1 | %'proj_grid': project fields with unstructured coordinantes on a regular grid
2 | % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function [A,rangx,rangy]=proj_grid(vec_X,vec_Y,vec_A,rgx_in,rgy_in,npxy_in)
4 |
5 | %=======================================================================
6 | % Copyright 2008-2021, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
7 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
8 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
9 | %
10 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
11 | %
12 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
14 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
15 | % or (at your option) any later version.
16 | %
17 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
21 | %=======================================================================
22 |
23 | function [A,rangx,rangy]=proj_grid(vec_X,vec_Y,vec_A,rgx_in,rgy_in,npxy_in)
24 | if length(vec_Y)<2
25 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','less than 2 points in proj_grid.m');
26 | return;
27 | end
28 | diffy=diff(vec_Y); %difference dy=vec_Y(i+1)-vec_Y(i)
29 | index=find(diffy);% find the indices of vec_Y after wich a change of horizontal line occurs(diffy non zero)
30 | if isempty(index); msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','points aligned along abscissa in proj_grid.m'); return; end;%points aligned% A FAIRE: switch to line plot.
31 | diff2=diff(diffy(index));% diff2 = fluctuations of the detected vertical grid mesh dy
32 | if max(abs(diff2))>0.001*abs(diffy(index(1))) % if max(diff2) is larger than 1/1000 of the first mesh dy
33 | % the data are not regularly spaced and must be interpolated on a regular grid
34 | if exist('rgx_in','var') & ~isempty (rgx_in) & isnumeric(rgx_in) & length(rgx_in)==2% positions imposed from input
35 | rangx=rgx_in; % first and last positions
36 | rangy=rgy_in;
37 | % npxy=npxy_in;
38 | dxy(1)=1/(npxy_in(1)-1);%grid mesh in y
39 | dxy(2)=1/(npxy_in(2)-1);%grid mesh in x
40 | dxy(1)=(rangy(2)-rangy(1))/(npxy_in(1)-1);%grid mesh in y
41 | dxy(2)=(rangx(2)-rangx(1))/(npxy_in(2)-1);%grid mesh in x
42 | else % interpolation grid automatically determined
43 | rangx(1)=min(vec_X);
44 | rangx(2)=max(vec_X);
45 | rangy(2)=min(vec_Y);
46 | rangy(1)=max(vec_Y);
47 | dxymod=sqrt((rangx(2)-rangx(1))*(rangy(1)-rangy(2))/length(vec_X));
48 | dxy=[-dxymod/4 dxymod/4];% increase the resolution 4 times
49 | end
50 | xi=[rangx(1):dxy(2):rangx(2)];
51 | yi=[rangy(1):dxy(1):rangy(2)];
52 | [XI,YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);% creates the matrix of regular coordinates
53 | A=griddata_uvmat(vec_X,vec_Y,vec_A,xi,yi');
54 | A=reshape(A,length(yi),length(xi));
55 | else
56 | x=vec_X(1:index(1));% the set of abscissa (obtained on the first line)
57 | indexend=index(end);% last vector index of line change
58 | ymax=vec_Y(indexend+1);% y coordinate AFTER line change
59 | ymin=vec_Y(index(1));
60 | %y=[vec_Y(index) ymax]; % the set of y ordinates including the last one
61 | y=vec_Y(index);
62 | y(length(y)+1)=ymax;
63 | nx=length(x); %number of grid points in x
64 | ny=length(y); % number of grid points in y
65 | B=(reshape(vec_A,nx,ny))'; %vec_A reshaped as a rectangular matrix
66 | [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);% positions X and Y also reshaped as matrix
67 |
68 | %linear interpolation to improve the image resolution and/or adjust
69 | %to prescribed positions
70 | test_interp=1;
71 | if exist('rgx_in','var') & ~isempty (rgx_in) & isnumeric(rgx_in) & length(rgx_in)==2% positions imposed from input
72 | rangx=rgx_in; % first and last positions
73 | rangy=rgy_in;
74 | npxy=npxy_in;
75 | else
76 | rangx=[vec_X(1) vec_X(nx)];% first and last position found for x
77 | % rangy=[ymin ymax];
78 | rangy=[max(ymax,ymin) min(ymax,ymin)];
79 | if max(nx,ny) <= 64 & isequal(npxy_in,'np>256')
80 | npxy=[8*ny 8*nx];% increase the resolution 8 times
81 | elseif max(nx,ny) <= 128 & isequal(npxy_in,'np>256')
82 | npxy=[4*ny 4*nx];% increase the resolution 4 times
83 | elseif max(nx,ny) <= 256 & isequal(npxy_in,'np>256')
84 | npxy=[2*ny 2*nx];% increase the resolution 2 times
85 | else
86 | npxy=[ny nx];
87 | test_interp=0; % no interpolation done
88 | end
89 | end
90 | if test_interp==1%if we interpolate
91 | xi=[rangx(1):(rangx(2)-rangx(1))/(npxy(2)-1):rangx(2)];
92 | yi=[rangy(1):(rangy(2)-rangy(1))/(npxy(1)-1):rangy(2)];
93 | [XI,YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi);
94 | A = interp2(X,Y,B,XI,YI);
95 | else %no interpolation for a resolution higher than 256
96 | A=B;
97 | XI=X;
98 | YI=Y;
99 | end
100 | end