source: trunk/src/mouse_up.m @ 495

Last change on this file since 495 was 483, checked in by sommeria, 12 years ago

civ set to accept automatic input in the absence of PARAM.xml. Still problem with run time address
zoom improved to deal with elongated plots
better link between PIV and images in uvmat.

File size: 19.2 KB
1%'mouse_up': function  activated when the mouse button is released
3% function mouse_up(hObject,eventdata,handles)
4% activated by the command:
5% set(hObject,'WindowButtonUpFcn',{'mouse_up'}),
6% where hObject is the handle of the figure
9%  Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG,
11%     This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
13%     UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14%     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15%     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16%     (at your option) any later version.
18%     UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19%     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21%     GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details.
24function mouse_up(hObject,eventdata,handles)
25%MouseAction='none'; %default
30currentaxes=gca; %store the current axes handle
32if isfield(AxeData,'CurrentOrigin')
33    CurrentOrigin=AxeData.CurrentOrigin;
35if isfield(AxeData,'ParentRect')% case of a zoom plot as current axis
36    parentaxes=get(AxeData.ParentRect,'parent');
37    AxeData=get(parentaxes,'UserData');
38    controlGUI=get(parentaxes,'parent');%handles of the GUI parent of the zoom plot
39    hhcurrentfig=guidata(controlGUI);
40    testsubplot=1;
42    hhcurrentfig=guidata(currentfig);%the current figure is a GUI (uvmat or view_field)
43    testsubplot=0;
47huvmat=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','uvmat');%find the uvmat interface handle
48if ~isempty(huvmat)
49    hhuvmat=guidata(huvmat);
50    UvData=get(huvmat,'UserData');
51   test_ruler=~test_zoom && isequal(get(hhuvmat.MenuRuler,'checked'),'on');%test for ruler  action, second priority
55%% finalize the fabrication or the translation/deformation of an object and plot the corresponding projected field
56if ~isempty(huvmat) && isfield(AxeData,'Drawing') && ~isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'off') && isfield(AxeData,'CurrentObject')...
57        && ~isempty(AxeData.CurrentObject) && ishandle(AxeData.CurrentObject)
58    xy=get(currentaxes,'CurrentPoint');%xy(1,1),xy(1,2): current x,y positions in axes coordinates
59    PlotData=get(AxeData.CurrentObject,'UserData');%get data attached to the current projection object
60    IndexObj=PlotData.IndexObj;
61    ObjectData=UvData.Object{IndexObj};
62    check_multiple=0;
63    % ending translation
64    if isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'translate')
65        XYData=AxeData.CurrentOrigin;
66        DX=xy(1,1)-XYData(1);%translation from initial position
67        DY=xy(1,2)-XYData(2);
68        ObjectData.Coord(:,1)=ObjectData.Coord(:,1)+DX;
69        ObjectData.Coord(:,2)=ObjectData.Coord(:,2)+DY;
71    %ending object deformation
72    elseif isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'deform')
73        ind_move=AxeData.CurrentIndex;
74        ObjectData.Coord(ind_move,1)=xy(1,1);
75        ObjectData.Coord(ind_move,2)=xy(1,2);
77    %creating object
78    else
79        switch ObjectData.Type
80            case {'line'}
81                if isfield(AxeData,'ObjectCoord') && size(AxeData.ObjectCoord,2)==3
82                    xy(1,3)=AxeData.ObjectCoord(1,3); % z coordinate of the mouse: to generalise ...
83                else
84                    xy(1,3)=0; % z coordinate set to 0 by default
85                end
86                %                 if ~isequal(ObjectData.Coord,xy(1,:))
87                if ~isequal(ObjectData.Coord(end,1:2),xy(1,1:2))
88                    ObjectData.Coord=[ObjectData.Coord ;xy(1,1:2)];% append the second point of the line if different from the first one
89                end
90                %                 end
91            case {'rectangle','ellipse','volume'}
92                XYData=AxeData.CurrentOrigin;
93                ObjectData.Coord(1,1)=(xy(1,1)+XYData(1))/2;%origin rectangle, x coordinate
94                ObjectData.Coord(1,2)=(xy(1,2)+XYData(2))/2;
95                ObjectData.RangeX=abs(xy(1,1)-XYData(1))/2;%rectangle width
96                ObjectData.RangeY=abs(xy(1,2)-XYData(2))/2;%rectangle height
97            case 'plane' %case of 'plane'
98                DX=(xy(1,1)-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
99                DY=(xy(1,2)-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
100                ObjectData.Phi=(angle(DX+i*DY))*180/pi;%rectangle width
101                if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')
102                    XMax=sqrt(DX*DX+DY*DY);
103                    if XMax>max(ObjectData.RangeX)
104                        ObjectData.RangeX=[min(ObjectData.RangeX) XMax];
105                    end
106                end
107            otherwise
108                check_multiple=1;
109        end
110    end
112    %show object coordinates in the GUI set_object
113    h_set_object=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','set_object');
114    hh_set_object=guidata(h_set_object);
115    set(hh_set_object.Coord,'Data',ObjectData.Coord);
116    if strcmp(ObjectData.Type,'rectangle')||strcmp(ObjectData.Type,'ellipse')
117        set(hh_set_object.num_RangeX_2,'String',num2str(ObjectData.RangeX,4));
118        set(hh_set_object.num_RangeY_2,'String',num2str(ObjectData.RangeY,4));
119    end
121    %stop drawing and plot projected field if the object manipulation is finished
122    if check_multiple==0  || isequal(get(currentfig,'SelectionType'),'alt')
123        AxeData.CurrentOrigin=[]; %suppress the current origin
124%         if isequal(ObjectData.Type,'line') && size(ObjectData.Coord,1)>=2
125% %             AxeData.Drawing='off';
126% %             set(currentaxes,'UserData',AxeData);
128%         end
129        if  ~isempty(ObjectData)
130            %              testmask=0;
131            %              hmask=findobj(huvmat,'Tag','makemask');
132            %              if ~isempty(hmask)
133            %                 testmask=get(hmask,'Value');
134            %              end
136            % plot the field projected on the object
137            ProjData= proj_field(UvData.Field,ObjectData);%project the current interface field on ObjectData
138            if ~isempty(ProjData)
139                if strcmp(tagfig,'uvmat')% uvmat plot selected, projection plot seen in view_field
140                    hview_field=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','view_field');
141                    if isempty(hview_field)
142                        hview_field=view_field(ProjData); %open the view_field GUI for plot
143                    else
144                        hhview_field=guidata(hview_field);
145                        [PlotType,PlotParam]=plot_field(ProjData,hhview_field.axes3,read_GUI(hview_field));%update an existing  plot in view_field
146                        write_plot_param(hhview_field,PlotParam); %update the display of plotting parameters for the current object
147                    end
148                    ViewFieldData=get(hview_field,'UserData');
149                    %                     ViewFieldData.axes3=ProjData;
150                    haxes=findobj(hview_field,'tag','axes3');
151                    if strcmp(get(haxes,'Visible'),'off')%sempty(PlotParam.Coordinates)% case of no plot display (pure text table)
152                        h_TableDisplay=findobj(hview_field,'tag','TableDisplay');
153                        pos_table=get(h_TableDisplay,'Position');
154                        pos=get(hview_field,'Position');
155                        set(hview_field,'Position',[pos(1)+pos(3)-pos_table(3) pos(2)+pos(4)-pos_table(4) pos_table(3) pos_table(4)])
156                        drawnow
157                        set(hview_field,'UserData',ViewFieldData);% restore the previously stored GUI position after GUI resizing
158                    else
159                        set(hview_field,'Position',ViewFieldData.GUISize)
160                    end
161                else
162                    UvData.axes3=ProjData;
163                    [PlotType,PlotParam]=plot_field(ProjData,hhuvmat.axes3,read_GUI(hhuvmat));%update an existing field plot
164                    write_plot_param(hhuvmat,PlotParam); %update the display of plotting parameters for the current object
165                end
166            end
167            set(hhuvmat.ViewField,'Value',1);%
168            set(hhuvmat.edit_object,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 0]);% paint the edit text in yellow
169            set(hhuvmat.edit_object,'Value',1);%
170            set(hhuvmat.edit_object,'Enable','on');%
171            set(hhuvmat.MenuEditObject,'Enable','on');%
172            set(hhuvmat.MenuEdit,'Enable','on');%
173        end
174    else
175        test_drawing=1;%allow continuation of drawing object
176        AxeData.CurrentOrigin=[xy(1,1) xy(1,2)]; %the current point becomes the next current origin
177    end
178    UvData.Object{IndexObj}=ObjectData;
179    hother=findobj('Tag','deformpoint');%find all the deformpoints
180    set(hother,'Color','b');%reset all the deformpoints in 'blue'
183%% creation of a new zoom plot
184if isequal(get(currentfig,'SelectionType'),'normal');%if left button has been pressed
185    hparentfig=currentfig;
186    %open or update a new zoom figure if a rectangle has been drawn
187    if ishandle(currentaxes);
188        if isfield(AxeData,'CurrentRectZoom') && ~isempty(AxeData.CurrentRectZoom) && ishandle(AxeData.CurrentRectZoom)
189            PosRect=get(AxeData.CurrentRectZoom,'Position');
190            if isfield(AxeData,'CurrentVec') && ~isempty(AxeData.CurrentVec) && ishandle(AxeData.CurrentVec)
191                delete(AxeData.CurrentVec)
192            end
193            if ~testsubplot
194                hfig2=figure;%create new figure
195                set(hfig2,'name','zoom')
196                set(hfig2,'Units','normalized')
197                set(hfig2,'Position',[0.2 0.33 0.6 0.6]);
198                map=colormap(currentaxes);
199                colormap(map);%transmit the current colormap to the zoom fig
200                set(hfig2,'Position',[0.2 0.33 0.6 0.6]);
201                set(hfig2,'Unit','normalized')
202                set(hfig2,'KeyPressFcn',{@keyboard_callback,handles})%set keyboard action function
203                set(hfig2,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@mouse_motion,handles})%set mouse action function
204                set(hfig2,'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@mouse_down})%set mouse click action function
205                set(hfig2,'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@mouse_up,handles})
206                set(hfig2,'DeleteFcn',{@close_fig,AxeData.CurrentRectZoom,'zoom'})
207                set(hfig2,'UserData',AxeData.CurrentRectZoom)% record the parent object (zoom rectangle) in the new fig
208                AxeData.ZoomAxes=copyobj(currentaxes,hfig2); %copy the current graph axes to the zoom figure
209                ChildAxeData=get(AxeData.ZoomAxes,'UserData');
210                if isfield(ChildAxeData,'ParentGUI')
211                    ChildAxeData=rmfield(ChildAxeData,'ParentGUI');%no parent GUI, e.g. uvmat,  for the new plot
212                end
213                %figure(hfig2)
214                %set(0,'CurrentFigure',hfig2)% the zoom figure becomes the current figure
215                set(AxeData.ZoomAxes,'Position',[0.1300    0.1100    0.7750    0.8150])% standard axes position on a figure
216                hcol=findobj(hparentfig,'Tag','Colorbar'); %look for colorbar axes
217                if ~isempty(hcol)
218                    hcol_new=colorbar;
219                    YTick=get(hcol,'YTick');
220                    YTicklabel=get(hcol,'Yticklabel');
221                    colbarlim=get(hcol,'YLim');
222                    newcolbarlim=get(hcol_new,'YLim');
223                    scale_bar=(newcolbarlim(2)-newcolbarlim(1))/(colbarlim(2)-colbarlim(1));
224                    YTick_rescaled=newcolbarlim(1)+scale_bar*(YTick-colbarlim(1));
225                    set(hcol_new,'YTick',YTick_rescaled);
226                    set(hcol_new,'Yticklabel',YTicklabel);
227                end
228            end         
229            ChildAxeData.CurrentRectZoom=[]; % no rect zoom in the new window
230            ChildAxeData.Drawing='off';
231            ChildAxeData.ParentRect=AxeData.CurrentRectZoom;%set the rectangle as a 'parent' associated to the new axe
232            PosRect=CurrentOrigin;
233            xy=get(currentaxes,'CurrentPoint');%xy(1,1),xy(1,2): current x,y positions in axes coordinates
234            set(AxeData.ZoomAxes,'Xlim',[PosRect(1) xy(1,1)])
235            set(AxeData.ZoomAxes,'Ylim',[PosRect(2) xy(1,2)])
236            set(AxeData.ZoomAxes,'UserData',ChildAxeData);%update the AxeData of the new axes
237        end
238    end
241%% zoom in or out by a factor 2 if no new figure is created
242if test_zoom
243    xy=get(currentaxes,'CurrentPoint');%xy(1,1),xy(1,2): current x,y positions in axes coordinates
244    xlim=get(currentaxes,'XLim');
245    ylim=get(currentaxes,'YLim');
246    % if left mouse button has been pressed, zoom in by a factor of 2
247    if  isequal(get(currentfig,'SelectionType'),'normal');%if left button has been pressed, zoom in by a factor of 2
248        PlotBoxAspectRatio=get(currentaxes,'PlotBoxAspectRatio');
249        yoverx=PlotBoxAspectRatio(2)/PlotBoxAspectRatio(1);
250        if yoverx <2
251            xlim(1)=0.5*xy(1,1)+0.5*xlim(1);
252            xlim(2)=0.5*xy(1,1)+0.5*xlim(2);%double the field whith the middle at the selected points
253            set(currentaxes,'XLim',xlim)
254        end
255        if yoverx >0.5
256            ylim(2)=0.5*xy(1,2)+0.5*ylim(2);
257            ylim(1)=0.5*xy(1,2)+0.5*ylim(1);
258            set(currentaxes,'YLim',ylim)
259        end
261        % if right mouse button has been pressed, zoom out by a factor of 2
262    else
263        xlim(1)=2*xlim(1)-xy(1,1);% reverse of the zoom on action
264        xlim(2)=2*xlim(2)-xy(1,1);
265        ylim(1)=2*ylim(1)-xy(1,2);
266        ylim(2)=2*ylim(2)-xy(1,2);
267        if isfield(AxeData,'RangeX')&& isfield(AxeData,'RangeY')
268            xlim(1)=max(AxeData.RangeX(1),xlim(1));
269            xlim(2)=min(AxeData.RangeX(2),xlim(2));
270            ylim(1)=max(AxeData.RangeY(1),ylim(1));
271            ylim(2)=min(AxeData.RangeY(2),ylim(2));
272            if ylim(1)>=ylim(2)|| xlim(1)>=xlim(2)
273                xlim=AxeData.RangeX;
274                ylim=AxeData.RangeY;
275            end
276            % desactivate the zoom if the full field is visible within the axes
277            if isequal(xlim,AxeData.RangeX) && isequal(ylim,AxeData.RangeY)
278                set(hhuvmat.CheckZoom,'Value',0)
279                set(hhuvmat.CheckZoom,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
280                set(hhuvmat.CheckFixLimits,'Value',0)
281                set(hhuvmat.CheckFixLimits,'BackgroundColor',[0.7 0.7 0.7])
282            end
283        end
284        set(currentaxes,'XLim',xlim)
285        set(currentaxes,'YLim',ylim)
286        %test whther zoom out is operating (to inactivate AxedAta
287        if ~isfield(AxeData,'CurrentXLim')|| ~isequal(xlim,AxeData.CurrentXLim)
288            AxeData.CurrentXLim=xlim;%
289        end
290    end
291    if isfield(AxeData,'LimEditBox')&& AxeData.LimEditBox% update display of the GUI containing the axis (uvmat or view_field)
292        set(hhcurrentfig.num_MinX,'String',num2str(xlim(1)))
293        set(hhcurrentfig.num_MaxX,'String',num2str(xlim(2)))
294        set(hhcurrentfig.num_MinY,'String',num2str(ylim(1)))
295        set(hhcurrentfig.num_MaxY,'String',num2str(ylim(2)))
296    end
299%% editing calibration point
300if ~test_zoom && isfield(AxeData,'Drawing') && isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'calibration')
301    h_geometry_calib=findobj(allchild(0),'tag','geometry_calib'); %find the geomterty_calib GUI
302    if ~isempty(h_geometry_calib)
303        hh_geometry_calib=guidata(h_geometry_calib);
304        edit_test=get(hh_geometry_calib.edit_append,'Value');
305        hh=findobj(currentaxes,'tag','calib_points');%look for handle of calibration points
306        if ~isempty(hh) && edit_test
307            index_point=get(hh,'UserData');
308            set(hh,'UserData',[])%remove edit mode
309            h_ListCoord=hh_geometry_calib.ListCoord; %handles of the coordinate list
310            Coord=get(h_ListCoord,'String');
311            data=read_geometry_calib(Coord);
312            %         val=get(h_ListCoord,'Value');
313            xy=get(currentaxes,'CurrentPoint');%xy(1,1),xy(1,2): current x,y positions in axes coordinates
314            data.Coord(index_point,4)=xy(1,1);
315            data.Coord(index_point,5)=xy(1,2);
316            for ipoint=1:size(data.Coord,1)
317                for jcoord=1:5
318                    Coord_cell{ipoint,jcoord}=num2str(data.Coord(ipoint,jcoord),4);%display coordiantes with 4 digits
319                end
320            end
321            Tabchar=cell2tab(Coord_cell,' | ');
322            Tabchar=[Tabchar ;{'......'}];
323            set(h_ListCoord,'String',Tabchar)
324            set(hh,'XData',data.Coord(:,4))
325            set(hh,'YData',data.Coord(:,5))
326        end
327    end
330%% finalising ruler
331if test_ruler
332    set(hhuvmat.MenuRuler,'checked','off')%desable the ruler option in uvmat
333    xy=get(currentaxes,'CurrentPoint');% get the current mouse coordinates
334    RulerCoord=[AxeData.RulerCoord ;xy(1,1:2)];% append the recorded ruler origin to the current mouse coordinates
335    RulerCoord=diff(RulerCoord,1);% coordiante difference between segment end and beginning
336    RulerCoord=RulerCoord(1)+i*RulerCoord(2);
337    distance=abs(RulerCoord);
338    azimuth=(180/pi)*angle(RulerCoord);
339    msgbox_uvmat('RULER','',['length: ' num2str(distance,3) ',  angle(degrees): ' num2str(azimuth,3)])
340    delete(AxeData.RulerHandle)%delete the ruler graphic object
341    AxeData=rmfield(AxeData,'RulerHandle');%remove the ruler handle in AxeData
342    AxeData.Drawing='off';%exit the ruler drawing mode
345%% display the data of the current object selected with the mouse right click
346if isequal(get(currentfig,'SelectionType'),'alt') && ~test_zoom && (~isfield(AxeData,'Drawing')||~isequal(AxeData.Drawing,'create'))
347    hother=findobj('Tag','proj_object');%find all the proj objects
348    nbselect=0;
349    %test the existence of selected objects:
350    for iproj=1:length(hother);
351        iselect=isequal(get(hother(iproj),'Selected'),'on');%reset all the proj objects in 'blue' by default
352        nbselect=nbselect+iselect;
353    end
354    hother=findobj('Tag','proj_object','Type','line');%find all the proj objects
355    set(hother,'Color','b');%reset all the proj objects in 'blue' by default
356    set(hother,'Selected','off')
357    hother=findobj('Tag','proj_object','Type','rectangle');
358    set(hother,'EdgeColor','b');
359    set(hother,'Selected','off')
360    hother=findobj('Tag','proj_object','Type','patch');
361    set(hother,'FaceColor','b');   
362    if isequal(get(gco,'Type'),'image')
363        currentobj=get(gco,'parent');%parent axes of the image
364    else
365        currentobj=gco;%default
366    end
367%     if ((nbselect==0) && isequal(get(currentobj,'Type'),'axes')) || isequal(currentobj,huvmat)
368%         currentfig=get(currentobj,'parent');
369%         figname=get(currentfig,'name');
370%         eval(['global Data_' figname])
371%         eval(['Data_' figname '=get(currentobj,''UserData'')']);
372%         evalin('base',['global Data_' figname])%make CurData global in the workspace
373%         objtype=get(currentobj,'Type');
374%         display(['UserData of ' objtype ':'])
375%         evalin('base',['Data_' figname]) %display CurData in the workspace
376%         commandwindow %brings the Matlab command window to the front
377%     end
380%% update
381if test_drawing==0
382        AxeData.Drawing='off';%stop current drawing action
385if ~isempty(huvmat)
386    set(huvmat,'UserData',UvData);
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.