1 | %=======================================================================
2 | % Copyright 2008-2018, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
3 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
4 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
5 | %
6 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
7 | %
8 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
10 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
11 | % or (at your option) any later version.
12 | %
13 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
17 | %=======================================================================
18 |
19 | function [A,FileInfo,timestamps,errormsg]=read_rdvision(filename,frame_idx)
20 | % BINREAD_RDV Permet de lire les fichiers bin g???n???r???s par Hiris ??? partir du
21 | % fichier seq associ???.
23 | % l'image d'indice FRAME_IDX de la s???quence FILENAME.
24 | %
25 | % Entr???es
26 | % -------
27 | % FILENAME : Nom du fichier s???quence (.seq).
28 | % FRAME_IDX : Indice de l'image ??? lire. Si FRAME_IDX vaut -1 alors la
29 | % s???quence est enti???rement lue. Si FRAME_IDX est un tableau d'indices
30 | % alors toutes les images d'incides correspondant sont lues. Si FRAME_IDX
31 | % est un tableau vide alors aucune image n'est lue mais le nombre
32 | % d'images et tous les timestamps sont renvoy???s. Les indices commencent ???
33 | % 1 et se termines ??? NB_FRAMES.
34 | %
35 | % Sorties
36 | % -------
37 | % IMGS : Images de sortie.
38 | % TIMESTAMPS : Timestaps des images lues.
39 | % NB_FRAMES : Nombres d'images dans la s???quence.
40 |
41 | errormsg='';
42 | if nargin<2% no frame indices specified
43 | frame_idx=-1;% all the images in the series are read
44 | end
45 | A=[];
46 | timestamps=[];
47 | [PathDir,RootFile,Ext]=fileparts(filename);
48 | RootPath=fileparts(PathDir);
49 | switch Ext
50 | case '.seq'
51 | filename_seq=filename;
52 | filename_sqb=fullfile(PathDir,[RootFile '.sqb']);
53 | case '.sqb'
54 | filename_seq=fullfile(PathDir,[RootFile '.seq']);
55 | filename_sqb=filename;
56 | otherwise
57 | errormsg='input file extension must be .seq or .sqb';
58 | end
59 | if ~exist(filename_seq,'file')
60 | errormsg=[filename_seq ' does not exist'];
61 | return
62 | end
63 | s=ini2struct(filename_seq);
64 | FileInfo=s.sequenceSettings;
65 | if isfield(s.sequenceSettings,'numberoffiles')
66 | FileInfo.NumberOfFrames=str2double(s.sequenceSettings.numberoffiles);
67 | FileInfo.FrameRate=str2double(s.sequenceSettings.framepersecond);
68 | FileInfo.ColorType='grayscale';
69 | else
70 | FileInfo.FileType='';
71 | return
72 | end
73 | FileInfo.FileType='rdvision'; % file used to store info from image acquisition systems of rdvision
74 | nbfield=numel(fieldnames(FileInfo));
75 | FileInfo=orderfields(FileInfo,[nbfield nbfield-1 nbfield-2 (1:nbfield-3)]); %reorder the fields of fileInfo for clarity
76 |
77 | % read the images the input frame_idxis not empty
78 | if ~isempty(frame_idx)
79 | w=str2double(FileInfo.width);
80 | h=str2double(FileInfo.height);
81 | bpp=str2double(FileInfo.bytesperpixel);
82 | bin_file=FileInfo.binfile;
83 | % bin_file='Dalsa1_';
84 | nb_frames=str2double(FileInfo.numberoffiles);
85 | %%%% reading the .sqb file
86 | m = memmapfile(filename_sqb,'Format', { 'uint32' [1 1] 'offset'; ...
87 | 'uint32' [1 1] 'garbage1';...
88 | 'double' [1 1] 'timestamp';...
89 | 'uint32' [1 1] 'file_idx';...
90 | 'uint32' [1 1] 'garbage2' },'Repeat',nb_frames);
91 | data=m.Data;
92 | %%%%%%%BRICOLAGE in case of unreadable .sqb file
93 | % ind=[144 149:646];%indices of bin files
94 | % lengthimage=w*h*bpp;% lengthof an image record on the binary file
95 | % for ii=1:32*numel(ind)
96 | % data(ii).offset=mod(ii-1,32)*2*lengthimage+lengthimage;%Dalsa_2
97 | % %data(ii).offset=mod(ii-1,32)*2*lengthimage;%Dalsa_1
98 | % data(ii).file_idx=ind(ceil(ii/32));
99 | % data(ii).timestamp=0.2*(ii-1);
100 | % end
101 | %%%%%%%
102 | timestamps=[data.timestamp];
103 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
104 | if frame_idx==-1
105 | frame_idx=1:nb_frames;
106 | end
107 |
108 | classname=sprintf('uint%d',bpp*8);
109 | A=zeros([h,w,length(frame_idx)],classname);
110 |
111 | classname=['*' classname];
112 |
113 | for i=1:length(frame_idx)
114 | ii=frame_idx(i);
115 | if ~isempty(FileInfo.binrepertoire)
116 | binrepertoire=FileInfo.binrepertoire;
117 | else %used when binrepertoire empty, strange feature of rdvision
118 | binrepertoire=regexprep(FileInfo.bindirectory,'\\$','');%tranform Windows notation to Linux
119 | binrepertoire=regexprep(binrepertoire,'\','/');
120 | [tild,binrepertoire,DirExt]=fileparts(binrepertoire);
121 | binrepertoire=[binrepertoire DirExt];
122 | end
123 | % binrepertoire='2014-07-04T10.48.46'% case FJORD5a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
124 | binrepertoire='2017-01-19T22.12.182'% EXP14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
125 | binfile=fullfile(RootPath,binrepertoire,sprintf('%s%.5d.bin',bin_file,data(ii).file_idx));
126 | fid=fopen(binfile,'rb');
127 | fseek(fid,data(ii).offset,-1);
128 | A(:,:,i)=reshape(fread(fid,w*h,classname),w,h)';
129 | fclose(fid);
130 | end
131 |
132 | if ~isempty(frame_idx)
133 | timestamps=timestamps(frame_idx);
134 | end
135 | end
136 |
137 | function Result = ini2struct(FileName)
138 | %==========================================================================
139 | % Author: Andriy Nych ( nych.andriy@gmail.com )
140 | % Version: 733341.4155741782200
141 | %==========================================================================
142 | %
143 | % INI = ini2struct(FileName)
144 | %
145 | % This function parses INI file FileName and returns it as a structure with
146 | % section names and keys as fields.
147 | %
148 | % Sections from INI file are returned as fields of INI structure.
149 | % Each fiels (section of INI file) in turn is structure.
150 | % It's fields are variables from the corresponding section of the INI file.
151 | %
152 | % If INI file contains "oprhan" variables at the beginning, they will be
153 | % added as fields to INI structure.
154 | %
155 | % Lines starting with ';' and '#' are ignored (comments).
156 | %
157 | % See example below for more information.
158 | %
159 | % Usually, INI files allow to put spaces and numbers in section names
160 | % without restrictions as long as section name is between '[' and ']'.
161 | % It makes people crazy to convert them to valid Matlab variables.
162 | % For this purpose Matlab provides GENVARNAME function, which does
163 | % "Construct a valid MATLAB variable name from a given candidate".
164 | % See 'help genvarname' for more information.
165 | %
166 | % The INI2STRUCT function uses the GENVARNAME to convert strange INI
167 | % file string into valid Matlab field names.
168 | %
169 | % [ test.ini ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
170 | %
171 | % SectionlessVar1=Oops
172 | % SectionlessVar2=I did it again ;o)
173 | % [Application]
174 | % Title = Cool program
175 | % LastDir = c:\Far\Far\Away
176 | % NumberOFSections = 2
177 | % [1st section]
178 | % param1 = val1
179 | % Param 2 = Val 2
180 | % [Section #2]
181 | % param1 = val1
182 | % Param 2 = Val 2
183 | %
184 | % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
185 | %
186 | % The function converts this INI file it to the following structure:
187 | %
188 | % [ MatLab session (R2006b) ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
189 | % >> INI = ini2struct('test.ini');
190 | % >> disp(INI)
191 | % sectionlessvar1: 'Oops'
192 | % sectionlessvar2: 'I did it again ;o)'
193 | % application: [1x1 struct]
194 | % x1stSection: [1x1 struct]
195 | % section0x232: [1x1 struct]
196 | %
197 | % >> disp(INI.application)
198 | % title: 'Cool program'
199 | % lastdir: 'c:\Far\Far\Away'
200 | % numberofsections: '2'
201 | %
202 | % >> disp(INI.x1stSection)
203 | % param1: 'val1'
204 | % param2: 'Val 2'
205 | %
206 | % >> disp(INI.section0x232)
207 | % param1: 'val1'
208 | % param2: 'Val 2'
209 | %
210 | % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
211 | %
212 | % NOTE.
213 | % WhatToDoWithMyVeryCoolSectionAndVariableNamesInIniFileMyVeryCoolProgramWrites?
214 | % GENVARNAME also does the following:
215 | % "Any string that exceeds NAMELENGTHMAX is truncated". (doc genvarname)
216 | % Period.
217 | %
218 | % =========================================================================
219 | Result = []; % we have to return something
220 | CurrMainField = ''; % it will be used later
221 | f = fopen(FileName,'r'); % open file
222 | while ~feof(f) % and read until it ends
223 | s = strtrim(fgetl(f)); % Remove any leading/trailing spaces
224 | if isempty(s)
225 | continue;
226 | end;
227 | if (s(1)==';') % ';' start comment lines
228 | continue;
229 | end;
230 | if (s(1)=='#') % '#' start comment lines
231 | continue;
232 | end;
233 | if ( s(1)=='[' ) && (s(end)==']' )
234 | % We found section
235 | CurrMainField = genvarname(lower(s(2:end-1)));
236 | Result.(CurrMainField) = []; % Create field in Result
237 | else
238 | % ??? This is not a section start
239 | [par,val] = strtok(s, '=');
240 | val = CleanValue(val);
241 | if ~isempty(CurrMainField)
242 | % But we found section before and have to fill it
243 | Result.(CurrMainField).(lower(genvarname(par))) = val;
244 | else
245 | % No sections found before. Orphan value
246 | Result.(lower(genvarname(par))) = val;
247 | end
248 | end
249 | end
250 | fclose(f);
251 | return;
252 |
253 | function res = CleanValue(s)
254 | res = strtrim(s);
255 | if strcmpi(res(1),'=')
256 | res(1)=[];
257 | end
258 | res = strtrim(res);
259 | return;