1 | %'msgbox_uvmat': associated with GUI msgbox_uvmat.fig to display message boxes, for error, warning or input calls
2 | % msgbox_uvmat(title,display)
3 | %
4 | % OUTPUT:
5 | % answer (text string)= 'yes', 'No', 'cancel', or the text string introduced as input
6 | %
7 | %INPUT:
8 | % title: string indicating the type of message box:
9 | % title= 'INPUT_TXT','CONFIMATION' ,'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INPUT_Y-N', default = 'INPUT_TXT' (the title is displayed in the upper bar of the fig).
10 | % if title='INPUT_TXT', input data is asked in an edit box
11 | % if title='CONFIMATION'', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', the figure remains opened until a button 'OK' is pressed
12 | % if title='INPUT_Y-N', an answer Yes/No is requested
13 | % display, displayed text
14 | % default_answer: default answer in the edit box (only used with title='INPUT_TXT')
15 |
16 | function varargout = msgbox_uvmat(varargin)
17 |
18 | % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 24-Oct-2009 21:55:17
19 |
20 | % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
21 | gui_Singleton = 1;
22 | gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...
23 | 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
24 | 'gui_OpeningFcn', @msgbox_uvmat_OpeningFcn, ...
25 | 'gui_OutputFcn', @msgbox_uvmat_OutputFcn, ...
26 | 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...
27 | 'gui_Callback', []);
28 | if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) && ~isempty(regexp(varargin{1},'_Callback','once'))
29 | gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});%for running msgbox_uvmat from a Callback
30 | end
31 |
32 | if nargout
33 | [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
34 | else
35 | gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
36 | end
37 | % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
38 |
39 | % --- Executes just before msgbox_uvmat is made visible.
40 | function msgbox_uvmat_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles,title,display_str,default_answer,Position)
41 | % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
42 |
43 | % Choose default command line output for msgbox_uvmat
44 | handles.output = 'Cancel';
45 | set(handles.figure1,'Units','pixels')
46 | FigPos=[100 150 500 50];%default position
47 | if exist('Position','var') && numel(Position)>=2
48 | FigPos(1)=Position(1);
49 | FigPos(2)=Position(2)-FigPos(4);% upper left corner set by input Position
50 | set(handles.figure1,'Position',FigPos)
51 | end
52 | set(handles.OK,'Units','pixels')
53 | set(handles.OK,'Position',[100 2 60 30])
54 | set(handles.OK,'FontSize',15)
55 | set(handles.No,'Units','pixels')
56 | set(handles.No,'Position',[200 2 60 30])
57 | set(handles.No,'FontSize',15)
58 | set(handles.Cancel,'Units','pixels')
59 | set(handles.Cancel,'Position',[300 2 60 30])
60 | set(handles.Cancel,'FontSize',15)
61 |
62 |
63 | % Update handles structure
64 | guidata(hObject, handles);
65 | testNo=0;
66 | testCancel=0;
67 | testinputstring=0;
68 | icontype='quest';%default question icon (text input asked)
69 | if exist('title','var')
70 | set(hObject, 'Name', title);
71 | switch title
72 | case {'CONFIRMATION'}
73 | icontype='';
74 | case 'ERROR'
75 | icontype='error';
76 | if exist('display_str','var')
77 | disp(display_str); %display the error message in the Matlab command window
78 | end
79 | case 'WARNING'
80 | icontype='warn';
81 | case 'INPUT_Y-N'
82 | icontype='quest';
83 | testCancel=1; %no cancel button
84 | testNo=1; % button No activated
85 | case {'RULER'}
86 | icontype='';
87 | testinputstring=1;
88 | case 'INPUT_TXT'
89 | testinputstring=1;
90 | testCancel=1; %no cancel button
91 | otherwise
92 | % testinputstring=1;
93 | icontype='';
94 | testinputstring=exist('default_answer','var');
95 | end
96 | end
97 | if exist('display_str','var')
98 | set(handles.text1, 'String', display_str);
99 | end
100 | % if testinputstring
101 | % set(handles.edit_box, 'Visible', 'on');
102 | % else
103 | % set(handles.text1, 'Position', [0.15 0.3 0.85 0.7]);
104 | % end
105 | if testinputstring
106 | % set(handles.figure1,'Position',[40,80,20*length(default_answer),50])
107 | set(handles.edit_box, 'Visible', 'on');
108 | if ~exist('default_answer','var');
109 | default_answer='';
110 | end
111 | set(handles.edit_box, 'String', default_answer);
112 | if exist('Position','var')
113 | if iscell(default_answer)
114 | widthstring=max(cellfun('length',default_answer));
115 | heightstring=size(default_answer,1);
116 | set(handles.edit_box,'Max',2);
117 | else
118 | widthstring=length(default_answer);
119 | heightstring=1;
120 | end
121 | widthstring=max(widthstring,length(title));
122 | boxsize=[10*widthstring 20*heightstring];%size of the display edit box
123 | set(handles.edit_box,'Units','pixels')
124 | set(handles.edit_box,'FontUnits','pixels')
125 | set(handles.edit_box,'FontSize',12)
126 | set(handles.edit_box,'Position',[5,34,boxsize(1),boxsize(2)])
127 | FigPos(3)=10+boxsize(1);
128 | FigPos(4)=36+boxsize(2);
129 | FigPos(2)=Position(2)-FigPos(4)-25;
130 | set(handles.figure1,'Position',FigPos)
131 | end
132 | % set(handles.figure1,'Position',[40,40,20*length(default_answer),50])
133 | else
134 | set(handles.text1, 'Position', [0.15 0.3 0.85 0.7]);
135 | end
136 | % Determine the position of the dialog - centered on the screen
137 | % FigPos=get(0,'DefaultFigurePosition');
138 | % OldUnits = get(hObject, 'Units');
139 | % set(hObject, 'Units', 'pixels');
140 | % OldPos = get(hObject,'Position');
141 | % FigWidth = OldPos(3);
142 | % FigHeight = OldPos(4);
143 | % ScreenUnits=get(0,'Units');
144 | % set(0,'Units','pixels');
145 | % ScreenSize=get(0,'ScreenSize');
146 | % set(0,'Units',ScreenUnits);
147 | %
148 | % FigPos(1)=1/2*(ScreenSize(3)-FigWidth);
149 | % FigPos(2)=2/3*(ScreenSize(4)-FigHeight);
150 | % FigPos(3:4)=[FigWidth FigHeight];
151 | % set(hObject, 'Position', FigPos);
152 | % set(hObject, 'Units', OldUnits);
153 |
154 | % Show a question icon from dialogicons.mat - variables questIconData and questIconMap
155 | if isequal(icontype,'')
156 | hima=findobj(handles.axes1,'Type','image');
157 | if ~isempty(hima)
158 | delete(hima)
159 | end
160 | else
161 | load dialogicons.mat
162 | eval(['IconData=' icontype 'IconData;'])
163 | eval(['IconCMap=' icontype 'IconMap;'])
164 | questIconMap(256,:) = get(handles.figure1, 'Color');
165 | Img=image(IconData, 'Parent', handles.axes1);
166 | set(handles.figure1, 'Colormap', IconCMap);
167 | set(handles.axes1, ...
168 | 'Visible', 'off', ...
169 | 'YDir' , 'reverse' , ...
170 | 'XLim' , get(Img,'XData'), ...
171 | 'YLim' , get(Img,'YData') ...
172 | );
173 | end
174 | if testCancel
175 | set(handles.Cancel,'Visible','on')
176 | else
177 | set(handles.Cancel,'Visible','off')
178 | end
179 | if testNo
180 | set(handles.No,'Visible','on')
181 | else
182 | set(handles.No,'Visible','off')
183 | end
184 | set(handles.figure1,'Units','normalized')
185 | set(handles.edit_box,'Units','normalized')
186 |
187 | set(handles.figure1,'WindowStyle','modal')% Make% Make the GUI modal
188 | % UIWAIT makes msgbox_uvmat wait for user response (see UIRESUME)
189 | uiwait(handles.figure1);
190 |
191 |
192 | % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
193 | function varargout = msgbox_uvmat_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
194 |
195 | % Get default command line output from handles structure
196 | if isfield(handles,'output')
197 | if isequal(handles.output,'Cancel')
198 | varargout{1}='Cancel';
199 | elseif isequal(handles.output,'No')
200 | varargout{1}='No';
201 | else
202 | varargout{1}=get(handles.edit_box,'String');
203 | if isempty(varargout{1}) || isequal(varargout{1},'')
204 | varargout{1}='Yes';
205 | end
206 | end
207 | % The figure can be deleted now
208 | end
209 | delete(handles.figure1);
210 |
211 | % --- Executes on button press in OK.
212 | function OK_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
213 | handles.output = get(hObject,'String');
214 | guidata(hObject, handles);% Update handles structure
215 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
216 |
217 | % --- Executes on button press in No.
218 | function No_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
219 | handles.output='No';
220 | guidata(hObject, handles);
221 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
222 |
223 | % --- Executes on button press in Cancel.
224 | function Cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
225 | handles.output = get(hObject,'String');
226 | %handles.output = 'Cancel'
227 | guidata(hObject, handles); % Update handles structure
228 | % Use UIRESUME instead of delete because the OutputFcn needs
229 | % to get the updated handles structure.
230 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
231 |
232 |
233 | % --- Executes when user attempts to close figure1.
234 | function figure1_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
235 | if isequal(get(handles.figure1, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting')
236 | % The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME
237 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
238 | else
239 | % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it
240 | delete(handles.figure1);
241 | end
242 |
243 | % --- Executes on key press over figure1 with no controls selected.
244 | function figure1_KeyPressFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
245 | % Check for "enter" or "escape"
246 | if isequal(get(hObject,'CurrentKey'),'escape')
247 | % User said no by hitting escape
248 | handles.output = 'No';
249 |
250 | % Update handles structure
251 | guidata(hObject, handles);
252 |
253 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
254 | end
255 | if isequal(get(hObject,'CurrentKey'),'return')
256 | uiresume(handles.figure1);
257 | end
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |