1 | %'geometry_calib': associated to the GUI geometry_calib to perform geometric calibration from a set of reference points
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function hgeometry_calib = geometry_calib(inputfile,pos)
4 | %
5 | %OUTPUT:
6 | % hgeometry_calib=current handles of the GUI geometry_calib.fig
7 | %
8 | %INPUT:
9 | % inputfile: (optional) name of an xml file containing coordinates of reference points
10 | % pos: (optional) 4 element vector setting the 'Position' of the GUI
11 |
12 | %=======================================================================
13 | % Copyright 2008-2022, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
14 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
15 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
16 | %
17 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
18 | %
19 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
21 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
22 | % or (at your option) any later version.
23 | %
24 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
28 | %=======================================================================
29 |
30 | function varargout = geometry_calib(varargin)
31 | % GEOMETRY_CALIB M-file for geometry_calib.fig
32 | % GEOMETRY_CALIB, by itself, creates a MenuCoord GEOMETRY_CALIB or raises the existing
33 | % singleton*.
34 | %
35 | % H = GEOMETRY_CALIB returns the handle to a MenuCoord GEOMETRY_CALIB or the handle to
36 | % the existing singleton*.
37 | %
38 | % GEOMETRY_CALIB('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
39 | % function named CALLBACK in GEOMETRY_CALIB.M with the given input arguments.
40 | %
41 | % GEOMETRY_CALIB('Property','Value',...) creates a MenuCoord GEOMETRY_CALIB or raises the
42 | % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
43 | % applied to the GUI before geometry_calib_OpeningFunction gets called. An
44 | % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
45 | % stop. All inputs are passed to geometry_calib_OpeningFcn via varargin.
46 | %
47 | % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
48 | % instance to run (singleton)".
49 | %
51 |
52 | % Edit the above text to modify the response to help geometry_calib
53 |
54 | % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 05-Feb-2022 22:24:55
55 |
56 | % Begin initialization code - DO NOT edit
57 | gui_Singleton = 1;
58 | gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
59 | 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
60 | 'gui_OpeningFcn', @geometry_calib_OpeningFcn, ...
61 | 'gui_OutputFcn', @geometry_calib_OutputFcn, ...
62 | 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...
63 | 'gui_Callback', []);
64 | if nargin
65 | [pp,ff]=fileparts(which(varargin{1})); % name of the input file
66 | if strcmp(ff,mfilename)% if we are activating a sub-function of geometry_calib
67 | % ~isempty(regexp(varargin{1},'_Callback','once'))
68 | gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
69 | end
70 | end
71 |
72 | if nargout
73 | [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
74 | else
75 | gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
76 | end
77 | % End initialization code - DO NOT edit
78 |
79 |
80 | % --- Executes just before geometry_calib is made visible.
81 | %INPUT:
82 | %handles: handles of the geometry_calib interface elements
83 | % PlotHandles: set of handles of the elements contolling the plotting
84 | % parameters on the uvmat interface (obtained by 'get_plot_handle.m')
85 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 | function geometry_calib_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles,inputfile)
87 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 |
89 | handles.output = hObject;
90 | % Update handles structure
91 | guidata(hObject, handles);
92 | set(hObject,'DeleteFcn',{@closefcn})%
93 |
94 | %% position
95 | set(0,'Unit','pixels')
96 | ScreenSize=get(0,'ScreenSize');% get the size of the screen, to put the fig on the upper right
97 | Left=ScreenSize(3)- 460; %right edge close to the right, with margin=40 (GUI width=420 px)
98 | if ScreenSize(4)>920
99 | Height=840;%default height of the GUI
100 | Bottom=ScreenSize(4)-Height-40; %put fig at top right
101 | else
102 | Height=ScreenSize(4)-80;
103 | Bottom=40; % GUI lies o the screen bottom (with margin =40)
104 | end
105 | set(handles.calib_type,'Position',[1 Height-40 194 30])% rank 1
106 | set(handles.APPLY,'Position',[197 Height-40 110 30])% rank 1
107 | set(handles.Replicate,'Position',[309 Height-40 110 30])% rank 1
108 | set(handles.Intrinsic,'Position',[1 Height-40-2-92 418 92])% rank 2
109 | set(handles.Extrinsic,'Position',[1 Height-40-4-92-75 418 75])% rank 3
110 | set(handles.PointLists,'Position',[1 Height-40-6-92-75-117 418 117]) % rank 4
111 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Position',[3 Height-362 208 30])% rank 5
112 | set(handles.PLOT,'Position',[3 Height-394 120 30])% rank 6
113 | set(handles.Copy,'Position',[151 Height-394 120 30])% rank 6
114 | set(handles.ClearAll,'Position',[297 Height-394 120 30])% rank 6
115 | set(handles.ClearPoint,'Position',[297 Height-362 120 30])% rank 6
116 | set(handles.CoordLine,'Position',[211 Height-362 86 30])% rank 6
117 | set(handles.phys_title,'Position',[38 Height-426 125 20])% rank 7
118 | set(handles.CoordUnit,'Position',[151 Height-426 120 30])% rank 7
119 | set(handles.px_title,'Position',[272 Height-426 125 20])% rank 7
120 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Position',[1 20 418 Height-446])% rank 8
121 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'Position',[Left Bottom 420 Height])
122 |
123 | %% set menu of calibration options
124 | set(handles.calib_type,'String',{'rescale';'linear';'3D_linear';'3D_quadr';'3D_order4';'3D_extrinsic'})
125 | if exist('inputfile','var')&& ~isempty(inputfile)
126 | [RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,tild,tild,tild,tild,FileExt]=fileparts_uvmat(inputfile);
127 | struct.XmlInputFile=find_imadoc(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt);
128 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',[])
129 | if exist(struct.XmlInputFile,'file')
130 | Heading=loadfile(handles,struct.XmlInputFile);% load data from the xml file and fill the GUI
131 | if isfield(Heading,'Campaign')&& ischar(Heading.Campaign)
132 | struct.Campaign=Heading.Campaign;
133 | end
134 | end
135 | set(hObject,'UserData',struct)
136 | end
137 |
138 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 | % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
140 | function varargout = geometry_calib_OutputFcn(~, eventdata, handles)
141 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 | % Get default command line output from handles structure
143 | varargout{1} = handles.output;
144 | varargout{2}=handles;
145 |
146 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 | % executed when closing: set the parent interface button to value 0
148 | function closefcn(gcbo,eventdata)
149 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
151 | if ~isempty(huvmat)
152 | handles=guidata(huvmat);
153 | set(handles.MenuCalib,'Checked','off')
154 | hobject=findobj(handles.PlotAxes,'tag','calib_points');
155 | if ~isempty(hobject)
156 | delete(hobject)
157 | end
158 | hobject=findobj(handles.PlotAxes,'tag','calib_marker');
159 | if ~isempty(hobject)
160 | delete(hobject)
161 | end
162 | end
163 |
164 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 | % --- Executes on button press APPLY (used to launch the calibration).
166 | function APPLY_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
167 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Value',0)% desactivate mouse (to avoid spurious creation of new points)
168 |
169 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 | %% look for the GUI uvmat and check for an image as input
171 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])% paint APPLY button in yellow to show activation
172 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');% look for the GUI uvmat
173 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);%handles of elements in the GUI uvmat
174 | if ~strcmp(get(hhuvmat.Scalar,'Visible'),'on')
175 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','An image needs to be opened in uvmat for calibration')
176 | return
177 | end
178 |
179 | RootPath='';
180 | if ~isempty(hhuvmat.RootPath)&& ~isempty(hhuvmat.RootFile)
181 | RootPath=get(hhuvmat.RootPath,'String');% path to the currently displayed image
182 | SubDirBase=regexprep(get(hhuvmat.SubDir,'String'),'\..+$','');
183 | outputfile=[fullfile(RootPath,SubDirBase) '.xml'];%xml file associated with the currently displayed image
184 | else
185 | question={'save the calibration data and point coordinates in'};
186 | def={fullfile(RootPath,'ObjectCalib.xml')};
187 | options.Resize='on';
188 | answer=inputdlg(question,'',1,def,options);
189 | outputfile=answer{1};
190 | end
191 |
192 | %% read coordinates of the calibration poinnts: Coord(:,1-3) in phys, Coord(:,4-5) image
193 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
194 |
195 |
196 | %% read the type of calibration
197 | calib_cell=get(handles.calib_type,'String');
198 | val=get(handles.calib_type,'Value');
199 | CalibFcn=['calib_' calib_cell{val}];
200 |
201 | %% read the intrinsic parameters
202 | Intrinsic.Npx=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npx,'String'));
203 | Intrinsic.Npy=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npy,'String'));
204 | Intrinsic.coord_files=get(handles.ListCoordFiles,'String');
205 | Intrinsic.fx=str2num(get(handles.fx,'String'));
206 | Intrinsic.fy=str2num(get(handles.fy,'String'));
207 | Intrinsic.kc=str2num(get(handles.kc,'String'));
208 | Intrinsic.Cx=str2num(get(handles.Cx,'String'));
209 | Intrinsic.Cy=str2num(get(handles.Cy,'String'));
210 | if isempty(Intrinsic.kc)
211 | Intrinsic.kc=0;
212 | end
213 | if isempty(Intrinsic.Cx)||isempty(Intrinsic.Cy)
214 | Intrinsic.Cx=Intrinsic.Npx/2;
215 | Intrinsic.Cy=Intrinsic.Npy/2;
216 | end
217 |
218 | %% apply to cropped images if requested
219 | if get(handles.Replicate,'Value')
220 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N','apply to full images (not cropped)?');
221 | if strcmp(answer,'No')
222 | prompt = {'npy_lower'};
223 | dlg_title = 'remove image the npy_lower image lines (removal of the upper line does not change calibration)';
224 | num_lines= 1;
225 | def = {'0'};
226 | answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def);
227 | npy_crop=str2num(answer{1});
228 | Intrinsic.Npy=Intrinsic.Npy-npy_crop; %size of the filtering window
229 | Coord(:,5)=Coord(:,5)-npy_crop;% shift the image ordinates of the calibration points by removing the lower band
230 | end
231 | end
232 |
233 | %% Apply calibration
234 | est_dist=[0;0;0;0;0]; %default
235 | switch CalibFcn
236 | case 'calib_3D_linear'
237 | CalibFcn='calib_3D';
238 | case 'calib_3D_quadr'
239 | est_dist=[1;0;0;0;0];
240 | CalibFcn='calib_3D'
241 | case 'calib_3D_order4'
242 | est_dist=[1;1;0;0;0];
243 | CalibFcn='calib_3D'
244 | end
245 |
246 | [GeometryCalib,index,ind_removed]=calibrate(Coord,CalibFcn,est_dist,Intrinsic);% apply calibration
247 | if isempty(GeometryCalib)
248 | return
249 | end
250 |
251 | %% record the coordinate unit
252 | unitlist=get(handles.CoordUnit,'String');
253 | unit=unitlist{get(handles.CoordUnit,'value')};
254 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=unit;
255 |
256 | %% record the coordinates of the calibration points
257 | GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord=Coord;
258 |
259 | %% set the default plane and display the calibration data errors for validation
260 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',{'store calibration data';...
261 | ['Error rms (along x,y)=' num2str(GeometryCalib.ErrorRms) ' pixels'];...
262 | ['Error max (along x,y)=' num2str(GeometryCalib.ErrorMax) ' pixels'];
263 | [num2str(numel(ind_removed)) ' points removed with ErrorMax > 3 rms']});
264 | checkslice=0;
265 | if strcmp(answer,'Yes') %store the calibration data
266 | display_intrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)%display calibration intrinsic parameters on the GUI geometry_calib
267 | display_extrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)%display calibration extrinsic parameters on the GUI geometry_calib
268 | Z=Coord(:,3);
269 | if strcmp(calib_cell{val}(1:2),'3D') && isequal(max(Z),min(Z))%set the plane position for 3D (projection) calibration
270 | %set the Z position of the reference plane used for calibration
271 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',{['Do you assume that the illuminated plane is at z=' num2str(Z(1)) '?' ] ; 'can be later modified by MenuSetSlice in the upper bar menu of uvmat'});
272 | if strcmp(answer,'Yes')
273 | Slice.NbSlice=1;
274 | Slice.SliceCoord=[0 0 Z(1)];
275 | checkslice=1;% will document the item <Slice> in ImaDoc
276 | end
277 | end
278 | else
279 | GeometryCalib=[];
280 | index=1;
281 | end
282 |
283 | if ~isempty(GeometryCalib) % if calibration is not cancelled
284 | %%%%% use of the option 'replicate'
285 | if get(handles.Replicate,'Value')% if the option replicate is activated
286 | %nbcalib=0;
287 | %% open the GUI browse_data
288 | hbrowse=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','browse_data');
289 | if ~isempty(hbrowse)% look for the GUI browse_data
290 | BrowseData=guidata(hbrowse);
291 | SourceDir=get(BrowseData.SourceDir,'String');
292 | ListExp=get(BrowseData.ListExperiments,'String');
293 | ExpIndices=get(BrowseData.ListExperiments,'Value');
294 | ListExp=ListExp(ExpIndices);
295 | ListDevices=get(BrowseData.ListDevices,'String');
296 | DeviceIndices=get(BrowseData.ListDevices,'Value');
297 | ListDevices=ListDevices(DeviceIndices);
298 | ListDataSeries=get(BrowseData.DataSeries,'String');
299 | DataSeriesIndices=get(BrowseData.DataSeries,'Value');
300 | ListDataSeries=ListDataSeries(DataSeriesIndices);
301 | NbExp=0; % counter of the number of experiments set by the GUI browse_data
302 | for iexp=1:numel(ListExp)
303 | if ~isempty(regexp(ListExp{iexp},'^\+/'))% if it is a folder
304 | for idevice=1:numel(ListDevices)
305 | if ~isempty(regexp(ListDevices{idevice},'^\+/'))% if it is a folder
306 | for isubdir=1:numel(ListDataSeries)
307 | if ~isempty(regexp(ListDataSeries{isubdir},'^\+/'))% if it is a folder
308 | lpath= fullfile(SourceDir,regexprep(ListExp{iexp},'^\+/',''),...
309 | regexprep(ListDevices{idevice},'^\+/',''));
310 | ldir= regexprep(ListDataSeries{isubdir},'^\+/','');
311 | if exist(fullfile(lpath,ldir),'dir')
312 | NbExp=NbExp+1;
313 | ListPath{NbExp}=lpath;
314 | ListSubdir{NbExp}=ldir;
315 | ExpIndex{NbExp}=iexp;
316 | end
317 | end
318 | end
319 | end
320 | end
321 | end
322 | end
323 | for iexp=1:NbExp
324 | XmlName=fullfile(ListPath{iexp},[ListSubdir{iexp} '.xml']);
325 | if exist(XmlName,'file')
326 | check_update=1;
327 | else
328 | check_update=0;
329 | end
330 | errormsg=update_imadoc(GeometryCalib,XmlName,'GeometryCalib');% introduce the calibration data in the xml file
331 | dispmessage='';
332 | if checkslice
333 | errormsg=update_imadoc(Slice,XmlName,'Slice');% introduce the slice position in the xml file
334 | dispmessage=' and slice position';
335 | end
336 | if ~strcmp(errormsg,'')
337 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg);
338 | else
339 | if check_update
340 | display([XmlName ' updated with calibration parameters' dispmessage])
341 | else
342 | display([XmlName ' created with calibration parameters' dispmessage])
343 | end
344 | end
345 | end
346 | end
347 | msgbox_uvmat('CONFIMATION',['calibration replicated for ' num2str(NbExp) ' experiments']);
348 | else
349 | %% update the calibration parameters in the currently opened uvmat GUI
350 | if ~exist(outputfile,'file') && ~isempty(SubDirBase) %copy the xml file from the old location if appropriate
351 | oldxml=[fullfile(RootPath,SubDirBase,get(hhuvmat.RootFile,'String')) '.xml'];
352 | if exist(oldxml,'file')
353 | [success,message]=copyfile(oldxml,outputfile);%copy the old xml file to a new one with the new convention
354 | end
355 | end
356 | errormsg=update_imadoc(GeometryCalib,outputfile,'GeometryCalib');% introduce the calibration data in the xml file
357 | if checkslice
358 | errormsg=update_imadoc(Slice,outputfile,'Slice');% introduce the slice position in the xml file
359 | end
360 | if ~strcmp(errormsg,'')
361 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg);
362 | end
363 |
364 | %% display image with new calibration in the currently opened uvmat GUI
365 | FieldList=get(hhuvmat.FieldName,'String');
366 | val=get(hhuvmat.FieldName,'Value');
367 | if strcmp(FieldList{val},'image')
368 | set(hhuvmat.CheckFixLimits,'Value',0)% put FixedLimits option to 'off' to plot the whole image
369 | UserData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');
370 | UserData.XmlInputFile=outputfile;%save the current xml file name
371 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',UserData)
372 | uvmat('InputFileREFRESH_Callback',hObject,eventdata,hhuvmat); %file input with xml reading in uvmat, show the image in phys coordinates
373 | PLOT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
374 | set(handles.CoordLine,'string',num2str(index))
375 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
376 | update_calib_marker(Coord(index,:)); %indicate the point with max deviations from phys coord to calibration
377 | figure(handles.geometry_calib)% put the GUI geometry_calib in front
378 | else
379 | msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','open the image to see the effect of the new calibration')
380 | end
381 | end
382 | end
383 |
384 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) % set APPLY button to red color
385 |
386 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 | % --- Executes on button press in Replicate
388 | function Replicate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
389 | % %------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Value',0)% desactivate mouse (to avoid spurious creation of new points)
391 |
392 | if get(handles.Replicate,'Value') %open the GUI browse_data
393 | % look for the GUI uvmat and check for an image as input
394 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
395 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);%handles of elements in the GUI uvmat
396 | RootPath=get(hhuvmat.RootPath,'String');
397 | SubDir=get(hhuvmat.SubDir,'String');
398 | browse_data(fullfile(RootPath,SubDir))
399 | else
400 | hbrowse=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','browse_data');
401 | if ~isempty(hbrowse)
402 | delete(hbrowse)
403 | end
404 | end
405 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 | % --- activate calibration and store parameters in ouputfile .
407 | function [GeometryCalib,ind_max,ind_removed]=calibrate(Coord,CalibFcn,est_dist,Intrinsic)
408 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
409 |
410 | index=[];
411 | GeometryCalib=[];
412 | ind_max=[];ind_removed=[];
413 | % apply the calibration, whose type is selected in handles.calib_type
414 | CoordFlip=Coord;
415 | CoordFlip(:,3)=Coord(:,3);% the calibration function assume a z ccordinate along the camera view, opposite to ours
416 | if ~isempty(Coord)
417 | GeometryCalib=feval(CalibFcn,CoordFlip,est_dist,Intrinsic);
418 | else
419 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','No calibration points, abort')
420 | end
421 | if isempty(GeometryCalib)
422 | return
423 | end
424 |
425 | % estimate calibration error rms and max
426 | x_ima=Coord(:,4);
427 | y_ima=Coord(:,5);
428 | [Xpoints,Ypoints]=px_XYZ(GeometryCalib,[],Coord(:,1),Coord(:,2),Coord(:,3));
429 | GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(1)=sqrt(mean((Xpoints-x_ima).*(Xpoints-x_ima)));
430 | GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(2)=sqrt(mean((Ypoints-y_ima).*(Ypoints-y_ima)));
431 | [ErrorMax(1),index(1)]=max(abs(Xpoints-x_ima));
432 | [ErrorMax(2),index(2)]=max(abs(Ypoints-y_ima));
433 | [tild,ind_dim]=max(ErrorMax);
434 | ind_max=index(ind_dim); % mark the index with maximum deviation
435 |
436 | % detect bad calibration points, marked by indices ind_removed, if the
437 | % difference of actual image coordinates and those given by calibration is
438 | % greater than 2 pixels and greater than 3 rms.
439 | check_x=abs(Xpoints-x_ima)>max(2,3*GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(1));
440 | check_y=abs(Ypoints-y_ima)>max(2,3*GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(2));
441 | ind_removed=find(check_x | check_y);
442 | % repeat calibration without the excluded points:
443 | if ~isempty(ind_removed)
444 | Coord(ind_removed,:)=[];
445 | CoordFlip=Coord;
446 | CoordFlip(:,3)=Coord(:,3);% the calibration function assume a z ccordinate along the camera view, opposite to ours
447 | GeometryCalib=feval(CalibFcn,CoordFlip,est_dist,Intrinsic);
448 | X=Coord(:,1);
449 | Y=Coord(:,2);
450 | Z=Coord(:,3);
451 | x_ima=Coord(:,4);
452 | y_ima=Coord(:,5);
453 | [Xpoints,Ypoints]=px_XYZ(GeometryCalib,[],X,Y,Z);
454 | GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(1)=sqrt(mean((Xpoints-x_ima).*(Xpoints-x_ima)));
455 | GeometryCalib.ErrorRms(2)=sqrt(mean((Ypoints-y_ima).*(Ypoints-y_ima)));
456 | end
457 | GeometryCalib.ErrorMax=ErrorMax;
458 |
459 |
460 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 | % --- determine the parameters for a calibration by an affine function (rescaling and offset, no rotation)
462 | function GeometryCalib=calib_rescale(Coord,est_dist,Intrinsic)
463 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 | X=Coord(:,1);
465 | Y=Coord(:,2);% Z not used
466 | x_ima=Coord(:,4);
467 | y_ima=Coord(:,5);
468 | [px]=polyfit(X,x_ima,1);
469 | [py]=polyfit(Y,y_ima,1);
470 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='rescale';
471 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy=[px(1) py(1)];%.fx_fy corresponds to pxcm along x and y
472 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=[];% default value, to be updated by the calling function
473 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=[px(2)/px(1) py(2)/py(1) 1];
474 | GeometryCalib.omc=[0 0 0];
475 |
476 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 | % --- determine the parameters for a calibration by a linear transform matrix (rescale and rotation)
478 | function GeometryCalib=calib_linear(Coord,est_dist,Intrinsic)
479 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 | X=Coord(:,1);
481 | Y=Coord(:,2);% Z not used
482 | x_ima=Coord(:,4);
483 | y_ima=Coord(:,5);
484 | XY_mat=[ones(size(X)) X Y];
485 | a_X1=XY_mat\x_ima; %transformation matrix for X
486 | a_Y1=XY_mat\y_ima;%transformation matrix for X
487 | R=[a_X1(2),a_X1(3);a_Y1(2),a_Y1(3)];
488 | epsilon=sign(det(R));
489 | norm=abs(det(R));
490 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='linear';
491 | if (a_X1(2)/a_Y1(3))>0
492 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1)=sqrt((a_X1(2)/a_Y1(3))*norm);
493 | else
494 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1)=-sqrt(-(a_X1(2)/a_Y1(3))*norm);
495 | end
496 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy(2)=(a_Y1(3)/a_X1(2))*GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1);
497 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=[];% default value, to be updated by the calling function
498 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=[a_X1(1)/GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1) a_Y1(1)/GeometryCalib.fx_fy(2) 1];
499 | R(1,:)=R(1,:)/GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1);
500 | R(2,:)=R(2,:)/GeometryCalib.fx_fy(2);
501 | R=[R;[0 0]];
502 | GeometryCalib.R=[R [0;0;-epsilon]];
503 | GeometryCalib.omc=(180/pi)*[acos(GeometryCalib.R(1,1)) 0 0];
504 |
505 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 | % --- determine the tsai parameters for a view normal to the grid plane
507 | % NOT USED
508 | function GeometryCalib=calib_normal(Coord,est_dist,Intrinsic)
509 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 | Calib.fx=str2num(get(handles.fx,'String'));
511 | Calib.fy=str2num(get(handles.fy,'String'));
512 | Calib.kc=str2num(get(handles.kc,'String'));
513 | Calib.Cx=str2num(get(handles.Cx,'String'));
514 | Calib.Cy=str2num(get(handles.Cy,'String'));
515 | %default
516 | if isempty(Calib.fx)
517 | Calib.fx=25/0.012;
518 | end
519 | if isempty(Calib.fy)
520 | Calib.fy=25/0.012;
521 | end
522 | if isempty(Calib.kc)
523 | Calib.kc=0;
524 | end
525 | if isempty(Calib.Cx)||isempty(Calib.Cy)
526 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','uvmat');
527 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
528 | Calib.Cx=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npx,'String'))/2;
529 | Calib.Cx=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npy,'String'))/2;
530 | end
531 | %tsai parameters
532 | Calib.dpx=0.012;%arbitrary
533 | Calib.dpy=0.012;
534 | Calib.sx=Calib.fx*Calib.dpx/(Calib.fy*Calib.dpy);
535 | Calib.f=Calib.fy*Calib.dpy;
536 | Calib.kappa1=Calib.kc/(Calib.f*Calib.f);
537 |
538 | %initial guess
539 | X=Coord(:,1);
540 | Y=Coord(:,2);
541 | Zmean=mean(Coord(:,3));
542 | x_ima=Coord(:,4)-Calib.Cx;
543 | y_ima=Coord(:,5)-Calib.Cy;
544 | XY_mat=[ones(size(X)) X Y];
545 | a_X1=XY_mat\x_ima; %transformation matrix for X
546 | a_Y1=XY_mat\y_ima;%transformation matrix for Y
547 | R=[a_X1(2),a_X1(3),0;a_Y1(2),a_Y1(3),0;0,0,-1];% rotation+ z axis reversal (upward)
548 | norm=sqrt(det(-R));
549 | calib_param(1)=0;% quadratic distortion
550 | calib_param(2)=a_X1(1);
551 | calib_param(3)=a_Y1(1);
552 | calib_param(4)=Calib.f/(norm*Calib.dpx)-R(3,3)*Zmean;
553 | calib_param(5)=angle(a_X1(2)+1i*a_X1(3));
554 | display(['initial guess=' num2str(calib_param)])
555 |
556 | %optimise the parameters: minimisation of error
557 | calib_param = fminsearch(@(calib_param) error_calib(calib_param,Calib,Coord),calib_param);
558 |
559 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='tsai_normal';
560 | GeometryCalib.focal=Calib.f;
561 | GeometryCalib.dpx_dpy=[Calib.dpx Calib.dpy];
562 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy=[Calib.Cx Calib.Cy];
563 | GeometryCalib.sx=Calib.sx;
564 | GeometryCalib.kappa1=calib_param(1);
565 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=[];% default value, to be updated by the calling function
566 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=[calib_param(2) calib_param(3) calib_param(4)];
567 | alpha=calib_param(5);
568 | GeometryCalib.R=[cos(alpha) sin(alpha) 0;-sin(alpha) cos(alpha) 0;0 0 -1];
569 | %
570 | % %------------------------------------------------------------------------
571 | % function GeometryCalib=calib_3D_linear(Coord,Intrinsic)
572 | % %------------------------------------------------------------------------
573 | % coord_files=Intrinsic.coord_files;
574 | % if ischar(Intrinsic.coord_files)
575 | % coord_files={coord_files};
576 | % end
577 | % if isempty(coord_files{1}) || isequal(coord_files,{''})
578 | % coord_files={};
579 | % end
580 | % %retrieve the calibration points stored in the files listed in the popup list ListCoordFiles
581 | % x_1=Coord(:,4:5)';%px coordinates of the ref points
582 | %
583 | % nx=Intrinsic.Npx;
584 | % ny=Intrinsic.Npy;
585 | % x_1(2,:)=ny-x_1(2,:);%reverse the y image coordinates
586 | % X_1=Coord(:,1:3)';%phys coordinates of the ref points
587 | % n_ima=numel(coord_files)+1;
588 | % if ~isempty(coord_files)
589 | % msgbox_uvmat('CONFIRMATION',['The xy coordinates of the calibration points in ' num2str(n_ima) ' planes will be used'])
590 | % for ifile=1:numel(coord_files)
591 | % t=xmltree(coord_files{ifile});
592 | % s=convert(t);%convert to matlab structure
593 | % if isfield(s,'GeometryCalib')
594 | % if isfield(s.GeometryCalib,'SourceCalib')
595 | % if isfield(s.GeometryCalib.SourceCalib,'PointCoord')
596 | % PointCoord=s.GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord;
597 | % Coord_file=zeros(length(PointCoord),5);%default
598 | % for i=1:length(PointCoord)
599 | % line=str2num(PointCoord{i});
600 | % Coord_file(i,4:5)=line(4:5);%px x
601 | % Coord_file(i,1:3)=line(1:3);%phys x
602 | % end
603 | % eval(['x_' num2str(ifile+1) '=Coord_file(:,4:5)'';']);
604 | % eval(['x_' num2str(ifile+1) '(2,:)=ny-x_' num2str(ifile+1) '(2,:);' ]);
605 | % eval(['X_' num2str(ifile+1) '=Coord_file(:,1:3)'';']);
606 | % end
607 | % end
608 | % end
609 | % end
610 | % end
611 | % n_ima=numel(coord_files)+1;
612 | % est_dist=[0;0;0;0;0];
613 | % est_aspect_ratio=0;
614 | % est_fc=[1;1];
615 | % center_optim=0;
616 | % path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat
617 | % path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT
618 | % run(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'toolbox_calib','go_calib_optim'));% apply fct 'toolbox_calib/go_calib_optim'
619 | % if exist('Rc_1','var')
620 | % GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='3D_extrinsic';
621 | % GeometryCalib.fx_fy=fc';
622 | % GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy=cc';
623 | % GeometryCalib.kc=kc(1);
624 | % GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=[];% default value, to be updated by the calling function
625 | % GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=Tc_1';
626 | % GeometryCalib.R=Rc_1;
627 | % GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3)=-GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3);%inversion of the y image coordinate
628 | % GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2)=-GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
629 | % GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2)=ny-GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
630 | % GeometryCalib.omc=(180/pi)*omc_1;%angles in degrees
631 | % GeometryCalib.ErrorRMS=[];
632 | % GeometryCalib.ErrorMax=[];
633 | % else
634 | % msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['calibration function ' fullfile('toolbox_calib','go_calib_optim') ' did not converge: use multiple views or option 3D_extrinsic'])
635 | % GeometryCalib=[];
636 | % end
637 |
638 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
639 | function GeometryCalib=calib_3D(Coord,est_dist,Intrinsic)
640 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
641 |
642 | path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat
643 | path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT
644 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','uvmat');
645 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
646 | if ~strcmp(get(hhuvmat.Scalar,'Visible'),'on')
647 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','An image needs to be opened in uvmat for calibration')
648 | return
649 | end
650 | % check_cond=0;
651 |
652 | coord_files=Intrinsic.coord_files;
653 |
654 | if ischar(coord_files)
655 | coord_files={coord_files};
656 | end
657 | if isempty(coord_files{1}) || isequal(coord_files,{''})
658 | coord_files={};
659 | end
660 |
661 | %retrieve the calibration points stored in the files listed in the popup list ListCoordFiles
662 | x_1=Coord(:,4:5)';%px coordinates of the ref points
663 | nx=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npx,'String'));
664 | ny=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npy,'String'));
665 | x_1(2,:)=ny-x_1(2,:);%reverse the y image coordinates
666 | X_1=Coord(:,1:3)';%phys coordinates of the ref points
667 | n_ima=numel(coord_files)+1;
668 | if ~isempty(coord_files)
669 | msgbox_uvmat('CONFIRMATION',['The xy coordinates of the calibration points in ' num2str(n_ima) ' planes will be used'])
670 | for ifile=1:numel(coord_files)
671 | t=xmltree(coord_files{ifile});
672 | s=convert(t);%convert to matlab structure
673 | if isfield(s,'GeometryCalib')
674 | if isfield(s.GeometryCalib,'SourceCalib')
675 | if isfield(s.GeometryCalib.SourceCalib,'PointCoord')
676 | PointCoord=s.GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord;
677 | Coord_file=zeros(length(PointCoord),5);%default
678 | for i=1:length(PointCoord)
679 | line=str2num(PointCoord{i});
680 | Coord_file(i,4:5)=line(4:5);%px x
681 | Coord_file(i,1:3)=line(1:3);%phys x
682 | end
683 | eval(['x_' num2str(ifile+1) '=Coord_file(:,4:5)'';']);
684 | eval(['x_' num2str(ifile+1) '(2,:)=ny-x_' num2str(ifile+1) '(2,:);' ]);
685 | eval(['X_' num2str(ifile+1) '=Coord_file(:,1:3)'';']);
686 | end
687 | end
688 | end
689 | end
690 | end
691 | n_ima=numel(coord_files)+1;
692 | %est_dist=[1;0;0;0;0];
693 | est_aspect_ratio=1;
694 | center_optim=0;
695 | run(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'toolbox_calib','go_calib_optim'));% apply fct 'toolbox_calib/go_calib_optim'
696 |
697 | if exist('Rc_1','var')
698 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='3D_extrinsic';
699 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy=fc';
700 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy=cc';
701 | ind_kc=find(kc);
702 | if ~isempty(ind_kc)
703 | GeometryCalib.kc=(kc(ind_kc))';%include cases quadr (one value kc(1)) and order_4 (2 values for kc)
704 | end
705 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=[];% default value, to be updated by the calling function
706 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=Tc_1';
707 | GeometryCalib.R=Rc_1;
708 | GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3)=-GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3);%inversion of the y image coordinate
709 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2)=-GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
710 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2)=ny-GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
711 | GeometryCalib.omc=(180/pi)*omc_1;%angles in degrees
712 | GeometryCalib.ErrorRMS=[];
713 | GeometryCalib.ErrorMax=[];
714 | else
715 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['calibration function ' fullfile('toolbox_calib','go_calib_optim') ' did not converge: use multiple views or option 3D_extrinsic'])
716 | GeometryCalib=[];
717 | end
718 |
719 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 | function GeometryCalib=calib_3D_extrinsic(Coord,est_dist, Intrinsic)
721 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
722 | path_uvmat=which('geometry_calib');% check the path detected for source file uvmat
723 | path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT
724 | x_1=double(Coord(:,4:5)');%image coordinates
725 | X_1=double(Coord(:,1:3)');% phys coordinates
726 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','uvmat');
727 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
728 | if ~strcmp(get(hhuvmat.Scalar,'Visible'),'on')
729 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','An image needs to be opened in uvmat for calibration')
730 | return
731 | end
732 | ny=str2double(get(hhuvmat.num_Npy,'String'));
733 | x_1(2,:)=ny-x_1(2,:);%reverse the y image coordinates
734 | n_ima=1;
735 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='3D_extrinsic';
736 | fx=Intrinsic.fx;
737 | fy=Intrinsic.fy;
738 | Cx=Intrinsic.Cx;
739 | Cy=Intrinsic.Cy;
740 | kc=Intrinsic.kc;
741 | errormsg='';
742 | if isempty(fx)
743 | errormsg='focal length fx needs to be introduced';
744 | elseif isempty(fy)
745 | errormsg='focal length fy needs to be introduced';
746 | elseif isempty(Cx)
747 | errormsg='shift Cx to image centre needs to be introduced';
748 | elseif isempty(Cy)
749 | errormsg='shift Cy to image centre needs to be introduced';
750 | end
751 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
752 | GeometryCalib=[];
753 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg)
754 | return
755 | end
756 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1)=fx;
757 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy(2)=fy;
758 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(1)=Cx;
759 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2)=Cy;
760 | GeometryCalib.kc=kc;
761 | fct_path=fullfile(path_UVMAT,'toolbox_calib');
762 | addpath(fct_path)
763 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2)=ny-GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2);%reverse Cx_Cy(2) for calibration (inversion of px ordinate)
764 | kc=zeros(1,5);
765 | kc(1:numel(GeometryCalib.kc))=GeometryCalib.kc;
766 | [omc,Tc1,Rc1,H,x,ex,JJ] = compute_extrinsic(x_1,X_1,...
767 | (GeometryCalib.fx_fy)',GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy',kc);
768 | rmpath(fct_path);
769 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit='';% default value, to be updated by the calling function
770 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=Tc1';
771 | %inversion of z axis
772 | GeometryCalib.R=Rc1;
773 | GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3)=-GeometryCalib.R(2,1:3);%inversion of the y image coordinate
774 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2)=-GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
775 | GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2)=ny-GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy(2);%inversion of the y image coordinate
776 | GeometryCalib.omc=(180/pi)*omc';
777 |
778 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
779 | %function GeometryCalib=calib_tsai_heikkila(Coord)
781 | %------------------------------------------------------------------
782 | % path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat
783 | % path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT
784 | % path_calib=fullfile(path_UVMAT,'toolbox_calib_heikkila');
785 | % addpath(path_calib)
786 | % npoints=size(Coord,1);
787 | % Coord(:,1:3)=10*Coord(:,1:3);
788 | % Coord=[Coord zeros(npoints,2) -ones(npoints,1)];
789 | % [par,pos,iter,res,er,C]=cacal('dalsa',Coord);
790 | % GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='tsai';
791 | % GeometryCalib.focal=par(2);
792 |
793 |
794 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
795 | % --- determine the rms of calibration error
796 | function ErrorRms=error_calib(calib_param,Calib,Coord)
797 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
798 | %calib_param: vector of free calibration parameters (to optimise)
799 | %Calib: structure of the given calibration parameters
800 | %Coord: list of phys coordinates (columns 1-3, and pixel coordinates (columns 4-5)
801 | Calib.f=25;
802 | Calib.dpx=0.012;
803 | Calib.dpy=0.012;
804 | Calib.sx=1;
805 | Calib.Cx=512;
806 | Calib.Cy=512;
807 | Calib.kappa1=calib_param(1);
808 | Calib.Tx=calib_param(2);
809 | Calib.Ty=calib_param(3);
810 | Calib.Tz=calib_param(4);
811 | alpha=calib_param(5);
812 | Calib.R=[cos(alpha) sin(alpha) 0;-sin(alpha) cos(alpha) 0;0 0 -1];
813 |
814 | X=Coord(:,1);
815 | Y=Coord(:,2);
816 | Z=Coord(:,3);
817 | x_ima=Coord(:,4);
818 | y_ima=Coord(:,5);
819 | [Xpoints,Ypoints]=px_XYZ(Calib,[],X,Y,Z);
820 | ErrorRms(1)=sqrt(mean((Xpoints-x_ima).*(Xpoints-x_ima)));
821 | ErrorRms(2)=sqrt(mean((Ypoints-y_ima).*(Ypoints-y_ima)));
822 | ErrorRms=mean(ErrorRms);
823 |
824 |
825 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
826 | % --- Executes on button press in STORE.
827 | function STORE_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
828 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
829 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
830 | %Object=read_geometry_calib(Coord_cell);
831 | unitlist=get(handles.CoordUnit,'String');
832 | unit=unitlist{get(handles.CoordUnit,'value')};
833 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit=unit;
834 | GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord=Coord(:,1:5);
835 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
836 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);%handles of elements in the GUI uvmat
837 | % RootPath='';
838 | % RootFile='';
839 | if ~isempty(hhuvmat.RootPath)&& ~isempty(hhuvmat.RootFile)
840 | % testhandle=1;
841 | RootPath=get(hhuvmat.RootPath,'String');
842 | RootFile=get(hhuvmat.RootFile,'String');
843 | filebase=[fullfile(RootPath,RootFile) '~'];
844 | while exist([filebase '.xml'],'file')
845 | filebase=[filebase '~'];
846 | end
847 | outputfile=[filebase '.xml'];
848 | errormsg=update_imadoc(GeometryCalib,outputfile,'GeometryCalib');
849 | if ~strcmp(errormsg,'')
850 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg);
851 | end
852 | listfile=get(handles.ListCoordFiles,'string');
853 | if isequal(listfile,{''})
854 | listfile={outputfile};
855 | else
856 | listfile=[listfile;{outputfile}];%update the list of coord files
857 | end
858 | set(handles.ListCoordFiles,'string',listfile);
859 | end
860 | ClearAll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% clear the current list and point plots
861 |
862 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
863 | % --- Executes on button press in ClearAll: clear the list of calibration points
864 | function ClearAll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
865 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
866 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',[])
867 | PLOT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
868 | update_calib_marker([]);%remove circle marker
869 | set(handles.APPLY,'backgroundColor',[1 0 0])% set APPLY button to red color: no calibration wanted without points
870 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',1); %activate mouse to pick new points
871 |
872 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
873 | % --- Executes on button press in CLEAR LIST
874 | function CLEAR_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
875 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
876 | set(handles.ListCoordFiles,'Value',1)
877 | set(handles.ListCoordFiles,'String',{''})
878 |
879 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
880 | % --- Executes on selection change in CheckEnableMouse.
881 | function CheckEnableMouse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
882 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 | choice=get(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Value');
884 | if choice
885 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','uvmat');
886 | if ishandle(huvmat)
887 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
888 | set(hhuvmat.MenuRuler,'checked','off')%desactivate ruler
889 | if get(hhuvmat.CheckEditObject,'Value')
890 | set(hhuvmat.CheckEditObject,'Value',0)
891 | uvmat('CheckEditObject_Callback',hhuvmat.CheckEditObject,[],hhuvmat)
892 | end
893 | set(hhuvmat.MenuRuler,'checked','off')%desactivate ruler
894 | end
895 | end
896 |
897 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
898 |
899 | % function MenuHelp_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
900 | % web('http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/projects/soft-uvmat/wiki/UvmatHelp#GeometryCalib')
901 |
902 | %
903 | function MenuSetScale_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
904 |
905 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_TXT','scale pixel/cm?','');
906 | %create test points
907 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');%find the current uvmat interface handle
908 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
909 | if ~strcmp(get(hhuvmat.Scalar,'Visible'),'on')
910 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','An image needs to be opened in uvmat for calibration')
911 | return
912 | end
913 | set(handles.calib_type,'Value',1)% set calib option to 'rescale'
914 | npx=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npx,'String'))/2;
915 | npy=str2num(get(hhuvmat.num_Npy,'String'))/2;
916 | Xima=[0.25*npx 0.75*npx 0.75*npx 0.25*npx]';
917 | Yima=[0.25*npy 0.25*npy 0.75*npy 0.75*npy]';
918 | x=Xima/str2num(answer);
919 | y=Yima/str2num(answer);
920 | Coord=[x y zeros(4,1) Xima Yima zeros(4,1)];
921 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
922 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
923 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',0); %desactivate mouse to avoid spurious points
924 |
925 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
926 | function MenuCreateGrid_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
927 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
928 | CalibData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');
929 | Tinput=[];%default
930 | if isfield(CalibData,'grid')
931 | Tinput=CalibData.grid;
932 | end
933 | [T,CalibData.grid]=create_grid(Tinput);%display the GUI create_grid
934 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',CalibData)
935 |
936 | %grid in phys space
937 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
938 | Coord(1:size(T,1),1:3)=T;%update the existing list of phys coordinates from the GUI create_grid
939 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
940 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
941 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',0); %desactivate mouse to avoid spurious points
942 |
943 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
944 | % --- automatic grid dectection from local maxima of the images
945 | function MenuDetectGrid_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
946 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
947 | %% read the four last point coordinates in pixels
948 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');%read list of coordinates on geometry_calib
949 | nbpoints=size(Coord,1); %nbre of calibration points
950 | if nbpoints~=4
951 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','four points must have be selected by the mouse to delimitate the phys grid area; the Ox axis will be defined by the two first points')
952 | return
953 | end
954 | % corners_X=(Coord(end:-1:end-3,4)); %pixel absissa of the four corners
955 | % corners_Y=(Coord(end:-1:end-3,5));
956 | corners_X=(Coord(:,4)); %pixel absissa of the four corners
957 | corners_Y=(Coord(:,5));
958 |
959 | %%%%%%
960 | % corners_X=1000*[1.5415 1.7557 1.7539 1.5415]';
961 | % corners_Y=1000*[1.1515 1.1509 1.3645 1.3639]';
962 |
963 | %reorder the last two points (the two first in the list) if needed
964 | angles=angle((corners_X-corners_X(1))+1i*(corners_Y-corners_Y(1)));
965 | if abs(angles(4)-angles(2))>abs(angles(3)-angles(2))
966 | X_end=corners_X(4);
967 | Y_end=corners_Y(4);
968 | corners_X(4)=corners_X(3);
969 | corners_Y(4)=corners_Y(3);
970 | corners_X(3)=X_end;
971 | corners_Y(3)=Y_end;
972 | end
973 |
974 | %% initiate the grid in phys coordinates
975 | CalibData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');%get information stored on the GUI geometry_calib
976 | grid_input=[];%default
977 | if isfield(CalibData,'grid')
978 | grid_input=CalibData.grid;%retrieve the previously used grid
979 | end
980 | [T,CalibData.grid,CalibData.grid.CheckWhite,CalibData.grid.FilterWindow]=create_grid(grid_input,'detect_grid');%display the GUI create_grid, read the set of phys coordinates T
981 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',CalibData)%store the phys grid parameters for later use
982 | X=[CalibData.grid.x_0 CalibData.grid.x_1 CalibData.grid.x_0 CalibData.grid.x_1]';%corner absissa in the phys coordinates (cm)
983 | Y=[CalibData.grid.y_0 CalibData.grid.y_0 CalibData.grid.y_1 CalibData.grid.y_1]';%corner ordinates in the phys coordinates (cm)
984 |
985 | %% read the current image, displayed in the GUI uvmat
986 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');
987 | UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');
988 | A=UvData.Field.A;%currently displayed image
989 | npxy=size(A);
990 |
991 | %% calculate transform matrices for plane projection: rectangle assumed to be viewed in perspective
992 | % reference: http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~cwren/interpolator/ by Christopher R. Wren
993 | B = [ X Y ones(size(X)) zeros(4,3) -X.*corners_X -Y.*corners_X ...
994 | zeros(4,3) X Y ones(size(X)) -X.*corners_Y -Y.*corners_Y ];
995 | B = reshape (B', 8 , 8 )';
996 | D = [ corners_X , corners_Y ];
997 | D = reshape (D', 8 , 1 );
998 | l = (B' * B)\B' * D;
999 | Amat = reshape([l(1:6)' 0 0 1 ],3,3)';
1000 | C = [l(7:8)' 1];
1001 |
1002 | %% transform grid image into 'phys' coordinates
1003 | GeometryCalib.CalibrationType='3D_linear';
1004 | GeometryCalib.fx_fy=[1 1];
1005 | GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz=[Amat(1,3) Amat(2,3) 1];
1006 | GeometryCalib.R=[Amat(1,1),Amat(1,2),0;Amat(2,1),Amat(2,2),0;C(1),C(2),0];
1007 | GeometryCalib.CoordUnit='cm';
1008 | path_uvmat=which('uvmat');% check the path detected for source file uvmat
1009 | path_UVMAT=fileparts(path_uvmat); %path to UVMAT
1010 | addpath(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'transform_field'))
1011 | Data.ListVarName={'Coord_y','Coord_x','A'};
1012 | Data.VarDimName={'Coord_y','Coord_x',{'Coord_y','Coord_x'}};
1013 | if ndims(A)==3
1014 | A=mean(A,3);
1015 | end
1016 | Data.A=A-min(min(A));
1017 | Data.Coord_y=[npxy(1)-0.5 0.5];
1018 | Data.Coord_x=[0.5 npxy(2)];
1019 | Data.CoordUnit='pixel';
1020 | Calib.GeometryCalib=GeometryCalib;
1021 | DataOut=phys(Data,Calib);
1022 | rmpath(fullfile(path_UVMAT,'transform_field'))
1023 | Amod=DataOut.A;% current image expressed in 'phys' coord
1024 | Rangx=DataOut.Coord_x;% x coordinates of first and last pixel centres in phys
1025 | Rangy=DataOut.Coord_y;% y coordinates of first and last pixel centres in phys
1026 | if CalibData.grid.CheckWhite
1027 | Amod=double(Amod);%case of white grid markers: will look for image maxima
1028 | else
1029 | Amod=-double(Amod);%case of black grid markers: will look for image minima
1030 | end
1031 |
1032 | %%%%%%filterfor i;proved detection of dots
1033 | if ~isequal(CalibData.grid.FilterWindow,0)
1034 | %definition of the cos shape matrix filter
1035 | FilterBoxSize_x=CalibData.grid.FilterWindow;
1036 | FilterBoxSize_y=CalibData.grid.FilterWindow;
1037 | ix=1/2-FilterBoxSize_x/2:-1/2+FilterBoxSize_x/2;%
1038 | iy=1/2-FilterBoxSize_y/2:-1/2+FilterBoxSize_y/2;%
1039 | %del=np/3;
1040 | %fct=exp(-(ix/del).^2);
1041 | fct2_x=cos(ix/((FilterBoxSize_x-1)/2)*pi/2);
1042 | fct2_y=cos(iy/((FilterBoxSize_y-1)/2)*pi/2);
1043 | %Mfiltre=(ones(5,5)/5^2);
1044 | Mfiltre=fct2_y'*fct2_x;
1045 | Mfiltre=Mfiltre/(sum(sum(Mfiltre)));%normalize filter
1046 |
1047 | if ndims(Amod)==3
1048 | Amod=filter2(Mfiltre,sum(Amod,3));%filter the input image, after summation on the color component (for color images)
1049 | else
1050 | Amod=filter2(Mfiltre,Amod);
1051 | end
1052 | end
1053 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1054 |
1055 |
1056 | %% detection of local image extrema in each direction
1057 | Dx=(Rangx(2)-Rangx(1))/(npxy(2)-1); %x mesh in real space
1058 | Dy=(Rangy(2)-Rangy(1))/(npxy(1)-1); %y mesh in real space
1059 | ind_range_x=ceil(abs(GeometryCalib.R(1,1)*CalibData.grid.Dx/3));% range of search of image ma around each point obtained by linear interpolation from the marked points
1060 | ind_range_y=ceil(abs(GeometryCalib.R(2,2)*CalibData.grid.Dy/3));% range of search of image ma around each point obtained by linear interpolation from the marked points
1061 | nbpoints=size(T,1);
1062 | TIndex=ones(size(T));% image indices corresponding to point coordinates
1063 | %look for image maxima around each expected grid point
1064 | for ipoint=1:nbpoints
1065 | i0=1+round((T(ipoint,1)-Rangx(1))/Dx);% x index of the expected point in the phys image Amod
1066 | j0=1+round((T(ipoint,2)-Rangy(1))/Dy);% y index of the expected point in the phys image Amod
1067 | j0min=max(j0-ind_range_y,1);% min y index selected for the subimage (cut at the edge to avoid index <1)
1068 | j0max=min(j0+ind_range_y,size(Amod,1));% max y index selected for the subimage (cut at the edge to avoid index > size)
1069 | i0min=max(i0-ind_range_x,1);% min x index selected for the subimage (cut at the edge to avoid index <1)
1070 | i0max=min(i0+ind_range_x,size(Amod,2));% max x index selected for the subimage (cut at the edge to avoid index > size)
1071 | Asub=Amod(j0min:j0max,i0min:i0max); %subimage used to find brigthness extremum
1072 | x_profile=sum(Asub,1);%profile of subimage summed over y
1073 | y_profile=sum(Asub,2);%profile of subimage summed over x
1074 |
1075 | [tild,ind_x_max]=max(x_profile);% index of max for the x profile
1076 | [tild,ind_y_max]=max(y_profile);% index of max for the y profile
1077 | %sub-pixel improvement using moments
1078 | x_shift=0;
1079 | y_shift=0;
1080 | if ind_x_max+2<=numel(x_profile) && ind_x_max-2>=1
1081 | Atop=x_profile(ind_x_max-2:ind_x_max+2);% extract x profile around the max
1082 | x_shift=sum(Atop.*[-2 -1 0 1 2])/sum(Atop);
1083 | end
1084 | if ind_y_max+2<=numel(y_profile) && ind_y_max-2>=1
1085 | Atop=y_profile(ind_y_max-2:ind_y_max+2);% extract y profile around the max
1086 | y_shift=sum(Atop.*[-2 -1 0 1 2]')/sum(Atop);
1087 | end
1088 | %%%%
1089 | % if ipoint==9
1090 | % figure(11)
1091 | % imagesc(Asub)
1092 | % figure(12)
1093 | % plot(x_profile,'r')
1094 | % hold on
1095 | % plot(y_profile,'b')
1096 | % grid on
1097 | % end
1098 | %%%%
1099 | TIndex(ipoint,1)=(i0min+ind_x_max-1+x_shift);% x position of the maximum (in index of Amod)
1100 | TIndex(ipoint,2)=(j0min+ind_y_max-1+y_shift);% y position of the maximum (in index of Amod)
1101 | end
1102 | Tmod(:,1)=(TIndex(:,1)-1)*Dx+Rangx(1);
1103 | Tmod(:,2)=(TIndex(:,2)-1)*Dy+Rangy(1);
1104 | %Tmod=T(:,(1:2))+Delta;% 'phys' coordinates of the detected points
1105 | [Xpx,Ypx]=px_XYZ(GeometryCalib,[],Tmod(:,1),Tmod(:,2));% image coordinates of the detected points
1106 | Coord=[T Xpx Ypx zeros(size(T,1),1)];
1107 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1108 | PLOT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1109 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1110 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',0); %desactivate mouse to avoid spurious points
1111 |
1112 |
1113 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1114 | function MenuTranslatePoints_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1115 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1116 | %hcalib=get(handles.calib_type,'parent');%handles of the GUI geometry_calib
1117 | CalibData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');
1118 | Tinput=[];%default
1119 | if isfield(CalibData,'translate')
1120 | Tinput=CalibData.translate;
1121 | end
1122 | T=translate_points(Tinput);%display translate_points GUI and get shift parameters
1123 | CalibData.translate=T;
1124 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',CalibData)
1125 | %translation
1126 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1127 | Coord(:,1)=T(1)+Coord(:,1);
1128 | Coord(:,2)=T(2)+Coord(:,2);
1129 | Coord(:,3)=T(3)+Coord(:,3);
1130 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord);
1131 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1132 |
1133 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
1134 | function MenuRotatePoints_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1135 | %hcalib=get(handles.calib_type,'parent');%handles of the GUI geometry_calib
1136 | CalibData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');
1137 | Tinput=[];%default
1138 | if isfield(CalibData,'rotate')
1139 | Tinput=CalibData.rotate;
1140 | end
1141 | T=rotate_points(Tinput);%display rotate_points GUI to introduce rotation parameters
1142 | CalibData.rotate=T;
1143 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',CalibData)
1144 | %-----------------------------------------------------
1145 | %rotation
1146 | Phi=T(1);
1147 | O_x=0;%default
1148 | O_y=0;%default
1149 | if numel(T)>=2
1150 | O_x=T(2);%default
1151 | end
1152 | if numel(T)>=3
1153 | O_y=T(3);%default
1154 | end
1155 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1156 | r1=cos(pi*Phi/180);
1157 | r2=-sin(pi*Phi/180);
1158 | r3=sin(pi*Phi/180);
1159 | r4=cos(pi*Phi/180);
1160 | x=Coord(:,1)-O_x;
1161 | y=Coord(:,2)-O_y;
1162 | Coord(:,1)=r1*x+r2*y;
1163 | Coord(:,2)=r3*x+r4*y;
1164 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1165 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1166 |
1167 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
1168 | function MenuFlip_xy_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1169 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1170 | Coord(:,1)=-Coord(:,1);
1171 | Coord(:,2)=-Coord(:,2);
1172 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1173 |
1174 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
1175 | function MenuFlip_xz_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1176 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1177 | Coord(:,1)=-Coord(:,1);
1178 | Coord(:,3)=-Coord(:,3);
1179 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1180 |
1181 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
1182 | function MenuImportPoints_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1183 | fileinput=browse_xml(hObject, eventdata, handles);
1184 | if isempty(fileinput)
1185 | return
1186 | end
1187 | [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct(fileinput,'GeometryCalib');
1188 | if ~isfield(s,'GeometryCalib')
1189 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','invalid input file: no geometry_calib data')
1190 | return
1191 | end
1192 | GeometryCalib=s.GeometryCalib;
1193 | if ~(isfield(GeometryCalib,'SourceCalib')&&isfield(GeometryCalib.SourceCalib,'PointCoord'))
1194 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','invalid input file: no calibration points')
1195 | return
1196 | end
1197 | Coord=GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord;
1198 | Coord=[Coord zeros(size(Coord,1),1)];
1199 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1200 | PLOT_Callback(handles.geometry_calib, [], handles)
1201 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1202 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',0); %desactivate mouse to avoid modifications by default
1203 |
1204 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1205 | function MenuImportIntrinsic_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1206 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1207 | fileinput=browse_xml(hObject, eventdata, handles);
1208 | if isempty(fileinput)
1209 | return
1210 | end
1211 | [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct(fileinput,'GeometryCalib');
1212 | GeometryCalib=s.GeometryCalib;
1213 | display_intrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)
1214 |
1215 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1216 | function MenuImportAll_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1217 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1218 | fileinput=browse_xml(hObject, eventdata, handles);
1219 | if ~isempty(fileinput)
1220 | loadfile(handles,fileinput)
1221 | end
1222 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'value',0); %desactivate mouse to avoid modifications by default
1223 |
1224 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1225 | % --- Executes on menubar option Import/Grid file: introduce previous grid files
1226 | function MenuGridFile_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1227 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1228 | inputfile=browse_xml(hObject, eventdata, handles);
1229 | listfile=get(handles.ListCoordFiles,'String');
1230 | if isequal(listfile,{''})
1231 | listfile={inputfile};
1232 | else
1233 | listfile=[listfile;{inputfile}];%update the list of coord files
1234 | end
1235 | set(handles.ListCoordFiles,'String',listfile);
1236 |
1237 |
1238 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1239 | function fileinput=browse_xml(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1240 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1241 | fileinput=[];%default
1242 | oldfile=''; %default
1243 | UserData=get(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData');
1244 | if isfield(UserData,'XmlInputFile')
1245 | oldfile=UserData.XmlInputFile;
1246 | end
1247 | [FileName, PathName, filterindex] = uigetfile( ...
1248 | {'*.xml;*.mat', ' (*.xml,*.mat)';
1249 | '*.xml', '.xml files '; ...
1250 | '*.mat', '.mat matlab files '}, ...
1251 | 'Pick a file',oldfile);
1252 | fileinput=[PathName FileName];%complete file name
1253 | testblank=findstr(fileinput,' ');%look for blanks
1254 | if ~isempty(testblank)
1255 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','forbidden input file name or path: no blank character allowed')
1256 | return
1257 | end
1258 | sizf=size(fileinput);
1259 | if (~ischar(fileinput)||~isequal(sizf(1),1)),return;end
1260 | UserData.XmlInputFile=fileinput;
1261 | set(handles.geometry_calib,'UserData',UserData)%record current file foer further use of browser
1262 |
1263 | % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1264 | function Heading=loadfile(handles,fileinput)
1265 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1266 | Heading=[];%default
1267 | [s,errormsg]=imadoc2struct(fileinput,'Heading','GeometryCalib');
1268 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
1269 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',errormsg)
1270 | return
1271 | end
1272 | if ~isempty(s.Heading)
1273 | Heading=s.Heading;
1274 | end
1275 |
1276 | GeometryCalib=s.GeometryCalib;
1277 | fx=1;fy=1;Cx=0;Cy=0;kc=0; %default
1278 | CoordCell={};
1279 | Tabchar={};%default
1280 | val_cal=1;%default
1281 | if ~isempty(GeometryCalib)
1282 | % choose the calibration option
1283 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'CalibrationType')
1284 | calib_list=get(handles.calib_type,'String');
1285 | for ilist=1:numel(calib_list)
1286 | if strcmp(calib_list{ilist},GeometryCalib.CalibrationType)
1287 | val_cal=ilist;
1288 | break
1289 | end
1290 | end
1291 | end
1292 | display_intrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)%intrinsic param
1293 | %extrinsic param
1294 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'Tx_Ty_Tz')
1295 | Tx_Ty_Tz=GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz;
1296 | set(handles.Tx,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(1),4))
1297 | set(handles.Ty,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2),4))
1298 | set(handles.Tz,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(3),4))
1299 | end
1300 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'omc')
1301 | set(handles.Phi,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(1),4))
1302 | set(handles.Theta,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(2),4))
1303 | set(handles.Psi,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(3),4))
1304 | end
1305 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'SourceCalib')&& isfield(GeometryCalib.SourceCalib,'PointCoord')
1306 | calib=GeometryCalib.SourceCalib.PointCoord;
1307 | Coord=[calib zeros(size(calib,1),1)];
1308 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1309 | end
1310 | PLOT_Callback(handles.geometry_calib, [], handles)
1311 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1312 | end
1313 | set(handles.calib_type,'Value',val_cal)
1314 |
1315 | if isempty(CoordCell)% allow mouse action by default in the absence of input points
1316 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Value',1)
1317 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0])
1318 | else % does not allow mouse action by default in the presence of input points
1319 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'Value',0)
1320 | set(handles.CheckEnableMouse,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
1321 | end
1322 |
1323 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324 | %---display calibration intrinsic parameters
1325 | function display_intrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)
1326 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1327 | fx=[];
1328 | fy=[];
1329 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'fx_fy')
1330 | fx=GeometryCalib.fx_fy(1);
1331 | fy=GeometryCalib.fx_fy(2);
1332 | end
1333 | Cx_Cy=[0 0];%default
1334 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'Cx_Cy')
1335 | Cx_Cy=GeometryCalib.Cx_Cy;
1336 | end
1337 | kc=0;
1338 | if isfield(GeometryCalib,'kc')
1339 | kc=GeometryCalib.kc; %* GeometryCalib.focal*GeometryCalib.focal;
1340 | end
1341 | set(handles.fx,'String',num2str(fx,5))
1342 | set(handles.fy,'String',num2str(fy,5))
1343 | set(handles.Cx,'String',num2str(Cx_Cy(1),'%1.1f'))
1344 | set(handles.Cy,'String',num2str(Cx_Cy(2),'%1.1f'))
1345 | %set(handles.kc,'String',num2str(kc,'%1.4f'))
1346 | set(handles.kc,'String',num2str(kc,4))
1347 |
1348 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1349 | % ---display calibration extrinsic parameters
1350 | function display_extrinsic(GeometryCalib,handles)
1351 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1352 | set(handles.Tx,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(1),4))
1353 | set(handles.Ty,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(2),4))
1354 | set(handles.Tz,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.Tx_Ty_Tz(3),4))
1355 | set(handles.Phi,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(1),4))
1356 | set(handles.Theta,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(2),4))
1357 | set(handles.Psi,'String',num2str(GeometryCalib.omc(3),4))
1358 |
1359 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1360 | % --- executes when user attempts to close geometry_calib.
1361 | function geometry_calib_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1362 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1363 | delete(hObject); % closes the figure
1364 |
1365 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1366 | % --- executes on button press in PLOT.
1367 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1368 | function PLOT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1369 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');%find the current uvmat interface handle
1370 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat); %handles of GUI elements in uvmat
1371 | h_menu_coord=findobj(huvmat,'Tag','TransformName');
1372 | menu=get(h_menu_coord,'String');
1373 | choice=get(h_menu_coord,'Value');
1374 | option='';
1375 | if iscell(menu)
1376 | option=menu{choice};
1377 | end
1378 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1379 | if ~isempty(Coord)
1380 | if isequal(option,'phys')
1381 | Coord_plot=Coord(:,1:3);
1382 | elseif isempty(option);%optionoption,'px')||isequal(option,'')
1383 | Coord_plot=Coord(:,4:5);
1384 | else
1385 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','the choice in menu_coord of uvmat must be blank or phys ')
1386 | end
1387 | end
1388 |
1389 | set(0,'CurrentFigure',huvmat)
1390 | set(huvmat,'CurrentAxes',hhuvmat.PlotAxes)
1391 | hh=findobj('Tag','calib_points');
1392 | if ~isempty(Coord) && isempty(hh)
1393 | hh=line(Coord_plot(:,1),Coord_plot(:,2),'Color','m','Tag','calib_points','LineStyle','none','Marker','+','MarkerSize',10);
1394 | elseif isempty(Coord)%empty list of points, suppress the plot
1395 | delete(hh)
1396 | else
1397 | set(hh,'XData',Coord_plot(:,1))
1398 | set(hh,'YData',Coord_plot(:,2))
1399 | end
1400 | pause(.1)
1401 | figure(handles.geometry_calib)
1402 |
1403 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1404 | % --- Executes on button press in Copy: display Coord on the Matlab work space
1405 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1406 | function Copy_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1407 | global Coord
1408 | evalin('base','global Coord')%make CurData global in the workspace
1409 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1410 | display('coordinates of calibration points (phys,px,marker) :')
1411 | evalin('base','Coord') %display CurData in the workspace
1412 | commandwindow; %brings the Matlab command window to the front
1413 |
1414 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1415 | % --- Executes when selected cell(s) is changed in ListCoord.
1416 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1417 | function ListCoord_CellSelectionCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1418 | if ~isempty(eventdata.Indices)
1419 | iline=eventdata.Indices(1);% selected line number
1420 | set(handles.CoordLine,'String',num2str(iline))
1421 | Data=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1422 | update_calib_marker(Data(iline,:))
1423 | end
1424 |
1425 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1426 | % --- Executes when entered data in editable cell(s) in ListCoord.
1427 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1428 | function ListCoord_CellEditCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1429 |
1430 | Input=str2num(eventdata.EditData);%pasted input
1431 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1432 | iline=eventdata.Indices(1);% selected line number
1433 | if size(Coord,1)<iline+numel(Input)
1434 | Coord=[Coord ; zeros(iline+numel(Input)-size(Coord,1),6)];% append zeros to fit the new column
1435 | end
1436 | Coord(iline:iline+numel(Input)-1,eventdata.Indices(2))=Input';
1437 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord)
1438 | PLOT_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1439 |
1440 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1441 | % --- 'key_press_fcn:' function activated when a key is pressed on the keyboard
1442 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1443 | function ListCoord_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1444 | iline=str2num(get(handles.CoordLine,'String'));
1445 | xx=double(get(handles.geometry_calib,'CurrentCharacter'));%get the keyboard character
1446 | if ismember(xx,[28 29 30 31])% directional arrow
1447 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1448 | switch xx
1449 | case 30 % arrow upward
1450 | iline=iline-1;
1451 | case 31% arrow downward
1452 | iline=iline+1;
1453 | end
1454 | if iline>=1 && iline<=size(Coord,1)
1455 | set(handles.CoordLine,'String',num2str(iline))
1456 | update_calib_marker(Coord(iline,1:5))% show the point corresponding to the selected line
1457 | end
1458 | else
1459 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])% paint APPLY in magenta to indicate that the table content has be modified
1460 | if ismember(xx,[127 31])% delete, or downward
1461 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1462 | iline=str2double(get(handles.CoordLine,'String'));
1463 | if isequal(xx, 31)
1464 | if isequal(iline,size(Coord,1))% arrow downward
1465 | Coord=[Coord;zeros(1,size(Coord,2))];
1466 | end
1467 | else
1468 | Coord(iline,:)=[];% suppress the current line
1469 | end
1470 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord);
1471 | end
1472 | end
1473 |
1474 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1475 | % --- update the plot of calibration points
1476 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1477 | % draw a circle around the point defined by the input coordinates Coord as given by line in the table Listcoord
1478 | function update_calib_marker(Coord)
1479 |
1480 | %% read config on uvmat
1481 | huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'Name','uvmat');%find the current uvmat interface handle
1482 | hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
1483 | hhh=findobj(hhuvmat.PlotAxes,'Tag','calib_marker');
1484 | if numel(Coord)<5
1485 | if ~isempty(hhh)
1486 | delete(hhh)%delete the circle marker in case of no valid input
1487 | end
1488 | return
1489 | end
1490 | menu=get(hhuvmat.TransformName,'String');
1491 | choice=get(hhuvmat.TransformName,'Value');
1492 | option='';
1493 | if iscell(menu)
1494 | option=menu{choice};
1495 | end
1496 |
1497 | %% read appropriate coordinates (px or phys) in the table ListCoord
1498 | if isequal(option,'phys') % use phys coord
1499 | XCoord=Coord(1);
1500 | YCoord=Coord(2);
1501 | elseif isempty(option)% use coord in pixels
1502 | XCoord=Coord(4);
1503 | YCoord=Coord(5);
1504 | else
1505 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','the choice in menu_coord of uvmat must be blank or phys ')
1506 | return
1507 | end
1508 |
1509 | %% adjust the plot limits if needed
1510 | xlim=get(hhuvmat.PlotAxes,'XLim');
1511 | ylim=get(hhuvmat.PlotAxes,'YLim');
1512 | ind_range=max(abs(xlim(2)-xlim(1)),abs(ylim(end)-ylim(1)))/25;%defines the size of the circle marker
1513 | check_xlim=0;
1514 | if XCoord>xlim(2)
1515 | xlim=xlim+XCoord-xlim(2)+ind_range;% translate plot limit
1516 | check_xlim=1;
1517 | elseif XCoord<xlim(1)
1518 | xlim=xlim-XCoord+xlim(1)-ind_range;% translate plot limit
1519 | check_xlim=1;
1520 | end
1521 | if check_xlim
1522 | set(hhuvmat.PlotAxes,'XLim',xlim);
1523 | set(hhuvmat.num_MaxX,'String',num2str(xlim(2)));
1524 | set(hhuvmat.num_MinX,'String',num2str(xlim(1)));
1525 | end
1526 | check_ylim=0;
1527 | if YCoord>ylim(2)
1528 | ylim=ylim+YCoord-ylim(2)+ind_range;% translate plot limit
1529 | check_ylim=1;
1530 | elseif YCoord<ylim(1)
1531 | ylim=ylim-YCoord+ylim(1)-ind_range;% translate plot limit
1532 | check_ylim=1;
1533 | end
1534 | if check_ylim
1535 | set(hhuvmat.PlotAxes,'YLim',ylim);
1536 | set(hhuvmat.num_MaxY,'String',num2str(ylim(2)));
1537 | set(hhuvmat.num_MinY,'String',num2str(ylim(1)));
1538 | end
1539 |
1540 | %% plot a circle around the selected point
1541 | if isempty(hhh)
1542 | set(0,'CurrentFig',huvmat)
1543 | set(huvmat,'CurrentAxes',hhuvmat.PlotAxes)
1544 | rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],...
1545 | 'Position',[XCoord-ind_range/2 YCoord-ind_range/2 ind_range ind_range],'EdgeColor','m',...
1546 | 'LineStyle','-','Tag','calib_marker');
1547 | else
1548 | set(hhh,'Position',[XCoord-ind_range/2 YCoord-ind_range/2 ind_range ind_range])
1549 | end
1550 |
1551 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1552 | % --- Executes on button press in ClearPoint: remove the selected line in the table Coord
1553 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
1554 | function ClearPoint_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
1555 |
1556 | Coord=get(handles.ListCoord,'Data');
1557 | iline=str2num(get(handles.CoordLine,'String'));
1558 | if isempty(iline)
1559 | msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','no line suppressed, select a line in the table')
1560 | else
1561 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N',['suppress line ' num2str(iline) '?']);
1562 | if isequal(answer,'Yes')
1563 | Coord(iline,:)=[];
1564 | set(handles.APPLY,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 1])
1565 | set(handles.ListCoord,'Data',Coord);
1566 | set(handles.CoordLine,'String','')
1567 | PLOT_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
1568 | update_calib_marker([]);%remove circle marker
1569 | end
1570 | end
1571 |
1572 |
1573 |