press in get_mask_fix2. |
1863 | function get_mask_fix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1864 | maskval=get(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value') |
1865 | if isequal(maskval,0) |
1866 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String','') |
1867 | else |
1868 | mask_displ='no mask'; %default |
1869 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1870 | [nbslice, flag_mask]=get_mask(filebase,handles) |
1871 | if isequal(flag_mask,1) |
1872 | mask_displ=[num2str(nbslice) 'mask']; |
1873 | end |
1874 | if get(handles.compare,'Value')==1 & ~isequal(mask_displ,'no mask')% look for the second mask series |
1875 | filebase_a=get(handles.displ_filebase2,'String'); |
1876 | [nbslice_a, flag_mask_a]=get_mask(filebase_a,handles) |
1877 | if isequal(flag_mask_a,0) | ~isequal(nbslice_a,nbslice) |
1878 | mask_displ='no mask'; |
1879 | end |
1880 | end |
1881 | if isequal(mask_displ,'no mask') |
1882 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Value',0) |
1883 | end |
1884 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String',mask_displ) |
1885 | end |
1886 | |
1887 | %--------------------------------------- |
1888 | function [nbslice, flag_mask]=get_mask(filebase,handles) |
1889 | %detect mask files, images with appropriate file base |
1890 | %[filebase '_' xx 'mask'], xx=nbslice |
1891 | %flag_mask=1 indicates detection |
1892 | |
1893 | flag_mask=0;%default |
1894 | nbslice=1; |
1895 | |
1896 | % subdir=get(handles.subdir_civ1,'String'); |
1897 | [Path,Name]=fileparts(filebase) |
1898 | currentdir=pwd; |
1899 | cd(Path);%move in the dir of the root name filebase |
1900 | maskfiles=dir([Name '_*mask_*.png'])%look for mask files |
1901 | cd(currentdir);%come back to the current working directory |
1902 | if isempty(maskfiles) |
1903 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'UserData'); |
1904 | varargin{1}=''; |
1905 | image_name=name_generator(filebase,1,1,browse.ext_ima,browse.nom_type_ima);%name of an image |
1906 | if exist(image_name,'file') |
1907 | varargin{1}=image_name; |
1908 | end |
1909 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','no mask available, use TOOL menu in the uvmat interface to create it') |
1910 | % makemask(varargin); %open the makemask interface |
1911 | else |
1912 | maskname=maskfiles(1).name;% take the first mask file in the list |
1913 | [Path2,Name,ext]=fileparts(maskname); |
1914 | Namedouble=double(Name); |
1915 | val=(48>Namedouble)|(Namedouble>57);% select the non-numerical characters |
1916 | ind_mask=findstr('mask',Name); |
1917 | i=ind_mask-1; |
1918 | while val(i)==0 & i>0 |
1919 | i=i-1; |
1920 | end |
1921 | nbslice=str2num(Name(i+1:ind_mask-1)); |
1922 | if ~isequal(nbslice,[]) & Name(i)=='_' |
1923 | flag_mask=1; |
1924 | else |
1925 | errordlg(['bad mask file ' Name ext ' found in ' Path2]) |
1926 | return |
1927 | nbslice=1; |
1928 | end |
1929 | end |
1930 | %------------------------------ |
1931 | |
1932 | |
1933 | function grid_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1934 | % hObject handle to grid_civ1 (see GCBO) |
1935 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
1936 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
1937 | |
1938 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of grid_civ1 as text |
1939 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of grid_civ1 as a double |
1940 | |
1941 | |
1942 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
1943 | % transform numbers to letters |
1944 | %-------------------------------------------- |
1945 | function str=num2stra(num,nom_type); |
1946 | if isequal(nom_type,'png_old') | isequal(nom_type,'netc_old') |isequal(nom_type,'raw_SMD') |
1947 | str=char(96+num); |
1948 | elseif isequal(nom_type,'_i')|isequal(nom_type,'_i1-i2')... |
1949 | |isequal(nom_type,'ima_num')| isequal(nom_type,'avi')| isequal(nom_type,'none') |
1950 | str=''; |
1951 | else |
1952 | str=num2str(num); |
1953 | end |
1954 | %--------------------------------------------------- |
1955 | function mask_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1956 | set(handles.mask_civ1,'UserData',[]) |
1957 | set(handles.mask_civ1,'String','') |
1958 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
1959 | function mask_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1960 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'UserData',[]) |
1961 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'String','') |
1962 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
1963 | function mask_fix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1964 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'UserData',[]) |
1965 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'String','') |
1966 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
1967 | function mask_fix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1968 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'UserData',[]) |
1969 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'String','') |
1970 | |
1971 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1972 | % --- Executes on button press in list_subdir_civ1. |
1973 | function list_subdir_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1974 | |
1975 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
1976 | dirinput = uigetdir(filebase) |
1977 | set(handles.subdir_civ1,'String',dirinput) |
1978 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'String',dirinput) |
1979 | |
1980 | displ_filebase_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
1981 | |
1982 | |
1983 | function rho_civ2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1984 | % hObject handle to rho_civ2 (see GCBO) |
1985 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
1986 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
1987 | |
1988 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of rho_civ2 as text |
1989 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of rho_civ2 as a double |
1990 | |
1991 | %---------------------------------------------- |
1992 | function last_i_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1993 | first_i=str2num(get(handles.first_i,'String')); |
1994 | last_i=str2num(get(handles.last_i,'String')); |
1995 | ref_i=ceil((first_i+last_i)/2); |
1996 | set(handles.ref_i,'String', num2str(ref_i)) |
1997 | ref_i_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
1998 | |
1999 | %------------------------------------------------------- |
2000 | function last_j_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2001 | first_j=str2num(get(handles.first_j,'String')); |
2002 | last_j=str2num(get(handles.last_j,'String')); |
2003 | ref_j=ceil((first_j+last_j)/2); |
2004 | set(handles.ref_j,'String', num2str(ref_j)) |
2005 | ref_j_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2006 | |
2007 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2008 | % --- Executes on button press in browse_gridciv1. |
2009 | function browse_gridciv1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2010 | value=get(handles.browse_gridciv1,'Value'); |
2011 | if value |
2012 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2013 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ... |
2014 | {'*.grid', ' (*.grid)'; |
2015 | '*.grid', '.grid files '; ... |
2016 | '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... |
2017 | 'Pick a file',filebase); |
2018 | filegrid=fullfile(PathName,FileName); |
2019 | if isempty(FileName)|isempty(PathName)|isequal(FileName,0)|~exist(filegrid,'file') |
2020 | set(handles.browse_gridciv1,'Value',0); |
2021 | set(handles.grid_civ1,'string',''); |
2022 | set(handles.dx_civ1,'Visible','on'); |
2023 | set(handles.dy_civ1,'Visible','on'); |
2024 | set(handles.grid_civ2,'string',''); |
2025 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value') |
2026 | set(handles.dx_civ2,'Visible','on'); |
2027 | set(handles.dy_civ2,'Visible','on'); |
2028 | end |
2029 | else |
2030 | set(handles.grid_civ1,'string',filegrid); |
2031 | set(handles.dx_civ1,'Visible','off'); |
2032 | set(handles.dy_civ1,'Visible','off'); |
2033 | set(handles.grid_civ2,'string',filegrid); |
2034 | set(handles.dx_civ2,'Visible','off'); |
2035 | set(handles.dy_civ2,'Visible','off'); |
2036 | % set(handles.grid_patch1,'string',filegrid); |
2037 | % set(handles.grid_patch2,'string',filegrid); |
2038 | end |
2039 | else |
2040 | set(handles.grid_civ1,'string',''); |
2041 | set(handles.dx_civ1,'Visible','on'); |
2042 | set(handles.dy_civ1,'Visible','on'); |
2043 | set(handles.grid_civ2,'string',''); |
2044 | if get(handles.CIV2,'Value') |
2045 | set(handles.dx_civ2,'Visible','on'); |
2046 | set(handles.dy_civ2,'Visible','on'); |
2047 | end |
2048 | end |
2049 | |
2050 | |
2051 | |
2052 | function pxcmx_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2053 | % hObject handle to pxcmx (see GCBO) |
2054 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2055 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
2056 | |
2057 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of pxcmx as text |
2058 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of pxcmx as a double |
2059 | |
2060 | |
2061 | |
2062 | function pxcmy_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2063 | % hObject handle to pxcmy (see GCBO) |
2064 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2065 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
2066 | |
2067 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of pxcmy as text |
2068 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of pxcmy as a double |
2069 | |
2070 | |
2071 | % --- Executes on button press in browse_gridciv2. |
2072 | function browse_gridciv2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2073 | |
2074 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2075 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ... |
2076 | {'*.grid', ' (*.grid)'; |
2077 | '*.grid', '.grid files '; ... |
2078 | '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... |
2079 | 'Pick a file',filebase); |
2080 | filegrid=fullfile(PathName,FileName); |
2081 | set(handles.grid_civ2,'string',filegrid); |
2082 | set(handles.dx_civ2,'String',' '); |
2083 | set(handles.dy_civ2,'String',' '); |
2084 | % set(handles.grid_patch2,'string',filegrid); |
2085 | |
2086 | % --- Executes on button press in get_gridpatch1. |
2087 | function get_gridpatch1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2088 | % hObject handle to get_gridpatch1 (see GCBO) |
2089 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2090 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
2091 | |
2092 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2093 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ... |
2094 | {'*.grid', ' (*.grid)'; |
2095 | '*.grid', '.grid files '; ... |
2096 | '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... |
2097 | 'Pick a file',filebase); |
2098 | filegrid=fullfile(PathName,FileName); |
2099 | set(handles.grid_patch1,'string',filegrid); |
2100 | % set(handles.grid_patch2,'string',filegrid |
2101 | |
2102 | %----------------------------------------------------------------- |
2103 | % --- Executes on button press in get_gridpatch2. |
2104 | function get_gridpatch2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2105 | % hObject handle to get_gridpatch2 (see GCBO) |
2106 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2107 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
2108 | |
2109 | |
2110 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2111 | function enable_civ1(handles,state) |
2112 | if isequal(state,0) |
2113 | state='off'; |
2114 | end |
2115 | if isequal(state,1) |
2116 | state='on'; |
2117 | end |
2118 | if isequal(state,'on') |
2119 | set(handles.frame_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2120 | set(handles.frame_para_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2121 | set(handles.frame_grid_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2122 | else |
2123 | set(handles.frame_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2124 | set(handles.frame_para_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2125 | set(handles.frame_grid_civ1,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2126 | end |
2127 | set(handles.ibx,'Visible',state) |
2128 | set(handles.iby,'Visible',state) |
2129 | set(handles.isx,'Visible',state) |
2130 | set(handles.isy,'Visible',state) |
2131 | set(handles.shiftx,'Visible',state) |
2132 | set(handles.shifty,'Visible',state) |
2133 | set(handles.rho,'Visible',state) |
2134 | set(handles.dx_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2135 | set(handles.dy_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2136 | set(handles.calcul_search,'Visible',state) |
2137 | set(handles.u_text,'Visible',state) |
2138 | set(handles.v_text,'Visible',state) |
2139 | set(handles.min,'Visible',state) |
2140 | set(handles.max,'Visible',state) |
2141 | set(handles.umin,'Visible',state) |
2142 | set(handles.umax,'Visible',state) |
2143 | set(handles.vmin,'Visible',state) |
2144 | set(handles.vmax,'Visible',state) |
2145 | set(handles.grid_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2146 | set(handles.mask_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2147 | set(handles.browse_gridciv1,'Visible',state) |
2148 | set(handles.get_mask_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2149 | set(handles.parameters,'Visible',state) |
2150 | set(handles.grid,'Visible',state) |
2151 | set(handles.dx_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2152 | set(handles.dy_civ1,'Visible',state) |
2153 | set(handles.ImaThreshold,'Visible',state) |
2154 | if isequal(state,'off') |
2155 | set(handles.MinIma,'Visible','off') |
2156 | set(handles.MaxIma,'Visible','off') |
2157 | set(handles.ImaThreshold,'Value',0) |
2158 | end |
2159 | set(handles.dx_civ1_title,'Visible',state) |
2160 | set(handles.dy_civ1_title,'Visible',state) |
2161 | set(handles.ImaThreshold_title,'Visible',state) |
2162 | set(handles.ib_title,'Visible',state) |
2163 | set(handles.is_title,'Visible',state) |
2164 | set(handles.shift_title,'Visible',state) |
2165 | set(handles.rho_title,'Visible',state) |
2166 | |
2167 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2168 | function enable_fix1(handles) |
2169 | set(handles.frame_fix1,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2170 | set(handles.REMOVE,'Visible','on') |
2171 | set(handles.vec_Fmin2,'Visible','on') |
2172 | set(handles.vec_F2,'Visible','on') |
2173 | set(handles.vec_F3,'Visible','on') |
2174 | set(handles.thresh_vecC,'Visible','on') |
2175 | set(handles.thresh_vecC_title,'Visible','on') |
2176 | set(handles.thresh_vel,'Visible','on') |
2177 | set(handles.thresh_vel_text,'Visible','on') |
2178 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'Visible','on') |
2179 | set(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Visible','on') |
2180 | set(handles.get_ref_fix1,'Visible','on') |
2181 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'Visible','on') |
2182 | set(handles.inf_sup1,'Visible','on') |
2183 | set(handles.field_ref1,'Visible','on') |
2184 | |
2185 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2186 | function desable_fix1(handles) |
2187 | set(handles.frame_fix1,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2188 | set(handles.REMOVE,'Visible','off') |
2189 | set(handles.vec_Fmin2,'Visible','off') |
2190 | set(handles.vec_F2,'Visible','off') |
2191 | set(handles.vec_F3,'Visible','off') |
2192 | set(handles.thresh_vecC,'Visible','off') |
2193 | set(handles.thresh_vecC_title,'Visible','off') |
2194 | set(handles.thresh_vel,'Visible','off') |
2195 | set(handles.thresh_vel_text,'Visible','off') |
2196 | set(handles.mask_fix1,'Visible','off') |
2197 | set(handles.get_mask_fix1,'Visible','off') |
2198 | set(handles.get_ref_fix1,'Visible','off') |
2199 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'Visible','off') |
2200 | set(handles.inf_sup1,'Visible','off') |
2201 | set(handles.field_ref1,'Visible','off') |
2202 | |
2203 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
2204 | function enable_patch1(handles) |
2205 | global patch_new_exe |
2206 | set(handles.frame_patch1,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2207 | set(handles.rho_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2208 | set(handles.rho_text1,'Visible','on') |
2209 | set(handles.thresh_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2210 | set(handles.thresh_text1,'Visible','on') |
2211 | set(handles.subdomain_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2212 | set(handles.subdomain_text1,'Visible','on') |
2213 | set(handles.nx_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2214 | set(handles.ny_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2215 | set(handles.nx_patch1_title,'Visible','on') |
2216 | set(handles.ny_patch1_title,'Visible','on') |
2217 | if (~isequal(patch_new_exe,[]) & ~isequal(patch_new_exe,[])) |
2218 | set(handles.test_interp,'Visible','on'); |
2219 | end |
2220 | set(handles.get_gridpatch1,'Visible','on') |
2221 | set(handles.grid_patch1,'string','none'); |
2222 | set(handles.grid_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2223 | |
2224 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
2225 | function desable_patch1(handles) |
2226 | set(handles.frame_patch1,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2227 | set(handles.rho_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2228 | set(handles.rho_text1,'Visible','off') |
2229 | set(handles.thresh_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2230 | set(handles.thresh_text1,'Visible','off') |
2231 | set(handles.subdomain_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2232 | set(handles.subdomain_text1,'Visible','off') |
2233 | set(handles.nx_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2234 | set(handles.ny_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2235 | set(handles.nx_patch1_title,'Visible','off') |
2236 | set(handles.ny_patch1_title,'Visible','off') |
2237 | set(handles.test_interp,'Visible','off') |
2238 | set(handles.get_gridpatch1,'Visible','off') |
2239 | set(handles.grid_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2240 | |
2241 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2242 | function enable_civ2(handles,state) |
2243 | if isequal(state,0) |
2244 | state='off'; |
2245 | end |
2246 | if isequal(state,1) |
2247 | state='on'; |
2248 | end |
2249 | if isequal(state,'on') |
2250 | set(handles.frame_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2251 | set(handles.frame_para_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2252 | set(handles.frame_grid_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2253 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2254 | else |
2255 | set(handles.frame_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2256 | set(handles.frame_para_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2257 | set(handles.frame_grid_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2258 | set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2259 | end |
2260 | set(handles.ibx_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2261 | set(handles.iby_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2262 | set(handles.decimal,'Visible',state) |
2263 | set(handles.deformation,'Visible',state) |
2264 | set(handles.rho_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2265 | set(handles.dx_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2266 | set(handles.dy_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2267 | set(handles.browse_gridciv2,'Visible',state) |
2268 | set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2269 | set(handles.parameters,'Visible',state) |
2270 | set(handles.grid,'Visible',state) |
2271 | set(handles.parameters_text,'Visible',state) |
2272 | set(handles.grid_text,'Visible',state) |
2273 | set(handles.grid_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2274 | set(handles.mask_civ2,'Visible',state) |
2275 | set(handles.dx_civ2_title,'Visible',state) |
2276 | set(handles.dy_civ2_title,'Visible',state) |
2277 | set(handles.ibx_civ2_text,'Visible',state) |
2278 | set(handles.rho_civ2_title,'Visible',state) |
2279 | set(handles.ImaThreshold2,'Visible',state) |
2280 | set(handles.ImaThreshold_title2,'Visible',state) |
2281 | if isequal(state,'off') |
2282 | set(handles.MinIma2,'Visible','off') |
2283 | set(handles.MaxIma2,'Visible','off') |
2284 | set(handles.ImaThreshold2,'Value',0) |
2285 | if isequal(get(handles.FIX2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.PATCH2,'Value'),0) |
2286 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2287 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2288 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off') |
2289 | end |
2290 | else |
2291 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2292 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2293 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on') |
2294 | end |
2295 | |
2296 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2297 | % function desable_civ2(handles) |
2298 | % set(handles.frame_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2299 | % set(handles.frame_para_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2300 | % set(handles.frame_grid_civ2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2301 | % set(handles.ibx_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2302 | % set(handles.iby_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2303 | % set(handles.decimal,'Visible','off') |
2304 | % set(handles.deformation,'Visible','off') |
2305 | % set(handles.rho_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2306 | % set(handles.dx_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2307 | % set(handles.dy_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2308 | % set(handles.browse_gridciv2,'Visible','off') |
2309 | % set(handles.get_mask_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2310 | % set(handles.parameters,'Visible','off') |
2311 | % set(handles.grid,'Visible','off') |
2312 | % set(handles.grid,'Visible','on') |
2313 | % set(handles.parameters_text,'Visible','off') |
2314 | % set(handles.grid_text,'Visible','off') |
2315 | % set(handles.grid_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2316 | % set(handles.mask_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2317 | % set(handles.dx_civ2_title,'Visible','off') |
2318 | % set(handles.dy_civ2_title,'Visible','off') |
2319 | % set(handles.ibx_civ2_text,'Visible','off') |
2320 | % set(handles.rho_civ2_title,'Visible','off') |
2321 | % set(handles.frame_subdirciv2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2322 | % if isequal(get(handles.FIX2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.PATCH2,'Value'),0) |
2323 | % set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2324 | % set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2325 | % set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off') |
2326 | % end |
2327 | |
2328 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2329 | function enable_fix2(handles) |
2330 | set(handles.frame_fix2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2331 | set(handles.REMOVE2,'Visible','on') |
2332 | set(handles.vec_Fmin2_2,'Visible','on') |
2333 | set(handles.vec_F4,'Visible','on') |
2334 | set(handles.vec_F3_2,'Visible','on') |
2335 | set(handles.thresh_vec2C,'Visible','on') |
2336 | set(handles.thresh_vec2C_text,'Visible','on') |
2337 | set(handles.thresh_vel2,'Visible','on') |
2338 | set(handles.thresh_vel2_text,'Visible','on') |
2339 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'Visible','on') |
2340 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Visible','on') |
2341 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2342 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2343 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on') |
2344 | set(handles.get_ref_fix2,'Visible','on') |
2345 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'Visible','on') |
2346 | set(handles.inf_sup2,'Visible','on') |
2347 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Visible','on') |
2348 | |
2349 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2350 | function desable_fix2(handles) |
2351 | set(handles.frame_fix2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2352 | set(handles.REMOVE2,'Visible','off') |
2353 | set(handles.vec_Fmin2_2,'Visible','off') |
2354 | set(handles.vec_F4,'Visible','off') |
2355 | set(handles.vec_F3_2,'Visible','off') |
2356 | set(handles.thresh_vec2C,'Visible','off') |
2357 | set(handles.thresh_vec2C_text,'Visible','off') |
2358 | set(handles.thresh_vel2,'Visible','off') |
2359 | set(handles.thresh_vel2_text,'Visible','off') |
2360 | set(handles.mask_fix2,'Visible','off') |
2361 | set(handles.get_mask_fix2,'Visible','off') |
2362 | set(handles.get_ref_fix2,'Visible','off') |
2363 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'Visible','off') |
2364 | set(handles.inf_sup2,'Visible','off') |
2365 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Visible','off') |
2366 | if isequal(get(handles.CIV2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.PATCH2,'Value'),0) |
2367 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2368 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2369 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off') |
2370 | end |
2371 | |
2372 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
2373 | function enable_patch2(handles) |
2374 | set(handles.frame_patch2,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]) |
2375 | set(handles.rho_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2376 | set(handles.rho_text2,'Visible','on') |
2377 | set(handles.thresh_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2378 | set(handles.thresh_text2,'Visible','on') |
2379 | set(handles.subdomain_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2380 | set(handles.subdomain_text2,'Visible','on') |
2381 | set(handles.nx_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2382 | set(handles.ny_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2383 | set(handles.nx_patch2_title,'Visible','on') |
2384 | set(handles.ny_patch2_title,'Visible','on') |
2385 | set(handles.get_gridpatch2,'Visible','on') |
2386 | set(handles.grid_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2387 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2388 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','on') |
2389 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','on') |
2390 | |
2391 | %-------------------------------------------------------------- |
2392 | function desable_patch2(handles) |
2393 | set(handles.frame_patch2,'BackgroundColor',[0.831 0.816 0.784]) |
2394 | set(handles.rho_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2395 | set(handles.rho_text2,'Visible','off') |
2396 | set(handles.thresh_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2397 | set(handles.thresh_text2,'Visible','off') |
2398 | set(handles.subdomain_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2399 | set(handles.subdomain_text2,'Visible','off') |
2400 | set(handles.nx_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2401 | set(handles.ny_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2402 | set(handles.nx_patch2_title,'Visible','off') |
2403 | set(handles.ny_patch2_title,'Visible','off') |
2404 | set(handles.get_gridpatch2,'Visible','off') |
2405 | set(handles.grid_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2406 | if isequal(get(handles.CIV2,'Value'),0) & isequal(get(handles.FIX2,'Value'),0) |
2407 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2408 | set(handles.subdir_civ2,'Visible','off') |
2409 | set(handles.subdir_civ2_text,'Visible','off') |
2410 | end |
2411 | |
2412 | % --- Executes on button press in test_interp. |
2413 | function test_interp_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2414 | |
2415 | |
2416 | %------------------------------------------------ |
2417 | %Read the parameters for civ1 on the interface |
2418 | %-------------------------------------------------- |
2419 | function par=read_param_civ1(handles,file_ima) |
2420 | |
2421 | ibx_val=str2num(get(handles.ibx,'String')); |
2422 | par.correlationBoxesSize_X=num2str(ibx_val); |
2423 | iby_val=str2num(get(handles.iby,'String')); |
2424 | par.correlationBoxesSize_Y=num2str(iby_val); |
2425 | ibz_val=str2num(get(handles.ibz,'String')); |
2426 | par.correlationBoxesSize_Z=num2str(ibz_val); |
2427 | isx=get(handles.isx,'String'); |
2428 | if isempty(str2num(isx)), isx='41'; set(handles.isx,'String','41'), end; %default |
2429 | maxDisplacement_X=floor((str2num(isx)-ibx_val)/2); |
2430 | par.maxDisplacement_X=num2str(maxDisplacement_X); |
2431 | isy=get(handles.isy,'String'); |
2432 | if isempty(str2num(isy)), isy='41'; set(handles.isy,'String','41'), end; %default |
2433 | maxDisplacement_Y=floor((str2num(isy)-iby_val)/2); |
2434 | par.maxDisplacement_Y=num2str(maxDisplacement_Y); |
2435 | isz=get(handles.isz,'String'); |
2436 | if isempty(str2num(isz)), isz='41'; set(handles.isz,'String','41'), end; %default |
2437 | maxDisplacement_Z=floor((str2num(isz)-ibz_val)/2); |
2438 | par.maxDisplacement_Z=num2str(maxDisplacement_Z); |
2439 | % par.rho=get(handles.rho,'String'); |
2440 | par.gridSpacing_X=get(handles.dx_civ1,'String'); |
2441 | par.gridSpacing_Y=get(handles.dy_civ1,'String'); |
2442 | par.gridSpacing_Z=get(handles.dz_civ1,'String'); |
2443 | % Zmin=str2num(get(handles.first_j,'String'))-1; |
2444 | Zmax=str2num(get(handles.npz,'String')); |
2445 | par.gridLimits_Xmin=0; |
2446 | par.gridLimits_Ymin=0; |
2447 | par.gridLimits_Zmin=0; |
2448 | % A=imread(file_ima);%read the first image to get the size |
2449 | %sizim=size(A); |
2450 | par.gridLimits_Xmax=str2double(get(handles.npx,'String'));%num2str(sizim(2)); |
2451 | par.gridLimits_Ymax=str2double(get(handles.npy,'String'));%num2str(sizim(1)); |
2452 | par.gridLimits_Zmax=Zmax; |
2453 | par.grid='grille'; |
2454 | par.grid_division=4; |
2455 | par.hart=0; |
2456 | par.ratioHoverZ=1; |
2457 | |
2458 | % |
2459 | % %---------------------------------------------------------------- |
2460 | % function par=read_param_civ2(handles,file_ima) |
2461 | % par.ibx=get(handles.ibx_civ2,'String'); |
2462 | % par.iby=get(handles.iby_civ2,'String'); |
2463 | % par.rho=get(handles.rho_civ2,'String'); |
2464 | % par.decimal=int2str(get(handles.decimal,'Value')); |
2465 | % par.deformation=int2str(get(handles.deformation,'Value')); |
2466 | % par.dx=get(handles.dx_civ2,'String'); |
2467 | % par.dy=get(handles.dy_civ2,'String'); |
2468 | % if isequal(str2num(par.dx),[]) |
2469 | % if isempty(get(handles.grid_civ2,'String')); |
2470 | % par.dx='0'; %just read by civ_3D program, not used |
2471 | % else |
2472 | % par.dx='20';%default |
2473 | % set(handles.dx_civ2,'String','20'); |
2474 | % end |
2475 | % end |
2476 | % if isequal(str2num(par.dy),[]) |
2477 | % if isempty(get(handles.grid_civ2,'String')); |
2478 | % par.dy='0';%just read by civ_3D program, not used |
2479 | % else |
2480 | % par.dy='20';%default |
2481 | % set(handles.dy_civ2,'String','20'); |
2482 | % end |
2483 | % end |
2484 | % par.pxcmx=get(handles.pxcmx,'String'); |
2485 | % par.pxcmy=get(handles.pxcmy,'String'); |
2486 | % if isempty(str2num(par.pxcmx)) |isempty(str2num(par.pxcmy)) |
2487 | % par.pxcmx='1'; |
2488 | % par.pxcmy='1'; |
2489 | % end |
2490 | % % par.npx=get(handles.pxcmx,'UserData'); |
2491 | % % par.npy=get(handles.pxcmy,'UserData'); |
2492 | % A=imread(file_ima);%read the first image to get the size |
2493 | % sizim=size(A); |
2494 | % par.npx=num2str(sizim(2)); |
2495 | % par.npy=num2str(sizim(1)); |
2496 | % time=get(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData'); %get the set of times |
2497 | % par.gridname=get(handles.grid_civ2,'String'); |
2498 | % par.gridflag='y'; |
2499 | % if isequal(par.gridname,'')| isempty(par.gridname) |
2500 | % par.gridname='nogrid'; |
2501 | % par.gridflag='n'; |
2502 | % end |
2503 | |
2504 | |
2505 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
2506 | %CIV1 CIV1 CIV1 CIV1 |
2507 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2508 | function cmd_CIV1=BATCH_CIV1(filename,namelog,par,handles) |
2509 | %pixels per cm and matrix of the image times, read from the .civ_3D file by uvmat |
2510 | global civ1_exe Civ_exe sge%name of the executable for civ1 calculation |
2511 | |
2512 | %changes : filename_cmx -> filename ( no extension ) |
2513 | |
2514 | if isequal(par.Dt,'0') |
2515 | par.Dt='1' ;%case of 'displacement' mode |
2516 | end |
2517 | |
2518 | textcmx={'############## CMX file';... |
2519 | ['FirstImage ' par.filename_ima_a];... |
2520 | ['LastImage ' par.filename_ima_b];... |
2521 | 'XX' ;... |
2522 | ['Mask ' par.maskflag] ;... |
2523 | ['MaskName ' par.maskname];... |
2524 | ['ImageSize ' par.npx ' ' par.npy];... %VERIFIER CAS GENERAL ? |
2525 | ['CorrelationBoxesSize ' par.ibx ' ' par.iby];... |
2526 | ['SearchBoxeSize ' par.isx ' ' par.isy];... |
2527 | ['RO ' par.rho];... |
2528 | ['GridSpacing ' par.dx ' ' par.dy];... |
2529 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2530 | ['Dt_TO ' par.Dt ' ' par.T0];... |
2531 | ['PixCmXY ' par.pxcmx ' ' par.pxcmy];... |
2532 | 'XX 1';... |
2533 | ['ShiftXY ' par.shiftx ' ' par.shifty];... |
2534 | ['Grid ' par.gridflag];... |
2535 | ['GridName ' par.gridname] ;... |
2536 | 'XX 85';... |
2537 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2538 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2539 | 'Hart 1';... |
2540 | 'DecimalShift 0';... |
2541 | 'Deformation 0';... |
2542 | 'CorrelationMin 0';... |
2543 | 'IntensityMin 0';... |
2544 | 'SeuilImage n';... |
2545 | 'SeuilImageValues 0 4096';... |
2546 | ['ImageToUse ' par.term_a ' ' par.term_b];... % VERIFIER ? |
2547 | 'ImageUsedBefore null null'}; |
2548 | |
2549 | textout=char(textcmx); |
2550 | % timeL1=clock; |
2551 | dlmwrite([filename '.cmx'],textout,''); |
2552 | % timeL2=clock; |
2553 | % timciv1=etime(timeL2,timeL1) |
2554 | if sge |
2555 | cmd_CIV1=[civ1_exe ' -f ' filename '.cmx' ]; % redirect standard output to the log file |
2556 | else |
2557 | cmd_CIV1=[civ1_exe ' -f ' filename_cmx ' > ' namelog ' 2>&1']; % redirect standard output to the log file |
2558 | end |
2559 | if(isunix) |
2560 | [Rootbat,Filebat,extbat]=fileparts(namelog); |
2561 | ncName=fullfile(Rootbat,[ Filebat '.nc']); |
2562 | cmd_CIV1=char({cmd_CIV1 ; ['mv ' namelog ' ' namelog '.civ1.log'];['chmod g+w ' ncName]}); |
2563 | else |
2564 | cmd_CIV1=char({cmd_CIV1 ; ['copy /Y ' namelog ' ' namelog '.civ1.log']}); |
2565 | end |
2566 | |
2567 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
2568 | %CIV1 Unified |
2569 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2570 | function xml_civ1_parameters=BATCH_CIV1_Unified(filename,namelog,par,handles) |
2571 | %pixels per cm and matrix of the image times, read from the .civ_3D file by uvmat |
2572 | global civ1_exe Civ_exe%name of the executable for civ1 calculation |
2573 | |
2574 | civ1.image1=par.filename_ima_a; |
2575 | civ1.image2=par.filename_ima_b; |
2576 | civ1.imageSize_X=par.npx; |
2577 | civ1.imageSize_Y=par.npy; |
2578 | civ1.outputFileName=[filename '.nc']; |
2579 | civ1.correlationBoxesSize_X=par.ibx; |
2580 | civ1.correlationBoxesSize_Y=par.iby; |
2581 | civ1.searchBoxesSize_X=par.isx; |
2582 | civ1.searchBoxesSize_Y=par.isy; |
2583 | civ1.globalShift_X=par.shiftx; |
2584 | civ1.globalShift_Y=par.shifty; |
2585 | civ1.ro=par.rho; |
2586 | civ1.hart='y'; |
2587 | if isequal(par.gridflag,'y') |
2588 | civ1.grid=par.gridname; |
2589 | end |
2590 | civ1.gridSpacing_X=par.dx; |
2591 | civ1.gridSpacing_Y=par.dy; |
2592 | if isequal(par.maskflag,'y') |
2593 | civ1.mask=par.maskname; |
2594 | end |
2595 | civ1.dt=par.Dt; |
2596 | civ1.unit='pixel'; |
2597 | civ1.absolut_time_T0=par.T0; |
2598 | civ1.pixcmx=par.pxcmx; |
2599 | civ1.pixcmy=par.pxcmy; |
2600 | civ1.convectFlow='n'; |
2601 | |
2602 | xml_civ1_parameters=civ1; |
2603 | |
2604 | %--------------------------------------------------------- |
2605 | %CIV2 CIV2 CIV2 CIV2 |
2606 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2607 | function cmd_CIV2=BATCH_CIV2(filename_cmx,namelog,par) |
2608 | %pixels per cm and matrix of the image times, read from the .civ_3D file by uvmat |
2609 | global civ2_exe sge%name of the executable for civ1 calculation |
2610 | if isequal(par.Dt,'0') |
2611 | par.Dt='1' ;%case of 'displacement' mode |
2612 | end |
2613 | textcmx={'############## CMX file';... |
2614 | ['FirstImage ' par.filename_ima_a];... |
2615 | ['LastImage ' par.filename_ima_b];... |
2616 | 'XX' ;... |
2617 | ['Mask ' par.maskflag];... |
2618 | ['MaskName ' par.maskname];... |
2619 | ['ImageSize ' par.npx ' ' par.npy];... |
2620 | ['CorrelationBoxesSize ' par.ibx ' ' par.iby];... |
2621 | ['SearchBoxeSize ' par.ibx ' ' par.iby];... |
2622 | ['RO ' par.rho];... |
2623 | ['GridSpacing ' par.dx ' ' par.dy];... |
2624 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2625 | ['Dt_TO ' par.Dt ' ' par.T0];... |
2626 | ['PixCmXY ' par.pxcmx ' ' par.pxcmy];... |
2627 | 'XX 1';... |
2628 | ['ShiftXY 0 0'];... |
2629 | ['Grid ' par.gridflag];... |
2630 | ['GridName ' par.gridname];... |
2631 | 'XX 85';... |
2632 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2633 | 'XX 1.0';... |
2634 | 'Hart 1';... |
2635 | ['DecimalShift ' par.decimal];... |
2636 | ['Deformation ' par.deformation];... |
2637 | 'CorrelationMin 0';... |
2638 | 'IntensityMin 0';... |
2639 | 'SeuilImage n';... |
2640 | 'SeuilImageValues 0 4096';... |
2641 | ['ImageToUse ' par.term_a ' ' par.term_b];... % VERIFIER ? |
2642 | ['ImageUsedBefore ' par.filename_nc1]}; |
2643 | textout=char(textcmx); |
2644 | dlmwrite([filename_cmx '2'] ,textout,''); |
2645 | if sge |
2646 | cmd_CIV2=[civ2_exe ' -f ' filename_cmx ]; % redirect standard output to the log file |
2647 | else |
2648 | cmd_CIV2=[civ2_exe ' -f ' filename_cmx ' > ' namelog ' 2>&1']; % redirect standard output to the log file |
2649 | end |
2650 | |
2651 | |
2652 | % --- Executes on button press in HELP. |
2653 | function HELP_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2654 | path_to_uvmat=which ('uvmat');% check the path of uvmat |
2655 | pathelp=fileparts(path_to_uvmat); |
2656 | helpfile=fullfile(pathelp,'UVMAT_DOC','uvmat_doc.html'); |
2657 | if isempty(dir(helpfile)), errordlg('Please put the help file uvmat_doc.html in the directory UVMAT/UVMAT_DOC') |
2658 | else |
2659 | web([helpfile '#civ_3D']) |
2660 | end |
2661 | |
2662 | |
2663 | %---------------------------------------------------------- |
2664 | %--read images and convert them to the uint16 format used for PIV |
2665 | function A=read_image(filename,nom_type,npx,npy,num); |
2666 | %npx, npy are the dimensions needed for the raw SMD images |
2667 | %num is the view number needed for an avi movie |
2668 | if isequal(nom_type,'avi') |
2669 | mov=aviread(filename,num); |
2670 | A=frame2im(mov(1)); |
2671 | A=sum(double(A),3); |
2672 | A=uint16(A); |
2673 | elseif isequal(nom_type,'raw_SMD') |
2674 | [fid,message]=fopen(filename,'r'); |
2675 | B=fread(fid,Inf,'int16',0,'ieee-le');%read 16 bit binary file |
2676 | A=(reshape(B,npx,npy))'; %remplissage ligne par ligne avec une matrice colonne ? transposer(uB) pour avoir une matrice ligne |
2677 | A=uint16(A); |
2678 | fclose(fid); |
2679 | else |
2680 | A=imread(filename); |
2681 | siz=size(A); |
2682 | if length(siz)==3;%color images |
2683 | A=sum(double(A),3); |
2684 | end |
2685 | A=uint16(A); |
2686 | end |
2687 | |
2688 | %---------------------------------------------------------------- |
2689 | %Executes on carriage return on the time interval dt |
2690 | %---------------------------------------------------------------- |
2691 | function dt_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2692 | %determine the set of times and possible intervals for CIV_3D |
2693 | % answer=inputdlg('time interval between images?'); |
2694 | dt=(1/1000)*str2num(get(handles.dt,'String')); |
2695 | nbfield=str2num(get(handles.nb_field,'String')); %last image number selected in the processing series |
2696 | time=(dt*[0:nbfield-1])'; |
2697 | % set(handles.incr_i,'UserData',dt);%store the time interval between successive images |
2698 | set(handles.displ_filebase,'UserData',time); %store the set of times |
2699 | for index=1:min(nbfield-1,200) |
2700 | displ_num(1,index)=1; |
2701 | displ_num(2,index)=1; |
2702 | displ_num(3,index)=-floor(index/2); |
2703 | displ_num(4,index)=ceil(index/2); |
2704 | end |
2705 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'Value',1); |
2706 | set(handles.list_pair_civ1,'UserData',displ_num); |
2707 | set(handles.list_pair_civ2,'Value',1); |
2708 | %update the list of time intervals |
2709 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2710 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2711 | |
2712 | %------------------------------------------------------- |
2713 | function ref_i_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2714 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
2715 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
2716 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
2717 | if isequal(get(handles.CIV1,'Value'),0)| isequal(mode,'series(Di)') |
2718 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles);% update the menu of pairs depending on the available netcdf files |
2719 | end |
2720 | if isequal(mode,'series(Di)') | ...% we do patch2 only |
2721 | (get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 & get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==0) |
2722 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
2723 | end |
2724 | |
2725 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
2726 | function ref_j_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2727 | mode_list=get(handles.mode,'String'); |
2728 | mode_value=get(handles.mode,'Value'); |
2729 | mode=mode_list{mode_value}; |
2730 | if isequal(get(handles.CIV1,'Value'),0)| isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') |
2731 | find_netcpair_civ1(hObject, eventdata, handles);% update the menu of pairs depending on the available netcdf files |
2732 | end |
2733 | if isequal(mode,'series(Dj)') | ... |
2734 | (get(handles.CIV2,'Value')==0 & get(handles.CIV1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.FIX1,'Value')==0 & get(handles.PATCH1,'Value')==0) |
2735 | find_netcpair_civ2(hObject, eventdata, handles); |
2736 | end |
2737 | %---------------------------------------------------- |
2738 | % --- Executes on button press in compare. |
2739 | function compare_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2740 | test=get(handles.compare,'Value'); |
2741 | if test |
2742 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2743 | browse=get(handles.browse_root,'Userdata'); |
2744 | browse.nom_type_ima1=browse.nom_type_ima; |
2745 | set(handles.browse_root,'UserData',browse); |
2746 | set(handles.displ_filebase2,'Visible','On');%mkes the second file input window visible |
2747 | set(handles.displ_filebase2,'String',filebase); |
2748 | mode_store=get(handles.mode,'String');%get the present 'mode' |
2749 | set(handles.compare,'UserData',mode_store);%store the mode display |
2750 | set(handles.mode,'Value',1) |
2751 | set(handles.mode,'String',{'displacement';'st_pair j1-j2'}) |
2752 | else |
2753 | set(handles.displ_filebase2,'Visible','Off'); |
2754 | set(handles.displ_filebase2,'String',[]); |
2755 | mode_store=get(handles.compare,'UserData'); |
2756 | set(handles.mode,'String',mode_store) |
2757 | set(handles.test_stereo1,'Value',0) |
2758 | set(handles.test_stereo2,'Value',0) |
2759 | end |
2760 | mode_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2761 | |
2762 | %----------------------------------------------------------- |
2763 | % --- Executes on button press in get_ref_fix1. |
2764 | function get_ref_fix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2765 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2766 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ... |
2767 | {'*.nc', ' (*.nc)'; |
2768 | '*.nc', 'netcdf files '; ... |
2769 | '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... |
2770 | 'Pick a file',filebase); |
2771 | |
2772 | fileinput=[PathName FileName]; |
2773 | sizf=size(fileinput); |
2774 | if (~ischar(fileinput)|~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end %stop if fileinput not a character string |
2775 | %[filebasesub,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ref.ext,ref.nom_type,ref.subdir]=name2display(fileinput); |
2776 | [Path,File,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ref.ext,ref.nom_type,ref.subdir]=name2display(fileinput); |
2777 | %filebase=fullfile(RootPath,RootFile); |
2778 | % [Pth,FileN]=fileparts(filebasesub); |
2779 | % Pth=fileparts(Pth); |
2780 | ref.filebase=fullfile(Path,File); |
2781 | ref.num_a=stra2num(str_a); |
2782 | ref.num_b=stra2num(str_b); |
2783 | ref.num1=str2num(field_count); |
2784 | ref.num2=str2num(str2); |
2785 | browse=[];%initialisation |
2786 | if ~isequal(ref.ext,'.nc') |
2787 | errordlg('the reference file must be in netcdf format (*.nc)') |
2788 | return |
2789 | end |
2790 | % [path,name]=fileparts(ref.filebase); |
2791 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'String',[fullfile(ref.subdir,File) '....nc']); |
2792 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'UserData',ref) |
2793 | menu_field{1}='civ1'; |
2794 | Data=nc2struct(fileinput,[]); |
2795 | if isfield(Data,'patch') & isequal(Data.patch,1) |
2796 | menu_field{2}='filter1'; |
2797 | end |
2798 | if isfield(Data,'civ2') & isequal(Data.civ2,1) |
2799 | menu_field{3}='civ2'; |
2800 | end |
2801 | if isfield(Data,'patch2') & isequal(Data.patch2,1) |
2802 | menu_field{4}='filter2'; |
2803 | end |
2804 | % [cte_detect,vdt,cte_read]=read_netcdf(fileinput,{'patch','civ2','patch2'}); |
2805 | % if isequal(cte_detect(1),1) & isequal(cte_read(1),1) |
2806 | % menu_field{2}='filter1'; |
2807 | % end |
2808 | % if isequal(cte_detect(2),1) & isequal(cte_read(2),1) |
2809 | % menu_field{3}='civ2'; |
2810 | % end |
2811 | % if isequal(cte_detect(3),1) & isequal(cte_read(3),1) |
2812 | % menu_field{4}='filter2'; |
2813 | % end |
2814 | set(handles.field_ref1,'String',menu_field); |
2815 | set(handles.field_ref1,'Value',length(menu_field)); |
2816 | set(handles.inf_sup1,'Value',2); |
2817 | set(handles.thresh_vel,'String','1');%default threshold |
2818 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'Enable','on') |
2819 | |
2820 | %--------------------------------------------------------------- |
2821 | % --- Executes on button press in get_ref_fix2. |
2822 | function get_ref_fix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2823 | if isequal(get(handles.get_ref_fix2,'Value'),1) |
2824 | filebase=get(handles.displ_filebase,'String'); |
2825 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ... |
2826 | {'*.nc', ' (*.nc)'; |
2827 | '*.nc', 'netcdf files '; ... |
2828 | '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... |
2829 | 'Pick a file',filebase); |
2830 | fileinput=[PathName FileName]; |
2831 | sizf=size(fileinput); |
2832 | if (~ischar(fileinput)|~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end %stop if fileinput not a character string |
2833 | %[filebasesub,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ref.ext,ref.nom_type,ref.subdir]=name2display(fileinput); |
2834 | [Path,File,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ref.ext,ref.nom_type,ref.subdir]=name2display(fileinput); |
2835 | % [Pth,FileN]=fileparts(filebasesub); |
2836 | % Pth=fileparts(Pth); |
2837 | ref.filebase=fullfile(Path,File) |
2838 | ref.num_a=stra2num(str_a); |
2839 | ref.num_b=stra2num(str_b); |
2840 | ref.num1=str2num(field_count); |
2841 | ref.num2=str2num(str2); |
2842 | browse=[];%initialisation |
2843 | if ~isequal(ref.ext,'.nc') |
2844 | errordlg('the reference file must be in netcdf format (*.nc)') |
2845 | return |
2846 | end |
2847 | % [path,name]=fileparts(ref.filebase); |
2848 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'String',[fullfile(ref.subdir,File) '....nc']); |
2849 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'UserData',ref) |
2850 | menu_field{1}='civ1'; |
2851 | % [cte_detect,vdt,cte_read]=read_netcdf(fileinput,{'patch','civ2','patch2'}); |
2852 | Data=nc2struct(fileinput,[]); |
2853 | if isfield(Data,'patch') & isequal(Data.patch,1) |
2854 | menu_field{2}='filter1'; |
2855 | end |
2856 | if isfield(Data,'civ2') & isequal(Data.civ2,1) |
2857 | menu_field{3}='civ2'; |
2858 | end |
2859 | if isfield(Data,'patch2') & isequal(Data.patch2,1) |
2860 | menu_field{4}='filter2'; |
2861 | end |
2862 | |
2863 | % if isequal(cte_detect(1),1) & isequal(cte_read(1),1) |
2864 | % menu_field{2}='filter1'; |
2865 | % end |
2866 | % if isequal(cte_detect(2),1) & isequal(cte_read(2),1) |
2867 | % menu_field{3}='civ2'; |
2868 | % end |
2869 | % if isequal(cte_detect(3),1) & isequal(cte_read(3),1) |
2870 | % menu_field{4}='filter2'; |
2871 | % end |
2872 | set(handles.field_ref2,'String',menu_field); |
2873 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Value',length(menu_field)); |
2874 | set(handles.inf_sup2,'Value',2); |
2875 | set(handles.thresh_vel2,'String','1');%default threshold |
2876 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'Enable','on') |
2877 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'Visible','on') |
2878 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Visible','on') |
2879 | else |
2880 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'Visible','off') |
2881 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Visible','off') |
2882 | end |
2883 | %------------------------------------------------------- |
2884 | |
2885 | function ref_fix1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2886 | set(handles.inf_sup1,'Value',1); |
2887 | set(handles.field_ref1,'Value',1) |
2888 | set(handles.field_ref1,'String',{' '}) |
2889 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'UserData',[]); |
2890 | set(handles.ref_fix1,'String',''); |
2891 | set(handles.thresh_vel1,'String','0'); |
2892 | |
2893 | |
2894 | %------------------------------------------------------ |
2895 | |
2896 | function ref_fix2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2897 | set(handles.inf_sup2,'Value',1); |
2898 | set(handles.field_ref2,'Value',1) |
2899 | set(handles.field_ref2,'String',{' '}) |
2900 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'UserData',[]); |
2901 | set(handles.ref_fix2,'String',''); |
2902 | set(handles.thresh_vel2,'String','0'); |
2903 | |
2904 | %-------------------------------------------------------- |
2905 | % --- Executes on selection change in inf_sup1. |
2906 | function inf_sup1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2907 | |
2908 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2909 | |
2910 | |
2911 | % --- Executes on selection change in field_ref. |
2912 | function field_ref_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2913 | |
2914 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2915 | |
2916 | % --- Executes on selection change in field_ref2. |
2917 | function field_ref2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2918 | |
2919 | % ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2920 | % transform letters to numbers |
2921 | %-------------------------------------------- |
2922 | function numres=stra2num(str) |
2923 | numres=double(str)-96; |
2924 | if double(str) >= 48 & double(str) <= 57 % = 1 for numbers |
2925 | numres=str2num(str); |
2926 | end |
2927 | |
2928 | |
2929 | % --- Executes on button press in test_stereo1. |
2930 | function test_stereo1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2931 | if isequal(get(handles.test_stereo1,'Value'),0) |
2932 | set(handles.subdomain_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2933 | set(handles.rho_patch1,'Visible','on') |
2934 | else |
2935 | set(handles.subdomain_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2936 | set(handles.rho_patch1,'Visible','off') |
2937 | end |
2938 | |
2939 | % --- Executes on button press in test_stereo2. |
2940 | function test_stereo2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2941 | if isequal(get(handles.test_stereo2,'Value'),0) |
2942 | set(handles.subdomain_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2943 | set(handles.rho_patch2,'Visible','on') |
2944 | else |
2945 | set(handles.subdomain_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2946 | set(handles.rho_patch2,'Visible','off') |
2947 | end |
2948 | |
2949 | % --- Executes on button press in ImaThreshold. |
2950 | function ImaThreshold_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2951 | if isequal(get(handles.ImaThreshold,'Value'),1) |
2952 | set(handles.MinIma,'Visible','on') |
2953 | set(handles.MaxIma,'Visible','on') |
2954 | else |
2955 | set(handles.MinIma,'Visible','off') |
2956 | set(handles.MaxIma,'Visible','off') |
2957 | end |
2958 | |
2959 | |
2960 | % --- Executes on button press in ImaThreshold2. |
2961 | function ImaThreshold2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2962 | if isequal(get(handles.ImaThreshold2,'Value'),1) |
2963 | set(handles.MinIma2,'Visible','on') |
2964 | set(handles.MaxIma2,'Visible','on') |
2965 | else |
2966 | set(handles.MinIma2,'Visible','off') |
2967 | set(handles.MaxIma2,'Visible','off') |
2968 | end |
2969 | |
2970 | |
2971 | |
2972 | % --- Executes on button press in Experimental. |
2973 | function Experimental_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2974 | |
2975 | |
2976 | |
2977 | function ibz_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2978 | % hObject handle to ibz (see GCBO) |
2979 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2980 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
2981 | |
2982 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of ibz as text |
2983 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of ibz as a double |
2984 | |
2985 | |
2986 | % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. |
2987 | function ibz_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
2988 | % hObject handle to ibz (see GCBO) |
2989 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
2990 | % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called |
2991 | |
2992 | % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. |
2993 | % See ISPC and COMPUTER. |
2994 | if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) |
2995 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); |
2996 | end |
2997 | |
2998 | |
2999 | |
3000 | function edit74_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3001 | % hObject handle to edit74 (see GCBO) |
3002 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3003 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3004 | |
3005 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit74 as text |
3006 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit74 as a double |
3007 | |
3008 | |
3009 | % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. |
3010 | function edit74_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3011 | % hObject handle to edit74 (see GCBO) |
3012 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3013 | % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called |
3014 | |
3015 | % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. |
3016 | % See ISPC and COMPUTER. |
3017 | if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) |
3018 | set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); |
3019 | end |
3020 | |
3021 | |
3022 | function dz_civ1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3023 | % hObject handle to dz_civ1 (see GCBO) |
3024 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3025 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3026 | |
3027 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of dz_civ1 as text |
3028 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of dz_civ1 as a double |
3029 | |
3030 | |
3031 | function edit77_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3032 | % hObject handle to edit77 (see GCBO) |
3033 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3034 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3035 | |
3036 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit77 as text |
3037 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit77 as a double |
3038 | |
3039 | |
3040 | |
3041 | function edit78_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3042 | % hObject handle to ref_i (see GCBO) |
3043 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3044 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3045 | |
3046 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of ref_i as text |
3047 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of ref_i as a double |
3048 | |
3049 | |
3050 | function edit79_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3051 | % hObject handle to edit79 (see GCBO) |
3052 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3053 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3054 | |
3055 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit79 as text |
3056 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit79 as a double |
3057 | |
3058 | |
3059 | |
3060 | function npz_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3061 | % hObject handle to npz (see GCBO) |
3062 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3063 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3064 | |
3065 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of npz as text |
3066 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of npz as a double |
3067 | |
3068 | |
3069 | function npy_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3070 | % hObject handle to npy (see GCBO) |
3071 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3072 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3073 | |
3074 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of npy as text |
3075 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of npy as a double |
3076 | |
3077 | |
3078 | |
3079 | |
3080 | function npx_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) |
3081 | % hObject handle to npx (see GCBO) |
3082 | % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB |
3083 | % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) |
3084 | |
3085 | % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of npx as text |
3086 | % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of npx as a double |
3087 | |
3088 | %TODO: replace name2display by fileparts_uvmat: |
3089 | |
3090 | |
3091 | %'name2display': extracts the root name and field numbers from an input filename |
3092 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3093 | %[RootPath,RootFile,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ext,nom_type,subdir]=name2display(fileinput) |
3094 | % |
3095 | %OUTPUT: |
3096 | %filebasesub: filename without appendix |
3097 | %field_count: string for the first number i |
3098 | %str2: string for the second number i (only for .nc files) |
3099 | %str_a: string for the first number j |
3100 | %str_b:string for the second number j (only for .nc files) |
3101 | %ext: file extension |
3102 | %nom_type: char chain characterizing the file nomenclature: with values |
3103 | % nom_type='': constant name [filebase ext] (default output if 'nom_type' is undefined) |
3104 | % nom_type='*':constant name for a file representing a series (e.g. avi movie) |
3105 | % nom_type='1','01',or '001'...': series of files with a single index i without separator(e.g. 'aa045.png'). |
3106 | % nom_type='_1','_01','_001'...': series of files with a single index i with separator '_'(e.g. 'aa_045.png'). |
3107 | % nom_type='1a','1A','01a','01A',... with a numerical index and an index letter(e.g.'aa45b.png') (lower or upper case) |
3108 | % nom_type='_1a','_1A','_01a','_01A',...: idem, with a separator '_' before the index |
3109 | % nom_type='_1_1','_01_1',...: matrix of files with two indices i and j separated by '_'(e.g. 'aa_45_2.png') |
3110 | % nom_type='_1-2': from pairs from a single index (e.g. 'aa_45-47.nc') |
3111 | % nom_type='_1_1-2': pairs of j indices (e.g. 'aa_45_2-3.nc') |
3112 | % nom_type='_1-2_j': pairs of i indices (e.g. 'aa_45-46_2.nc') |
3113 | % nom_type='_1_ab','1_ab','01_ab'..., from pairs of '#' images (e.g.'aa045bc.nc'), ext='.nc' |
3114 | %subdir: name of the subdirectory for netcdf files |
3115 | % |
3116 | %INPUT: |
3117 | %fileinput: complete name of the file, including path |
3118 | |
3119 | function [RootPath,RootFile,field_count,str2,str_a,str_b,ext,nom_type,subdir]=name2display(fileinput) |
3120 | % siz=length(fileinput); |
3121 | % indcur=siz; |
3122 | % default values: |
3123 | % test_=0; |
3124 | field_count='';%character string |
3125 | str2=''; |
3126 | str_a=''; |
3127 | str_b=''; |
3128 | % ext=''; |
3129 | nom_type=''; |
3130 | subdir=''; |
3131 | %select file extension |
3132 | [RootPath,RootFile,ext]=fileparts(fileinput); |
3133 | indcur=length(RootFile);% nbre of characters in fileraw |
3134 | |
3135 | %recognize the name form |
3136 | % filerawascii=double(RootFile);%ascci code |
3137 | % val=(48>filerawascii)|(filerawascii>57); % test for the non-numerical characters |
3138 | indsel=regexp(RootFile,'\D');% character indices of non numerical characters |
3139 | filelit=RootFile(indsel);% fileraw name with numbers removed |
3140 | nbchar=length(indsel); |
3141 | if nbchar<4% put '*' before the name (remove at the end) |
3142 | prefilelit(1:4-nbchar)='*';%insert 3_nbchar '*' in the file name |
3143 | filelit=[prefilelit filelit]; |
3144 | indsel=[1:4-nbchar indsel+4-nbchar]; |
3145 | RootFile=[prefilelit RootFile]; |
3146 | indcur=indcur+4-nbchar; |
3147 | end |
3148 | separ3=indsel(end);% index of last non numerical character in fileraw |
3149 | separ2=indsel(end-1);% index of previous non numerical character |
3150 | separ1=indsel(end-2); |
3151 | separ0=indsel(end-3); |
3152 | num1='';num2='';num3=''; |
3153 | if separ1>=separ0+1,num0=RootFile(separ0+1:separ1-1);end |
3154 | if separ2>=separ1+1,num1=RootFile(separ1+1:separ2-1);end |
3155 | if separ3>=separ2+1,num2=RootFile(separ2+1:separ3-1);end |
3156 | if indcur>=separ3+1,num3=RootFile(separ3+1:indcur);end |
3157 | last_str=RootFile(indcur);%last character in fileraw |
3158 | last=double(last_str);%corresponding ascii code |
3159 | penult=double(RootFile(indcur-1));%ascii code of the penultimate character |
3160 | testsub=0; %default |
3161 | % % case of an indexed series in a single file |
3162 | % if strcmpi(ext,'.avi') |
3163 | % nom_type='*'; |
3164 | % %case of a numerical index follewed by a lower case letter (e.g. a,b,c): |
3165 | % %the penultimate character is a number and the last one a letter (lower case: last >= 97 && last <= 122 |
3166 | % % capital |
3167 | % % letter: last >= 65 && last <= 90) |
3168 | if penult >= 48 && penult <= 57 && ((last >= 65 && last <= 90)||(last >= 97 && last <= 122)) |
3169 | str_a=last_str; %extract appendix a,b,c... or A,B,C... as output. |
3170 | ind_end=indcur-1; %current index just before the suffix letter |
3171 | indices_root=regexp(RootFile(1:indcur-1),'\D');%detect non digit characters |
3172 | indcur=max(indices_root); |
3173 | field_count=RootFile(indcur+1:ind_end); |
3174 | charstring=['%0' num2str(length(field_count)) 'd']; |
3175 | nom_type=num2str(1,charstring); |
3176 | if strcmp(RootFile(indcur),'_') |
3177 | nom_type=['_' nom_type]; |
3178 | indcur=indcur-1; |
3179 | end |
3180 | if (last >= 65 && last <= 90) |
3181 | nom_type=[nom_type 'A']; |
3182 | else |
3183 | nom_type=[nom_type 'a']; |
3184 | end |
3185 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end-2:end),'-_-_')%new nomenclature appendix num1-num2_num_a-num_b |
3186 | field_count=num0; |
3187 | str2=num1; |
3188 | str_a=num2; |
3189 | str_b=num3; |
3190 | nom_type='_1-2_1-2'; |
3191 | testsub=1; |
3192 | indcur=separ0-1; |
3193 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end-2:end),'_-_')%new nomenclature appendix num1-num2_num_a |
3194 | field_count=num1; |
3195 | str2=num2; |
3196 | str_a=num3; |
3197 | nom_type='_1-2_1'; |
3198 | testsub=1; |
3199 | indcur=separ1-1; |
3200 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end-2:end),'__-')%new nomenclature appendix num1_num2-num2 |
3201 | indcur=separ1-1; |
3202 | field_count=num1; |
3203 | str_a=num2; |
3204 | str_b=num3; |
3205 | nom_type='_1_1-2'; |
3206 | testsub=1; |
3207 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end-1:end),'_-') |
3208 | indcur=separ2-1; |
3209 | field_count=num2; |
3210 | str2=num3; |
3211 | str_a=''; |
3212 | nom_type='_1-2'; |
3213 | testsub=1; |
3214 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end-1:end),'__') |
3215 | indcur=separ2-1; |
3216 | field_count=num2; |
3217 | str2=''; |
3218 | str_a=num3; |
3219 | nom_type='_1_1'; |
3220 | elseif strcmp(filelit(end),'_') |
3221 | indcur=separ3-1; |
3222 | str2=''; |
3223 | str_a=''; |
3224 | %detect zeros before the number |
3225 | field_count=RootFile(separ3+1:end);% set the selected field number'%03d' |
3226 | charstring=['%0' num2str(length(field_count)) 'd']; |
3227 | nom_type=['_' num2str(1,charstring)]; |
3228 | elseif RootFile(indcur-2)=='_'% search appendix a,b,c,d |
3229 | lasts=RootFile(indcur-1:indcur); |
3230 | % if isequal(length(last),2) |
3231 | str_a=lasts(1);%put appendix a,b,c, ou d |
3232 | str_b=lasts(2);%put appendix a,b,c, ou d |
3233 | separ0=indsel(end-3); |
3234 | field_count=RootFile(separ0+1:separ1-1); |
3235 | indcur=separ0; |
3236 | if double(lasts) >= 97 & double(lasts)<= 122 |
3237 | nom_type='_ab'; |
3238 | testsub=1; |
3239 | elseif double(lasts) >= 65 & double(lasts) <= 90 |
3240 | nom_type='_AB'; |
3241 | testsub=1; |
3242 | end |
3243 | charstring=['%0' num2str(length(field_count)) 'd']; |
3244 | nom_type=[num2str(1,charstring) nom_type]; |
3245 | % end |
3246 | %search for other names with counter |
3247 | else |
3248 | if length(ext)>1 |
3249 | num=1;count=0; % extract the numerical appendix |
3250 | while num==1; |
3251 | filascii=double(RootFile(indcur)); |
3252 | if (48>filascii)||(filascii>57); % select the non-numerical characters |
3253 | num=0; |
3254 | else |
3255 | indcur=indcur-1; count=count+1; |
3256 | end |
3257 | end |
3258 | if count~=0 |
3259 | field_count=RootFile(indcur+1:indcur+count);% set the selected field number'%03d' |
3260 | charstring=['%0' num2str(length(field_count)) 'd']; |
3261 | nom_type=num2str(1,charstring); |
3262 | end |
3263 | end |
3264 | end |
3265 | %select the root name in the file_input window |
3266 | RootFile=RootFile(1:indcur); |
3267 | if nbchar<4% put '*' before the name (remove at the end) |
3268 | RootFile(1:4-nbchar)=[]; |
3269 | end |
3270 | if testsub |
3271 | [RootPath,subdir,extdir]=fileparts(RootPath); |
3272 | subdir=[subdir extdir]; |
3273 | end |
3274 | |