1 | %'plot_object': draws a projection object (points, line, plane...)
2 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function hh=plot_object(ObjectData,ProjObject,hplot,col)
4 | %
6 | % hh: handles of the graphic object (core part)
7 | %
8 | %INPUT:
9 | %
10 | % ObjectData: structure representing the object properties:
11 | % .Type : style of projection object
12 | % .Coord: set of coordinates defining the object position;
13 | % .ProjMode=type of projection ;
14 | % .ProjAngle=angle of projection;
15 | % .DX,.DY,.DZ=increments;
16 | % .YMax,YMin: min and max Y
17 | % ProjObject: projection object corresponding to the current plot (e. g. plane)
18 | % hplot: handle of the object plot to modify or if it is an axis, the axis
19 | % where the object must be plotted, or if it is a figure the plotting figure
20 | % col: color of the plot, e;g; 'm', 'b' ..;
21 |
22 | %=======================================================================
23 | % Copyright 2008-2016, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
24 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
25 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
26 | %
27 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
28 | %
29 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
30 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
31 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
32 | % or (at your option) any later version.
33 | %
34 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
38 | %=======================================================================
39 |
40 | function [hh]=plot_object(ObjectData,ProjObject,hplot,col)
41 |
42 | %% default output
43 | hh=[];%default output
44 | % object representation is canceled if the field is not projected on a plane or is the same as the represented object
45 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'Type')|| isequal(ProjObject,ObjectData)||~isfield(ProjObject,'Type')|| ~strcmp(ProjObject.Type,'plane')
46 | if ~isempty(hplot) && ishandle(hplot) && ~strcmp(get(hplot,'Type'),'axes')
47 | ObjectPlotData=get(hplot,'UserData');
48 | if isfield(ObjectPlotData,'SubObject') & ishandle(ObjectPlotData.SubObject)
49 | delete(ObjectPlotData.SubObject);
50 | end
51 | if isfield(ObjectPlotData,'DeformPoint') & ishandle(ObjectPlotData.DeformPoint)
52 | delete(ObjectPlotData.DeformPoint);
53 | end
54 | delete(hplot)
55 | end
56 | return
57 | end
58 | XMin=0;%default range for the graph
59 | XMax=0;
60 | YMin=0;
61 | YMax=0;
62 | ZMin=0;
63 | ZMax=0;
64 | XMinRange=[];%default range set by input
65 | XMaxRange=[];
66 | YMinRange=[];
67 | YMaxRange=[];
68 | ZMinRange=[];
69 | ZMaxRange=[];
70 |
71 | %% determine the plotting axes (with handle 'haxes')
72 | test_newobj=1;
73 | if ishandle(hplot)
74 | if isequal(get(hplot,'Tag'),'proj_object')% hplot is the handle of an object representation
75 | test_newobj=0;
76 | haxes=get(hplot,'parent');
77 | currentfig=get(haxes,'parent');
78 | elseif isequal(get(hplot,'Type'),'axes')% hplot is the handle of an axis
79 | haxes=hplot;
80 | currentfig=get(hplot,'parent');
81 | elseif isequal(get(hplot,'Type'),'figure')% hplot is the handle of a figure
82 | set(0,'CurrentFigure',hplot);%set the input figure as the current one
83 | haxes=findobj(hplot,'Type','axes');%look for axes in the figure
84 | haxes=haxes(1);
85 | currentfig=hplot;
86 | else
87 | currentfig=figure; %create new figure
88 | hplot=axes;%create new axes
89 | haxes=hplot;
90 | end
91 | else
92 | currentfig=figure; %create new figure
93 | hplot=axes;%create new axes
94 | haxes=hplot;
95 | end
96 | set(0,'CurrentFigure',currentfig)%set the currentfigure as the current one
97 | set(currentfig,'CurrentAxes',haxes);%set the current axes in the current figure
98 |
99 | %% default input parameters
100 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode')||isempty(ObjectData.ProjMode)
101 | ObjectData.ProjMode='projection';%default
102 | end
103 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'Coord')||isempty(ObjectData.Coord)
104 | ObjectData.Coord=[0 0 0];%default
105 | end
106 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX') && ~isempty(ObjectData.RangeX)
107 | XMax=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
108 | XMin=min(ObjectData.RangeX);
109 | XMaxRange=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
110 | if numel(ObjectData.RangeX)==2
111 | XMinRange=min(ObjectData.RangeX);
112 | end
113 | end
114 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')&&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeY)
115 | YMax=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
116 | YMin=min(ObjectData.RangeY);
117 | YMaxRange=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
118 | if numel(ObjectData.RangeY)==2
119 | YMinRange=min(ObjectData.RangeY);
120 | end
121 | end
122 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeZ')&&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeZ)
123 | ZMax=max(ObjectData.RangeZ);
124 | ZMin=min(ObjectData.RangeZ);
125 | ZMaxRange=max(ObjectData.RangeZ);
126 | ZMinRange=min(ObjectData.RangeZ);
127 | end
128 | if strcmp(ObjectData.Type,'points') && strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'projection')
129 | YMax=max(XMax,YMax);
130 | YMax=max(YMax,ZMax);
131 | end
132 | sizcoord=size(ObjectData.Coord);
133 |
134 | %% determine the coordinates xline, yline,xsup,xinf, yinf,ysup determining the new object plot
135 | %test_line= isequal(ObjectData.Type,'points')||isequal(ObjectData.Type,'line')||...
136 | % isequal(ObjectData.Type,'polyline')||isequal(ObjectData.Type,'polygon')|| isequal(ObjectData.Type,'plane')|| isequal(ObjectData.Type,'volume');
137 | %test_patch=isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'inside')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'outside')||isequal(ObjectData.Type,'volume')...
138 | % ||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'mask_inside')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'mask_outside');
139 | test_line=ismember(ObjectData.Type,{'points','line','polyline','polygon','plane','plane_z','volume'});
140 | test_patch=ismember(ObjectData.ProjMode,{'inside','outside','mask_inside','mask_outside'});
141 | if test_line
142 | xline=ObjectData.Coord(:,1);
143 | yline=ObjectData.Coord(:,2);
144 | nbpoints=numel(xline);
145 | switch ObjectData.Type
146 | case 'line_x'
147 | xline=[xline; ObjectData.RangeX(2)];%creating the line
148 | yline=[yline; ObjectData.RangeY(2)];%creating the line
149 | case 'polygon'
150 | xline=[xline; ObjectData.Coord(1,1)];%closing the line
151 | yline=[yline; ObjectData.Coord(1,2)];
152 | case {'plane','plane_z','volume'}
153 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'Angle')
154 | ObjectData.Angle=[0 0];
155 | end
156 | cosphi=cos(ObjectData.Angle(1)*pi/180);%angle in radians
157 | sinphi=sin(ObjectData.Angle(1)*pi/180);%angle in radians
158 | x0=xline(1); y0=yline(1);
159 | xlim=get(haxes,'XLim');
160 | ylim=get(haxes,'YLim');
161 | graph_scale=max(abs(xlim(2)-xlim(1)),abs(ylim(2)-ylim(1)))/2;% estimate the length of axes plots
162 | XMax=graph_scale;
163 | YMax=graph_scale;
164 | XMin=-graph_scale;
165 | YMin=-graph_scale;
166 | if ~isempty(XMaxRange)
167 | XMax=XMaxRange;
168 | end
169 | if ~isempty(XMinRange)
170 | XMin=XMinRange;
171 | end
172 | if ~isempty(YMaxRange)
173 | YMax=YMaxRange;
174 | end
175 | if ~isempty(YMinRange)
176 | YMin=YMinRange;
177 | end
178 | % axes lines
179 | xline=NaN(1,13);
180 | xline(1)=x0+min(0,XMin)*cosphi; % min end of the x axes
181 | yline(1)=y0+min(0,XMin)*sinphi;
182 | xline(2)=x0+XMax*cosphi;% max end of the x axes
183 | yline(2)=y0+XMax*sinphi;
184 | xline(8)=x0-min(0,YMin)*sinphi;% min end of the y axes
185 | yline(8)=y0+min(0,YMin)*cosphi;
186 | xline(9)=x0-YMax*sinphi;% max end of the y axes
187 | yline(9)=y0+YMax*cosphi;
188 |
189 | %arrows on x axis
190 | arrow_scale=graph_scale/20;
191 | phi=acos(cosphi);
192 | xline(3)=xline(2)-arrow_scale*cos(phi-pi/8);
193 | yline(3)=yline(2)-arrow_scale*sin(phi-pi/8);
194 | xline(5)=xline(2);
195 | yline(5)=yline(2);
196 | xline(6)=xline(2)-arrow_scale*cos(phi+pi/8);
197 | yline(6)=yline(2)-arrow_scale*sin(phi+pi/8);
198 |
199 | %arrows on y axis
200 | xline(10)=xline(9)-arrow_scale*cos(phi+pi/2-pi/8);
201 | yline(10)=yline(9)-arrow_scale*sin(phi+pi/2-pi/8);
202 | xline(12)=xline(9);
203 | yline(12)=yline(9);
204 | xline(13)=xline(9)-arrow_scale*cos(phi+pi/2+pi/8);
205 | yline(13)=yline(9)-arrow_scale*sin(phi+pi/2+pi/8);
206 | %xline=[Xbeg_x Xend_x NaN Ybeg_x Yend_x];
207 | %yline=[Xbeg_y Xend_y NaN Ybeg_y Yend_y];
208 | % dashed lines indicating bounds
209 | xsup=NaN(1,5);
210 | ysup=NaN(1,5);
211 | if ~isempty(XMaxRange)
212 | xsup(1)=xline(2)-YMin*sin(phi);
213 | ysup(1)=yline(2)+YMin*cos(phi);
214 | xsup(2)=xline(2)-YMax*sin(phi);
215 | ysup(2)=yline(2)+YMax*cos(phi);
216 | end
217 | if ~isempty(YMaxRange)
218 | xsup(2)=xline(2)-YMax*sin(phi);
219 | ysup(2)=yline(2)+YMax*cos(phi);
220 | xsup(3)=xline(9)+XMin*cos(phi);
221 | ysup(3)=yline(9)+XMin*sin(phi);
222 | end
223 | if ~isempty(XMinRange)
224 | xsup(3)=xline(9)+XMin*cos(phi);
225 | ysup(3)=yline(9)+XMin*sin(phi);
226 | xsup(4)=x0+XMin*cos(phi)-YMin*sin(phi);
227 | ysup(4)=y0+XMin*sin(phi)+YMin*cos(phi);
228 | end
229 | if ~isempty(YMinRange)
230 | xsup(4)=x0+XMin*cos(phi)-YMin*sin(phi);
231 | ysup(4)=y0+XMin*sin(phi)+YMin*cos(phi);
232 | xsup(5)=xline(8)-YMin*sin(phi);
233 | ysup(5)=yline(8)+YMin*cos(phi);
234 | end
235 | end
236 | end
237 | SubLineStyle='none';%default
238 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode')
239 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'projection')
240 | SubLineStyle='--'; %range of projection marked by dash
241 | if isfield (ObjectData,'DX')
242 | ObjectData=rmfield(ObjectData,'DX');
243 | end
244 | if isfield (ObjectData,'DY')
245 | ObjectData=rmfield(ObjectData,'DY');
246 | end
247 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')
248 | SubLineStyle=':';%range of projection not visible
249 | end
250 | end
251 | if ismember(ObjectData.Type,{'line','polyline','polygon'})
252 | if length(xline)<2
253 | theta=0;
254 | else
255 | theta=angle(diff(xline)+1i*diff(yline));
256 | theta(length(xline))=theta(length(xline)-1);
257 | end
258 | xsup(1)=xline(1)+YMax*sin(theta(1));
259 | xinf(1)=xline(1)-YMax*sin(theta(1));
260 | ysup(1)=yline(1)-YMax*cos(theta(1));
261 | yinf(1)=yline(1)+YMax*cos(theta(1));
262 | for ip=2:length(xline)
263 | xsup(ip)=xline(ip)+YMax*sin((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
264 | xinf(ip)=xline(ip)-YMax*sin((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
265 | ysup(ip)=yline(ip)-YMax*cos((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
266 | yinf(ip)=yline(ip)+YMax*cos((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
267 | end
268 | end
269 |
270 | %% shading image
271 | if test_patch
272 | npMx=512;
273 | npMy=512;
274 | flag=zeros(npMy,npMx);
275 | if isequal(ObjectData.Type,'ellipse')
276 | XimaMin=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-XMax;
277 | XimaMax=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+XMax;
278 | YimaMin=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-YMax;
279 | YimaMax=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+YMax;
280 | xlim=[1.2*XimaMin-0.2*XimaMax 1.2*XimaMax-0.2*XimaMin];%create an image around the ellipse
281 | ylim=[1.2*YimaMin-0.2*YimaMax 1.2*YimaMax-0.2*YimaMin];
282 | scale_x=2*1.4*XMax/npMx;
283 | scale_y=2*1.4*YMax/npMy;
284 | xi=(0.5:npMx-0.5)*scale_x+xlim(1);
285 | yi=(0.5:npMy-0.5)*scale_y+ylim(1);
286 | [Xi,Yi]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
287 | X2Max=XMax*XMax;
288 | Y2Max=YMax*YMax;
289 | distX=(Xi-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
290 | distY=(Yi-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
291 | flag=(distX.*distX/X2Max+distY.*distY/Y2Max)<1;
292 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.Type,'rectangle')||isequal(ObjectData.Type,'volume')
293 | XimaMin=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-XMax;
294 | XimaMax=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+XMax;
295 | YimaMin=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-YMax;
296 | YimaMax=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+YMax;
297 | xlim=[1.2*XimaMin-0.2*XimaMax 1.2*XimaMax-0.2*XimaMin];%create an image around the ellipse
298 | ylim=[1.2*YimaMin-0.2*YimaMax 1.2*YimaMax-0.2*YimaMin];
299 | scale_x=2*1.4*XMax/npMx;
300 | scale_y=2*1.4*YMax/npMy;
301 | xi=(0.5:npMx-0.5)*scale_x+xlim(1);
302 | yi=(0.5:npMy-0.5)*scale_y+ylim(1);
303 | [Xi,Yi]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
304 | distX=abs(Xi-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
305 | distY=abs(Yi-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
306 | flag=distX<XMax & distY< YMax;
307 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.Type,'polygon')
308 | XimaMin=min(ObjectData.Coord(:,1));
309 | XimaMax=max(ObjectData.Coord(:,1));
310 | YimaMin=min(ObjectData.Coord(:,2));
311 | YimaMax=max(ObjectData.Coord(:,2));
312 | xlim=[1.2*XimaMin-0.2*XimaMax 1.2*XimaMax-0.2*XimaMin];
313 | ylim=[1.2*YimaMin-0.2*YimaMax 1.2*YimaMax-0.2*YimaMin];
314 | [Xlim,Ylim]=meshgrid(linspace(xlim(1),xlim(2),npMx),linspace(ylim(1),ylim(2),npMy));
315 | %flag=roipoly(xlim,ylim,flag,ObjectData.Coord(:,1),ObjectData.Coord(:,2));%=1 inside the polygon, 0 outsid
316 | flag=inpolygon(Xlim,Ylim,ObjectData.Coord(:,1),ObjectData.Coord(:,2));%=1 inside the polygon, 0 outsid
317 | end
318 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'outside')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'mask_outside')
319 | flag=~flag;
320 | end
321 | imflag=zeros(npMx,npMy,3);
322 | imflag(:,:,3)=flag; % blue color
323 | if isequal(col,'m')
324 | imflag(:,:,1)=flag; % magenta color
325 | end
326 | dx=(xlim(2)-xlim(1))/npMx;
327 | dy=(ylim(2)-ylim(1))/npMy;
328 | end
329 |
330 | PlotData=[];%default
331 |
333 | if test_newobj==0;
334 | hh=hplot;
335 | PlotData=get(hplot,'UserData');
336 | if test_line
337 | set(hplot,'XData',xline)
338 | set(hplot,'YData',yline)
339 | %modify subobjects
340 | if isfield(PlotData,'SubObject')
341 | if isequal(ObjectData.Type,'points')
342 | if ~isequal(YMax,0)
343 | for ipt=1:min(length(PlotData.SubObject),size(ObjectData.Coord,1))
344 | set(PlotData.SubObject(ipt),'Position',[ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1)-YMax ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2)-YMax 2*YMax 2*YMax])
345 | end
346 | %complement missing points
347 | if length(PlotData.SubObject)>nbpoints% fpoints in excess on the graph
348 | for ii=nbpoints+1: length(PlotData.SubObject);
349 | if ishandle(PlotData.SubObject(ii))
350 | delete(PlotData.SubObject(ii))
351 | end
352 | end
353 | end
354 | % NbDeformPoint=nbpoints;
355 |
356 | if nbpoints>length(PlotData.SubObject)
357 | for ipt=length(PlotData.SubObject)+1:nbpoints
358 | PlotData.SubObject(ipt)=rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],...
359 | 'Position',[ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1)-YMax ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2)-YMax 2*YMax 2*YMax],'EdgeColor',col,...
360 | 'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');
361 | end
362 | end
363 | end
364 | elseif length(PlotData.SubObject)==2
365 | set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xinf);
366 | set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',yinf);
367 | set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'XData',xsup);
368 | set(PlotData.SubObject(2),'YData',ysup);
369 | elseif length(PlotData.SubObject)==1
370 | set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'XData',xsup);
371 | set(PlotData.SubObject(1),'YData',ysup);
372 | end
373 | end
374 | if isfield(PlotData,'DeformPoint')
375 | NbDeformPoint=length(PlotData.DeformPoint);
376 | if NbDeformPoint>nbpoints% fpoints in excess on the graph
377 | for ii=nbpoints+1:NbDeformPoint;
378 | if ishandle(PlotData.DeformPoint(ii))
379 | delete(PlotData.DeformPoint(ii))
380 | end
381 | end
382 | NbDeformPoint=nbpoints;
383 | end
384 | for ipt=1:NbDeformPoint
385 | if ishandle(PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt))
386 | if nbpoints>=ipt
387 | set(PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt),'XData',xline(ipt),'YData',yline(ipt));
388 | end
389 | end
390 | end
391 | if nbpoints>length(PlotData.DeformPoint)
392 | for ipt=length(PlotData.DeformPoint)+1:nbpoints
393 | PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt)=line(xline(ipt),yline(ipt),'Color',col,'LineStyle','-','Tag','DeformPoint',...
394 | 'SelectionHighlight','off','UserData',hplot);
395 | end
396 | set(hplot,'UserData',PlotData)
397 | end
398 | end
399 | elseif (isequal(ObjectData.Type,'rectangle')||isequal(ObjectData.Type,'ellipse'))&&XMax>0 && YMax>0
400 | set(hplot,'Position',[ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-XMax ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-YMax 2*XMax 2*YMax])
401 | end
402 | if test_patch
403 | if isfield(PlotData,'SubObject')
404 | for iobj=1:length(PlotData.SubObject)
405 | if ~ishandle(PlotData.SubObject(iobj))
406 | hold on
407 | hhh=image([xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2],[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2],imflag,'Tag','proj_object','HitTest','off');
408 | set(hhh,'AlphaData',(flag)*0.2)% set partial transparency to the filling color
409 | PlotData.SubObject(iobj)=hhh;
410 | else
411 | objtype=get(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'Type');
412 | if isequal(objtype,'image')
413 | set(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'CData',imflag,'AlphaData',(flag)*0.2)
414 | set(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'XData',[xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2])
415 | set(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'YData',[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2])
416 | end
417 | end
418 | end
419 | end
420 | else% no patch image requested, erase existing ones
421 | if isfield(PlotData,'SubObject')
422 | for iobj=1:length(PlotData.SubObject)
423 | if ishandle(PlotData.SubObject(iobj)) && strcmp(get(PlotData.SubObject(iobj),'Type'),'image')
424 | delete(PlotData.SubObject(iobj))
425 | end
426 | end
427 | end
428 | end
429 | end
430 |
431 | %% create the object
432 | if test_newobj
433 | % axes(haxes)
434 | hother=findobj('Tag','proj_object');%find all the proj objects
435 | for iobj=1:length(hother)
436 | if strcmp(get(hother(iobj),'Type'),'rectangle')|| strcmp(get(hother(iobj),'Type'),'patch')
437 | set(hother(iobj),'EdgeColor','b')
438 | if isequal(get(hother(iobj),'FaceColor'),'m')
439 | set(hother(iobj),'FaceColor','b')
440 | end
441 | elseif isequal(get(hother(iobj),'Type'),'image')
442 | Acolor=get(hother(iobj),'CData');
443 | Acolor(:,:,1)=zeros(size(Acolor,1),size(Acolor,2));
444 | set(hother(iobj),'CData',Acolor);
445 | else
446 | set(hother(iobj),'Color','b')
447 | end
448 | set(hother(iobj),'Selected','off')
449 | end
450 | hother=findobj('Tag','DeformPoint');
451 | set(hother,'Color','b');
452 | set(hother,'Selected','off')
453 | switch ObjectData.Type
454 | case 'points'
455 | hh=line(ObjectData.Coord(:,1),ObjectData.Coord(:,2),'Color',col,'LineStyle','none','Marker','+');
456 | for ipt=1:length(xline)
457 | PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt)=line(ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1),ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2),'Color',...
458 | col,'LineStyle','none','SelectionHighlight','off','UserData',hh,'Tag','DeformPoint');
459 | %create circle around each point
460 | if ~isequal(YMax,0)
461 | PlotData.SubObject(ipt)=rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],...
462 | 'Position',[ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1)-YMax ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2)-YMax 2*YMax 2*YMax],'EdgeColor',col,...
463 | 'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');
464 | end
465 | end
466 | case {'line','polyline','polygon'}
467 | hh=line(xline,yline,'Color',col);
468 | PlotData.SubObject(1)=line(xinf,yinf,'Color',col,'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');%draw sub-lines
469 | PlotData.SubObject(2)=line(xsup,ysup,'Color',col,'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');
470 | for ipt=1:sizcoord(1)
471 | PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt)=line(ObjectData.Coord(ipt,1),ObjectData.Coord(ipt,2),'Color',...
472 | col,'LineStyle','none','Marker','.','Tag','DeformPoint','SelectionHighlight','off','UserData',hh);
473 | end
474 | case {'plane','volume','plane_z'}
475 | hh=line(xline,yline,'Color',col);
476 | PlotData.SubObject(1)=line(xsup,ysup,'Color',col,'LineStyle',SubLineStyle,'Tag','proj_object');
477 | case 'rectangle'
478 | hh=rectangle('Position',[ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-XMax ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-YMax 2*XMax 2*YMax],'LineWidth',2,'EdgeColor',col);
479 | case 'ellipse'
480 | hh=rectangle('Curvature',[1 1],'Position',[ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-XMax ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-YMax 2*XMax 2*YMax],'EdgeColor',col,'LineWidth',2);
481 | otherwise
482 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','unknown ObjectData.Type in plot_object.m')
483 | return
484 | end
485 | set(hh,'Tag','proj_object')
486 | if test_patch
487 | hold on
488 | hhh=image([xlim(1)+dx/2 xlim(2)-dx/2],[ylim(1)+dy/2 ylim(2)-dy/2],imflag,'Tag','proj_object','HitTest','off');
489 | set(hhh,'AlphaData',(flag)*0.2)% set partial transparency to the filling color
490 | PlotData.SubObject=hhh;
491 | end
492 | if isfield(PlotData,'SubObject')
493 | set(PlotData.SubObject,'UserData',hh)%record the parent handles in the SubObjects
494 | end
495 | if isfield(PlotData,'DeformPoint')
496 | for ipt=1:sizcoord(1)
497 | set(PlotData.DeformPoint(ipt),'UserData',hh);%record the parent handles in the SubObjects
498 | end
499 | set(PlotData.DeformPoint,'UserData',hh)%record the parent handles in the SubObjects
500 | end
501 | end
502 | set(hh,'UserData',PlotData)