1 | %'quiver_col_eletta': plot vector fields and save figures for project Coriolis/2019/TUBE
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 |
4 | %INPUT:
5 | % handles: Matlab structure containing all the information displyed in the GUI uvmat
6 |
7 |
8 | function quiver_col_eletta(handles)
9 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 |
11 | %% get input data
12 | Data_uvmat=get(handles.uvmat,'UserData');
13 | Data=Data_uvmat.Field; %get the current plotted field
14 | requested=isfield(Data,'coord_x')&&isfield(Data,'coord_y')&&isfield(Data,'U')&&isfield(Data,'V')&&isfield(Data,'norm');
15 | if ~requested
16 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','unappropriate data: need vectors U, V on a regular grid')
17 | return
18 | end
19 | RootPath=get(handles.RootPath,'String');
20 | SubDir=get(handles.SubDir,'String');
21 | RootFile=get(handles.RootFile,'String');
22 | FileIndex=get(handles.FileIndex,'String');
23 |
24 | %% Calibration:
25 | % plot parameters
26 | nBits = 64;
27 | scale = 0.15;
28 | decimation = 16;
29 | % filtering procedure
30 | method = 'gaussian';
31 | window = 24;
32 |
33 | %% get colormap
34 | load('BuYlRd.mat')
35 | BuYlRd = BuYlRd(1:floor(size(BuYlRd)/nBits):end,:);
36 |
37 | %% reduce the number of arrows
38 | x = Data.coord_x(1:decimation:end,1:decimation:end);
39 | y = flipud(Data.coord_y(1:decimation:end,1:decimation:end));
40 | [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
41 | % Filtering data to take away spurious subsampling issues (see Shannon Theorem)
42 | filtU = smoothdata(flipud(Data.U ),method,window);
43 | filtV = smoothdata(flipud(Data.V ),method,window);
44 | filtS = smoothdata(flipud(Data.norm),method,window);
45 |
46 | U = filtU(1:decimation:end,1:decimation:end);
47 | V = filtV(1:decimation:end,1:decimation:end);
48 | S = filtS(1:decimation:end,1:decimation:end);
49 | zmin = min(min(S));
50 | zmax = max(max(S));
51 | bins = linspace(zmin,zmax,nBits);
52 |
53 | %% plot size and position in the figure
54 | width = 6.75; % Width in inches
55 | height = 6; % Height in inches
56 | alw = 0.75; % AxesLineWidth
57 | fsz = 12; % Fontsize
58 | lw = 1.25; % LineWidth
59 | msz = 8; % MarkerSize
60 |
61 | %% make the plot
62 | figure(1)
63 | ax2 = axes('Visible','off','HandleVisibility','off');
64 | pos = get(1, 'Position');
65 | set(1, 'Position', [pos(1) pos(2) width*100, height*100]); %<- Set size
66 | set(ax2, 'FontSize', fsz, 'LineWidth', lw); %<- Set properties
67 | set(1, 'defaultTextInterpreter','latex');
68 | for i = 1:nBits-1
69 | ii=find((S - bins(i+1) < 0).*(S - bins(i) > 0));
70 | quiver(X(ii),Y(ii),U(ii),V(ii), scale,'Color',BuYlRd(i,:), 'LineWidth',1.2)
71 | hold on
72 | end
73 | cc=colorbar;
74 | set(cc,'TickLabelInterpreter','latex')
75 | cc.Label.String='cm/s';
76 | caxis([zmin zmax])
77 | axis equal
78 | xlim([Data.coord_x(1),Data.coord_x(end)])
79 | ylim([Data.coord_y(1),Data.coord_y(end)])
80 | hold off
81 | xlabel('$x(cm)$')
82 | ylabel('$y(cm)$')
83 |
84 | %% Set the figure size
85 | set(1,'InvertHardcopy','on');
86 | set(1,'PaperUnits', 'centimeters');
87 | papersize = get(1, 'PaperSize');
88 | left = (papersize(1)- width)/2;
89 | bottom = (papersize(2)- height)/2;
90 | myfiguresize = [left, bottom, width, height];
91 | set(1,'PaperPosition', myfiguresize);
92 |
93 | %% Save the figure as a pdf file in the appropriate figure folder
94 | [pp,camera]=fileparts(RootPath);
95 | [ppp,exp]=fileparts(pp);
96 | FigPath=fullfile(fileparts(ppp),'0_FIG')
97 | if ~exist(FigPath,'dir')
98 | [s,msg]=mkdir(FigPath); %create the folder if it does not exist
99 | if s
100 | disp([FigPath ' created'])
101 | else
102 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',msg)
103 | return
104 | end
105 | end
106 | exppath = fullfile(FigPath,exp);
107 | if ~exist(exppath,'dir')
108 | [s,msg]=mkdir(exppath);%create the folder if it does not exist
109 | if s
110 | disp([exppath ' created'])
111 | else
112 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',msg)
113 | return
114 | end
115 | end
116 | camerapath=fullfile(exppath,camera);
117 | if ~exist(camerapath,'dir')
118 | [s,msg]=mkdir(camerapath);%create the folder if it does not exist
119 | if s
120 | disp([camerapath ' created'])
121 | else
122 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',msg)
123 | return
124 | end
125 | end
126 |
127 | outputname=fullfile(camerapath,[RootFile FileIndex '.pdf']);
128 | print(1,outputname,'-dpdf')
129 |
130 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
131 |
132 |