%'update_waitbar': update the waitbar display, used for ACTION functions in the GUI 'series' %------------------------------------------------------------------ %INPUT: % hwaitbar: handles of the waitbar to update % bar_size: vector with 4 elements, representing the abscissa, ordinate, width, height of the waitbar relative to the GUI % advance_ratio: number between 0 and 1 representing the advancement of the calculation (loop index relative to the total length) function update_waitbar(hwaitbar,bar_size,advance_ratio) waitbarpos(1)=bar_size(1); waitbarpos(3)=bar_size(3); waitbarpos(4)=advance_ratio*bar_size(4); waitbarpos(2)=bar_size(4)+bar_size(2)-waitbarpos(4); set(hwaitbar,'Position',waitbarpos) drawnow