1 | %transform LIF images to concentration images
2 |
3 | %=======================================================================
4 | % Copyright 2008-2019, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
5 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
6 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
7 | %
8 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
9 | %
10 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
12 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
13 | % or (at your option) any later version.
14 | %
15 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
19 | %=======================================================================
20 |
21 | function [DataOut,DataOut_1,DataMask]=concentration(Data,XmlData,Data_1,XmlData_1,Ref)
22 | cpath=which('uvmat');
23 | addpath(fullfile(fileparts(cpath),'transform_field'))% define path for phys_polar.m
24 | DataOut_1=[];
25 |
26 | %% for use in uvmat
27 | num_level=Data.ZIndex;
28 | if ~exist('Ref','var')
29 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','uvmat');
30 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
31 | RootPath=get(hhuvmat.RootPath,'String');
32 |
33 | %reference file
34 | RootPath=fullfile(RootPath,'LIF_REF');
35 | file_ref=fullfile(RootPath,['lif_ref_' num2str(num_level) '.nc']);
36 | Ref=nc2struct(file_ref);
37 | end
38 |
39 | %% Parameters
40 | XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre=Ref.IlluminationOrigin;%[-515 -175]; %position of the laser origin [x, y]
41 | XmlData_1.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre=Ref.IlluminationOrigin;%[-515 -175]; %position of the laser origin [x, y]
42 | ImageOffset=Ref.ImageOffset; %237;% image value for black background
43 | nfilt=64;
44 |
45 | %% concentration image
46 | Data.A(Ref.CoverIndex:end,:)=Ref.CoverCoeff*(double(Data.A(Ref.CoverIndex:end,:))-ImageOffset(1))+ImageOffset(1);% COMPENSATION OF BRIGHTNESS UNDER THE COVER
47 | [DataOut,DataOut_1]=phys_polar(Data,XmlData,Data_1,XmlData_1);
48 | A=Ref.Aref;%default
49 | ind_good=find(Ref.Aref~=0);
50 | ind_bad=find(Ref.Aref==0);
51 | A(ind_good)=double(DataOut.A(ind_good))-ImageOffset(1)-0.07*(double(DataOut_1.A(ind_good))-ImageOffset(2));%substract PIV image information for removing particles
52 | %filtering and decimate
53 | Afilt=filter2(ones(nfilt,nfilt),A);
54 | Mask=filter2(ones(nfilt,nfilt),double(Ref.Aref~=0));
55 | B=Afilt./Mask;
56 | A(ind_bad)=B(ind_bad);
57 | [npy,npx]=size(A);
58 | DataMask=DataOut;
59 | DataMask.A=2*ones(npy,npx);%mask=2 for good data
60 |
61 | DataMask.A(Ref.Aref==0)=1;%mask=0 for undefined data
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 | C=filter2(ones(nfilt,nfilt),Ref.Aref);
66 | D=C./Mask;
67 | Ref.Aref(ind_bad)=D(ind_bad);
68 | DataOut_1=[];
69 | Coord_x=DataOut.Coord_x;
70 | Coord_y=DataOut.Coord_y;
71 |
72 | dX=(Coord_x(2)-Coord_x(1))/(npx-1);
73 | dY=(Coord_y(1)-Coord_y(2))/(npy-1);%mesh of new pixels
74 | [R,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(Coord_x(1),Coord_x(2),npx),linspace(Coord_y(1),Coord_y(2),npy));
75 | r=Coord_x(1)+[0:npx-1]*dX;%distance from laser
76 | %A(ind_good)=(A(ind_good)>=0).*A(ind_good); %replaces negative values by zeros
77 | A=A./Ref.Aref;% luminosity normalised by the reference (value at the edge of the box)
78 |
79 | %% Interpolation
80 | % [Rindex,Yindex]=meshgrid(linspace(0.5,npx-0.5,npx),linspace(npy-0.5,0.5,npy));
81 | % Rgood=Rindex(ind_good);
82 | % Ygood=Yindex(ind_good);
83 | %F=TriScatteredInterp(Rgood,Ygood,A(ind_good));
84 | %A=F(Rindex,Yindex);
85 |
86 |
87 | DataMask.A(isnan(A)|isinf(A)|A>1.5)=0;% mask=1 for interpolated data
88 | r_edge=Ref.r_edge*ones(1,npx);
89 | Edge_ind=find((abs(R-r_edge)/dX)<=1 & DataMask.A~=0);%indies of positions close to r_edge, values greater than 1 are not expected
90 | yedge=min(min(Y(Edge_ind)));
91 | jmax=round(-(yedge-Coord_y(1))/dY+1);
92 | DataMask.A(jmax:end,:)=0;
93 |
94 | A(isnan(A)|isinf(A))=0;
95 |
96 | % radius along the reference line
97 | Theta=(linspace(Coord_y(1),Coord_y(2),npy)*pi/180)'*ones(1,npx);%theta in radians
98 |
99 | gamma_coeff=Ref.GammaCoeff*ones(1,npx);
100 |
101 | A(R<r_edge)=0;
102 | I=(r_edge-dX*gamma_coeff.*cumsum(R.*A,2))./R;% expected laser intensity along the line
103 |
104 | DataOut.A=A./I;%concentration
105 | DataOut.A(I<=0)=0;% eliminate values obtained with I<=0
106 | DataOut.A(jmax:end,:)=0;%put to zeros points for which the e laser ray is not visible from the edge
107 | RangeX=Ref.RangeX-XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(1);
108 | RangeY=Ref.RangeY-XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(2);
109 |
110 | DataOut=polar2phys(DataOut,RangeX,RangeY);
111 | DataOut.Coord_x=DataOut.Coord_x+XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(1);
112 | DataOut.Coord_y=DataOut.Coord_y+XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(2);
113 | DataMask=polar2phys(DataMask,RangeX,RangeY);
114 | DataMask.Coord_x=DataMask.Coord_x+XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(1);
115 | DataMask.Coord_y=DataMask.Coord_y+XmlData.GeometryCalib.PolarCentre(2);
116 |
117 |
118 | function DataOut=polar2phys(DataIn,RangeX,RangeY)
119 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
120 | DataOut=DataIn; %fdefault
121 | [npy,npx]=size(DataIn.A);
122 | dx=(DataIn.Coord_x(2)-DataIn.Coord_x(1))/(npx-1);
123 | dy=(DataIn.Coord_y(2)-DataIn.Coord_y(1))/(npy-1);%mesh
124 | rcorner=[DataIn.Coord_x(1) DataIn.Coord_x(2) DataIn.Coord_x(1) DataIn.Coord_x(2)];% radius of the corners
125 | ycorner=[DataIn.Coord_y(2) DataIn.Coord_y(2) DataIn.Coord_y(1) DataIn.Coord_y(1)];% azimuth of the corners
126 | thetacorner=pi*ycorner/180;% azimuth in radians
127 | [Xcorner,Ycorner] = pol2cart(thetacorner,rcorner);% cartesian coordinates of the corners (with respect to lser source)
128 | if ~exist('RangeX','var')
129 | RangeX(1)=min(Xcorner);
130 | RangeX(2)=max(Xcorner);
131 | end
132 | if ~exist('RangeY','var')
133 | RangeY(2)=min(Ycorner);
134 | RangeY(1)=max(Ycorner);
135 | end
136 | %Rangx=[-100 100];%bounds of the initial box
137 | %Rangy=[75 -150];
138 | % Rangy(1)=min(Ycorner);
139 | % Rangy(2)=max(Ycorner);
140 | x=linspace(RangeX(1),RangeX(2),npx);%coordinates of the new pixels
141 | y=linspace(RangeY(2),RangeY(1),npy);
142 | [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);%grid for new pixels in cartesian coordiantes
143 |
144 | [Theta,R] = cart2pol(X,Y);%corresponding polar coordiantes
145 | Theta=Theta*180/pi;
146 | %Theta=1+round((Theta-DataIn.Coord_y(1))/dy); %index along y (dy negative)
147 | Theta=1-round((Theta-DataIn.Coord_y(2))/dy); %index along y (dy negative)
148 | R=1+round((R-DataIn.Coord_x(1))/dx); %index along x
149 | R=reshape(R,1,npx*npy);%indices reorganized in 'line'
150 | Theta=reshape(Theta,1,npx*npy);
151 | flagin=R>=1 & R<=npx & Theta >=1 & Theta<=npy;%flagin=1 inside the original image
152 | vec_A=reshape(DataIn.A,1,npx*npy);%put the original image in line
153 | ind_in=find(flagin);
154 | ind_out=find(~flagin);
155 | ICOMB=((R-1)*npy+(npy+1-Theta));
156 | ICOMB=ICOMB(flagin);%index corresponding to XIMA and YIMA in the aligned original image vec_A
157 | vec_B(ind_in)=vec_A(ICOMB);
158 | vec_B(ind_out)=zeros(size(ind_out));
159 | DataOut.A=flipdim(reshape(vec_B,npy,npx),1);%new image in real coordinates
160 |
161 | %Rangx=Rangx-radius_ref;
162 | DataOut.Coord_x=RangeX;
163 | DataOut.Coord_y=RangeY;
164 |