1 | %'proj_field': projects the field on a projection object
2 | %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_field(FieldData,ObjectData)
4 | %
5 | % OUTPUT:
6 | % ProjData structure containing the fields of the input field FieldData,
7 | % transmitted or projected on the object, plus the additional fields
8 | % .UMax, .UMin, .VMax, .VMin: min and max of velocity components in a domain
9 | % .UMean,VMean: mean of the velocity components in a domain
10 | % .AMin, AMax: min and max of a scalar
11 | % .AMean: mean of a scalar in a domain
12 | % .NbPix;
13 | % .DimName= names of the matrix dimensions (matlab cell)
14 | % .VarName= names of the variables [ProjData.VarName {'A','AMean','AMin','AMax'}];
15 | % .VarDimNameIndex= dimensions of the variables, indicated by indices in the list .DimName;
16 | %
17 | %INPUT
18 | % ObjectData: structure characterizing the projection object
19 | % .Type : type of projection object
20 | % .ProjMode=mode of projection ;
21 | % .CoordUnit: 'px', 'cm' units for the coordinates defining the object
22 | % .Angle ( angles of rotation (=[0 0 0] by default)
23 | % .ProjAngle=angle of projection;
24 | % .DX,.DY,.DZ=increments along each coordinate
25 | % .Coord(nbpoints,3): set of coordinates defining the object position;
26 |
27 | %FieldData: data of the field to be projected on the projection object, with optional fields
28 | % .Txt: error message, transmitted to the projection
29 | % .FieldList: cell array of strings representing the fields to calculate
30 | % .Mesh: typical distance between data points (used for mouse action or display), transmitted
31 | % .CoordUnit, .TimeUnit, .dt: transmitted
32 | % standardised description of fields, nc-formated Matlab structure with fields:
33 | % .ListGlobalAttribute: cell listing the names of the global attributes
34 | % .Att_1,Att_2... : values of the global attributes
35 | % .ListVarName: cell listing the names of the variables
36 | % .VarAttribute: cell of structures s containing names and values of variable attributes (s.name=value) for each variable of .ListVarName
37 | % .Var1, .Var2....: variables (Matlab arrays) with names listed in .ListVarName
38 | % The variables are grouped in 'fields', made of a set of variables with common dimensions (using the function find_field_cells)
39 | % The variable attribute 'Role' is used to define the role for plotting:
40 | % Role = 'scalar': (default) represents a scalar field
41 | % = 'coord': represents a set of unstructured coordinates, whose
42 | % space dimension is given by the last array dimension (called 'NbDim').
43 | % = 'coord_x', 'coord_y', 'coord_z': represents a separate set of
44 | % unstructured coordinate x, y or z
45 | % = 'vector': represents a vector field whose number of components
46 | % is given by the last dimension (called 'NbDim')
47 | % = 'vector_x', 'vector_y', 'vector_z' :represents the x, y or z component of a vector
48 | % = 'warnflag' : provides a warning flag about the quality of data in a 'Field', default=0, no warning
49 | % = 'errorflag': provides an error flag marking false data,
50 | % default=0, no error. Different non zero values can represent different criteria of elimination.
51 | %
52 | % Default role of variables (by name)
53 | % vector field:
54 | % .X,.Y: position of the velocity vectors, projected on the object
55 | % .U, .V, .W: velocity components, projected on the object
56 | % .C, .CName: scalar associated to the vector
57 | % .F : equivalent to 'warnflag'
58 | % .FF: equivalent to 'errorflag'
59 | % scalar field or image:
60 | % .AName: name of a scalar (to be calculated from velocity fields after projection), transmitted
61 | % .A: scalar, projected on the object
62 | % .AX, .AY: positions for the scalar
63 | % case of a structured grid: A is a dim 2 matrix and .AX=[first last] (length 2 vector) represents the first and last abscissa of the grid
64 | % case of an unstructured scalar: A is a vector, AX and AY the corresponding coordinates
65 | %
67 | % Copyright Joel Sommeria, 2008, LEGI / CNRS-UJF-INPG, sommeria@coriolis-legi.org.
69 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
70 | %
71 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
72 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
73 | % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
74 | % (at your option) any later version.
75 | %
76 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
77 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
79 | % GNU General Public License (file UVMAT/COPYING.txt) for more details.
81 |
82 | function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_field(FieldData,ObjectData)
83 | errormsg='';%default
84 | ProjData=[];
85 |
86 | %% case of no projection (object is used only as graph display)
87 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode') && (isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'none')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'mask_inside')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'mask_outside'))
88 | return
89 | end
90 |
91 | %% check coincidence of coordinate units
92 | if isfield(FieldData,'CoordUnit') && isfield(ObjectData,'CoordUnit')&&~strcmp(FieldData.CoordUnit,ObjectData.CoordUnit)
93 | errormsg='inconsistent coord units for field and projection object';
94 | return
95 | end
96 |
97 | %% in the absence of object Type or projection mode, or object coordinaes, the input field is just tranfered without change
98 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'Type')||~isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode')
99 | ProjData=FieldData;
100 | return
101 | end
102 | if ~isfield(ObjectData,'Coord')
103 | if strcmp(ObjectData.Type,'plane')
104 | ObjectData.Coord=[0 0 0];%default
105 | else
106 | ProjData=FieldData;
107 | return
108 | end
109 | end
110 |
111 | %% OBSOLETE
112 | if isfield(ObjectData,'XMax') && ~isempty(ObjectData.XMax)
113 | ObjectData.RangeX(1)=ObjectData.XMax;
114 | end
115 | if isfield(ObjectData,'XMin') && ~isempty(ObjectData.XMin)
116 | ObjectData.RangeX(2)=ObjectData.XMin;
117 | end
118 | if isfield(ObjectData,'YMax') && ~isempty(ObjectData.YMax)
119 | ObjectData.RangeY(1)=ObjectData.YMax;
120 | end
121 | if isfield(ObjectData,'YMin') && ~isempty(ObjectData.YMin)
122 | ObjectData.RangeY(2)=ObjectData.YMin;
123 | end
124 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ZMax') && ~isempty(ObjectData.ZMax)
125 | ObjectData.RangeZ(1)=ObjectData.ZMax;
126 | end
127 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ZMin') && ~isempty(ObjectData.ZMin)
128 | ObjectData.RangeZ(2)=ObjectData.ZMin;
129 | end
130 | %%%%%%%%%%
131 |
132 | %% apply projection depending on the object type
133 | switch ObjectData.Type
134 | case 'points'
135 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_points(FieldData,ObjectData);
136 | case {'line','polyline'}
137 | [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_line(FieldData,ObjectData);
138 | case {'polygon','rectangle','ellipse'}
139 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'inside')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'outside')
140 | [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_patch(FieldData,ObjectData);
141 | else
142 | [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_line(FieldData,ObjectData);
143 | end
144 | case 'plane'
145 | [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_plane(FieldData,ObjectData);
146 | case 'volume'
147 | [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_volume(FieldData,ObjectData);
148 | end
149 |
150 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
151 | %project on a set of points
152 | function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_points(FieldData,ObjectData)%%
153 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
154 |
155 | siz=size(ObjectData.Coord);
156 | width=0;
157 | if isfield(ObjectData,'Range')
158 | width=ObjectData.Range(1,2);
159 | end
160 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')&&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeX)
161 | width=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
162 | end
163 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')&&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeY)
164 | width=max(width,max(ObjectData.RangeY));
165 | end
166 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeZ')&&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeZ)
167 | width=max(width,max(ObjectData.RangeZ));
168 | end
169 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'projection')
170 | if width==0
171 | errormsg='projection range around points needed';
172 | return
173 | end
174 | elseif ~isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'interp')
175 | errormsg=(['ProjMode option ' ObjectData.ProjMode ' not available in proj_field']);
176 | return
177 | end
178 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData);
179 | ProjData.NbDim=0;
180 | [CellVarIndex,NbDimCell,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
181 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
182 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_points:' errormsg];
183 | return
184 | end
186 | for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex)
187 | if NbDimCell(icell)==1
188 | continue
189 | end
190 | VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
191 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell};% structure defining the types of variables in the cell
192 | ivar_X=VarType.coord_x;
193 | ivar_Y=VarType.coord_y;
194 | ivar_Z=VarType.coord_z;
195 | ivar_Anc=VarType.ancillary;
196 | test_anc(ivar_Anc)=ones(size(ivar_Anc));
197 | ivar_F=VarType.warnflag;
198 | ivar_FF=VarType.errorflag;
199 | VarIndex([ivar_X ivar_Y ivar_Z ivar_Anc ivar_F ivar_FF])=[];% not projected variables removed frlom list
200 | if isempty(ivar_X)
201 | test_grid=1;%test for input data on regular grid (e.g. image)coordinates
202 | else
203 | if length(ivar_X)>1 || length(ivar_Y)>1 || length(ivar_Z)>1
204 | errormsg='multiple coordinate input in proj_field.m';
205 | return
206 | end
207 | if length(ivar_Y)~=1
208 | errormsg='y coordinate not defined in proj_field.m';
209 | return
210 | end
211 | test_grid=0;
212 | end
213 | ProjData.ListVarName={'Y','X','NbVal'};
214 | ProjData.VarDimName={'nb_points','nb_points','nb_points'};
215 | ProjData.VarAttribute{1}.Role='ancillary';
216 | ProjData.VarAttribute{2}.Role='ancillary';
217 | ProjData.VarAttribute{3}.Role='ancillary';
218 | for ivar=VarIndex
219 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
220 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {VarName}];% add the current variable to the list of projected variables
221 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {'nb_points'}]; % projected VarName has a single dimension called 'nb_points' (set of projection points)
222 | end
223 | if ~test_grid
224 | eval(['coord_x=FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_X} ';'])
225 | eval(['coord_y=FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_Y} ';'])
227 | if length(ivar_Z)==1
228 | eval(['coord_z=FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_Z} ';'])
229 | test3D=1;
230 | end
231 | if length(ivar_F)>1 || length(ivar_FF)>1
232 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','multiple flag input in proj_field.m')
233 | return
234 | end
235 | for ipoint=1:siz(1)
236 | Xpoint=ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,:);
237 | distX=coord_x-Xpoint(1);
238 | distY=coord_y-Xpoint(2);
239 | dist=distX.*distX+distY.*distY;
240 | indsel=find(dist<width*width);
241 | ProjData.X(ipoint,1)=Xpoint(1);
242 | ProjData.Y(ipoint,1)=Xpoint(2);
243 | if isequal(length(ivar_FF),1)
244 | FFName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_FF};
245 | FF=FieldData.(FFName)(indsel);
246 | indsel=indsel(~FF);
247 | end
248 | ProjData.NbVal(ipoint,1)=length(indsel);
249 | for ivar=VarIndex
250 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
251 | if isempty(indsel)
252 | ProjData.(VarName)(ipoint,1)=NaN;
253 | else
254 | Var=FieldData.(VarName)(indsel);
255 | ProjData.(VarName)(ipoint,1)=mean(Var);
256 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'interp')
257 | ProjData.(VarName)(ipoint,1)=griddata_uvmat(coord_x(indsel),coord_y(indsel),Var,Xpoint(1),Xpoint(2));
258 | end
259 | end
260 | end
261 | end
262 | else %case of structured coordinates
263 | if numel(VarType.coord)>=2 & VarType.coord(1:2) > 0;
264 | AYName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(1)};
265 | AXName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(2)};
266 | eval(['AX=FieldData.' AXName ';']);% set of x positions
267 | eval(['AY=FieldData.' AYName ';']);% set of y positions
268 | AName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)};% a single variable assumed in the current cell
269 | eval(['A=FieldData.' AName ';']);% scalar
270 | npxy=size(A);
271 | NbDim=numel(VarType.coord(VarType.coord>0));%number of space dimensions
272 | %update VarDimName in case of components (non coordinate dimensions e;g. color components)
273 | if numel(npxy)>NbDim
274 | ProjData.VarDimName{end}={'nb_points','component'};
275 | end
276 | for idim=1:NbDim %loop on space dimensions
277 | test_interp(idim)=0;%test for coordiate interpolation (non regular grid), =0 by default
278 | test_coord(idim)=0;%test for defined coordinates, =0 by default
279 | ivar=VarType.coord(idim);
280 | Coord{idim}=FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar}); % position for the first index
281 | if numel(Coord{idim})==2
282 | DCoord_min(idim)= (Coord{idim}(2)-Coord{idim}(1))/(npxy(idim)-1);
283 | else
284 | DCoord=diff(Coord{idim});
285 | DCoord_min(idim)=min(DCoord);
286 | DCoord_max=max(DCoord);
287 | test_direct(idim)=DCoord_max>0;% =1 for increasing values, 0 otherwise
288 | test_direct_min=DCoord_min(idim)>0;% =1 for increasing values, 0 otherwise
289 | if ~isequal(test_direct(idim),test_direct_min)
290 | errormsg=['non monotonic dimension variable # ' num2str(idim) ' in proj_field.m'];
291 | return
292 | end
293 | test_interp(idim)=(DCoord_max-DCoord_min(idim))> 0.0001*abs(DCoord_max);% test grid regularity
294 | test_coord(idim)=1;
295 | end
296 | end
297 | DX=DCoord_min(2);
298 | DY=DCoord_min(1);
299 | for ipoint=1:siz(1)
300 | xwidth=width/(abs(DX));
301 | ywidth=width/(abs(DY));
302 | i_min=round((ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,1)-Coord{2}(1))/DX+0.5-xwidth); %minimum index of the selected region
303 | i_min=max(1,i_min);%restrict to field limit
304 | i_plus=round((ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,1)-Coord{2}(1))/DX+0.5+xwidth);
305 | i_plus=min(npxy(2),i_plus); %restrict to field limit
306 | j_min=round((ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,2)-Coord{1}(1))/DY-ywidth+0.5);
307 | j_min=max(1,j_min);
308 | j_plus=round((ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,2)-Coord{1}(1))/DY+ywidth+0.5);
309 | j_plus=min(npxy(1),j_plus);
310 | ProjData.X(ipoint,1)=ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,1);
311 | ProjData.Y(ipoint,1)=ObjectData.Coord(ipoint,2);
312 | i_int=(i_min:i_plus);
313 | j_int=(j_min:j_plus);
314 | ProjData.NbVal(ipoint,1)=length(j_int)*length(i_int);
315 | if isempty(i_int) || isempty(j_int)
316 | for ivar=VarIndex
317 | eval(['ProjData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar} '(ipoint,:)=NaN;']);
318 | end
319 | errormsg=['no data points in the selected projection range ' num2str(width) ];
320 | else
321 | %TODO: introduce circle in the selected subregion
322 | %[I,J]=meshgrid([1:j_int],[1:i_int]);
323 | for ivar=VarIndex
324 | Avalue=FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar})(j_int,i_int,:);
325 | ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar})(ipoint,:)=mean(mean(Avalue));
326 | end
327 | end
328 | end
329 | end
330 | end
331 | end
332 |
333 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
334 | %project in a patch
335 | function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_patch(FieldData,ObjectData)%%
336 | %-------------------------------------------------------------------
337 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData);
338 |
339 | objectfield=fieldnames(ObjectData);
340 | widthx=0;
341 | widthy=0;
342 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeX)
343 | widthx=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
344 | end
345 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')&~isempty(ObjectData.RangeY)
346 | widthy=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
347 | end
348 |
350 | ProjData.NbDim=1;
351 | ProjData.ListVarName={};
352 | ProjData.VarDimName={};
353 | ProjData.VarAttribute={};
354 |
355 | Mesh=zeros(1,numel(FieldData.ListVarName));
356 | if isfield (FieldData,'VarAttribute')
357 | %ProjData.VarAttribute=FieldData.VarAttribute;%list of variable attribute names
358 | for iattr=1:length(FieldData.VarAttribute)%initialization of variable attribute values
359 | % ProjData.VarAttribute{iattr}={};
360 | if isfield(FieldData.VarAttribute{iattr},'Unit')
361 | unit{iattr}=FieldData.VarAttribute{iattr}.Unit;
362 | end
363 | if isfield(FieldData.VarAttribute{iattr},'Mesh')
364 | Mesh(iattr)=FieldData.VarAttribute{iattr}.Mesh;
365 | end
366 | end
367 | end
368 |
369 | %group the variables (fields of 'FieldData') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
370 | testfalse=0;
371 | ListIndex={};
372 | % DimVarIndex=0;%initilise list of indices for dimension variables
373 | idimvar=0;
374 | [CellVarIndex,NbDim,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
375 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
376 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_patch:' errormsg];
377 | return
378 | end
379 |
381 | dimcounter=0;
382 | for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex)
383 | testX=0;
384 | testY=0;
385 | test_Amat=0;
386 | testfalse=0;
387 | VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
388 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell};
389 | % DimIndices=FieldData.VarDimIndex{VarIndex(1)};%indices of the dimensions of the first variable (common to all variables in the cell)
390 | if NbDim(icell)~=2% proj_patch acts only on fields of space dimension 2
391 | continue
392 | end
393 | testX=~isempty(VarType.coord_x) && ~isempty(VarType.coord_y);
394 | testfalse=~isempty(VarType.errorflag);
395 | testproj(VarIndex)=zeros(size(VarIndex));%default
396 | testproj(VarType.scalar)=1;
397 | testproj(VarType.vector_x)=1;
398 | testproj(VarType.vector_y)=1;
399 | testproj(VarType.vector_z)=1;
400 | testproj(VarType.image)=1;
401 | testproj(VarType.color)=1;
402 | VarIndex=VarIndex(find(testproj(VarIndex)));%select only the projected variables
403 | if testX %case of unstructured coordinates
404 | eval(['nbpoint=numel(FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)} ');'])
405 | for ivar=[VarIndex VarType.coord_x VarType.coord_y VarType.errorflag]
406 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
407 | eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=reshape(FieldData.' VarName ',nbpoint,1);'])
408 | end
409 | XName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_x};
410 | YName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_y};
411 | eval(['coord_x=FieldData.' XName ';'])
412 | eval(['coord_y=FieldData.' YName ';'])
413 | end
414 | if testfalse
415 | FFName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.errorflag};
416 | eval(['errorflag=FieldData.' FFName ';'])
417 | end
418 | % image or 2D matrix
419 | if numel(VarType.coord)>=2 & VarType.coord(1:2) > 0;
420 | test_Amat=1;% test for image or 2D matrix
421 | AYName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(1)};
422 | AXName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(2)};
423 | eval(['AX=FieldData.' AXName ';'])% x coordinate
424 | eval(['AY=FieldData.' AYName ';'])% y coordinate
425 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)};
426 | DimValue=size(FieldData.(VarName));
427 | if length(AX)==2
428 | AX=linspace(AX(1),AX(end),DimValue(2));
429 | end
430 | if length(AY)==2
431 | AY=linspace(AY(1),AY(end),DimValue(1));
432 | end
433 | % for idim=1:length(DimValue)
434 | % Coord_i_str=['Coord_' num2str(idim)];
435 | % DCoord_min(idim)=1;%default
436 | % Coord{idim}=[0.5 DimValue(idim)];
437 | % test_direct(idim)=1;
438 | % end
439 | % AX=linspace(Coord{2}(1),Coord{2}(2),DimValue(2));
440 | % AY=linspace(Coord{1}(1),Coord{1}(2),DimValue(1)); %TODO : 3D case
441 | % testcolor=find(numel(DimValue)==3);
442 | if length(DimValue)==3
443 | testcolor=1;
444 | npxy(3)=3;
445 | else
446 | testcolor=0;
447 | npxy(3)=1;
448 | end
449 | [Xi,Yi]=meshgrid(AX,AY);
450 | npxy(1)=length(AY);
451 | npxy(2)=length(AX);
452 | Xi=reshape(Xi,npxy(1)*npxy(2),1);
453 | Yi=reshape(Yi,npxy(1)*npxy(2),1);
454 | for ivar=1:length(VarIndex)
455 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(ivar)};
456 | FieldData.(VarName)=reshape(FieldData.(VarName),npxy(1)*npxy(2),npxy(3)); % keep only non false vectors
457 | end
458 | end
459 | %select the indices in the range of action
460 | testin=[];%default
461 | if isequal(ObjectData.Type,'rectangle')
462 | % if ~isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')|~isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')
463 | % errormsg='rectangle half sides RangeX and RangeY needed'
464 | % return
465 | % end
466 | if testX
467 | distX=abs(coord_x-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
468 | distY=abs(coord_y-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
469 | testin=distX<widthx & distY<widthy;
470 | elseif test_Amat
471 | distX=abs(Xi-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
472 | distY=abs(Yi-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
473 | testin=distX<widthx & distY<widthy;
474 | end
475 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.Type,'polygon')
476 | if testX
477 | testin=inpolygon(coord_x,coord_y,ObjectData.Coord(:,1),ObjectData.Coord(:,2));
478 | elseif test_Amat
479 | testin=inpolygon(Xi,Yi,ObjectData.Coord(:,1),ObjectData.Coord(:,2));
480 | else%calculate the scalar
481 | testin=[]; %A REVOIR
482 | end
483 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.Type,'ellipse')
484 | X2Max=widthx*widthx;
485 | Y2Max=(widthy)*(widthy);
486 | if testX
487 | distX=(coord_x-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
488 | distY=(coord_y-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
489 | testin=(distX.*distX/X2Max+distY.*distY/Y2Max)<1;
490 | elseif test_Amat %case of usual 2x2 matrix
491 | distX=(Xi-ObjectData.Coord(1,1));
492 | distY=(Yi-ObjectData.Coord(1,2));
493 | testin=(distX.*distX/X2Max+distY.*distY/Y2Max)<1;
494 | end
495 | end
496 | %selected indices
497 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'outside')
498 | testin=~testin;
499 | end
500 | if testfalse
501 | testin=testin & (errorflag==0); % keep only non false vectors
502 | end
503 | indsel=find(testin);
504 | for ivar=VarIndex
505 | if testproj(ivar)
506 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
507 | ProjData.([VarName 'Mean'])=mean(double(FieldData.(VarName)(indsel,:))); % take the mean in the selected region, for each color component
508 | ProjData.([VarName 'Min'])=min(double(FieldData.(VarName)(indsel,:))); % take the min in the selected region , for each color component
509 | ProjData.([VarName 'Max'])=max(double(FieldData.(VarName)(indsel,:))); % take the max in the selected region , for each color component
510 | if isequal(Mesh(ivar),0)
511 | eval(['[ProjData.' VarName 'Histo,ProjData.' VarName ']=hist(double(FieldData.' VarName '(indsel,:,:)),100);']); % default histogram with 100 bins
512 | else
513 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=(ProjData.' VarName 'Min+Mesh(ivar)/2:Mesh(ivar):ProjData.' VarName 'Max);']); % list of bin values
514 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName 'Histo=hist(double(FieldData.' VarName '(indsel,:)),ProjData.' VarName ');']); % histogram at predefined bin positions
515 | end
516 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {VarName} {[VarName 'Histo']} {[VarName 'Mean']} {[VarName 'Min']} {[VarName 'Max']}];
517 | if test_Amat && testcolor
518 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {VarName} {{VarName,'rgb'}} {'rgb'} {'rgb'} {'rgb'}];%{{'nb_point','rgb'}};
519 | else
520 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {VarName} {VarName} {'one'} {'one'} {'one'}];
521 | end
522 | ProjData.VarAttribute=[ProjData.VarAttribute FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar} {[]} {[]} {[]} {[]}];
523 | end
524 | end
525 | % if test_Amat & testcolor
526 | % %ProjData.ListDimName=[ProjData.ListDimName {'rgb'}];
527 | % % ProjData.DimValue=[ProjData.DimValue 3];
528 | % % ProjData.VarDimIndex={[1 2]};
529 | % ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {VarName} {VarName,'rgb'}];%{{'nb_point','rgb'}};
530 | % ProjData.VarDimName
531 | % end
532 | end
533 |
534 |
535 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
536 | %project on a line
537 | % AJOUTER flux,circul,error
538 | % OUTPUT:
539 | % ProjData: projected field
540 | %
541 | function [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_line(FieldData, ObjectData)
542 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
543 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData);%transfer global attributes
544 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
545 | return
546 | end
547 | ProjData.NbDim=1;
548 | %initialisation of the input parameters and defaultoutput
549 | ProjMode='projection';%direct projection on the line by default
550 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode'),ProjMode=ObjectData.ProjMode; end;
551 | % ProjAngle=90; %90 degrees projection by default
552 |
553 | width=0;%default width of the projection band
554 | if isfield(ObjectData,'Range')&&size(ObjectData.Range,2)>=2
555 | width=abs(ObjectData.Range(1,2));
556 | end
557 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')
558 | width=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
559 | end
560 |
561 | % default output
562 | errormsg=[];%default
563 | Xline=[];
564 | flux=0;
565 | circul=0;
566 | liny=ObjectData.Coord(:,2);
567 | siz_line=size(ObjectData.Coord);
568 | if siz_line(1)<2
569 | return% line needs at least 2 points to be defined
570 | end
571 | testfalse=0;
572 | ListIndex={};
573 |
574 | %% angles of the polyline and boundaries of action
575 | dlinx=diff(ObjectData.Coord(:,1));
576 | dliny=diff(ObjectData.Coord(:,2));
577 | theta=angle(dlinx+1i*dliny);%angle of each segment
578 | theta(siz_line(1))=theta(siz_line(1)-1);
579 | % determine a rectangles at +-width from the line (only used for the ProjMode='projection or 'filter')
580 | xsup=zeros(1,siz_line(1)); xinf=zeros(1,siz_line(1)); ysup=zeros(1,siz_line(1)); yinf=zeros(1,siz_line(1));
581 | if isequal(ProjMode,'projection') || isequal(ProjMode,'filter')
582 | xsup(1)=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-width*sin(theta(1));
583 | xinf(1)=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+width*sin(theta(1));
584 | ysup(1)=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+width*cos(theta(1));
585 | yinf(1)=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)-width*cos(theta(1));
586 | for ip=2:siz_line(1)
587 | xsup(ip)=ObjectData.Coord(ip,1)-width*sin((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
588 | xinf(ip)=ObjectData.Coord(ip,1)+width*sin((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
589 | ysup(ip)=ObjectData.Coord(ip,2)+width*cos((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
590 | yinf(ip)=ObjectData.Coord(ip,2)-width*cos((theta(ip)+theta(ip-1))/2)/cos((theta(ip-1)-theta(ip))/2);
591 | end
592 | end
593 |
594 | %% group the variables (fields of 'FieldData') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
595 | [CellVarIndex,NbDim,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
596 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
597 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_line:' errormsg];
598 | return
599 | end
600 |
601 | %% loop on variable cells with the same space dimension
602 | ProjData.ListVarName={};
603 | ProjData.VarDimName={};
604 | testproj=zeros(size(FieldData.ListVarName));
605 | for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex)
606 | VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
607 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell}; %types of variables
608 | if NbDim(icell)~=2% proj_line acts only on fields of space dimension 2, TODO: check 3D case
609 | continue
610 | end
611 | testX=~isempty(VarType.coord_x) && ~isempty(VarType.coord_y);% test for unstructured coordinates
612 | test_tps=~isempty(VarType.coord_tps);
613 | testU=~isempty(VarType.vector_x) && ~isempty(VarType.vector_y);% test for vectors
614 | testfalse=~isempty(VarType.errorflag);% test for error flag
615 | testproj(VarIndex)=zeros(size(VarIndex));% test =1 for simply projected variables, default =0
616 | %=0 for vector components, treated separately
617 | testproj([VarType.scalar VarType.image VarType.color VarType.vector_x VarType.vector_y])=1;
618 | VarIndex=VarIndex(find(testproj(VarIndex)));%select only the projected variables
619 |
620 | %identify vector components
621 | if testU
622 | UName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_x};
623 | VName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_y};
624 | vector_x=FieldData.(UName);
625 | vector_y=FieldData.(VName);
626 | end
627 | %identify error flag
628 | if testfalse
629 | FFName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.errorflag};
630 | errorflag=FieldData.(FFName);
631 | end
632 | % check needed object properties for unstructured positions (position given by the variables with role coord_x, coord_y
633 | if testX
634 | if ~isequal(ProjMode,'interp')
635 | if width==0
636 | errormsg='range of the projection object is missing';
637 | return
638 | else
639 | lambda=2/(width*width); %smoothing factor used for filter: weight exp(-2) at distance width from the line
640 | end
641 | end
642 | if ~isequal(ProjMode,'projection')
643 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DX')&~isempty(ObjectData.DX)
644 | DX=abs(ObjectData.DX);%mesh of interpolation points along the line
645 | else
646 | errormsg='DX missing';
647 | return
648 | end
649 | end
650 | XName= FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_x};
651 | YName= FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_y};
652 | coord_x=FieldData.(XName);
653 | coord_y=FieldData.(YName);
654 | end
655 | %initiate projection
656 | for ivar=1:length(VarIndex)
657 | ProjLine{ivar}=[];
658 | end
659 | XLine=[];
660 | linelengthtot=0;
661 |
662 | % circul=0;
663 | % flux=0;
665 | %case of unstructured coordinates
666 | if testX
667 | for ip=1:siz_line(1)-1 %Loop on the segments of the polyline
668 | linelength=sqrt(dlinx(ip)*dlinx(ip)+dliny(ip)*dliny(ip));
669 | %select the vector indices in the range of action
670 | if testfalse
671 | flagsel=(errorflag==0); % keep only non false vectors
672 | else
673 | flagsel=ones(size(coord_x));
674 | end
675 | if isequal(ProjMode,'projection') | isequal(ProjMode,'filter')
676 | flagsel=flagsel & ((coord_y -yinf(ip))*(xinf(ip+1)-xinf(ip))>(coord_x-xinf(ip))*(yinf(ip+1)-yinf(ip))) ...
677 | & ((coord_y -ysup(ip))*(xsup(ip+1)-xsup(ip))<(coord_x-xsup(ip))*(ysup(ip+1)-ysup(ip))) ...
678 | & ((coord_y -yinf(ip+1))*(xsup(ip+1)-xinf(ip+1))>(coord_x-xinf(ip+1))*(ysup(ip+1)-yinf(ip+1))) ...
679 | & ((coord_y -yinf(ip))*(xsup(ip)-xinf(ip))<(coord_x-xinf(ip))*(ysup(ip)-yinf(ip)));
680 | end
681 | indsel=find(flagsel);%indsel =indices of good vectors
682 | X_sel=coord_x(indsel);
683 | Y_sel=coord_y(indsel);
684 | nbvar=0;
685 | for iselect=1:numel(VarIndex)-2*testU
686 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(iselect)};
687 | eval(['ProjVar{iselect}=FieldData.' VarName '(indsel);']);%scalar value
688 | end
689 | if testU
690 | ProjVar{numel(VarIndex)-1}=cos(theta(ip))*vector_x(indsel)+sin(theta(ip))*vector_y(indsel);% longitudinal component
691 | ProjVar{numel(VarIndex)}=-sin(theta(ip))*vector_x(indsel)+cos(theta(ip))*vector_y(indsel);%transverse component
692 | end
693 | if isequal(ProjMode,'projection')
694 | sintheta=sin(theta(ip));
695 | costheta=cos(theta(ip));
696 | Xproj=(X_sel-ObjectData.Coord(ip,1))*costheta + (Y_sel-ObjectData.Coord(ip,2))*sintheta; %projection on the line
697 | [Xproj,indsort]=sort(Xproj);
698 | for ivar=1:numel(ProjVar)
699 | if ~isempty(ProjVar{ivar})
700 | ProjVar{ivar}=ProjVar{ivar}(indsort);
701 | end
702 | end
703 | elseif isequal(ProjMode,'interp') %linear interpolation:
704 | npoint=floor(linelength/DX)+1;% nbre of points in the profile (interval DX)
705 | Xproj=linelength/(2*npoint):linelength/npoint:linelength-linelength/(2*npoint);
706 | xreg=cos(theta(ip))*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,1);
707 | yreg=sin(theta(ip))*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,2);
708 | for ivar=1:numel(ProjVar)
709 | if ~isempty(ProjVar{ivar})
710 | ProjVar{ivar}=griddata_uvmat(X_sel,Y_sel,ProjVar{ivar},xreg,yreg);
711 | end
712 | end
713 | elseif isequal(ProjMode,'filter') %filtering
714 | npoint=floor(linelength/DX)+1;% nbre of points in the profile (interval DX)
715 | Xproj=linelength/(2*npoint):linelength/npoint:linelength-linelength/(2*npoint);
716 | siz=size(X_sel);
717 | xregij=cos(theta(ip))*ones(siz(1),1)*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,1);
718 | yregij=sin(theta(ip))*ones(siz(1),1)*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,2);
719 | xij=X_sel*ones(1,npoint);
720 | yij=Y_sel*ones(1,npoint);
721 | Aij=exp(-lambda*((xij-xregij).*(xij-xregij)+(yij-yregij).*(yij-yregij)));
722 | norm=Aij'*ones(siz(1),1);
723 | for ivar=1:numel(ProjVar)
724 | if ~isempty(ProjVar{ivar})
725 | ProjVar{ivar}=Aij'*ProjVar{ivar}./norm;
726 | end
727 | end
728 | end
729 | %prolongate the total record
730 | for ivar=1:numel(ProjVar)
731 | if ~isempty(ProjVar{ivar})
732 | ProjLine{ivar}=[ProjLine{ivar}; ProjVar{ivar}];
733 | end
734 | end
735 | XLine=[XLine ;(Xproj+linelengthtot)];%along line abscissa
736 | linelengthtot=linelengthtot+linelength;
737 | % circul=circul+(sum(U_sel))*linelength/npoint;
738 | % flux=flux+(sum(V_sel))*linelength/npoint;
739 | end
740 | ProjData.X=XLine';
741 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {XName}];
742 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {XName}];
743 | ProjData.VarAttribute{1}.long_name='abscissa along line';
744 | for iselect=1:numel(VarIndex)
745 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(iselect)};
746 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=ProjLine{iselect};'])
747 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {VarName}];
748 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {XName}];
749 | ProjData.VarAttribute{iselect}=FieldData.VarAttribute{VarIndex(iselect)};
750 | if strcmp(ProjMode,'projection')
751 | ProjData.VarAttribute{iselect}.Role='discrete';
752 | else
753 | ProjData.VarAttribute{iselect}.Role='continuous';
754 | end
755 | end
756 |
757 | %case of structured coordinates
758 | elseif numel(VarType.coord)>=2 & VarType.coord(1:2) > 0;
759 | if ~isequal(ObjectData.Type,'line')% exclude polyline
760 | errormsg=['no projection available on ' ObjectData.Type 'for structured coordinates']; %
761 | else
762 | test_Amat=1;%image or 2D matrix
763 | test_interp2=0;%default
764 | % if ~isempty(VarType.coord_y)
765 | AYName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(1)};
766 | AXName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(2)};
767 | eval(['AX=FieldData.' AXName ';']);% set of x positions
768 | eval(['AY=FieldData.' AYName ';']);% set of y positions
769 | AName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)};
770 | eval(['A=FieldData.' AName ';']);% scalar
771 | npxy=size(A);
772 | npx=npxy(2);
773 | npy=npxy(1);
774 | if numel(AX)==2
775 | DX=(AX(2)-AX(1))/(npx-1);
776 | else
777 | DX_vec=diff(AX);
778 | DX=max(DX_vec);
779 | DX_min=min(DX_vec);
780 | if (DX-DX_min)>0.0001*abs(DX)
781 | test_interp2=1;
782 | DX=DX_min;
783 | end
784 | end
785 | if numel(AY)==2
786 | DY=(AY(2)-AY(1))/(npy-1);
787 | else
788 | DY_vec=diff(AY);
789 | DY=max(DY_vec);
790 | DY_min=min(DY_vec);
791 | if (DY-DY_min)>0.0001*abs(DY)
792 | test_interp2=1;
793 | DY=DY_min;
794 | end
795 | end
796 | AXI=linspace(AX(1),AX(end), npx);%set of x positions for the interpolated input data
797 | AYI=linspace(AY(1),AY(end), npy);%set of x positions for the interpolated input data
798 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DX')
799 | DXY_line=ObjectData.DX;%mesh on the projection line
800 | else
801 | DXY_line=sqrt(abs(DX*DY));% mesh on the projection line
802 | end
803 | dlinx=ObjectData.Coord(2,1)-ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
804 | dliny=ObjectData.Coord(2,2)-ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
805 | linelength=sqrt(dlinx*dlinx+dliny*dliny);
806 | theta=angle(dlinx+i*dliny);%angle of the line
807 | if isfield(FieldData,'RangeX')
808 | XMin=min(FieldData.RangeX);%shift of the origin on the line
809 | else
810 | XMin=0;
811 | end
812 | eval(['ProjData.' AXName '=linspace(XMin,XMin+linelength,linelength/DXY_line+1);'])%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
813 | y=linspace(-width,width,2*width/DXY_line+1);%ordintes of the new pixels (coordinate across the line)
814 | eval(['npX=length(ProjData.' AXName ');'])
815 | npY=length(y); %TODO: utiliser proj_grid
816 | eval(['[X,Y]=meshgrid(ProjData.' AXName ',y);'])%grid in the line coordinates
817 | XIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+(X-XMin)*cos(theta)-Y*sin(theta);
818 | YIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+(X-XMin)*sin(theta)+Y*cos(theta);
819 | XIMA=(XIMA-AX(1))/DX+1;% index of the original image along x
820 | YIMA=(YIMA-AY(1))/DY+1;% index of the original image along y
821 | XIMA=reshape(round(XIMA),1,npX*npY);%indices reorganized in 'line'
822 | YIMA=reshape(round(YIMA),1,npX*npY);
823 | flagin=XIMA>=1 & XIMA<=npx & YIMA >=1 & YIMA<=npy;%flagin=1 inside the original image
824 | ind_in=find(flagin);
825 | ind_out=find(~flagin);
826 | ICOMB=(XIMA-1)*npy+YIMA;
827 | ICOMB=ICOMB(flagin);%index corresponding to XIMA and YIMA in the aligned original image vec_A
828 | nbcolor=1; %color images
829 | if numel(npxy)==2
830 | nbcolor=1;
831 | elseif length(npxy)==3
832 | nbcolor=npxy(3);
833 | else
834 | errormsg='multicomponent field not projected';
835 | display(errormsg)
836 | return
837 | end
838 | nbvar=length(ProjData.ListVarName);% number of var from previous cells
839 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {AXName}];
840 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {AXName}];
841 | for ivar=VarIndex
842 | %VarName{ivar}=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
843 | if test_interp2% interpolate on new grid
844 | FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar})=interp2(FieldData.(AXName),FieldData.(AYName),FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar}),AXI,AYI);%TO TEST
845 | end
846 | vec_A=reshape(squeeze(FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar})),npx*npy,nbcolor); %put the original image in colum
847 | if nbcolor==1
848 | vec_B(ind_in)=vec_A(ICOMB);
849 | vec_B(ind_out)=zeros(size(ind_out));
850 | A_out=reshape(vec_B,npY,npX);
851 | ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar}) =sum(A_out,1)/npY;
852 | elseif nbcolor==3
853 | vec_B(ind_in,1:3)=vec_A(ICOMB,:);
854 | vec_B(ind_out,1)=zeros(size(ind_out));
855 | vec_B(ind_out,2)=zeros(size(ind_out));
856 | vec_B(ind_out,3)=zeros(size(ind_out));
857 | A_out=reshape(vec_B,npY,npX,nbcolor);
858 | ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{ivar})=squeeze(sum(A_out,1)/npY);
859 | end
860 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName FieldData.ListVarName{ivar}];
861 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {AXName}];%to generalize with the initial name of the x coordinate
862 | ProjData.VarAttribute{ivar}.Role='continuous';% for plot with continuous line
863 | end
864 | if testU
865 | vector_x =ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_x});
866 | vector_y =ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_y});
867 | ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_x}) =cos(theta)*vector_x+sin(theta)*vector_y;
868 | ProjData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.vector_y}) =-sin(theta)*vector_x+cos(theta)*vector_y;
869 | end
870 | ProjData.VarAttribute{nbvar+1}.long_name='abscissa along line';
871 | if nbcolor==3
872 | ProjData.VarDimName{end}={AXName,'rgb'};
873 | end
874 | end
875 | elseif test_tps
876 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DX')&~isempty(ObjectData.DX)
877 | DX=abs(ObjectData.DX);%mesh of interpolation points along the line
878 | Xproj=linelength/(2*npoint):linelength/npoint:linelength-linelength/(2*npoint);
879 | xreg=cos(theta(ip))*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,1)
880 | yreg=sin(theta(ip))*Xproj+ObjectData.Coord(ip,2)
881 | % coord_x_proj=XMin:DX:XMax;
882 | % coord_y_proj=YMin:DY:YMax;
883 | DataOut=calc_field(FieldData.FieldList,FieldData,cat(3,xreg,yreg));
884 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName DataOut.ListVarName];
885 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName DataOut.VarDimName];
886 | ProjData.VarAttribute=[ProjData.VarAttribute DataOut.VarAttribute];
887 | DataOut.ListVarName(1)=[];
888 | DataOut.VarDimName(1)=[];
889 | DataOut.VarAttribute(1)=[];
890 | for ilist=2:length(DataOut.ListVarName)% reshape data, excluding coordinates (ilist=1-2), TODO: rationalise
891 | VarName=DataOut.ListVarName{ilist};
892 | ProjData.(VarName)=DataOut.(VarName);
893 | end
894 | ProjData.coord_x=Xproj;
895 | end
896 | end
897 | end
898 |
899 | % %shotarter case for horizontal or vertical line (A FAIRE
900 | % % Rangx=[0.5 npx-0.5];%image coordiantes of corners
901 | % % Rangy=[npy-0.5 0.5];
902 | % % if isfield(Calib,'Pxcmx')&isfield(Calib,'Pxcmy')%old calib
903 | % % Rangx=Rangx/Calib.Pxcmx;
904 | % % Rangy=Rangy/Calib.Pxcmy;
905 | % % else
906 | % % [Rangx]=phys_XYZ(Calib,Rangx,[0.5 0.5],[0 0]);%case of translations without rotation and quadratic deformation
907 | % % [xx,Rangy]=phys_XYZ(Calib,[0.5 0.5],Rangy,[0 0]);
908 | % % end
909 | %
910 | % % test_scal=0;%default% 3- 'UserData':(get(handles.Tag,'UserData')
911 |
912 |
913 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
914 | %project on a plane
915 | % AJOUTER flux,circul,error
916 | function [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_plane(FieldData, ObjectData)
917 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
918 |
919 | %% initialisation of the input parameters of the projection plane
920 | ProjMode='projection';%direct projection by default
921 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode'),ProjMode=ObjectData.ProjMode; end;
922 |
923 | %% axis origin
924 | if isempty(ObjectData.Coord)
925 | ObjectData.Coord(1,1)=0;%origin of the plane set to [0 0] by default
926 | ObjectData.Coord(1,2)=0;
927 | ObjectData.Coord(1,3)=0;
928 | end
929 |
930 | %% rotation angles
931 | PlaneAngle=[0 0 0];
932 | norm_plane=[0 0 1];
933 | cos_om=1;
934 | sin_om=0;
935 | test90x=0;%=1 for 90 degree rotation alround x axis
936 | test90y=0;%=1 for 90 degree rotation alround y axis
937 | if isfield(ObjectData,'Angle')&& isequal(size(ObjectData.Angle),[1 3])&& ~isequal(ObjectData.Angle,[0 0 0])
938 | test90y=isequal(ObjectData.Angle,[0 90 0]);
939 | PlaneAngle=(pi/180)*ObjectData.Angle;
940 | om=norm(PlaneAngle);%norm of rotation angle in radians
941 | OmAxis=PlaneAngle/om; %unit vector marking the rotation axis
942 | cos_om=cos(om);
943 | sin_om=sin(om);
944 | coeff=OmAxis(3)*(1-cos_om);
945 | %components of the unity vector norm_plane normal to the projection plane
946 | norm_plane(1)=OmAxis(1)*coeff+OmAxis(2)*sin_om;
947 | norm_plane(2)=OmAxis(2)*coeff-OmAxis(1)*sin_om;
948 | norm_plane(3)=OmAxis(3)*coeff+cos_om;
949 | end
950 | testangle=~isequal(PlaneAngle,[0 0 0]);% && ~test90y && ~test90x;%=1 for slanted plane
951 |
952 | %% mesh sizes DX and DY
953 | DX=0;
954 | DY=0; %default
955 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DX') && ~isempty(ObjectData.DX)
956 | DX=abs(ObjectData.DX);%mesh of interpolation points
957 | end
958 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DY') && ~isempty(ObjectData.DY)
959 | DY=abs(ObjectData.DY);%mesh of interpolation points
960 | end
961 | if ~strcmp(ProjMode,'projection') && (DX==0||DY==0)
962 | errormsg='DX or DY missing';
963 | display(errormsg)
964 | return
965 | end
966 |
967 | %% extrema along each axis
968 | testXMin=0;
969 | testXMax=0;
970 | testYMin=0;
971 | testYMax=0;
972 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')
973 | XMin=min(ObjectData.RangeX);
974 | XMax=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
975 | testXMin=XMax>XMin;
976 | testXMax=1;
977 | end
978 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')
979 | YMin=min(ObjectData.RangeY);
980 | YMax=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
981 | testYMin=YMax>YMin;
982 | testYMax=1;
983 | end
984 | width=0;%default width of the projection band
985 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeZ')
986 | width=max(ObjectData.RangeZ);
987 | end
988 |
989 | %% initiate Matlab structure for physical field
990 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData);
991 | ProjData.NbDim=2;
992 | ProjData.ListVarName={};
993 | ProjData.VarDimName={};
994 | ProjData.VarAttribute={};
995 | if ~isequal(DX,0)&& ~isequal(DY,0)
996 | ProjData.Mesh=sqrt(DX*DY);%define typical data mesh, useful for mouse selection in plots
997 | elseif isfield(FieldData,'Mesh')
998 | ProjData.Mesh=FieldData.Mesh;
999 | end
1000 | error=0;%default
1001 | flux=0;
1002 | testfalse=0;
1003 | ListIndex={};
1004 |
1005 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1006 | %% group the variables (fields of 'FieldData') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
1007 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
1008 | idimvar=0;
1009 |
1010 | [CellVarIndex,NbDimVec,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
1011 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
1012 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_plane:' errormsg];
1013 | return
1014 | end
1015 |
1017 | % CellVarIndex=cells of variable index arrays
1018 | ivar_new=0; % index of the current variable in the projected field
1019 | % icoord=0;
1020 | nbcoord=0;%number of added coordinate variables brought by projection
1021 | nbvar=0;
1022 | for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex)
1023 | NbDim=NbDimVec(icell);
1024 | if NbDim<2
1025 | continue % only cells represnting 2D or 3D fields are involved
1026 | end
1027 | VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
1028 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell};
1029 | % ivar_X=VarType.coord_x;
1030 | % ivar_Y=VarType.coord_y;
1031 | % ivar_Z=VarType.coord_z;
1032 | ivar_U=VarType.vector_x;
1033 | ivar_V=VarType.vector_y;
1034 | if ~isempty(VarType.vector_x_tps)&&~isempty(VarType.vector_y_tps)
1035 | ivar_U=VarType.vector_x_tps;
1036 | ivar_V=VarType.vector_y_tps;
1037 | end
1038 | ivar_W=VarType.vector_z;
1039 | % ivar_Anc=VarType.ancillary;
1040 | % test_anc=zeros(size(VarIndex));
1041 | % test_anc(ivar_Anc)=ones(size(ivar_Anc));
1042 | % ivar_F=VarType.warnflag;
1043 | % ivar_FF=VarType.errorflag;
1044 |
1045 | %type of coordinates
1046 | if ~isempty(VarType.coord_x) && ~isempty(VarType.coord_y)
1047 | CoordType='unstructured';
1048 | elseif ~isempty(VarType.coord_tps)
1049 | CoordType='tps';
1050 | else
1051 | CoordType='structured';
1052 | end
1053 |
1054 | %dimensions
1055 | DimCell=FieldData.VarDimName{VarIndex(1)};
1056 | if ischar(DimCell)
1057 | DimCell={DimCell};%name of dimensions
1058 | end
1059 | coord_z=0;%default
1060 |
1061 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1062 | switch CoordType
1063 |
1064 | %% case of input fields with unstructured coordinates
1065 | case 'unstructured'
1066 | if strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')
1067 | continue %skip for filter (needs tps)
1068 | end
1069 | coord_x=FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_x});
1070 | coord_y=FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_y});
1071 | if ~isempty(VarType.coord_z)
1072 | coord_z=FieldData.(FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord_z});
1073 | end
1074 |
1075 | % translate initial coordinates
1076 | coord_x=coord_x-ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
1077 | coord_y=coord_y-ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
1078 | if ~isempty(VarType.coord_z)
1079 | coord_z=coord_z-ObjectData.Coord(1,3);
1080 | end
1081 |
1082 | % selection of the vectors in the projection range (3D case)
1083 | if ~isempty(VarType.coord_z) && width > 0
1084 | %components of the unitiy vector normal to the projection plane
1085 | fieldZ=norm_plane(1)*coord_x + norm_plane(2)*coord_y+ norm_plane(3)*coord_z;% distance to the plane
1086 | indcut=find(abs(fieldZ) <= width);
1087 | size(indcut)
1088 | for ivar=VarIndex
1089 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1090 | eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(indcut);'])
1092 | end
1093 | coord_x=coord_x(indcut);
1094 | coord_y=coord_y(indcut);
1095 | coord_z=coord_z(indcut);
1096 | end
1097 |
1098 | %rotate coordinates if needed:
1099 | Psi=PlaneAngle(1);
1100 | Theta=PlaneAngle(2);
1101 | Phi=PlaneAngle(3);
1102 | if testangle && ~test90y && ~test90x;%=1 for slanted plane
1103 | coord_X=(coord_x *cos(Phi) + coord_y* sin(Phi));
1104 | coord_Y=(-coord_x *sin(Phi) + coord_y *cos(Phi))*cos(Theta);
1105 | coord_Y=coord_Y+coord_z *sin(Theta);
1106 | coord_X=(coord_X *cos(Psi) - coord_Y* sin(Psi));%A VERIFIER
1107 |
1108 | coord_Y=(coord_X *sin(Psi) + coord_Y* cos(Psi));
1109 | else
1110 | coord_X=coord_x;
1111 | coord_Y=coord_y;
1112 | end
1113 |
1114 | %restriction to the range of x and y if imposed
1115 | testin=ones(size(coord_X)); %default
1116 | testbound=0;
1117 | if testXMin
1118 | testin=testin & (coord_X >= XMin);
1119 | testbound=1;
1120 | end
1121 | if testXMax
1122 | testin=testin & (coord_X <= XMax);
1123 | testbound=1;
1124 | end
1125 | if testYMin
1126 | testin=testin & (coord_Y >= YMin);
1127 | testbound=1;
1128 | end
1129 | if testYMin
1130 | testin=testin & (coord_Y <= YMax);
1131 | testbound=1;
1132 | end
1133 | if testbound
1134 | indcut=find(testin);
1135 | if isempty(indcut)
1136 | errormsg='data outside the bounds of the projection object';
1137 | return
1138 | end
1139 | for ivar=VarIndex
1140 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1141 | eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(indcut);'])
1142 | end
1143 | coord_X=coord_X(indcut);
1144 | coord_Y=coord_Y(indcut);
1145 | if ~isempty(VarType.coord_z)
1146 | coord_Z=coord_Z(indcut);
1147 | end
1148 | end
1149 |
1150 | % different cases of projection
1151 | switch ObjectData.ProjMode
1152 | case 'projection'
1153 | for ivar=VarIndex %transfer variables to the projection plane
1154 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1155 | if ivar==VarType.coord_x %x coordinate
1156 | ProjData.(VarName)=coord_X;
1157 | elseif ivar==VarType.coord_y % y coordinate
1158 | ProjData.(VarName)=coord_Y;
1159 | elseif isempty(VarType.coord_z) || ivar~=VarType.coord_z % other variables (except Z coordinate wyhich is not reproduced)
1160 | ProjData.(VarName)=FieldData.(VarName);
1161 | end
1162 | if isempty(VarType.coord_z) || ivar~=VarType.coord_z
1163 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1164 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName DimCell];
1165 | nbvar=nbvar+1;
1166 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute) >=ivar
1167 | ProjData.VarAttribute{nbvar}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1168 | end
1169 | end
1170 | end
1171 | case 'interp'%interpolate data on a regular grid
1172 | coord_x_proj=XMin:DX:XMax;
1173 | coord_y_proj=YMin:DY:YMax;
1174 | DimCell={'coord_y','coord_x'};
1175 | ProjData.ListVarName={'coord_y','coord_x'};
1176 | ProjData.VarDimName={'coord_y','coord_x'};
1177 | nbcoord=2;
1178 | ProjData.coord_y=[YMin YMax];
1179 | ProjData.coord_x=[XMin XMax];
1180 | % if isempty(ivar_X), ivar_X=0; end;
1181 | % if isempty(ivar_Y), ivar_Y=0; end;
1182 | % if isempty(ivar_Z), ivar_Z=0; end;
1183 | % if isempty(ivar_U), ivar_U=0; end;
1184 | % if isempty(ivar_V), ivar_V=0; end;
1185 | % if isempty(ivar_W), ivar_W=0; end;
1186 | % if isempty(ivar_F), ivar_F=0; end;
1187 | % if isempty(ivar_FF), ivar_FF=0; end;
1188 | % if ~isequal(ivar_FF,0)
1189 | if ~isempty(VarType.errorflag)
1190 | VarName_FF=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.errorflag};
1191 | indsel=find(FieldData.(VarName_FF)==0);
1192 | coord_X=coord_X(indsel);
1193 | coord_Y=coord_Y(indsel);
1194 | end
1195 |
1196 | FF=zeros(1,length(coord_y_proj)*length(coord_x_proj));
1197 | testFF=0;
1198 | %for ivar=VarIndex % loop on field variables to project
1199 | for ivar=[VarType.scalar VarType.vector_x VarType.vector_y]
1200 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1201 | % if ~( ivar==ivar_X || ivar==ivar_Y || ivar==ivar_Z || ivar==ivar_F || ivar==ivar_FF ||...
1202 | % ( numel(test_anc)>=ivar && test_anc(ivar)==1))
1203 | ivar_new=ivar_new+1;
1204 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {VarName}];
1205 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1206 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute) >=ivar
1207 | ProjData.VarAttribute{ivar_new+nbcoord}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1208 | end
1209 | %if ~isequal(ivar_FF,0)
1210 | if ~isempty(VarType.errorflag)
1211 | FieldData.(VarName)=FieldData.(VarName)(indsel);
1212 | end
1213 | ProjData.(VarName)=griddata_uvmat(double(coord_X),double(coord_Y),double(FieldData.(VarName)),coord_x_proj,coord_y_proj');
1214 | varline=reshape(ProjData.(VarName),1,length(coord_y_proj)*length(coord_x_proj));
1215 | FFlag= isnan(varline); %detect undefined values NaN
1216 | indnan=find(FFlag);
1217 | if~isempty(indnan)
1218 | varline(indnan)=zeros(size(indnan));
1219 | ProjData.(VarName)=reshape(varline,length(coord_y_proj),length(coord_x_proj));
1220 | FF(indnan)=ones(size(indnan));
1221 | testFF=1;
1222 | end
1223 | if ivar==ivar_U
1224 | ivar_U=ivar_new;
1225 | end
1226 | if ivar==ivar_V
1227 | ivar_V=ivar_new;
1228 | end
1229 | if ivar==ivar_W
1230 | ivar_W=ivar_new;
1231 | end
1232 | % end
1233 | end
1234 | if testFF
1235 | ProjData.FF=reshape(FF,length(coord_y_proj),length(coord_x_proj));
1236 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {'FF'}];
1237 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1238 | ProjData.VarAttribute{ivar_new+1+nbcoord}.Role='errorflag';
1239 | end
1240 | % case 'filter'%interpolate data on a regular grid
1241 | % errormsg='tps required for filter option'
1242 |
1243 | end
1244 |
1245 | %% case of tps interpolation (applies only in filter mode)
1246 | case 'tps'
1247 | if strcmp(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')
1248 | coord_x_proj=XMin:DX:XMax;
1249 | coord_y_proj=YMin:DY:YMax;
1250 | np_x=numel(coord_x_proj);
1251 | np_y=numel(coord_y_proj);
1252 | [XI,YI]=meshgrid(coord_x_proj,coord_y_proj');
1253 | XI=XI+ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
1254 | YI=YI+ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
1255 | DataOut=calc_field(FieldData.FieldList,FieldData,cat(3,XI,YI));
1256 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName DataOut.ListVarName];
1257 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName DataOut.VarDimName];
1258 | ProjData.VarAttribute=[ProjData.VarAttribute DataOut.VarAttribute];
1259 | for ilist=1:length(DataOut.ListVarName)% reshape data, excluding coordinates (ilist=1-2), TODO: rationalise
1260 | VarName=DataOut.ListVarName{ilist};
1261 | % ProjData.(VarName)=DataOut.(VarName);
1262 | if ilist>=3
1263 | ProjData.(VarName)=reshape(DataOut.(VarName),np_y,np_x);
1264 | end
1265 | end
1266 | ProjData.coord_x=[XMin XMax];
1267 | ProjData.coord_y=[YMin YMax];
1268 | end
1269 |
1270 | %% case of input fields defined on a structured grid
1271 | case 'structured'
1272 |
1273 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)};%get the first variable of the cell to get the input matrix dimensions
1274 | eval(['DimValue=size(FieldData.' VarName ');'])%input matrix dimensions
1275 | DimValue(DimValue==1)=[];%remove singleton dimensions
1276 | NbDim=numel(DimValue);%update number of space dimensions
1277 | nbcolor=1; %default number of 'color' components: third matrix index without corresponding coordinate
1278 | if NbDim>=3
1279 | if NbDim>3
1280 | errormsg='matrices with more than 3 dimensions not handled';
1281 | return
1282 | else
1283 | if numel(find(VarType.coord))==2% the third matrix dimension does not correspond to a space coordinate
1284 | nbcolor=DimValue(3);
1285 | DimValue(3)=[]; %number of 'color' components updated
1286 | NbDim=2;% space dimension set to 2
1287 | end
1288 | end
1289 | end
1290 | AYName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(NbDim-1)};%name of input x coordinate (name preserved on projection)
1291 | AXName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(NbDim)};%name of input y coordinate (name preserved on projection)
1292 | if testangle% TODO modify name also in case of origin shift in x or y
1293 | AYProjName='Y';
1294 | AXProjName='X';
1295 | count=0;
1296 | %modify coordinate names if they are already used
1297 | while ~(isempty(find(strcmp('AXName',ProjData.ListVarName),1)) && isempty(find(strcmp('AYName',ProjData.ListVarName),1)))
1298 | count=count+1;
1299 | AYProjName=[AYProjName '_' num2str(count)];
1300 | AXProjName=[AXProjName '_' num2str(count)];
1301 | end
1302 | else
1303 | AYProjName=AYName;% (name preserved on projection)
1304 | AXProjName=AXName;%name of input y coordinate (name preserved on projection)
1305 | end
1306 | ListDimName=FieldData.VarDimName{VarIndex(1)};
1307 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {AYProjName} {AXProjName}]; %TODO: check if it already exists in Projdata (several cells)
1308 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {AYProjName} {AXProjName}];
1309 | Coord_z=[];
1310 | Coord_y=[];
1311 | Coord_x=[];
1312 |
1313 | for idim=1:NbDim %loop on space dimensions
1314 | test_interp(idim)=0;%test for coordiate interpolation (non regular grid), =0 by default
1315 | ivar=VarType.coord(idim);% index of the variable corresponding to the current dimension
1316 | if ~isequal(ivar,0)% a variable corresponds to the dimension #idim
1317 | eval(['Coord{idim}=FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar} ';']) ;% coord values for the input field
1318 | if numel(Coord{idim})==2 %input array defined on a regular grid
1319 | DCoord_min(idim)=(Coord{idim}(2)-Coord{idim}(1))/DimValue(idim);
1320 | else
1321 | DCoord=diff(Coord{idim});%array of coordinate derivatives for the input field
1322 | DCoord_min(idim)=min(DCoord);
1323 | DCoord_max=max(DCoord);
1324 | % test_direct(idim)=DCoord_max>0;% =1 for increasing values, 0 otherwise
1325 | if abs(DCoord_max-DCoord_min(idim))>abs(DCoord_max/1000)
1326 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['non monotonic dimension variable # ' num2str(idim) ' in proj_field.m'])
1327 | return
1328 | end
1329 | test_interp(idim)=(DCoord_max-DCoord_min(idim))> 0.0001*abs(DCoord_max);% test grid regularity
1330 | end
1331 | test_direct(idim)=(DCoord_min(idim)>0);
1332 | else % no variable associated with the dimension #idim, the coordinate value is set equal to the matrix index by default
1333 | Coord_i_str=['Coord_' num2str(idim)];
1334 | DCoord_min(idim)=1;%default
1335 | Coord{idim}=[0.5 DimValue(idim)-0.5];
1336 | test_direct(idim)=1;
1337 | end
1338 | end
1339 | if DY==0
1340 | DY=abs(DCoord_min(NbDim-1));
1341 | end
1342 | npY=1+round(abs(Coord{NbDim-1}(end)-Coord{NbDim-1}(1))/DY);%nbre of points after interpol
1343 | if DX==0
1344 | DX=abs(DCoord_min(NbDim));
1345 | end
1346 | npX=1+round(abs(Coord{NbDim}(end)-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DX);%nbre of points after interpol
1347 | for idim=1:NbDim
1348 | if test_interp(idim)
1349 | DimValue(idim)=1+round(abs(Coord{idim}(end)-Coord{idim}(1))/abs(DCoord_min(idim)));%nbre of points after possible interpolation on a regular gri
1350 | end
1351 | end
1352 | Coord_y=linspace(Coord{NbDim-1}(1),Coord{NbDim-1}(end),npY);
1353 | test_direct_y=test_direct(NbDim-1);
1354 | Coord_x=linspace(Coord{NbDim}(1),Coord{NbDim}(end),npX);
1355 | test_direct_x=test_direct(NbDim);
1356 | DAX=DCoord_min(NbDim);
1357 | DAY=DCoord_min(NbDim-1);
1358 | minAX=min(Coord_x);
1359 | maxAX=max(Coord_x);
1360 | minAY=min(Coord_y);
1361 | maxAY=max(Coord_y);
1362 | xcorner=[minAX maxAX minAX maxAX]-ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
1363 | ycorner=[maxAY maxAY minAY minAY]-ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
1364 | xcor_new=xcorner*cos_om+ycorner*sin_om;%coord new frame
1365 | ycor_new=-xcorner*sin_om+ycorner*cos_om;
1366 | if ~testXMax
1367 | XMax=max(xcor_new);
1368 | end
1369 | if ~testXMin
1370 | XMin=min(xcor_new);
1371 | end
1372 | if ~testYMax
1373 | YMax=max(ycor_new);
1374 | end
1375 | if ~testYMin
1376 | YMin=min(ycor_new);
1377 | end
1378 | DXinit=(maxAX-minAX)/(DimValue(NbDim)-1);
1379 | DYinit=(maxAY-minAY)/(DimValue(NbDim-1)-1);
1380 | if DX==0
1381 | DX=DXinit;
1382 | end
1383 | if DY==0
1384 | DY=DYinit;
1385 | end
1386 | if NbDim==3
1387 | DZ=(Coord{1}(end)-Coord{1}(1))/(DimValue(1)-1);
1388 | if ~test_direct(1)
1389 | DZ=-DZ;
1390 | end
1391 | Coord_z=linspace(Coord{1}(1),Coord{1}(end),DimValue(1));
1392 | test_direct_z=test_direct(1);
1393 | end
1394 | npX=floor((XMax-XMin)/DX+1);
1395 | npY=floor((YMax-YMin)/DY+1);
1396 | if test_direct_y
1397 | coord_y_proj=linspace(YMin,YMax,npY);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
1398 | else
1399 | coord_y_proj=linspace(YMax,YMin,npY);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
1400 | end
1401 | if test_direct_x
1402 | coord_x_proj=linspace(XMin,XMax,npX);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
1403 | else
1404 | coord_x_proj=linspace(XMax,XMin,npX);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
1405 | end
1406 | % case with no interpolation
1407 | if isequal(ProjMode,'projection') && (~testangle || test90y || test90x)
1408 | if NbDim==2 && ~testXMin && ~testXMax && ~testYMin && ~testYMax
1409 | ProjData=FieldData;% no change by projection
1410 | else
1411 | indY=NbDim-1;
1412 | if test_direct(indY)
1413 | min_indy=ceil((YMin-Coord{indY}(1))/DYinit)+1;
1414 | max_indy=floor((YMax-Coord{indY}(1))/DYinit)+1;
1415 | Ybound(1)=Coord{indY}(1)+DYinit*(min_indy-1);
1416 | Ybound(2)=Coord{indY}(1)+DYinit*(max_indy-1);
1417 | else
1418 | min_indy=ceil((Coord{indY}(1)-YMax)/DYinit)+1;
1419 | max_indy=floor((Coord{indY}(1)-YMin)/DYinit)+1;
1420 | Ybound(2)=Coord{indY}(1)-DYinit*(max_indy-1);
1421 | Ybound(1)=Coord{indY}(1)-DYinit*(min_indy-1);
1422 | end
1423 | if test_direct(NbDim)==1
1424 | min_indx=ceil((XMin-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DXinit)+1;
1425 | max_indx=floor((XMax-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DXinit)+1;
1426 | Xbound(1)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(min_indx-1);
1427 | Xbound(2)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(max_indx-1);
1428 | else
1429 | min_indx=ceil((Coord{NbDim}(1)-XMax)/DXinit)+1;
1430 | max_indx=floor((Coord{NbDim}(1)-XMin)/DXinit)+1;
1431 | Xbound(2)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(max_indx-1);
1432 | Xbound(1)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(min_indx-1);
1433 | end
1434 | min_indy=max(min_indy,1);% deals with margin (bound lower than the first index)
1435 | min_indx=max(min_indx,1);
1436 |
1437 | if test90y
1438 | ind_new=[3 2 1];
1439 | DimCell={AYProjName,AXProjName};
1440 | % DimValue=DimValue(ind_new);
1441 | iz=ceil((ObjectData.Coord(1,1)-Coord{3}(1))/DX)+1;
1442 | for ivar=VarIndex
1443 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1444 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1445 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1446 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar}; %reproduce the variable attributes
1447 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=permute(FieldData.' VarName ',ind_new);'])% permute x and z indices for 90 degree rotation
1448 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=squeeze(ProjData.' VarName '(iz,:,:));'])% select the z index iz
1449 | end
1450 | eval(['ProjData.' AYProjName '=[Ybound(1) Ybound(2)];']) %record the new (projected ) y coordinates
1451 | eval(['ProjData.' AXProjName '=[Coord{1}(end),Coord{1}(1)];']) %record the new (projected ) x coordinates
1452 | else
1453 | if NbDim==3
1454 | DimCell(1)=[]; %suppress z variable
1455 | DimValue(1)=[];
1456 | if test_direct(1)
1457 | iz=ceil((ObjectData.Coord(1,3)-Coord{1}(1))/DZ)+1;
1458 | else
1459 | iz=ceil((Coord{1}(1)-ObjectData.Coord(1,3))/DZ)+1;
1460 | end
1461 | end
1462 | max_indy=min(max_indy,DimValue(1));%introduce bounds in y and x indices
1463 | max_indx=min(max_indx,DimValue(2));
1464 | for ivar=VarIndex% loop on non coordinate variables
1465 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1466 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1467 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1468 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute)>=ivar
1469 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1470 | end
1471 | if NbDim==3
1472 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=squeeze(FieldData.' VarName '(iz,min_indy:max_indy,min_indx:max_indx));']);
1473 | else
1474 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(min_indy:max_indy,min_indx:max_indx,:);']);
1475 | end
1476 | end
1477 | eval(['ProjData.' AYProjName '=[Ybound(1) Ybound(2)];']) %record the new (projected ) y coordinates
1478 | eval(['ProjData.' AXProjName '=[Xbound(1) Xbound(2)];']) %record the new (projected ) x coordinates
1479 | end
1480 | end
1481 | else % case with rotation and/or interpolation
1482 | if NbDim==2 %2D case
1483 | [X,Y]=meshgrid(coord_x_proj,coord_y_proj);%grid in the new coordinates
1484 | XIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+(X)*cos(PlaneAngle(3))-Y*sin(PlaneAngle(3));%corresponding coordinates in the original image
1485 | YIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+(X)*sin(PlaneAngle(3))+Y*cos(PlaneAngle(3));
1486 | XIMA=(XIMA-minAX)/DXinit+1;% image index along x
1487 | YIMA=(-YIMA+maxAY)/DYinit+1;% image index along y
1488 | XIMA=reshape(round(XIMA),1,npX*npY);%indices reorganized in 'line'
1489 | YIMA=reshape(round(YIMA),1,npX*npY);
1490 | flagin=XIMA>=1 & XIMA<=DimValue(2) & YIMA >=1 & YIMA<=DimValue(1);%flagin=1 inside the original image
1491 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')
1492 | npx_filter=ceil(abs(DX/DAX));
1493 | npy_filter=ceil(abs(DY/DAY));
1494 | Mfilter=ones(npy_filter,npx_filter)/(npx_filter*npy_filter);
1495 | test_filter=1;
1496 | else
1497 | test_filter=0;
1498 | end
1499 | eval(['ProjData.' AYName '=[coord_y_proj(1) coord_y_proj(end)];']) %record the new (projected ) y coordinates
1500 | eval(['ProjData.' AXName '=[coord_x_proj(1) coord_x_proj(end)];']) %record the new (projected ) x coordinates
1501 | for ivar=VarIndex
1502 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1503 | if test_interp(1) || test_interp(2)%interpolate on a regular grid
1504 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=interp2(Coord{2},Coord{1},FieldData.' VarName ',Coord_x,Coord_y'');']) %TO TEST
1505 | end
1506 | %filter the field (image) if option 'filter' is used
1507 | if test_filter
1508 | Aclass=class(FieldData.A);
1509 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=filter2(Mfilter,FieldData.' VarName ',''valid'');'])
1510 | if ~isequal(Aclass,'double')
1511 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=' Aclass '(FieldData.' VarName ');'])%revert to integer values
1512 | end
1513 | end
1514 | eval(['vec_A=reshape(FieldData.' VarName ',[],nbcolor);'])%put the original image in line
1515 | %ind_in=find(flagin);
1516 | ind_out=find(~flagin);
1517 | ICOMB=(XIMA-1)*DimValue(1)+YIMA;
1518 | ICOMB=ICOMB(flagin);%index corresponding to XIMA and YIMA in the aligned original image vec_A
1519 | vec_B(flagin,1:nbcolor)=vec_A(ICOMB,:);
1520 | for icolor=1:nbcolor
1521 | vec_B(ind_out,icolor)=zeros(size(ind_out));
1522 | end
1523 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1524 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1525 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute')&&length(FieldData.VarAttribute)>=ivar
1526 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)+nbcoord}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1527 | end
1528 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=reshape(vec_B,npY,npX,nbcolor);']);
1529 | end
1530 | ProjData.FF=reshape(~flagin,npY,npX);%false flag A FAIRE: tenir compte d'un flga antérieur
1531 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName 'FF'];
1532 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1533 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}.Role='errorflag';
1534 | elseif ~testangle
1535 | % unstructured z coordinate
1536 | test_sup=(Coord{1}>=ObjectData.Coord(1,3));
1537 | iz_sup=find(test_sup);
1538 | iz=iz_sup(1);
1539 | if iz>=1 & iz<=npz
1540 | %ProjData.ListDimName=[ProjData.ListDimName ListDimName(2:end)];
1541 | %ProjData.DimValue=[ProjData.DimValue npY npX];
1542 | for ivar=VarIndex
1543 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1544 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1545 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar}; %reproduce the variable attributes
1546 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=squeeze(FieldData.' VarName '(iz,:,:));'])% select the z index iz
1547 | %TODO : do a vertical average for a thick plane
1548 | if test_interp(2) || test_interp(3)
1549 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=interp2(Coord{3},Coord{2},ProjData.' VarName ',Coord_x,Coord_y'');'])
1550 | end
1551 | end
1552 | end
1553 | else
1554 | errormsg='projection of structured coordinates on oblique plane not yet implemented';
1555 | %TODO: use interp3
1556 | return
1557 | end
1558 | end
1559 | end
1560 |
1561 | %% projection of velocity components in the rotated coordinates
1562 | if testangle && length(ivar_U)==1
1563 | if isempty(ivar_V)
1564 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','v velocity component missing in proj_field.m')
1565 | return
1566 | end
1567 | UName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_U};
1568 | VName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_V};
1569 | eval(['ProjData.' UName '=cos(PlaneAngle(3))*ProjData.' UName '+ sin(PlaneAngle(3))*ProjData.' VName ';'])
1570 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=cos(Theta)*(-sin(PlaneAngle(3))*ProjData.' UName '+ cos(PlaneAngle(3))*ProjData.' VName ');'])
1571 | if ~isempty(ivar_W)
1572 | WName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_W};
1573 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=ProjData.' VName '+ ProjData.' WName '*sin(Theta);'])%
1574 | eval(['ProjData.' WName '=NormVec_X*ProjData.' UName '+ NormVec_Y*ProjData.' VName '+ NormVec_Z* ProjData.' WName ';']);
1575 | end
1576 | if ~isequal(Psi,0)
1577 | eval(['ProjData.' UName '=cos(Psi)* ProjData.' UName '- sin(Psi)*ProjData.' VName ';']);
1578 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=sin(Psi)* ProjData.' UName '+ cos(Psi)*ProjData.' VName ';']);
1579 | end
1580 | end
1581 | end
1582 |
1583 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
1584 | %projection in a volume
1585 | function [ProjData,errormsg] = proj_volume(FieldData, ObjectData)
1586 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
1587 | ProjData=FieldData;%default output
1588 |
1589 | %% initialisation of the input parameters of the projection plane
1590 | ProjMode='projection';%direct projection by default
1591 | if isfield(ObjectData,'ProjMode'),ProjMode=ObjectData.ProjMode; end;
1592 |
1593 | %% axis origin
1594 | if isempty(ObjectData.Coord)
1595 | ObjectData.Coord(1,1)=0;%origin of the plane set to [0 0] by default
1596 | ObjectData.Coord(1,2)=0;
1597 | ObjectData.Coord(1,3)=0;
1598 | end
1599 |
1600 | %% rotation angles
1601 | VolumeAngle=[0 0 0];
1602 | norm_plane=[0 0 1];
1603 | if isfield(ObjectData,'Angle')&& isequal(size(ObjectData.Angle),[1 3])&& ~isequal(ObjectData.Angle,[0 0 0])
1604 | PlaneAngle=ObjectData.Angle;
1605 | VolumeAngle=ObjectData.Angle;
1606 | om=norm(VolumeAngle);%norm of rotation angle in radians
1607 | OmAxis=VolumeAngle/om; %unit vector marking the rotation axis
1608 | cos_om=cos(pi*om/180);
1609 | sin_om=sin(pi*om/180);
1610 | coeff=OmAxis(3)*(1-cos_om);
1611 | %components of the unity vector norm_plane normal to the projection plane
1612 | norm_plane(1)=OmAxis(1)*coeff+OmAxis(2)*sin_om;
1613 | norm_plane(2)=OmAxis(2)*coeff-OmAxis(1)*sin_om;
1614 | norm_plane(3)=OmAxis(3)*coeff+cos_om;
1615 | end
1616 | testangle=~isequal(VolumeAngle,[0 0 0]);
1617 |
1618 | %% mesh sizes DX, DY, DZ
1619 | DX=0;
1620 | DY=0; %default
1621 | DZ=0;
1622 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DX')&~isempty(ObjectData.DX)
1623 | DX=abs(ObjectData.DX);%mesh of interpolation points
1624 | end
1625 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DY')&~isempty(ObjectData.DY)
1626 | DY=abs(ObjectData.DY);%mesh of interpolation points
1627 | end
1628 | if isfield(ObjectData,'DZ')&~isempty(ObjectData.DZ)
1629 | DZ=abs(ObjectData.DZ);%mesh of interpolation points
1630 | end
1631 | if ~strcmp(ProjMode,'projection') && (DX==0||DY==0||DZ==0)
1632 | errormsg='grid mesh DX , DY or DZ is missing';
1633 | return
1634 | end
1635 |
1636 | %% extrema along each axis
1637 | testXMin=0;
1638 | testXMax=0;
1639 | testYMin=0;
1640 | testYMax=0;
1641 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeX')
1642 | XMin=min(ObjectData.RangeX);
1643 | XMax=max(ObjectData.RangeX);
1644 | testXMin=XMax>XMin;
1645 | testXMax=1;
1646 | end
1647 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeY')
1648 | YMin=min(ObjectData.RangeY);
1649 | YMax=max(ObjectData.RangeY);
1650 | testYMin=YMax>YMin;
1651 | testYMax=1;
1652 | end
1653 | width=0;%default width of the projection band
1654 | if isfield(ObjectData,'RangeZ')
1655 | ZMin=min(ObjectData.RangeZ);
1656 | ZMax=max(ObjectData.RangeZ);
1657 | testZMin=ZMax>ZMin;
1658 | testZMax=1;
1659 | end
1660 |
1661 | %% initiate Matlab structure for physical field
1662 | [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData);
1663 | ProjData.NbDim=3;
1664 | ProjData.ListVarName={};
1665 | ProjData.VarDimName={};
1666 | if ~isequal(DX,0)&& ~isequal(DY,0)
1667 | ProjData.Mesh=sqrt(DX*DY);%define typical data mesh, useful for mouse selection in plots
1668 | elseif isfield(FieldData,'Mesh')
1669 | ProjData.Mesh=FieldData.Mesh;
1670 | end
1671 |
1672 | error=0;%default
1673 | flux=0;
1674 | testfalse=0;
1675 | ListIndex={};
1676 |
1677 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1678 | %% group the variables (fields of 'FieldData') in cells of variables with the same dimensions
1679 | %-----------------------------------------------------------------
1680 | idimvar=0;
1681 | [CellVarIndex,NbDimVec,VarTypeCell,errormsg]=find_field_cells(FieldData);
1682 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
1683 | errormsg=['error in proj_field/proj_plane:' errormsg];
1684 | return
1685 | end
1686 |
1688 | % CellVarIndex=cells of variable index arrays
1689 | ivar_new=0; % index of the current variable in the projected field
1690 | icoord=0;
1691 | nbcoord=0;%number of added coordinate variables brought by projection
1692 | nbvar=0;
1693 | for icell=1:length(CellVarIndex)
1694 | NbDim=NbDimVec(icell);
1695 | if NbDim<3
1696 | continue
1697 | end
1698 | VarIndex=CellVarIndex{icell};% indices of the selected variables in the list FieldData.ListVarName
1699 | VarType=VarTypeCell{icell};
1700 | ivar_X=VarType.coord_x;
1701 | ivar_Y=VarType.coord_y;
1702 | ivar_Z=VarType.coord_z;
1703 | ivar_U=VarType.vector_x;
1704 | ivar_V=VarType.vector_y;
1705 | ivar_W=VarType.vector_z;
1706 | ivar_C=VarType.scalar ;
1707 | ivar_Anc=VarType.ancillary;
1708 | test_anc=zeros(size(VarIndex));
1709 | test_anc(ivar_Anc)=ones(size(ivar_Anc));
1710 | ivar_F=VarType.warnflag;
1711 | ivar_FF=VarType.errorflag;
1712 | check_unstructured_coord=~isempty(ivar_X) && ~isempty(ivar_Y);
1713 | DimCell=FieldData.VarDimName{VarIndex(1)};
1714 | if ischar(DimCell)
1715 | DimCell={DimCell};%name of dimensions
1716 | end
1717 |
1718 | %% case of input fields with unstructured coordinates
1719 | if check_unstructured_coord
1720 | XName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_X};
1721 | YName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_Y};
1722 | eval(['coord_x=FieldData.' XName ';'])
1723 | eval(['coord_y=FieldData.' YName ';'])
1724 | if length(ivar_Z)==1
1725 | ZName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_Z};
1726 | eval(['coord_z=FieldData.' ZName ';'])
1727 | end
1728 |
1729 | % translate initial coordinates
1730 | coord_x=coord_x-ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
1731 | coord_y=coord_y-ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
1732 | if ~isempty(ivar_Z)
1733 | coord_z=coord_z-ObjectData.Coord(1,3);
1734 | end
1735 |
1736 | % selection of the vectors in the projection range
1737 | % if length(ivar_Z)==1 && width > 0
1738 | % %components of the unitiy vector normal to the projection plane
1739 | % fieldZ=NormVec_X*coord_x + NormVec_Y*coord_y+ NormVec_Z*coord_z;% distance to the plane
1740 | % indcut=find(abs(fieldZ) <= width);
1741 | % for ivar=VarIndex
1742 | % VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1743 | % eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(indcut);'])
1745 | % end
1746 | % coord_x=coord_x(indcut);
1747 | % coord_y=coord_y(indcut);
1748 | % coord_z=coord_z(indcut);
1749 | % end
1750 |
1751 | %rotate coordinates if needed: TODO modify
1752 | if testangle
1753 | coord_X=(coord_x *cos(Phi) + coord_y* sin(Phi));
1754 | coord_Y=(-coord_x *sin(Phi) + coord_y *cos(Phi))*cos(Theta);
1755 | if ~isempty(ivar_Z)
1756 | coord_Y=coord_Y+coord_z *sin(Theta);
1757 | end
1758 |
1759 | coord_X=(coord_X *cos(Psi) - coord_Y* sin(Psi));%A VERIFIER
1760 | coord_Y=(coord_X *sin(Psi) + coord_Y* cos(Psi));
1761 |
1762 | else
1763 | coord_X=coord_x;
1764 | coord_Y=coord_y;
1765 | coord_Z=coord_z;
1766 | end
1767 | %restriction to the range of x and y if imposed
1768 | testin=ones(size(coord_X)); %default
1769 | testbound=0;
1770 | if testXMin
1771 | testin=testin & (coord_X >= XMin);
1772 | testbound=1;
1773 | end
1774 | if testXMax
1775 | testin=testin & (coord_X <= XMax);
1776 | testbound=1;
1777 | end
1778 | if testYMin
1779 | testin=testin & (coord_Y >= YMin);
1780 | testbound=1;
1781 | end
1782 | if testYMax
1783 | testin=testin & (coord_Y <= YMax);
1784 | testbound=1;
1785 | end
1786 | if testbound
1787 | indcut=find(testin);
1788 | for ivar=VarIndex
1789 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1790 | eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(indcut);'])
1791 | end
1792 | coord_X=coord_X(indcut);
1793 | coord_Y=coord_Y(indcut);
1794 | if length(ivar_Z)==1
1795 | coord_Z=coord_Z(indcut);
1796 | end
1797 | end
1798 | % different cases of projection
1799 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'projection')%%%%%%% NOT USED %%%%%%%%%%
1800 | for ivar=VarIndex %transfer variables to the projection plane
1801 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1802 | if ivar==ivar_X %x coordinate
1803 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=coord_X;'])
1804 | elseif ivar==ivar_Y % y coordinate
1805 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=coord_Y;'])
1806 | elseif isempty(ivar_Z) || ivar~=ivar_Z % other variables (except Z coordinate wyhich is not reproduced)
1807 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName ';'])
1808 | end
1809 | if isempty(ivar_Z) || ivar~=ivar_Z
1810 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
1811 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName DimCell];
1812 | nbvar=nbvar+1;
1813 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute) >=ivar
1814 | ProjData.VarAttribute{nbvar}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1815 | end
1816 | end
1817 | end
1818 | elseif isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'interp')||isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')%interpolate data on a regular grid
1819 | coord_x_proj=XMin:DX:XMax;
1820 | coord_y_proj=YMin:DY:YMax;
1821 | coord_z_proj=ZMin:DZ:ZMax;
1822 | DimCell={'coord_z','coord_y','coord_x'};
1823 | ProjData.ListVarName={'coord_z','coord_y','coord_x'};
1824 | ProjData.VarDimName={'coord_z','coord_y','coord_x'};
1825 | nbcoord=2;
1826 | ProjData.coord_z=[ZMin ZMax];
1827 | ProjData.coord_y=[YMin YMax];
1828 | ProjData.coord_x=[XMin XMax];
1829 | if isempty(ivar_X), ivar_X=0; end;
1830 | if isempty(ivar_Y), ivar_Y=0; end;
1831 | if isempty(ivar_Z), ivar_Z=0; end;
1832 | if isempty(ivar_U), ivar_U=0; end;
1833 | if isempty(ivar_V), ivar_V=0; end;
1834 | if isempty(ivar_W), ivar_W=0; end;
1835 | if isempty(ivar_F), ivar_F=0; end;
1836 | if isempty(ivar_FF), ivar_FF=0; end;
1837 | if ~isequal(ivar_FF,0)
1838 | VarName_FF=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_FF};
1839 | eval(['indsel=find(FieldData.' VarName_FF '==0);'])
1840 | coord_X=coord_X(indsel);
1841 | coord_Y=coord_Y(indsel);
1842 | end
1843 | FF=zeros(1,length(coord_y_proj)*length(coord_x_proj));
1844 | testFF=0;
1845 | [X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(coord_y_proj,coord_z_proj,coord_x_proj);%grid in the new coordinates
1846 | for ivar=VarIndex
1847 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
1848 | if ~( ivar==ivar_X || ivar==ivar_Y || ivar==ivar_Z || ivar==ivar_F || ivar==ivar_FF || test_anc(ivar)==1)
1849 | ivar_new=ivar_new+1;
1850 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {VarName}];
1851 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1852 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute) >=ivar
1853 | ProjData.VarAttribute{ivar_new+nbcoord}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
1854 | end
1855 | if ~isequal(ivar_FF,0)
1856 | eval(['FieldData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(indsel);'])
1857 | end
1858 | eval(['InterpFct=TriScatteredInterp(double(coord_X),double(coord_Y),double(coord_Z),double(FieldData.' VarName '))'])
1859 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=InterpFct(X,Y,Z);'])
1860 | % eval(['varline=reshape(ProjData.' VarName ',1,length(coord_y_proj)*length(coord_x_proj));'])
1861 | % FFlag= isnan(varline); %detect undefined values NaN
1862 | % indnan=find(FFlag);
1863 | % if~isempty(indnan)
1864 | % varline(indnan)=zeros(size(indnan));
1865 | % eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=reshape(varline,length(coord_y_proj),length(coord_x_proj));'])
1866 | % FF(indnan)=ones(size(indnan));
1867 | % testFF=1;
1868 | % end
1869 | if ivar==ivar_U
1870 | ivar_U=ivar_new;
1871 | end
1872 | if ivar==ivar_V
1873 | ivar_V=ivar_new;
1874 | end
1875 | if ivar==ivar_W
1876 | ivar_W=ivar_new;
1877 | end
1878 | end
1879 | end
1880 | if testFF
1881 | ProjData.FF=reshape(FF,length(coord_y_proj),length(coord_x_proj));
1882 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {'FF'}];
1883 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
1884 | ProjData.VarAttribute{ivar_new+1+nbcoord}.Role='errorflag';
1885 | end
1886 | end
1887 |
1888 | %% case of input fields defined on a structured grid
1889 | else
1890 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarIndex(1)};%get the first variable of the cell to get the input matrix dimensions
1891 | eval(['DimValue=size(FieldData.' VarName ');'])%input matrix dimensions
1892 | DimValue(DimValue==1)=[];%remove singleton dimensions
1893 | NbDim=numel(DimValue);%update number of space dimensions
1894 | nbcolor=1; %default number of 'color' components: third matrix index without corresponding coordinate
1895 | if NbDim>=3
1896 | if NbDim>3
1897 | errormsg='matrices with more than 3 dimensions not handled';
1898 | return
1899 | else
1900 | if numel(find(VarType.coord))==2% the third matrix dimension does not correspond to a space coordinate
1901 | nbcolor=DimValue(3);
1902 | DimValue(3)=[]; %number of 'color' components updated
1903 | NbDim=2;% space dimension set to 2
1904 | end
1905 | end
1906 | end
1907 | AYName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(NbDim-1)};%name of input x coordinate (name preserved on projection)
1908 | AXName=FieldData.ListVarName{VarType.coord(NbDim)};%name of input y coordinate (name preserved on projection)
1909 | eval(['AX=FieldData.' AXName ';'])
1910 | eval(['AY=FieldData.' AYName ';'])
1911 | ListDimName=FieldData.VarDimName{VarIndex(1)};
1912 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName {AYName} {AXName}]; %TODO: check if it already exists in Projdata (several cells)
1913 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {AYName} {AXName}];
1914 |
1915 | % for idim=1:length(ListDimName)
1916 | % DimName=ListDimName{idim};
1917 | % if strcmp(DimName,'rgb')||strcmp(DimName,'nb_coord')||strcmp(DimName,'nb_coord_i')
1918 | % nbcolor=DimValue(idim);
1919 | % DimValue(idim)=[];
1920 | % end
1921 | % if isequal(DimName,'nb_coord_j')% NOTE: CASE OF TENSOR NOT TREATED
1922 | % DimValue(idim)=[];
1923 | % end
1924 | % end
1925 | Coord_z=[];
1926 | Coord_y=[];
1927 | Coord_x=[];
1928 |
1929 | for idim=1:NbDim %loop on space dimensions
1930 | test_interp(idim)=0;%test for coordiate interpolation (non regular grid), =0 by default
1931 | ivar=VarType.coord(idim);% index of the variable corresponding to the current dimension
1932 | if ~isequal(ivar,0)% a variable corresponds to the dimension #idim
1933 | eval(['Coord{idim}=FieldData.' FieldData.ListVarName{ivar} ';']) ;% coord values for the input field
1934 | if numel(Coord{idim})==2 %input array defined on a regular grid
1935 | DCoord_min(idim)=(Coord{idim}(2)-Coord{idim}(1))/DimValue(idim);
1936 | else
1937 | DCoord=diff(Coord{idim});%array of coordinate derivatives for the input field
1938 | DCoord_min(idim)=min(DCoord);
1939 | DCoord_max=max(DCoord);
1940 | % test_direct(idim)=DCoord_max>0;% =1 for increasing values, 0 otherwise
1941 | if abs(DCoord_max-DCoord_min(idim))>abs(DCoord_max/1000)
1942 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['non monotonic dimension variable # ' num2str(idim) ' in proj_field.m'])
1943 | return
1944 | end
1945 | test_interp(idim)=(DCoord_max-DCoord_min(idim))> 0.0001*abs(DCoord_max);% test grid regularity
1946 | end
1947 | test_direct(idim)=(DCoord_min(idim)>0);
1948 | else % no variable associated with the dimension #idim, the coordinate value is set equal to the matrix index by default
1949 | Coord_i_str=['Coord_' num2str(idim)];
1950 | DCoord_min(idim)=1;%default
1951 | Coord{idim}=[0.5 DimValue(idim)-0.5];
1952 | test_direct(idim)=1;
1953 | end
1954 | end
1955 | if DY==0
1956 | DY=abs(DCoord_min(NbDim-1));
1957 | end
1958 | npY=1+round(abs(Coord{NbDim-1}(end)-Coord{NbDim-1}(1))/DY);%nbre of points after interpol
1959 | if DX==0
1960 | DX=abs(DCoord_min(NbDim));
1961 | end
1962 | npX=1+round(abs(Coord{NbDim}(end)-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DX);%nbre of points after interpol
1963 | for idim=1:NbDim
1964 | if test_interp(idim)
1965 | DimValue(idim)=1+round(abs(Coord{idim}(end)-Coord{idim}(1))/abs(DCoord_min(idim)));%nbre of points after possible interpolation on a regular gri
1966 | end
1967 | end
1968 | Coord_y=linspace(Coord{NbDim-1}(1),Coord{NbDim-1}(end),npY);
1969 | test_direct_y=test_direct(NbDim-1);
1970 | Coord_x=linspace(Coord{NbDim}(1),Coord{NbDim}(end),npX);
1971 | test_direct_x=test_direct(NbDim);
1972 | DAX=DCoord_min(NbDim);
1973 | DAY=DCoord_min(NbDim-1);
1974 | minAX=min(Coord_x);
1975 | maxAX=max(Coord_x);
1976 | minAY=min(Coord_y);
1977 | maxAY=max(Coord_y);
1978 | xcorner=[minAX maxAX minAX maxAX]-ObjectData.Coord(1,1);
1979 | ycorner=[maxAY maxAY minAY minAY]-ObjectData.Coord(1,2);
1980 | xcor_new=xcorner*cos(Phi)+ycorner*sin(Phi);%coord new frame
1981 | ycor_new=-xcorner*sin(Phi)+ycorner*cos(Phi);
1982 | if ~testXMax
1983 | XMax=max(xcor_new);
1984 | end
1985 | if ~testXMin
1986 | XMin=min(xcor_new);
1987 | end
1988 | if ~testYMax
1989 | YMax=max(ycor_new);
1990 | end
1991 | if ~testYMin
1992 | YMin=min(ycor_new);
1993 | end
1994 | DXinit=(maxAX-minAX)/(DimValue(NbDim)-1);
1995 | DYinit=(maxAY-minAY)/(DimValue(NbDim-1)-1);
1996 | if DX==0
1997 | DX=DXinit;
1998 | end
1999 | if DY==0
2000 | DY=DYinit;
2001 | end
2002 | if NbDim==3
2003 | DZ=(Coord{1}(end)-Coord{1}(1))/(DimValue(1)-1);
2004 | if ~test_direct(1)
2005 | DZ=-DZ;
2006 | end
2007 | Coord_z=linspace(Coord{1}(1),Coord{1}(end),DimValue(1));
2008 | test_direct_z=test_direct(1);
2009 | end
2010 | npX=floor((XMax-XMin)/DX+1);
2011 | npY=floor((YMax-YMin)/DY+1);
2012 | if test_direct_y
2013 | coord_y_proj=linspace(YMin,YMax,npY);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
2014 | else
2015 | coord_y_proj=linspace(YMax,YMin,npY);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
2016 | end
2017 | if test_direct_x
2018 | coord_x_proj=linspace(XMin,XMax,npX);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
2019 | else
2020 | coord_x_proj=linspace(XMax,XMin,npX);%abscissa of the new pixels along the line
2021 | end
2022 |
2023 | % case with no rotation and interpolation
2024 | if isequal(ProjMode,'projection') && isequal(Phi,0) && isequal(Theta,0) && isequal(Psi,0)
2025 | if ~testXMin && ~testXMax && ~testYMin && ~testYMax && NbDim==2
2026 | ProjData=FieldData;
2027 | else
2028 | indY=NbDim-1;
2029 | if test_direct(indY)
2030 | min_indy=ceil((YMin-Coord{indY}(1))/DYinit)+1;
2031 | max_indy=floor((YMax-Coord{indY}(1))/DYinit)+1;
2032 | Ybound(1)=Coord{indY}(1)+DYinit*(min_indy-1);
2033 | Ybound(2)=Coord{indY}(1)+DYinit*(max_indy-1);
2034 | else
2035 | min_indy=ceil((Coord{indY}(1)-YMax)/DYinit)+1;
2036 | max_indy=floor((Coord{indY}(1)-YMin)/DYinit)+1;
2037 | Ybound(2)=Coord{indY}(1)-DYinit*(max_indy-1);
2038 | Ybound(1)=Coord{indY}(1)-DYinit*(min_indy-1);
2039 | end
2040 | if test_direct(NbDim)==1
2041 | min_indx=ceil((XMin-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DXinit)+1;
2042 | max_indx=floor((XMax-Coord{NbDim}(1))/DXinit)+1;
2043 | Xbound(1)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(min_indx-1);
2044 | Xbound(2)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(max_indx-1);
2045 | else
2046 | min_indx=ceil((Coord{NbDim}(1)-XMax)/DXinit)+1;
2047 | max_indx=floor((Coord{NbDim}(1)-XMin)/DXinit)+1;
2048 | Xbound(2)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(max_indx-1);
2049 | Xbound(1)=Coord{NbDim}(1)+DXinit*(min_indx-1);
2050 | end
2051 | if NbDim==3
2052 | DimCell(1)=[]; %suppress z variable
2053 | DimValue(1)=[];
2054 | %structured coordinates
2055 | if test_direct(1)
2056 | iz=ceil((ObjectData.Coord(1,3)-Coord{1}(1))/DZ)+1;
2057 | else
2058 | iz=ceil((Coord{1}(1)-ObjectData.Coord(1,3))/DZ)+1;
2059 | end
2060 | end
2061 | min_indy=max(min_indy,1);% deals with margin (bound lower than the first index)
2062 | min_indx=max(min_indx,1);
2063 | max_indy=min(max_indy,DimValue(1));
2064 | max_indx=min(max_indx,DimValue(2));
2065 | for ivar=VarIndex% loop on non coordinate variables
2066 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
2067 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
2068 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
2069 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute') && length(FieldData.VarAttribute)>=ivar
2070 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
2071 | end
2072 | if NbDim==3
2073 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=squeeze(FieldData.' VarName '(iz,min_indy:max_indy,min_indx:max_indx));']);
2074 | else
2075 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=FieldData.' VarName '(min_indy:max_indy,min_indx:max_indx,:);']);
2076 | end
2077 | end
2078 | eval(['ProjData.' AYName '=[Ybound(1) Ybound(2)];']) %record the new (projected ) y coordinates
2079 | eval(['ProjData.' AXName '=[Xbound(1) Xbound(2)];']) %record the new (projected ) x coordinates
2080 | end
2081 | elseif isfield(FieldData,'A') %TO GENERALISE % case with rotation and/or interpolation
2082 | if NbDim==2 %2D case
2083 | [X,Y]=meshgrid(coord_x_proj,coord_y_proj);%grid in the new coordinates
2084 | XIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,1)+(X)*cos(Phi)-Y*sin(Phi);%corresponding coordinates in the original image
2085 | YIMA=ObjectData.Coord(1,2)+(X)*sin(Phi)+Y*cos(Phi);
2086 | XIMA=(XIMA-minAX)/DXinit+1;% image index along x
2087 | YIMA=(-YIMA+maxAY)/DYinit+1;% image index along y
2088 | XIMA=reshape(round(XIMA),1,npX*npY);%indices reorganized in 'line'
2089 | YIMA=reshape(round(YIMA),1,npX*npY);
2090 | flagin=XIMA>=1 & XIMA<=DimValue(2) & YIMA >=1 & YIMA<=DimValue(1);%flagin=1 inside the original image
2091 | if isequal(ObjectData.ProjMode,'filter')
2092 | npx_filter=ceil(abs(DX/DAX));
2093 | npy_filter=ceil(abs(DY/DAY));
2094 | Mfilter=ones(npy_filter,npx_filter)/(npx_filter*npy_filter);
2095 | test_filter=1;
2096 | else
2097 | test_filter=0;
2098 | end
2099 | eval(['ProjData.' AYName '=[coord_y_proj(1) coord_y_proj(end)];']) %record the new (projected ) y coordinates
2100 | eval(['ProjData.' AXName '=[coord_x_proj(1) coord_x_proj(end)];']) %record the new (projected ) x coordinates
2101 | for ivar=VarIndex
2102 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
2103 | if test_interp(1) || test_interp(2)%interpolate on a regular grid
2104 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=interp2(Coord{2},Coord{1},FieldData.' VarName ',Coord_x,Coord_y'');']) %TO TEST
2105 | end
2106 | %filter the field (image) if option 'filter' is used
2107 | if test_filter
2108 | Aclass=class(FieldData.A);
2109 | ProjData.(VarName)=filter2(Mfilter,FieldData.(VarName),'valid');
2110 | if ~isequal(Aclass,'double')
2111 | ProjData.(VarName)=Aclass(FieldData.(VarName));%revert to integer values
2112 | end
2113 | end
2114 | eval(['vec_A=reshape(FieldData.' VarName ',[],nbcolor);'])%put the original image in line
2115 | %ind_in=find(flagin);
2116 | ind_out=find(~flagin);
2117 | ICOMB=(XIMA-1)*DimValue(1)+YIMA;
2118 | ICOMB=ICOMB(flagin);%index corresponding to XIMA and YIMA in the aligned original image vec_A
2119 | vec_B(flagin,1:nbcolor)=vec_A(ICOMB,:);
2120 | for icolor=1:nbcolor
2121 | vec_B(ind_out,icolor)=zeros(size(ind_out));
2122 | end
2123 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
2124 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
2125 | if isfield(FieldData,'VarAttribute')&&length(FieldData.VarAttribute)>=ivar
2126 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)+nbcoord}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar};
2127 | end
2128 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=reshape(vec_B,npY,npX,nbcolor);']);
2129 | end
2130 | ProjData.FF=reshape(~flagin,npY,npX);%false flag A FAIRE: tenir compte d'un flga antérieur
2131 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName 'FF'];
2132 | ProjData.VarDimName=[ProjData.VarDimName {DimCell}];
2133 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}.Role='errorflag';
2134 | else %3D case
2135 | if ~testangle
2136 | % unstructured z coordinate
2137 | test_sup=(Coord{1}>=ObjectData.Coord(1,3));
2138 | iz_sup=find(test_sup);
2139 | iz=iz_sup(1);
2140 | if iz>=1 & iz<=npz
2141 | %ProjData.ListDimName=[ProjData.ListDimName ListDimName(2:end)];
2142 | %ProjData.DimValue=[ProjData.DimValue npY npX];
2143 | for ivar=VarIndex
2144 | VarName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar};
2145 | ProjData.ListVarName=[ProjData.ListVarName VarName];
2146 | ProjData.VarAttribute{length(ProjData.ListVarName)}=FieldData.VarAttribute{ivar}; %reproduce the variable attributes
2147 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=squeeze(FieldData.' VarName '(iz,:,:));'])% select the z index iz
2148 | %TODO : do a vertical average for a thick plane
2149 | if test_interp(2) || test_interp(3)
2150 | eval(['ProjData.' VarName '=interp2(Coord{3},Coord{2},ProjData.' VarName ',Coord_x,Coord_y'');'])
2151 | end
2152 | end
2153 | end
2154 | else
2155 | errormsg='projection of structured coordinates on oblique plane not yet implemented';
2156 | %TODO: use interp3
2157 | return
2158 | end
2159 | end
2160 | end
2161 | end
2162 |
2163 | %% projection of velocity components in the rotated coordinates
2164 | if testangle
2165 | if isempty(ivar_V)
2166 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','v velocity component missing in proj_field.m')
2167 | return
2168 | end
2169 | UName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_U};
2170 | VName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_V};
2171 | eval(['ProjData.' UName '=cos(Phi)*ProjData.' UName '+ sin(Phi)*ProjData.' VName ';'])
2172 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=cos(Theta)*(-sin(Phi)*ProjData.' UName '+ cos(Phi)*ProjData.' VName ');'])
2173 | if ~isempty(ivar_W)
2174 | WName=FieldData.ListVarName{ivar_W};
2175 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=ProjData.' VName '+ ProjData.' WName '*sin(Theta);'])%
2176 | eval(['ProjData.' WName '=NormVec_X*ProjData.' UName '+ NormVec_Y*ProjData.' VName '+ NormVec_Z* ProjData.' WName ';']);
2177 | end
2178 | if ~isequal(Psi,0)
2179 | eval(['ProjData.' UName '=cos(Psi)* ProjData.' UName '- sin(Psi)*ProjData.' VName ';']);
2180 | eval(['ProjData.' VName '=sin(Psi)* ProjData.' UName '+ cos(Psi)*ProjData.' VName ';']);
2181 | end
2182 | end
2183 | end
2184 |
2185 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
2186 | %--- transfer the global attributes
2187 | function [ProjData,errormsg]=proj_heading(FieldData,ObjectData)
2188 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
2189 | ProjData=[];%default
2190 | errormsg='';%default
2191 |
2192 | %% transfer error
2193 | if isfield(FieldData,'Txt')
2194 | errormsg=FieldData.Txt; %transmit erreur message
2195 | return;
2196 | end
2197 |
2198 | %% transfer global attributes
2199 | if ~isfield(FieldData,'ListGlobalAttribute')
2200 | ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute={};
2201 | else
2202 | ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute=FieldData.ListGlobalAttribute;
2203 | end
2204 | for iattr=1:length(ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute)
2205 | AttrName=ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute{iattr};
2206 | if isfield(FieldData,AttrName)
2207 | eval(['ProjData.' AttrName '=FieldData.' AttrName ';']);
2208 | end
2209 | end
2210 |
2211 | %% transfer coordinate unit
2212 | if isfield(FieldData,'CoordUnit')
2213 | if isfield(ObjectData,'CoordUnit') && ~strcmp(FieldData.CoordUnit,ObjectData.CoordUnit)
2214 | errormsg=[ObjectData.Type ' in ' ObjectData.CoordUnit ' coordinates, while field in ' FieldData.CoordUnit ];
2215 | return
2216 | else
2217 | ProjData.CoordUnit=FieldData.CoordUnit;
2218 | end
2219 | end
2220 |
2221 | %% store the properties of the projection object
2222 | ListObject={'Type','ProjMode','RangeX','RangeY','RangeZ','Phi','Theta','Psi','Coord'};
2223 | for ilist=1:length(ListObject)
2224 | if isfield(ObjectData,ListObject{ilist})
2225 | eval(['val=ObjectData.' ListObject{ilist} ';'])
2226 | if ~isempty(val)
2227 | eval(['ProjData.Object' ListObject{ilist} '=val;']);
2228 | ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute=[ProjData.ListGlobalAttribute {['Object' ListObject{ilist}]}];
2229 | end
2230 | end
2231 | end