1 | %'nc2struct': transform a netcdf file in a corresponding matlab structure
2 | % it reads all the global attributes and all variables, or a selected list.
3 | % The corresponding dimensions and variable attributes are then extracted
4 | %%%%%% TODO: add the possibility to read only attributes, see nc2struct_toolbox %%%
5 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
6 | % function [Data,var_detect,ichoice]=nc2struct(nc,ListVarName)
7 | %
8 | % OUTPUT:
9 | % Data: structure containing all the information of the netcdf file (or netcdf object)
10 | % with fields:
11 | % .ListGlobalAttribute: cell listing the names of the global attributes
12 | % .Att_1,Att_2... : values of the global attributes
13 | % .ListDimName: cell listing the names of the array dimensions
14 | % .DimValue: array dimension values (Matlab vector with the same length as .ListDimName
15 | % .ListVarName: cell listing the names of the variables
16 | % .VarDimIndex: cell containing the set of dimension indices (in list .ListDimName) for each variable of .ListVarName
17 | % .VarDimName: cell containing a cell of dimension names (in list .ListDimName) for each variable of .ListVarName
18 | % .VarAttribute: cell of structures s containing names and values of variable attributes (s.name=value) for each variable of .ListVarName
19 | % .Var1, .Var2....: variables (Matlab arrays) with names listed in .ListVarName
20 | % var_detect: vector with same length as ListVarName, with 1 for each detected variable and 0 else.
21 | % ichoice: = line
22 | %
23 | %INPUT:
24 | % nc: name of a netcdf file (char string) or netcdf object
25 | % ListVarName: optional list of variable names to select (cell array of char strings {'VarName1', 'VarName2',...} )
26 | % if ListVarName=[] or {}, no variables is read (only global attributes and lists of dimensions, variables and attriburtes)
27 | % if ListVarName is absent, or = '*', ALL the variables are read.
28 | % if ListVarName is a cell array with n lines, the set of variables
29 | % will be sought by order of priority in the list, while output names will be set by the first line
30 | %
32 | % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org.
34 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
35 | %
36 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
37 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
38 | % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
39 | % (at your option) any later version.
40 | %
41 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
42 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
44 | % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details.
46 |
47 | function [Data,var_detect,ichoice]=nc2struct(nc,varargin)
48 | List=varargin;
49 | if nargin==0
50 | List{1}='*';
51 | end
52 | % if ~exist('ListVarName','var')
53 | % ListVarName='*';
54 | % end
55 | hhh=which('netcdf.open');% look for built-in matlab netcdf library
56 |
57 | if ~isequal(hhh,'')
58 | %default output
59 | Data=[];
60 | var_detect=[];
61 | ichoice=[];%default
62 | %open the netcdf file for reading
63 | if ischar(nc)
64 | if exist(nc,'file')
65 | nc=netcdf.open(nc,'NC_NOWRITE');
66 | testfile=1;
67 | else
68 | Data.Txt=['ERROR:file ' nc ' does not exist'];
69 | return
70 | end
71 | else
72 | testfile=0;
73 | end
74 | % short reading of global attributes
75 | if isequal(List{1},'ListGlobalAttribute')
76 | for ilist=2:numel(List)
77 | try
78 | valuestr = netcdf.getAtt(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),List{ilist});
79 | catch
80 | valuestr=[];
81 | end
82 | eval(['Data.' List{ilist} '=valuestr;'])
83 | end
84 | netcdf.close(nc)
85 | return
86 | end
87 |
88 | % reading of variables, including attributes
89 | ListVarName=List{1};
90 | [ndims,nvars,ngatts]=netcdf.inq(nc);%nbre of dimensions, variables, attributes
91 |
92 | % -------- read global attributes (constants)-----------
93 | att_key={};%default
94 | iatt_g=0;
95 | Data.ListGlobalAttribute={};%default
96 | for iatt=1:ngatts
97 | keystr= netcdf.inqAttName(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),iatt-1);
98 | indstr1=regexp(keystr,'\\');%detect '\\'
99 | indstr2=regexp(keystr,'\.');%detect '\.'
100 | if isempty(indstr1) && isempty(indstr2)
101 | valuestr = netcdf.getAtt(nc,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),keystr);
102 | if ischar(valuestr) && length(valuestr)<200
103 | iatt_g=iatt_g+1;
104 | indstr1=regexp(keystr,'\\');%detect '\\'
105 | indstr2=regexp(keystr,'\.');%detect '\.'
106 | if isempty(indstr1) && isempty(indstr2)
107 | eval(['Data.' keystr '=''' valuestr ''';'])
108 | att_key{iatt_g}=keystr;
109 | end
110 | elseif isempty(valuestr)
111 | iatt_g=iatt_g+1;
112 | eval(['Data.' keystr '=[];'])
113 | att_key{iatt_g}=keystr;
114 | elseif isnumeric(valuestr)
115 | iatt_g=iatt_g+1;
116 | eval(['Data.' keystr '=valuestr;'])
117 | att_key{iatt_g}=keystr;
118 | end
119 | end
120 | end
121 | Data.ListGlobalAttribute=att_key;
122 |
123 | % -------- read dimensions -----------
124 | dim_name={};
125 | dim_value=[];
126 | for idim=1:ndims%length(dim_read);
127 | [dim_name{idim},dim_value(idim)] = netcdf.inqDim(nc,idim-1);
128 | end
129 | if ~isempty(dim_name) && ~isempty(dim_value)
130 | Data.ListDimName=dim_name;
131 | Data.DimValue=dim_value;
132 | % DimIndices=[1:ndims]; %index of the dimension in the netcdf file
133 | dim_used=zeros(1,ndims);%initialize test of used dimensions
134 | end
135 |
136 | % -------- read variables -----------
137 | var_read={}; %default
138 | dimids={};
139 | nbatt=[];
140 | for ivar=1:nvars
141 | [var_read{ivar},xtype,dimids{ivar},nbatt(ivar)] = netcdf.inqVar(nc,ivar-1);
142 | end
143 | var_index=1:nvars; %default set of variable indices in the netcdf file
144 | testmulti=0;
145 | OutputList=[];
146 | %select input variables, if requested by the input ListVarName
147 | if ~(isequal(ListVarName,'*')||isempty(ListVarName))
148 | sizvar=size(ListVarName);
149 | testmulti=(sizvar(1)>1);
150 | var_index=zeros(1,sizvar(2));%default
151 | if testmulti
152 | OutputList=ListVarName(1,:);
153 | testend=0;
154 | for iline=1:sizvar(1)
155 | if testend
156 | break
157 | end
158 | % var_index=zeros(size(ListVarName));%default
159 | for ivar=1:sizvar(2)
160 | if ~isempty(ListVarName{iline,ivar})
161 | for ilist=1:nvars
162 | if isequal(var_read{ilist},ListVarName{iline,ivar})
163 | var_index(ivar)=ilist;
164 | % var_detect(ivar)=1;
165 | break
166 | end
167 | end
168 | if ivar==1
169 | if var_index(ivar)==0
170 | break%go to next line if the first nc variable is not found
171 | else
172 | testend=1; %this line will be read
173 | ichoice=iline-1; %selectedline number in the list of input names of variables
174 | end
175 | end
176 | end
177 | end
178 | end
179 | else %single list of input variables
180 | for ivar=1:sizvar(2)
181 | for ilist=1:nvars
182 | if isequal(var_read{ilist},ListVarName{ivar})
183 | var_index(ivar)=ilist;
184 | var_detect(ivar)=1;
185 | break
186 | end
187 | end
188 | end
189 | end
190 | list_index=find(var_index);
191 | if ~isempty(list_index)
192 | if testmulti
193 | OutputList=OutputList(list_index);
194 | end
195 | var_index=var_index(list_index);
196 | var_detect=(var_index~=0);
197 | var_read=var_read(var_index);
198 | end
199 | end
200 |
201 |
202 | %select variable attributes and associate dimensions
203 | % var_dim_index=[]; %default
204 | Data.ListVarName={};%default
205 | VarDimIndex={};%default
206 | for ivar=1:length(var_read)
207 | if testmulti
208 | Data.ListVarName{ivar}=OutputList{ivar};%new name given by ListVarName(1,:)
209 | else
210 | Data.ListVarName{ivar}=var_read{ivar};%name of the variable
211 | end
212 | var_dim=dimids{var_index(ivar)}+1; %dimension indices used by the variable
213 | dim_used(var_dim)=ones(size(var_dim));
214 | VarDimIndex{ivar}=var_dim;
215 |
216 | %variable attributes
217 | if ivar==1
218 | Data.VarAttribute={};%initialisation of the list of variable attributes
219 | end
220 | %variable attributes
221 | for iatt=1:nbatt(var_index(ivar))
222 | attname = netcdf.inqAttName(nc,var_index(ivar)-1,iatt-1);
223 | valuestr= netcdf.getAtt(nc,var_index(ivar)-1,attname);
224 | if ischar(valuestr)
225 | eval(['Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.' attname '=''' valuestr ''';'])
226 | elseif isempty(valuestr)
227 | eval(['Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.' attname '=[];'])
228 | elseif isnumeric(valuestr)
229 | eval(['Data.VarAttribute{ivar}.' attname '=valuestr;'])
230 | end
231 | end
232 | end
233 |
234 | %select the used dimensions
235 | if isempty(var_read)
236 | if isfield(Data,'ListDimName') && isfield(Data,'DimValue')
237 | Data=rmfield(Data,'ListDimName');
238 | Data=rmfield(Data,'DimValue');
239 | end
240 | else
241 | % list_dim=1:ndims;
242 | dim_index=find(dim_used);
243 | % list_dim=list_dim(dim_index);
244 | old2new=cumsum(dim_used);
245 | Data.ListDimName=Data.ListDimName(dim_index);
246 | Data.DimValue=Data.DimValue(dim_index);
247 | end
248 | for ivar=1:length(var_read)
249 | Data.VarDimIndex{ivar}=old2new(VarDimIndex{ivar});% ENLEVER Data.VarDimIndex ulterieurement
250 | Data.VarDimName{ivar}=Data.ListDimName(Data.VarDimIndex{ivar});
251 | end
252 | %variable values
253 | if ~isempty(ListVarName)
254 | for ivar=1:length(Data.ListVarName)
255 | VarName=Data.ListVarName{ivar};
256 | indstr=regexp(VarName,'-');%detect '-'
257 | if ~isempty(indstr)
258 | VarName(indstr)=[];
259 | end
260 | eval(['Data.' VarName '=netcdf.getVar(nc,var_index(ivar)-1);'])%read the variable data
261 | eval(['siz=size(Data.' VarName ');'])
262 | if numel(siz)<=2
263 | eval(['Data.' VarName '=Data.' VarName ''';'])%read the variable data
264 | end
265 | end
266 | end
267 | % -------- close fle-----------
268 | if testfile==1
269 | netcdf.close(nc)
270 | end
271 | else
272 | [Data,var_detect,ichoice]=nc2struct_toolbox(nc,varargin);
273 | end |