%'find_file_indices': test field structure for input in proj_field and plot_field % group the variables into 'fields' with common dimensions %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % function [CellVarIndex,NbDim,CellVarType,errormsg]=find_field_cells(Data) % % OUTPUT: % CellVaxIndex: cell whose elements are arrays of indices in the list data.ListVarName % CellvarIndex{i} represents a set of variables with the same dimensions % NbDim: array with the length of CellVarIndex, giving its space dimension % CellVarType: cell array of structures with fields % .coord_x, y, z: indices (in .ListVarname) of variables representing unstructured coordinates x, y, z % .vector_x,_y,_z: indices of variables giving the vector components x, y, z % .warnflag: index of warnflag % .errorflag: index of error flag % .ancillary: indices of ancillary variables % .image : B/W image, (behaves like scalar) % .color : color image, the last index, which is not a coordinate variable, represent the 3 color components rgb % .discrete: like scalar, but set of data points without continuity, represented as dots in a usual plot, instead of continuous lines otherwise % .scalar: scalar field (default) % .coord: vector of indices of coordinate variables corresponding to matrix dimensions % % .FieldRequest= 'interp_lin', 'interp_tps' indicate whether lin interpolation or derivatives (tps) is needed to calculate the requested field % .FieldNames = cell of fields to calculate from the fied cell % % errormsg: error message % % INPUT: % Data: structure representing fields, output of check_field_structure % .ListVarName: cell array listing the names (cahr strings) of the variables % .VarDimName: cell array of cells containing the set of dimension names for each variable of .ListVarName % .VarAttribute: cell array of structures containing the variable attributes: % .VarAttribute{ilist}.key=value, where ilist is the variable % index, key is the name of the attribute, value its value (char string or number) % % HELP: % to get the dimensions of arrays common to the field #icell % VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell}; % list of variable indices % DimIndex=Data.VarDimIndex{VarIndex(1)} % list of dimensions for each variable in the cell #icell % %AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org. %AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT. % % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details.for input in proj_field and plot_field % group the variables into 'fields' with common dimensions function [CellVarIndex,NbDim,CellVarType,errormsg]=find_field_cells(Data) CellVarIndex={}; CellVarType=[]; errormsg=[]; nbvar=numel(Data.ListVarName);%number of field variables icell=0; NbDim=[]; VarDimIndex=[]; VarDimName={}; if ~isfield(Data,'VarDimName') errormsg='missing .VarDimName'; return end %% role of variables and list of requested operations Role=num2cell(blanks(nbvar));%initialize a cell array of nbvar blanks FieldRequest=regexprep(Role,' ',''); % fieldRequest set to '' by default Operation=cell(size(Role)); % fieldRequest set to {} by default CheckSub=zeros(size(Role));% =1 for fields to substract Role=regexprep(Role,' ','scalar'); % Role set to 'scalar' by default if isfield(Data,'VarAttribute') for ivar=1:numel(Data.VarAttribute) if isfield(Data.VarAttribute{ivar},'Role') Role{ivar}=Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.Role; end if isfield(Data.VarAttribute{ivar},'FieldRequest') FieldRequest{ivar}=Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.FieldRequest; end if isfield(Data.VarAttribute{ivar},'Operation') Operation{ivar}=Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.Operation; end if isfield(Data.VarAttribute{ivar},'CheckSub') CheckSub(ivar)=Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.CheckSub; end end end %% loop on the list of variables, group them by common dimensions CellVarType=cell(1,length(CellVarIndex)); for ivar=1:nbvar if ischar(Data.VarDimName{ivar}) Data.VarDimName{ivar}=Data.VarDimName(ivar);%transform char chain into cell end DimCell=Data.VarDimName{ivar}; %dimensions associated with the variable #ivar testnewcell=1; for icell_prev=1:numel(CellVarIndex)%detect whether the dimensions of ivar fit with an existing cell PrevVarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell_prev};%list of variable indices in cell # icell_prev PrevDimCell=Data.VarDimName{PrevVarIndex(1)};%list of corresponding variable names if isequal(PrevDimCell,DimCell) CellVarIndex{icell_prev}=[CellVarIndex{icell_prev} ivar];% add variable index #ivar to the cell #icell_prev testnewcell=0; %existing cell detected break end end if testnewcell icell=icell+1; CellVarIndex{icell}=ivar;%put the current variable index in the new cell NbDim(icell)=numel(DimCell);%default CellVarType{icell}=[]; end if ~isempty(FieldRequest{ivar}) CellVarType{icell}.FieldRequest=FieldRequest{ivar}; end if ~isempty(Operation{ivar}) CellVarType{icell}.Operation=Operation{ivar}; end if CheckSub(ivar) CellVarType{icell}.CheckSub=1; end end %% find dimension variables checksinglecell=cellfun(@numel,CellVarIndex)==1 & NbDim==1;% find isolated cells with a single dimension ind_dim_var_cell=find(checksinglecell); %CoordType(ind_dim_var_cell)='dim_var';% to be used in output %VarDimIndex=cell(size(ind_dim_var_cell)); VarDimName=cell(size(ind_dim_var_cell)); for icoord=1:numel(ind_dim_var_cell) VarDimIndex(icoord)=CellVarIndex{ind_dim_var_cell(icoord)}; VarDimName{icoord}=Data.VarDimName{VarDimIndex(icoord)}{1}; end %% find the spatial dimensions and vector components ListRole={'coord_x','coord_y','coord_z','vector_x','vector_y','vector_z','vector_x_tps','vector_y_tps','warnflag','errorflag',... 'ancillary','image','color','discrete','scalar','coord_tps'};% rmq vector_x_tps and vector_y_tps to be replaced by vector_x and vector_y for ilist=1:numel(ListRole) VarType.(ListRole{ilist})=find(strcmp(ListRole{ilist},Role)); end %look for tps coordinates if ~isempty(VarType.coord_tps) VarType.subrange_tps=[]; VarType.nbsites_tps=[]; select=zeros(1,numel(VarType.coord_tps)); for ifield=1:numel(VarType.coord_tps) DimCell=Data.VarDimName{VarType.coord_tps(ifield)}; if numel(DimCell)==3 for ivardim=1:numel(Data.VarDimName) if strcmp(Data.VarDimName{ivardim},DimCell{3}) VarType.nbsites_tps=[VarType.nbsites_tps ivardim]; select(ifield)=select(ifield)+1; elseif strcmp(Data.VarDimName{ivardim}{1},DimCell{2}) && strcmp(Data.VarDimName{ivardim}{3},DimCell{3}) VarType.subrange_tps=[VarType.subrange_tps ivardim]; select(ifield)=select(ifield)+1; end end end end VarType.coord_tps=VarType.coord_tps(select==2); VarType.subrange_tps=VarType.subrange_tps(select==2); VarType.nbsites_tps=VarType.nbsites_tps(select==2); end index_remove=[]; for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex) if checksinglecell(icell) continue end VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};%set of variable indices with the same dim check_remove=0; for ifield=1:numel(VarType.coord_tps) if isequal(VarIndex,VarType.coord_tps(ifield))||isequal(VarIndex,VarType.subrange_tps(ifield))||isequal(VarIndex,VarType.nbsites_tps(ifield)) index_remove=[index_remove icell];% removes Coord_tps as field cell check_remove=1; end end if ~check_remove for ilist=1:numel(ListRole) CellVarType{icell}.(ListRole{ilist})=VarIndex(find(strcmp(ListRole{ilist},Role(VarIndex)))); end DimCell=Data.VarDimName{VarIndex(1)};% list of dimensions for each variable in the cell #icell if numel(CellVarType{icell}.coord_x)>1 || numel(CellVarType{icell}.coord_y)>1 || numel(CellVarType{icell}.coord_z)>1 errormsg='multiply defined coordinates in the same cell'; return end % case of x cordinate marked as a dimension variable (var name=dimension name) if isempty(CellVarType{icell}.coord_x) var_dim_index=find(strcmp(DimCell{1},Data.ListVarName(VarIndex))); if ~isempty(var_dim_index) CellVarType{icell}.coord_x=VarIndex(var_dim_index); end end if numel(CellVarType{icell}.errorflag)>1 errormsg='multiply defined error flag in the same cell'; return end if numel(CellVarType{icell}.warnflag)>1 errormsg='multiply defined warning flag in the same cell'; return end test_coord=0; % look for unstructured coordinates if numel(VarIndex)>1 if ~isempty(CellVarType{icell}.coord_z) NbDim(icell)=3; test_coord=1; elseif ~isempty(CellVarType{icell}.coord_y) NbDim(icell)=2; test_coord=1; elseif ~isempty(CellVarType{icell}.coord_x) NbDim(icell)=1; test_coord=1; elseif numel(DimCell)==1 NbDim(icell)=0;% set of data without coordinates end end % look for coordinates variables coord=zeros(1,numel(DimCell));%default if ~test_coord && ~isempty(VarDimName) for idim=1:numel(DimCell) %loop on the dimensions of the variables in cell #icell ind_coord=find(strcmp(DimCell{idim},VarDimName)); if ~isempty(ind_coord) coord(idim)=VarDimIndex(ind_coord); end end NbDim(icell)=numel(find(coord)); end CellVarType{icell}.coord=coord; %look for tps data if ~isempty(VarType.coord_tps) for ilist=1:numel(VarType.coord_tps) tps_dimnames=Data.VarDimName{VarType.coord_tps(ilist)}; if length(tps_dimnames)==3 && strcmp(tps_dimnames{1},DimCell{1}) && strcmp(tps_dimnames{3},DimCell{2}) CellVarIndex{icell}=[CellVarIndex{icell} VarType.coord_tps(ilist) VarType.nbsites_tps(ilist) VarType.subrange_tps(ilist)]; CellVarType{icell}.coord_tps=VarType.coord_tps(ilist); CellVarType{icell}.nbsites_tps=VarType.nbsites_tps(ilist); CellVarType{icell}.subrange_tps=VarType.subrange_tps(ilist); if isfield(Data,'ListDimName') dim_index=find(strcmp(tps_dimnames{2},Data.ListDimName)); NbDim(icell)=Data.DimValue(dim_index); else NbDim(icell)=size(Data.(Data.ListVarName{VarType.coord_tps(ilist)}),2); end end end end end end if ~isempty(index_remove) CellVarIndex(index_remove)=[]; CellVarType(index_remove)=[]; NbDim(index_remove)=[]; end