1 | %'mask_proj': projects the field on a projection object
2 | %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_field(FieldData,ObjectData)
4 | %
6 | % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org.
8 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
9 | %
10 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 | % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 | % (at your option) any later version.
14 | %
15 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details.
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21 | function [ProjData,errormsg]=mask_proj(FieldData,MaskData)
22 | errormsg='';%default
23 | ProjData=FieldData;
24 |
25 |
26 | %% group the variables (fields of 'FieldData') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
27 | [CellInfo,NbDimArray,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
28 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
29 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_plane:' errormsg];
30 | return
31 | end
32 | [Npy,Npx]=size(MaskData.A);
33 | DX=(MaskData.AX(2)-MaskData.AX(1))/(Npx-1);
34 | DY=(MaskData.AY(2)-MaskData.AY(1))/(Npy-1);
35 | for icell=1:numel(CellInfo)
36 | if NbDimArray(icell)==2
37 | switch CellInfo{icell}.CoordType;
38 | case 'scattered'
39 | XName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(1)};
40 | YName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(2)};
41 | mask_ind_i=round(0.5+(FieldData.(XName)-MaskData.AX(1))/DX);%nbpoint terms
42 | mask_ind_j=round(0.5+(FieldData.(YName)-MaskData.AY(1))/DY);%nbpoint terms
43 | checkin=mask_ind_j+Npy*(mask_ind_i-1);%array of mask indices for the nbpoints
44 | checkin=checkin(mask_ind_i>=1 & mask_ind_i<=Npx & mask_ind_j>=1 & mask_ind_j<=Npy);%reduced array of mask indices (inside the image)
45 | checkfalse=true(size(FieldData.(XName)));
46 | MaskData.A=reshape(MaskData.A,1,[]);
47 | checkfalse(MaskData.A(checkin)>200)=0;
48 | if ~isfield(FieldData,'FF')
49 | FieldData.FF=zeros(size(FieldData.(XName)));
50 | FieldData.ListVarName=[FieldData.ListVarName {'FF'}];
51 | FieldData.VarDimName=[FieldData.VarDimName FieldData.VarDimName(CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(1))];
52 | FieldData.VarAttribute{numel(FieldData.VarDimName)}.Role='errorflag';
53 | end
54 | for ivar=1:numel(CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex)
55 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex(ivar)};
56 | FieldData.(VarName)(checkfalse)=0;
57 | FieldData.FF(checkfalse)=1;
58 | end
59 | case 'grid'
60 | XName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(1)};
61 | YName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(2)};
62 | Var1Name=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex(1)};
63 | [Npy_field,Npx_field]=size(FieldData.(Var1Name));
64 | DX_field=(FieldData.(XName)(end)-FieldData.(XName)(1))/(Npx_field-1);
65 | DY_field=(FieldData.(YName)(end)-FieldData.(YName)(1))/(Npy_field-1);
66 | XArray=FieldData.(XName)(1):DX_field:FieldData.(XName)(end);
67 | YArray=FieldData.(YName)(1):DY_field:FieldData.(YName)(end);
68 | XMask=MaskData.AX(1):DX:MaskData.AX(end);
69 | YMask=MaskData.AY(end):-DY:MaskData.AY(1);
70 | [XMask,YMask]=meshgrid(XMask,YMask);
71 | Mask = interp2(XMask,YMask,MaskData.A,XArray,YArray','nearest');
72 | figure(1)
73 | image(MaskData.A)
74 | Mask=Mask>200;
75 | if ~isfield(FieldData,'FF')
76 | FieldData.FF=zeros(size(FieldData.(XName)));
77 | FieldData.ListVarName=[FieldData.ListVarName {'FF'}];
78 | FieldData.VarDimName=[FieldData.VarDimName FieldData.VarDimName(CellInfo{icell}.CoordIndex(1))];
79 | FieldData.VarAttribute{numel(FieldData.VarDimName)}.Role='errorflag';
80 | end
81 | for ivar=1:numel(CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex)
82 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{CellInfo{icell}.VarIndex(ivar)};
83 | FieldData.(VarName)=FieldData.(VarName).*Mask;
84 | FieldData.FF=~Mask;
85 | end
86 | end
87 | end
88 | end
89 |
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