1 | % 'pivlab': function piv.m adapted from PIVlab http://pivlab.blogspot.com/ |
2 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
3 | % function [xtable ytable utable vtable typevector] = pivlab (image1,image2,ibx,iby step, subpixfinder, mask, roi) |
4 | % |
5 | % OUTPUT: |
6 | % xtable: set of x coordinates |
7 | % ytable: set of y coordiantes |
8 | % utable: set of u displacements (along x) |
9 | % vtable: set of v displacements (along y) |
10 | % ctable: max image correlation for each vector |
11 | % typevector: set of flags, =1 for good, =0 for NaN vectors |
12 | % |
13 | %INPUT: |
14 | % image1:first image (matrix) |
15 | % image2: second image (matrix) |
16 | % ibx,iby: size of the correlation box along x and y (in px) |
17 | % step: mesh of the measurement points (in px) |
18 | % subpixfinder=1 or 2 controls the curve fitting of the image correlation |
19 | % mask: =[] for no mask |
20 | % roi: 4 element vector defining a region of interest: x position, y position, width, height, (in image indices), for the whole image, roi=[]; |
21 | function [xtable ytable utable vtable ctable F result_conv errormsg] = pivlab (image1,image2,ibx2,iby2,isx2,isy2,shiftx,shifty, GridIndices, subpixfinder,mask) |
22 | %this funtion performs the DCC PIV analysis. Recent window-deformation |
23 | %methods perform better and will maybe be implemented in the future. |
24 | nbvec=size(GridIndices,1); |
25 | xtable=zeros(nbvec,1); |
26 | ytable=xtable; |
27 | utable=xtable; |
28 | vtable=xtable; |
29 | ctable=xtable; |
30 | F=xtable; |
31 | result_conv=[]; |
32 | errormsg=''; |
33 | %warning off %MATLAB:log:logOfZero |
34 | [npy_ima npx_ima]=size(image1); |
35 | if ~isequal(size(image2),[npy_ima npx_ima]) |
36 | errormsg='image pair with unequal size'; |
37 | return |
38 | end |
39 | |
40 | %% mask |
41 | testmask=0; |
42 | if exist('mask','var') && ~isempty(mask) |
43 | testmask=1; |
44 | if ~isequal(size(mask),[npy_ima npx_ima]) |
45 | errormsg='mask must be an image with the same size as the images'; |
46 | return |
47 | end |
48 | % Convention for mask |
49 | % mask >200 : velocity calculated |
50 | % 200 >=mask>150;velocity not calculated, interpolation allowed (bad spots) |
51 | % 150>=mask >100: velocity not calculated, nor interpolated |
52 | % 100>=mask> 20: velocity not calculated, impermeable (no flux through mask boundaries) |
53 | % 20>=mask: velocity=0 |
54 | test_noflux=(mask<=100) ; |
55 | test_undefined=(mask<=200 & mask>100 ); |
56 | image1(test_undefined)=min(min(image1))*ones(size(image1));% put image to zero in the undefined area |
57 | image2(test_undefined)=min(min(image1))*ones(size(image1));% put image to zero in the undefined area |
58 | end |
59 | image1=double(image1); |
60 | image2=double(image2); |
61 | |
62 | %% calculate correlations: MAINLOOP |
63 | corrmax=0; |
64 | sum_square=1;% default |
65 | for ivec=1:nbvec |
66 | iref=GridIndices(ivec,1); |
67 | jref=GridIndices(ivec,2); |
68 | testmask_ij=0; |
69 | test0=0; |
70 | if testmask |
71 | if mask(jref,iref)<=20 |
72 | vector=[0 0]; |
73 | test0=1; |
74 | else |
75 | mask_crop1=mask(jref-iby2:jref+iby2,iref-ibx2:iref+ibx2); |
76 | mask_crop2=mask(jref+shifty-isy2:jref+shifty+isy2,iref+shiftx-isx2:iref+shiftx+isx2); |
77 | if ~isempty(find(mask_crop1<=200 & mask_crop1>100,1)) || ~isempty(find(mask_crop2<=200 & mask_crop2>100,1)); |
78 | testmask_ij=1; |
79 | end |
80 | end |
81 | end |
82 | if ~test0 |
83 | image1_crop=image1(jref-iby2:jref+iby2,iref-ibx2:iref+ibx2); |
84 | image2_crop=image2(jref+shifty-isy2:jref+shifty+isy2,iref+shiftx-isx2:iref+shiftx+isx2); |
85 | image1_crop=image1_crop-mean(mean(image1_crop)); |
86 | image2_crop=image2_crop-mean(mean(image2_crop)); |
87 | %reference: Oliver Pust, PIV: Direct Cross-Correlation |
88 | result_conv= conv2(image2_crop,flipdim(flipdim(image1_crop,2),1),'valid'); |
89 | corrmax= max(max(result_conv)); |
90 | result_conv=(result_conv/corrmax)*255; %normalize, peak=always 255 |
91 | %Find the correlation max, at 255 |
92 | [y,x] = find(result_conv==255); |
93 | if ~isnan(y) & ~isnan(x) |
94 | try |
95 | if subpixfinder==1 |
96 | [vector] = SUBPIXGAUSS (result_conv,x,y); |
97 | elseif subpixfinder==2 |
98 | [vector] = SUBPIX2DGAUSS (result_conv,x,y); |
99 | end |
100 | sum_square=sum(sum(image1_crop.*image1_crop)); |
101 | ctable(ivec)=corrmax/sum_square;% correlation value |
102 | if vector(1)>shiftx+isx2-ibx2+subpixfinder || vector(2)>shifty+isy2-iby2+subpixfinder |
103 | F(ivec)=-2;%vector reaches the border of the search zone |
104 | end |
105 | catch ME |
106 | vector=[0 0]; %if something goes wrong with cross correlation..... |
107 | F(ivec)=3; |
108 | end |
109 | else |
110 | vector=[0 0]; %if something goes wrong with cross correlation..... |
111 | F(ivec)=3; |
112 | end |
113 | if testmask_ij |
114 | F(ivec)=3; |
115 | end |
116 | end |
117 | |
118 | %Create the vector matrix x, y, u, v |
119 | xtable(ivec)=iref+vector(1)/2;% convec flow (velocity taken at the point middle from imgae1 and 2) |
120 | ytable(ivec)=jref+vector(2)/2; |
121 | utable(ivec)=vector(1); |
122 | vtable(ivec)=vector(2); |
123 | end |
124 | result_conv=result_conv*corrmax/(255*sum_square);% keep the last correlation matrix for output |
125 | |
126 | |
127 | function [vector] = SUBPIXGAUSS (result_conv,x,y) |
128 | |
129 | if size(x,1)>1 %if there are more than 1 peaks just take the first |
130 | x=x(1:1); |
131 | end |
132 | if size(y,1)>1 %if there are more than 1 peaks just take the first |
133 | y=y(1:1); |
134 | end |
135 | if (x <= (size(result_conv,1)-1)) && (y <= (size(result_conv,1)-1)) && (x >= 1) && (y >= 1) |
136 | %the following 8 lines are copyright (c) 1998, Uri Shavit, Roi Gurka, Alex Liberzon, Technion Israel Institute of Technology |
137 | %http://urapiv.wordpress.com |
138 | f0 = log(result_conv(y,x)); |
139 | f1 = log(result_conv(y-1,x)); |
140 | f2 = log(result_conv(y+1,x)); |
141 | peaky = y+ (f1-f2)/(2*f1-4*f0+2*f2); |
142 | f0 = log(result_conv(y,x)); |
143 | f1 = log(result_conv(y,x-1)); |
144 | f2 = log(result_conv(y,x+1)); |
145 | peakx = x+ (f1-f2)/(2*f1-4*f0+2*f2); |
146 | [npy,npx]=size(result_conv); |
147 | vector=[peakx-floor(npx/2)-1 peaky-floor(npy/2)-1]; |
148 | else |
149 | vector=[NaN NaN]; |
150 | end |
151 | |
152 | function [vector] = SUBPIX2DGAUSS (result_conv,x,y) |
153 | if size(x,1)>1 %if there are more than 1 peaks just take the first |
154 | x=x(1:1); |
155 | end |
156 | if size(y,1)>1 %if there are more than 1 peaks just take the first |
157 | y=y(1:1); |
158 | end |
159 | if (x <= (size(result_conv,1)-1)) && (y <= (size(result_conv,1)-1)) && (x >= 1) && (y >= 1) |
160 | for i=-1:1 |
161 | for j=-1:1 |
162 | %following 15 lines based on |
163 | %H. Nobach Æ M. Honkanen (2005) |
164 | %Two-dimensional Gaussian regression for sub-pixel displacement |
165 | %estimation in particle image velocimetry or particle position |
166 | %estimation in particle tracking velocimetry |
167 | %Experiments in Fluids (2005) 38: 511515 |
168 | c10(j+2,i+2)=i*log(result_conv(y+j, x+i)); |
169 | c01(j+2,i+2)=j*log(result_conv(y+j, x+i)); |
170 | c11(j+2,i+2)=i*j*log(result_conv(y+j, x+i)); |
171 | c20(j+2,i+2)=(3*i^2-2)*log(result_conv(y+j, x+i)); |
172 | c02(j+2,i+2)=(3*j^2-2)*log(result_conv(y+j, x+i)); |
173 | %c00(j+2,i+2)=(5-3*i^2-3*j^2)*log(result_conv_norm(maxY+j, maxX+i)); |
174 | end |
175 | end |
176 | c10=(1/6)*sum(sum(c10)); |
177 | c01=(1/6)*sum(sum(c01)); |
178 | c11=(1/4)*sum(sum(c11)); |
179 | c20=(1/6)*sum(sum(c20)); |
180 | c02=(1/6)*sum(sum(c02)); |
181 | deltax=(c11*c01-2*c10*c02)/(4*c20*c02-c11^2); |
182 | deltay=(c11*c10-2*c01*c20)/(4*c20*c02-c11^2); |
183 | peakx=x+deltax; |
184 | peaky=y+deltay; |
185 | |
186 | [npy,npx]=size(result_conv); |
187 | vector=[peakx-floor(npx/2)-1 peaky-floor(npy/2)-1]; |
188 | % SubpixelX=peakx-(ibx/2)-SubPixOffset; |
189 | % SubpixelY=peaky-(iby/2)-SubPixOffset; |
190 | % vector=[SubpixelX, SubpixelY]; |
191 | else |
192 | vector=[NaN NaN]; |
193 | end |