% hdf5load.m % % datastruct = hdf5load_recursive(datastruct,GroupHierarchy) % % Recursive procedure used to walk the Group Hierarchy of a given hinfo % HDF info struct and load the data in the return struct datastruct. % Author: Gael Varoquaux % Copyright: Gael Varoquaux % License: BSD-like % 2016-05-24: Modifications by Antoine Campagne function datastruct = hdf5load_recursive(datastruct,GroupHierarchy) % Load the datasets (the leafs of the tree): for i=[1:size(GroupHierarchy.Datasets,2)] data=hdf5read(GroupHierarchy.Datasets(i)); switch class(data) case 'hdf5.h5string' try if size(data,2)>1 buffer=data ; data = {} ; for j=1:size(buffer,2) data{j}=buffer(j).Data; end else data=data.Data; end catch end case 'hdf5.h5array' try if size(data,2)>1 buffer=data ; data = {} ; for j=1:size(buffer,2) data{j}=buffer(j).Data; end else data=data.Data; end catch end end name=GroupHierarchy.Datasets(i).Name; name=strrep(name,'/','.'); eval(['datastruct' name '= data ;']) end for i=[1:size(GroupHierarchy.Attributes,2)] data=hdf5read(GroupHierarchy.Attributes(i)); switch class(data) case 'hdf5.h5string' try if size(data,2)>1 buffer=data ; data = {} ; for j=1:size(buffer,2) data{j}=buffer(j).Data; end else data=data.Data; end catch end case 'hdf5.h5array' try if size(data,2)>1 buffer=data ; data = {} ; for j=1:size(buffer,2) data{j}=buffer(j).Data; end else data=data.Data; end catch end end name=GroupHierarchy.Attributes(i).Name; name=strrep(name,'/','.'); eval(['datastruct' name '= data ;']) end % Then load the branches: % Create structures for the group and pass them on recursively: for i=[1:size(GroupHierarchy.Groups,2)] name=GroupHierarchy.Groups(i).Name; name=strrep(name,'/','.'); eval(['datastruct' name '= struct ;']); datastruct = hdf5load_recursion(datastruct,GroupHierarchy.Groups(i)); end