%'datenum_uvmat': like the Matlab function datenum.m but gives empty output instead of stopping for input error %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function n = datenum_uvmat(arg1,arg2,arg3,h,min,s) %DATENUM Serial date number. % N = DATENUM(V) converts one or more date vectors V into serial date % numbers N. Input V can be an M-by-6 or M-by-3 matrix containing M full % or partial date vectors respectively. DATENUM returns a column vector % of M date numbers. % % A date vector contains six elements, specifying year, month, day, hour, % minute, and second. A partial date vector has three elements, specifying % year, month, and day. Each element of V must be a positive double % precision number. A serial date number of 1 corresponds to Jan-1-0000. % The year 0000 is merely a reference point and is not intended to be % interpreted as a real year. % % N = DATENUM(S,F) converts one or more date strings S to serial date % numbers N using format string F. S can be a character array where each % row corresponds to one date string, or one dimensional cell array of % strings. DATENUM returns a column vector of M date numbers, where M is % the number of strings in S. % % All of the date strings in S must have the same format F, which must be % composed of date format symbols according to Table 2 in DATESTR help. % Formats with 'Q' are not accepted by DATENUM. % % Certain formats may not contain enough information to compute a date % number. In those cases, hours, minutes, and seconds default to 0, days % default to 1, months default to January, and years default to the % current year. Date strings with two character years are interpreted to % be within the 100 years centered around the current year. % % N = DATENUM(S,F,P) or N = DATENUM(S,P,F) uses the specified format F % and the pivot year P to determine the date number N, given the date % string S. The pivot year is the starting year of the 100-year range in % which a two-character year resides. The default pivot year is the % current year minus 50 years. % % N = DATENUM(Y,MO,D) and N = DATENUM([Y,MO,D]) return the serial date % numbers for corresponding elements of the Y,MO,D (year,month,day) % arrays. Y, MO, and D must be arrays of the same size (or any can be a % scalar). % % N = DATENUM(Y,MO,D,H,MI,S) and N = DATENUM([Y,MO,D,H,MI,S]) return the % serial date numbers for corresponding elements of the Y,MO,D,H,MI,S % (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) arrays. The six arguments must be % arrays of the same size (or any can be a scalar). % % N = DATENUM(S) converts the string or date vector (as defined by % DATEVEC) S into a serial date number. If S is a string, it must be in % one of the date formats 0,1,2,6,13,14,15,16,23 as defined by DATESTR. % This calling syntax is provided for backward compatibility, and is % significantly slower than the syntax which specifies the format string. % If the format is known, the N = DATENUM(S,F) syntax should be used. % % N = DATENUM(S,P) converts the date string S, using pivot year P. If the % format is known, the N = DATENUM(S,F,P) or N = DATENUM(S,P,F) syntax % should be used. % % Note: The vectorized calling syntax can offer significant performance % improvement for large arrays. % % Examples: % n = datenum('19-May-2000') returns n = 730625. % n = datenum(2001,12,19) returns n = 731204. % n = datenum(2001,12,19,18,0,0) returns n = 731204.75. % n = datenum('19.05.2000','dd.mm.yyyy') returns n = 730625. % % See also NOW, DATESTR, DATEVEC, DATETICK. % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/10/27 23:53:57 $ if (nargin<1) || (nargin>6) error('MATLAB:datenumr:Nargin',nargchk(1,6,nargin)); end % parse input arguments isdatestr = ~isnumeric(arg1); isdateformat = false; if nargin == 2 isdateformat = ischar(arg2); elseif nargin == 3 isdateformat = [ischar(arg2),ischar(arg3)]; end % try to convert date string or date vector to a date number try switch nargin case 1 if isdatestr n = datenummx(datevec(arg1)); elseif (size(arg1,2)==3) || (size(arg1,2)==6) n = datenummx(arg1); else n = arg1; end case 2 if isdateformat if ischar(arg1) arg1 = cellstr(arg1); end n = dtstr2dtnummx(arg1,cnv2icudf(arg2)); else n = datenummx(datevec(arg1,arg2)); end case 3 if any(isdateformat) if isdateformat(1) format = arg2; pivot = arg3; elseif isdateformat(2) format = arg3; pivot = arg2; end if ischar(arg1) arg1 = cellstr(arg1); end icu_dtformat = cnv2icudf(format); showyr = strfind(icu_dtformat,'y'); if ~isempty(showyr) wrtYr = numel(showyr); checkYr = diff(showyr); if any(checkYr~=1) error('MATLAB:datenum:YearFormat','Unrecognized year format'); end switch wrtYr case 4, icu_dtformat = strrep(icu_dtformat,'yyyy','yy'); case 3, icu_dtformat = strrep(icu_dtformat,'yyy','yy'); end end n = dtstr2dtnummx(arg1,icu_dtformat,pivot); else n = datenummx(arg1,arg2,arg3); end case 6, n = datenummx(arg1,arg2,arg3,h,min,s); otherwise, error('MATLAB:datenum:Nargin',... 'Incorrect number of arguments'); end catch err = lasterror; err.message = sprintf('DATENUM failed.\n%s',err.message); if (nargin == 1 && ~isdatestr) err.identifier = 'MATLAB:datenum:ConvertDateNumber'; elseif (nargin == 1 && isdatestr) || (isdatestr && any(isdateformat)) err.identifier = 'MATLAB:datenum:ConvertDateString'; elseif (nargin > 1) && ~isdatestr && ~any(isdateformat) err.identifier = 'MATLAB:datenum:ConvertDateVector'; end rethrow(err); end end function [y,mo,d,h,mi,s] = datevec(t,varargin) %DATEVEC Date components. % V = DATEVEC(N) converts one or more date numbers N to date vectors V. N % can be a scalar, vector, or multidimensional array of positive date % numbers. DATEVEC returns an M-by-6 matrix containing M date vectors, % where M is the total number of date numbers in N. % % V = DATEVEC(S,F) converts one or more date strings S to date vectors % V using format string F to interpret the date strings in S. S can be a % cell array of strings or a character array where each row corresponds % to one date string. All of the date strings in S must have the same % format which must be composed of date format symbols according to % Table 2 in DATESTR help. Formats with 'Q' are not accepted by DATEVEC. % DATEVEC returns an M-by-6 matrix of date vectors, where M is the number % of date strings in S. % % Certain formats may not contain enough information to compute a date % vector. In those cases, hours, minutes, and seconds default to 0, days % default to 1, months default to January, and years default to the % current year. Date strings with two character years are interpreted to % be within the 100 years centered around the current year. % % V = DATEVEC(S,F,P) or V = DATEVEC(S,P,F) converts the date string S to % a date vector V, using the pivot year P and the date format F. The % pivot year is the starting year of the 100-year range in which a % two-character year resides. The default pivot year is the current year % minus 50 years. % % [Y,MO,D,H,MI,S] = DATEVEC(...) takes any of the two syntaxes shown % above and returns the components of the date vector as individual % variables. % % V = DATEVEC(S) converts date string S to date vector V. S must be in % one of the date formats 0,1,2,6,13,14,15,16,23 as defined by DATESTR. % This calling syntax is provided for backward compatibility, and is % significantly slower than the syntax which specifies the format string. % If the format is known, the V = DATEVEC(S,F) syntax should be used. % % V = DAVEVEC(S,P) converts the date string S using pivot year P. % If the format is known, the V = DATEVEC(S,F,P) or V = DATEVEC(S,P,F) % syntax should be used. % % Note 1: If more than one input argument is used, the first argument % must be a date string or array of date strings. % % Note 2: The vectorized calling syntax can offer significant performance % improvement for large arrays. % % Examples % d = '12/24/1984'; % t = 725000.00; % c = datevec(d) or c = datevec(t) produce c = [1984 12 24 0 0 0]. % [y,m,d,h,mi,s] = datevec(d) returns y=1984, m=12, d=24, h=0, mi=0, s=0. % c = datevec('5/6/03') produces c = [2003 5 6 0 0 0] until 2054. % c = datevec('5/6/03',1900) produces c = [1903 5 6 0 0 0]. % c = datevec('19.05.2000','dd.mm.yyyy') produces c = [2000 5 19 0 0 0]. % % See also DATENUM, DATESTR, CLOCK, DATETICK. % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/10/27 23:53:59 $ if (nargin<1) || (nargin>3) % error('MATLAB:datevec:Nargin',nargchk(1,3,nargin)); return end % parse input arguments isdatestr = ~isnumeric(t); isdateformat = false; if ~isdatestr && nargin > 1 warning('MATLAB:datevec:Inputs', ... 'Unless the first input argument is a date string, all subsequent\narguments will be ignored.'); elseif nargin > 1 isdateformat = cellfun('isclass',varargin,'char'); if (nargin == 3) if ~isdateformat(1) pivotyear = varargin{1}; elseif ~isdateformat(2) pivotyear = varargin{2}; elseif isdateformat(1) && isdateformat(2) % error('MATLAB:datevec:DateFormat',... % 'You specified two date format strings.\nThere can only be one.'); return end elseif (nargin == 2) && ~isdateformat pivotyear = varargin{1}; end end if isdatestr && isempty(t) if nargout <= 1 y = zeros(0,6); else [y,mo,d,h,mi,s] = deal(zeros(0,0)); end; warning('MATLAB:datevec:EmptyDate',... 'Usage of DATEVEC with empty date strings is not supported.\nResults may change in future versions.'); return; end % branch to appropriate date string parser if isdatestr % a date format string was specified % map date format to ICU date format tokens if ischar(t) % convert to cellstring. t = cellstr(t); end icu_dtformat = {}; if ~any(isdateformat) format = getformat(t); if ~isempty(format) icu_dtformat = cnv2icudf(format); end else icu_dtformat = cnv2icudf(varargin{isdateformat}); end if ~isempty(icu_dtformat) % call ICU MEX function to parse date string to date vector try if nargin < 2 || (nargin == 2 && any(isdateformat)) y = dtstr2dtvecmx(t,icu_dtformat); else showyr = findstr(icu_dtformat,'y'); if ~isempty(showyr) wrtYr = numel(showyr); if showyr(end) - showyr(1) >= wrtYr % error('MATLAB:datevec:YearFormat','Unrecognized year format'); return end switch wrtYr case 4, icu_dtformat = strrep(icu_dtformat,'yyyy','yy'); case 3, icu_dtformat = strrep(icu_dtformat,'yyy','yy'); end end y = dtstr2dtvecmx(t,icu_dtformat,pivotyear); end if nargout > 1 mo = y(:,2); d = y(:,3); h = y(:,4); mi = y(:,5); s = y(:,6); y = y(:,1); end catch err = lasterror; err.identifier = 'MATLAB:datevec:dtstr2dtvecmx'; err.message = sprintf(['DATEVEC failed, calling DTSTR2DTVECMX.\n'... '%s'],err.message); rethrow(err); end else %last resort!!! if ischar(t) m = size(t,1); else m = length(t); end y = zeros(m,6); t = lower(t); % ampmtokens = lower(getampmtokensmx); amtok = 'am'; %ampmtokens{1}; amtok0 = 'am'; pmtok = 'pm';%ampmtokens{2}; pmtok0 = 'pm'; M={'jan';'feb';'mar';'apr';'may';'jun';'jul';'aug';'sept';'oct';'nov';'dec'}; M0=M; % M = lower(getmonthnames); % M0 = lower(getmonthnames(0)); % fall-back list of English short month names. try for i = 1:m % Convert date input to date vector % Initially, the six fields are all unknown. c(1,1:6) = NaN; pm = -1; % means am or pm is not in datestr if ischar(t) str = t(i,:); else str = t{i}; end d = [' ' str ' ']; % Replace 'a ' or 'am', 'p ' or 'pm' with ': '. p = max(find(d == amtok(1) | d == pmtok(1) | ... d == amtok0(1)| d == pmtok0(1))); if ~isempty(p) if (d(p+1) == amtok(2) | ... d(p+1) == amtok0(2)| isspace(d(p+1))) & ... d(p-1) ~= lower('e') pm = (d(p) == pmtok(1) | d(p) == pmtok0(1)); if d(p-1) == ' ' d(p-1:p+1) = ': '; else d(p:p+1) = ': '; end end end % Any remaining letters must be in the month field p = find(isletter(d)); % Test length of string to catch a bogus date string. % Get index of month in list of months of year % replace with spaces, month name in date string. % If native month name lookup fails, fall back on % list of English month names. if ~isempty(p) && numel(d)>4 k = min(p); if d(k+3) == '.', d(k+3) = ' '; end monthidx = ~cellfun('isempty',strfind(M,d(k:k+2))); if ~any(monthidx) monthidx = ~cellfun('isempty',strfind(M0,d(k:k+2))); if ~any(monthidx) % error('MATLAB:datevec:MonthOfYear',... % 'Failed to lookup month of year.'); return end end c(2) = find(monthidx); d(p) = char(' '*ones(size(p))); end % Find all nonnumbers. p = find((d < '0' | d > '9') & (d ~= '.')); % Pick off and classify numeric fields, one by one. % Colons delinate hour, minutes and seconds. k = 1; while k < length(p) if d(p(k)) ~= ' ' && d(p(k)+1) == '-' f = str2double(d(p(k)+1:p(k+2)-1)); k = k+1; else f = str2double(d(p(k)+1:p(k+1)-1)); end if ~isnan(f) if d(p(k))==':' || d(p(k+1))==':' if isnan(c(4)) c(4) = f; % hour % Add 12 if pm specified and hour isn't 12 if pm == 1 && f ~= 12 c(4) = f+12; elseif pm == 0 && f == 12 c(4) = 0; end elseif isnan(c(5)) c(5) = f; % minutes elseif isnan(c(6)) c(6) = f; % seconds else % error('MATLAB:datevec:NumberOfTimeFields',... % 'Too many time fields in %s', str); return end elseif isnan(c(2)) if f > 12 % error('MATLAB:datevec:IllegalDateField',... % '%s is too large to be a month.',num2str(f)); return end c(2) = f; % month elseif isnan(c(3)) c(3) = f; % date elseif isnan(c(1)) if (f >= 0) & (p(k+1)-p(k) == 3) % two char year if nargin < 2 clk = clock; pivotyear = clk(1)-50; %(current year-50 years) end % Moving 100 year window centered around current year c(1) = pivotyear+rem(f+100-rem(pivotyear,100),100); else c(1) = f; % year end else % error('MATLAB:datevec:NumberOfDateFields',... % 'Too many date fields in %s', str); return end end k = k+1; end if sum(isnan(c)) >= 5 % error('MATLAB:datevec:ParseDateString',... % 'Cannot parse date %s', str); return end % If any field has not been specified if isnan(c(1)), clk = clock; c(1) = clk(1); end if isnan(c(2)), c(2) = 1; end; if isnan(c(3)), c(3) = 1; end; if isnan(c(4)), c(4) = 0; end; if isnan(c(5)), c(5) = 0; end; if isnan(c(6)), c(6) = 0; end; % Normalize components to correct ranges. y(i,:) = datevecmx(datenummx(c)); end catch err = lasterror; err.message = sprintf('Failed to parse date string.\n%s',... err.message); rethrow(err); end if nargout > 1 mo = y(:,2); d = y(:,3); h = y(:,4); mi = y(:,5); s = y(:,6); y = y(:,1); end end elseif nargout <= 1 % date number was specified y = datevecmx(t); elseif nargout == 3 % date number was specified and first three date fields for output [y,mo,d] = datevecmx(t); else % date number was specified and all six date fields for output [y,mo,d,h,mi,s] = datevecmx(t); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-- function [format] = getformat(str) format = ''; formatstr = cell(11,1); formatstr(1) = {'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS'}; formatstr(2) = {'dd-mmm-yyyy'}; formatstr(3) = {'mm/dd/yy'}; formatstr(4) = {'mm/dd'}; formatstr(5) = {'HH:MM:SS'}; formatstr(6) = {'HH:MM:SS PM'}; formatstr(7) = {'HH:MM'}; formatstr(8) = {'HH:MM PM'}; formatstr(9) = {'mm/dd/yyyy'}; formatstr(10) = {'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM'}; %used by finance formatstr(11) = {'dd-mmm-yy'}; %used by finance AlphaFormats = [1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1]; %[1 2 6 8 10 11]; SlashFormats = [ 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]; %[3 4 9]; TwoSlashFormats = [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]; %[3 9]; DashFormats = [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1]; %[1 2 10 11]; ColonFormats = [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0]; %[1 5 6 7 8 10]; TwoColonFormats = [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]; %[1 5 6]; SpaceFormats = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]; %[1 6 8 10]; bMask = [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]; if length(str) > 1 str = str(1,1); end str = strtrim(char(str)); slashes = strfind(str, '/'); if ~isempty(slashes) bMask = bMask & SlashFormats; if (length(slashes) > 0 && slashes(1) == 2) if (length(slashes) > 1 && slashes(2) == 4) str = ['0' str(1:slashes(1)) '0' str(slashes(1)+1:end)]; else str = ['0' str]; end elseif (length(slashes) > 1 && slashes(2) - slashes(1) == 2) str = [str(1:slashes(1)) '0' str(slashes(1)+1:end)]; end if length(slashes) > 1 bMask = bMask & TwoSlashFormats; else bMask = bMask & ~TwoSlashFormats; end else bMask = bMask & ~SlashFormats; end dashes = strfind(str,'-'); if ~isempty(dashes) bMask = bMask & DashFormats; if (length(dashes) > 0 && dashes(1) == 2) str = ['0' str]; end else bMask = bMask & ~DashFormats; end colons = strfind(str,':'); if ~isempty(colons) bMask = bMask & ColonFormats; if (length(colons) > 0) && (colons(1) == 2) && (length(str) - colons(end) > 3) str = ['0' str]; end if length(colons) > 1 bMask = bMask & TwoColonFormats; else bMask = bMask & ~TwoColonFormats; end else bMask = bMask & ~ColonFormats; end spaces = strfind(str,' '); if ~isempty(spaces) bMask = bMask & SpaceFormats; else bMask = bMask & ~SpaceFormats; end for i = 1:11 if bMask(i) try str1 = dateformverify(str,char(formatstr(i))); if (strcmpi(str, strtrim(str1)) == 1) format = char(formatstr(i)); break; end catch lasterr(''); end if AlphaFormats(i) try str1 = dateformverify(str,char(formatstr(i)),'local'); if (strcmpi(str, strtrim(str1)) == 1) format = char(formatstr(i)); break; end catch lasterr(''); end end end end end