% 'FFT': calculate and display spectrum of the field selected in the GUI get_field % GUI_input=FFT(hget_field) % % OUTPUT: % GUI_input: option for display in the GUI get_field % %INPUT: % hget_field: handles of the GUI get_field % function SubField=FFT2(hget_field) %% set the input elements needed on the GUI get_field when the action is selected in the menu ActionName if ~exist('hget_field','var') % case with no input parameter SubField={'CheckPlot1D','off';...% enable simple x/y plot ('off'/'on') 'CheckScalar','on';...% enable scalar selection('off'/'on') 'CheckVector','off'; ...% enable vector selection('off'/'on') '',''}; return end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [SubField,errormsg]=read_get_field(hget_field); SubField for ilist=1:numel(SubField.ListVarName) if isfield(SubField.VarAttribute{ilist},'Role') && isequal(SubField.VarAttribute{ilist}.Role,'scalar') VarName=SubField.ListVarName{ilist}; spec=abs(fft2(SubField.(VarName)-mean(mean(SubField.(VarName))))); SubField.(VarName)=log(spec); end end if ~isempty(errormsg) msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['error in read_get_field input:' errormsg]) return end SubField