1 | function installToolbox
2 | % configure MATLAB paths for the Telops Toolbox.
3 | % installToolbox
4 | %
5 | % Drop this file into MATLAB command line window. It will configure the
6 | % required paths to run with the Telops Toolbox.
7 |
8 | % moveright Telops 2009
9 | % $Revision: 9106 $
10 | % $Author: ssavary $
11 | % $LastChangedDate: 2014-11-03 14:16:48 -0500 (lun., 03 nov. 2014) $
12 | if ~exist('readIRCam.p','file')
13 | if ~exist('Library_IRCAM','dir')
14 | unzip('Library_IRCAM.zip')
15 | disp('Library_IRCAM created')
16 | end
17 | root = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
18 |
19 | D = [{root}; extractSubTree(root)];
20 |
21 | v2007_exceptions = {'GUILayout'};
22 | exceptions = {'Documentation', 'ReleasePackages'};
23 |
24 | disp('installToolbox: Installing Toolbox...')
25 | disp('installToolbox: Adding directories to the MATLAB path:')
26 |
27 | V = ver('matlab');
28 | for ii=1:length(D)
29 | if ~isempty(V) && (str2double(V.Version(1)) == 7 && str2double(V.Version(3:end)) < 10) && ...
30 | any(arrayfun(@(x)~isempty(strfind(D{ii},x{1})), v2007_exceptions)) || ...
31 | any(arrayfun(@(x)~isempty(strfind(D{ii},x{1})), exceptions)) || ...
32 | any(D{ii} == '+')
33 | else
34 | disp(['path ' D{ii} ' added'])
35 | addpath(D{ii})
36 | end
37 | end
38 |
39 | disp('installToolbox: Installation complete.')
40 | end
41 |
42 |
43 | function D = extractSubTree(root)
44 | % Recursively build the list of subdirectories under 'root'.
45 | % extractSubTree
46 | %
47 |
48 | DD = dir(root);
49 |
50 | idx = find([DD.isdir]);
51 | D = [];
52 | for ii=idx
53 | if strncmp(DD(ii).name,'.',1)==0 && isempty(strfind(DD(ii).name,'@')) && isempty(strfind(DD(ii).name,'private'))
54 | % skip '.', '..', and invisible folders
55 | subdir = fullfile(root, DD(ii).name);
56 | D = [D; {subdir}; extractSubTree(subdir)]; %#ok<AGROW>
57 | end
58 | end |