%'fileparts_uvmat': splits a file name in root and indices and recognize file naming convention %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %[RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,i1,i2,j1,j2,Ext,NomType]=fileparts_uvmat(FileInput) % %OUTPUT: %RootPath: path to the base file %SubDir: name of the SubDirectory for netcdf files (NomTypes with index pairs 1-2 or ab ) %RootFile: FileName without appendix %i1: first number i %i2: second number i (only for .nc files) %j1: first number j %j2: second number j (only for .nc files) %FileExt: file Extension %NomType: char chain characterizing the file nomenclature: with values % NomType='': constant name [filebase FileExt] (default output if 'NomType' is undefined) % NomType='*':constant name for a file representing a series (e.g. avi movie) % NomType='1','01',or '001'...': series of files with a single index i without separator(e.g. 'aa045.png'). % NomType='1a','1A','01a','01A','1_a','01_A',... with a numerical index and an index letter(e.g.'aa45b.png') (lower or upper case) % NomType='1_1','01_1',...: matrix of files with two indices i and j separated by '_'(e.g. 'aa45_2.png') % NomType='1-1': from pairs from a single index (e.g. 'aa_45-47.nc') % NomType='1_1-2': pairs of j indices (e.g. 'aa_45_2-3.nc') % NomType='1-2_1': pairs of i indices (e.g. 'aa_45-46_2.nc') % NomType='1_ab','01_ab','01ab'..., from pairs of '#' images (e.g.'aa045bc.nc'), FileExt='.nc' %SubDir: name of the SubDirectory for netcdf files % %INPUT: %FileInput: complete name of the file, including path %======================================================================= % Copyright 2008-2024, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr % % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, % or (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details. %======================================================================= function [RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,i1,i2,j1,j2,FileExt,NomType]=fileparts_uvmat(FileInput) RootPath=''; SubDir=''; RootFile=''; i1=[]; i2=[]; j1=[]; j2=[]; FileExt=''; NomType=''; %% display help and test function in the absence of input arument if ~exist('FileInput','var') help fileparts_uvmat; test(); return end %% default root name output [RootPath,FileName,FileExt]=fileparts(FileInput); RootFile=FileName; %% case of input file name which is a pure number if ~isnan(str2double(FileName)) RootFile=''; i1=str2double(FileName); return end %% recursive test on FileName starting from the end % test whether FileName ends with a number or not r=regexp(FileName,'(?\d+)$','names');% \D = not a digit, \d =digit if ~isempty(r)% FileName end matches num1 num1=r.num1; r=regexp(FileName,['(?\d+)(?[-_])' num1 '$'],'names'); if ~isempty(r)% FileName end matches num2+delim1+num1 delim1=r.delim1; num2=r.num2; switch delim1 case '_' delim2_to_match='-'; case '-' delim2_to_match='_'; end r=regexp(FileName,['.*\D(?\d+)(?' delim2_to_match ')' num2 delim1 num1 '$'],'names'); if ~isempty(r) % FileName end matches num3 delim2 num2 delim1 num1 delim2=r.delim2; num3=r.num3; switch delim1 case '_' j1=str2double(num1); switch delim2 case '-' i1=str2double(num3); i2=str2double(num2); end case '-' j1=str2double(num2); j2=str2double(num1); switch delim2 case '_' i1=str2double(num3); end end NomType=[get_type(num3) delim2 get_type(num2) delim1 get_type(num1)]; RootFile=regexprep(FileName,[num3 delim2 num2 delim1 num1 '$'],''); else switch delim1 case '_' i1=str2double(num2); j1=str2double(num1); case '-' i1=str2double(num2); i2=str2double(num1); end NomType=[get_type(num2) delim1 get_type(num1)]; RootFile=regexprep(FileName,[num2 delim1 num1 '$'],''); end NomType=regexprep(NomType,'-1','-2'); %set 1-2 instead of 1-1 else% only one number at the end i1=str2double(num1); NomType=get_type(num1); RootFile=regexprep(FileName,[num1 '$'],''); end else% FileName ends with a letter %r=regexp(FileName,'.*[^a^b^A^B](?ab|AB|[abAB])\>','names'); NomType=''; r=regexp(RootFile,'\D*(?\d+)(?[a-z]|[A-Z]|[a-z][a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z])$','names'); if ~isempty(r) NomType=get_type(r.end_string); RootFile=regexprep(RootFile,[r.num1 r.end_string '$'],''); else % case with separator '_' r=regexp(RootFile,'\D*(?\d+)_(?[a-z]|[A-Z]|[a-z][a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z])$','names'); if ~isempty(r) NomType=['_' get_type(r.end_string)]; RootFile=regexprep(RootFile,[r.num1 '_' r.end_string '$'],''); end end if ~isempty(NomType) [j1,j2]=get_value(r.end_string); i1=str2double(r.num1); NomType=[get_type(r.num1) NomType]; end end %% suppress '_' at the end of RootFile, put it on NomType % if strcmp(RootFile(end),'_') % RootFile(end)=[]; detect=regexp(RootFile,'_$'); %detect '_' at the end of RootFILE if ~isempty(detect) RootFile=regexprep(RootFile,'_$',''); NomType=['_' NomType]; end %% extract subdirectory for pairs i1-i2 or j1-j2 (or ab, AB) % if ~isempty(i2) || ~isempty(j2) r=regexp(RootPath,'\<(?.+)(\\|/)(?[^\\^/]+)(\\|/)*\>','names'); if ~isempty(r) SubDir=r.subdir; RootPath=r.newrootpath; end % end function type=get_type(s) % returns the type of a label string: % for numbers, whether filled with 0 or not. type='';%default if ~isempty(regexp(s,'\<\d+\>','ONCE')) type=num2str(1,['%0' num2str(length(s)) 'd']); else code=double(s); % ascii code of the input string if code >= 65 & code <= 90 % test on ascii code for capital letters if length(s)==1 type='A'; elseif length(s)==2 type='AB'; end elseif code >= 97 & code <= 122 % test on ascii code for small letters if length(s)==1 type='a'; elseif length(s)==2 type='ab'; end end end function [j1,j2]=get_value(s) % returns the value of a label string: % for numbers, whether filled with 0 or not. % for letters, either a, A or ab, AB. j1=[]; j2=[]; code=double(s); % ascii code of the input string if code >= 65 & code <= 90 % test on ascii code for capital letters index=double(s)-64; %change capital letters to corresponding number in the alphabet elseif code >= 97 & code <= 122 % test on ascii code for small letters index=double(s)-96; %change small letters to corresponding number in the alphabet else index=str2num(s); end if ~isempty(index) j1=index(1); if length(index)==2 j2=index(2); end end function test(name) fprintf([... '######################################################\n'... ' Test for fileparts_uvmat \n'... '######################################################\n'... ]); if exist('name','var') FileName_list={name}; else FileName_list={... 'Image1a.png'... 'toto'... 'B011_1.png'... 'B001.png'... 'B55a.tif'... 'B002B.tiff'... 'B_001.png'... 'B_3331AB.png'... 'aa45_2.png'... 'B005.png'... 'Image_3.jpg'... 'Image_3-4.jpg'... 'Image_3-4_2.jpg'... 'Image_5_3-4.jpg'... 'Image_3_ab.jpg'... 'Image005AD.jpg'... 'Image_3_ac.jpg'... 'Image_3a-b.jpg'... 'Image3_a.jpg'... 'movie57.avi'... 'merged_20_12_1.png'... }; end for FileName=FileName_list % [RootPath,RootFile,i1,i2,str_a,str_b,FileExt,NomType,SubDir]=name2display(FileName{1}); [tild,SubDir,RootFile,i1,i2,j1,j2,tild,NomType]=... fileparts_uvmat(FileName{1}); fprintf([... 'File name : ' FileName{1} '\n'... ' NomType : ' NomType '\n'... ' RootFile : ' RootFile '\n'... ' i1 / i2 : ' num2str(i1) ' / ' num2str(i2) '\n'... ' j1 / j2 : ' num2str(j1) ' / ' num2str(j2) '\n'... ]); end