1 | %'get_file_type': determine info about a file (image, multimage, civdata,...) . |
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3 | % [FileType,FileInfo,Object]=get_file_type(fileinput) |
4 | % |
5 | % OUTPUT: |
6 | % FileType: type of file |
7 | % FileInfo: structure containing info on the file (case of images) |
8 | % Object: in case of video |
9 | % |
10 | % INPUT: |
11 | % fileinput: name, including path, of the file to analyse |
12 | function [FileType,FileInfo,Object]=get_file_type(fileinput) |
13 | FileType=''; |
14 | FileInfo=[]; |
15 | Object=[]; |
16 | [tild,tild,FileExt]=fileparts(fileinput); |
17 | |
18 | switch FileExt |
19 | case {'.civ','.log','.cmx','.cmx2','.txt','.bat'} |
20 | FileType='txt'; |
21 | case '.fig' |
22 | FileType='figure'; |
23 | case '.xml' |
24 | FileType='xml'; |
25 | case '.xls' |
26 | FileType='xls'; |
27 | otherwise |
28 | if ~isempty(FileExt)&& ~isempty(imformats(FileExt(2:end))) |
29 | try |
30 | FileType='image'; |
31 | imainfo=imfinfo(fileinput); |
32 | if length(imainfo) >1 %case of image with multiple frames |
33 | FileType='multimage'; |
34 | FileInfo.NbFrame=length(imainfo); |
35 | end |
36 | end |
37 | else |
38 | error_nc=0; |
39 | try |
40 | Data=nc2struct(fileinput,'ListGlobalAttribute','absolut_time_T0','Conventions',... |
41 | 'CivStage','patch2','fix2','civ2','patch','fix'); |
42 | if isfield(Data,'Txt') && ~isempty(Data.Txt) |
43 | error_nc=1; |
44 | else |
45 | if ~isempty(Data.absolut_time_T0') |
46 | FileType='civx'; % test for civx velocity fields |
47 | if ~isempty(Data.patch2) && isequal(Data.patch2,1) |
48 | FileInfo.CivStage=6; |
49 | elseif ~isempty(Data.fix2) && isequal(Data.fix2,1) |
50 | FileInfo.CivStage=5; |
51 | elseif ~isempty(Data.civ2) && isequal(Data.civ2,1); |
52 | FileInfo.CivStage=4; |
53 | elseif ~isempty(Data.patch) && isequal(Data.patch,1); |
54 | FileInfo.CivStage=3; |
55 | elseif ~isempty(Data.fix) && isequal(Data.fix,1); |
56 | FileInfo.CivStage=2; |
57 | elseif ~isempty(Data.absolut_time_T0) && ~isempty(Data.hart) |
58 | FileInfo.CivStage=1; |
59 | end |
60 | elseif strcmp(Data.Conventions,'uvmat/civdata') |
61 | FileType='civdata'; % test for civx velocity fields |
62 | FileInfo.CivStage=Data.CivStage; |
63 | else |
64 | FileType='netcdf'; |
65 | end |
66 | end |
67 | catch ME |
68 | error_nc=1; |
69 | end |
70 | if error_nc |
71 | try |
72 | if exist('VideoReader','file')%recent version of Matlab |
73 | Object=VideoReader(fileinput); |
74 | else |
75 | Object=mmreader(fileinput);%older Matlab function for movies |
76 | end |
77 | FileType='video'; |
78 | FileInfo.NbFrame=get(Object,'NumberOfFrames'); |
79 | end |
80 | end |
81 | end |
82 | end |