1 | %% get the input file |
2 | project='/fsnet/project/coriolis/2015/15MINI_MEDDY/PROBES'; |
3 | if ~exist(project,'dir') |
4 | project='U:\project\coriolis\2015\15MINI_MEDDY\PROBES';%windows |
5 | end |
6 | fileinput=uigetfile_uvmat('pick an input file',project); |
7 | [Path,Name,Ext]=fileparts(fileinput); |
8 | |
9 | %% read the input file |
10 | FileType=''; |
11 | if strcmp(Ext,'.lvm') |
12 | disp(['reading ' fileinput '...']) |
13 | Data=read_lvm(fileinput) |
14 | elseif strcmp(Ext,'.nc') |
15 | disp(['reading ' fileinput '...']) |
16 | Data=nc2struct(fileinput) |
17 | else |
18 | disp('invalid input file extension') |
19 | end |
20 | |
21 | %% save netcdf file as .lvm |
22 | if strcmp(Ext,'.lvm') |
23 | OutputFile=fullfile(Path,[Name '.nc']); |
24 | errormsg=struct2nc(OutputFile,Data);% copy the data in a netcdf file |
25 | if isempty(errormsg) |
26 | disp([OutputFile ' written']) |
27 | else |
28 | disp(errormsg) |
29 | end |
30 | [success,msg] = fileattrib(OutputFile,'+w','g')% allow writing access for the group of users |
31 | end |
32 | |
33 | %% use calibration stored in a specified xml file; always use the same file |
34 | ProbeDoc=[]; |
35 | %XmlFile=fullfile(Path,[Name '.xml']); |
36 | XmlFile=fullfile(Path,'calib.xml'); |
37 | if exist(XmlFile,'file') |
38 | ProbeDoc=xml2struct(XmlFile) |
39 | else |
40 | disp('no calibration file .xml detected') |
41 | end |
42 | |
43 | % if isfield(Data,'Position'), C2,C4,C6 |
44 | % Min=1; Data.Position=Data.Position+PositionMin; |
45 | % end |
46 | % a5=-2.134088,b5=1010.1611, Data.C2=Data.C2; Data.C5=a5*Data.C5+b5; Data.C6=Data.C2; |
47 | % ylabelstring='density drho (kg/m3)'; |
48 | |
49 | |
50 | %% transform temperature probe signals |
51 | if isfield(ProbeDoc,'T5')&& ~isempty(ProbeDoc.T5) % if temperature calibration exists; see calibT.m |
52 | |
53 | Data.T5=exp((Data.T5 - ProbeDoc.T5.a)./ProbeDoc.T5.b);% transform volt signal into temperature |
54 | Data.T5=filter(ones(1,60)/60,1,Data.T5); % filter the signal to 4 Hz |
55 | figure(6); set(6,'name','temperature'); plot(Data.Time,Data.T5); |
56 | %plot(Data.Time,Data.T5,Data.Time,20+Data.Position/100) |
57 | title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', temperature']) |
58 | xlabel('Time(s)'); ylabel('temperature (degree C)'); %ylim([20 37]) |
59 | grid on |
60 | end |
61 | |
62 | %% check camera signal |
63 | ind_start=find(Data.Trig_Cam>3.5,1,'first') |
64 | disp(['camera starts at time ' num2str(Data.Time(ind_start))]) |
65 | %% transform and filter conductivity probe signals into [temperature-corrected] density |
66 | ylabelstring='conductivity signal (volts)'; clist=0;% counter of conductivity probes |
67 | for ilist=1:numel(Data.ListVarName) |
68 | if isequal(Data.ListVarName{ilist}(1),'C');% if the var name begins by 'C' |
69 | clist=clist+1; |
70 | CName{clist}=Data.ListVarName{ilist}; |
71 | if isfield(ProbeDoc,CName{clist})&& ~isempty(ProbeDoc.(CName{clist})) |
72 | |
73 | a=ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).a; b=ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).b; |
74 | % Data.(CName{clist})=a*Data.(CName{clist})+b;% volts STRAIGHT into density (if const T) |
75 | |
76 | %% BUT now need to modify conductivity, density due to temperature effect |
77 | %% first put into conductivity - using just C5 conductivity calibration for now (22/7/15) |
78 | ac1 = 0.5766e4; bc1 = 2.9129e4; %% this was found later, w/ different gain. Use the one below instead |
79 | %% ac1 = 0.4845e4; bc1 = 2.064e4; %% this was w/ the gain when we did the experiments; but it doesn't work? |
80 | Data.(CName{clist})=ac1*Data.(CName{clist})+bc1; %% voltage translated into conductivity via calibration |
81 | |
82 | %% read in temperature... |
83 | refT = 23; T = Data.T5; |
84 | Hewitt_fit = [2.2794885e-11 -6.2634979e-9 1.5439826e-7 7.8601061e-5 2.1179818e-2]; |
85 | bfit = reshape(polyval(Hewitt_fit,T(:)),size(T)); bref = reshape(polyval(Hewitt_fit,refT(:)),size(refT)); |
86 | sigTsig18 = (1+bfit.*(T-18)); sigREFsig18 = (1+bref.*(refT-18)); |
87 | modfactor = sigTsig18./sigREFsig18; |
88 | modfactor = 1./modfactor; %% now in sigREF/sigT, which (* sigT) below to get sigREF, which can convert to rho |
89 | Data.(CName{clist})=Data.(CName{clist}).*modfactor %% = temp corrected conductivity (= as if at reference temp) |
90 | |
91 | %% now we need to put the modified conductivity back into a (modified) voltage, then estimate density directly. |
92 | ac2 = 1.7343e-4; bc2 = -5.0048; |
93 | Data.(CName{clist})=ac2*Data.(CName{clist})+bc2; % temp-corrected voltage |
94 | Data.(CName{clist})=a*Data.(CName{clist})+b; % now finally voltage into density |
95 | Data.(CName{clist})=filter(ones(1,20)/20,1,Data.(CName{clist})); % filter the signal to 10 Hz |
96 | ylabelstring='density drho (g/cm3)'; |
97 | |
98 | end |
99 | end |
100 | end |
101 | |
102 | %% plot conductivity signals |
103 | figure(1); set(1,'name','conductivity') |
104 | bandwidth2=60; % corresponds to 0.25 cm (1 cm/s with 240 pts/s), removes 4 Hertz |
105 | plot_string='plot('; |
106 | for clist=1:numel(CName) |
107 | Data.(CName{clist})=filter(ones(1,bandwidth2)/bandwidth2,1,Data.(CName{clist}));%low pass filter |
108 | plot_string=[plot_string 'Data.Time,Data.' CName{clist} ',']; |
109 | end |
110 | plot_string(end)=')'; |
111 | eval(plot_string) |
112 | legend(CName') |
113 | htitle=title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', conductivity probes']); |
114 | set(htitle,'Interpreter','none')% desable tex interpreter |
115 | xlabel('Time(s)') |
116 | ylabel(ylabelstring) |
117 | ylim([1 1.02]) |
118 | grid on |
119 | |
120 | if isfield(Data,'Position') |
121 | %% plot motor position |
122 | figure(2) |
123 | set(2,'name','position') |
124 | plot(Data.Time,Data.Position) |
125 | htitle=title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', probe position ']); |
126 | set(htitle,'Interpreter','none')% desable tex interpreter |
127 | xlabel('Time(s)') |
128 | ylabel('Z (cm)') |
129 | grid on |
130 | hold on |
131 | plot(Data.Time,Data.Speed) |
132 | |
133 | %% plot conductivity probe profiles (limited to downward motion, Data.Speed<0) |
134 | if ~isempty(ProbeDoc) |
135 | figure(3) |
136 | set(3,'name','profiles') |
137 | Zmotor=Data.Position(Data.Speed<0); |
138 | Z=Zmotor*ones(1,numel(CName));%motor position transformed in a matrix with a columnfor each probe |
139 | Zmax=max(Zmotor); |
140 | plot_string='plot('; |
141 | for clist=1:numel(CName) |
142 | if isfield(ProbeDoc,CName{clist})&& ~isempty(ProbeDoc.(CName{clist})) && size(ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).Position,2)>=2 % if at least two positions are defined to indicate that the probe moves |
143 | Zprobe=Zmotor-Zmax+ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).Position(2,3);%upper position of the probe |
144 | Zprobe(Zprobe<ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).Position(1,3))=ProbeDoc.(CName{clist}).Position(1,3); |
145 | Z(:,clist)=Zprobe;% add to z the first z position of the chosen probe (given in the xml file) |
146 | plot_string=[plot_string 'Z(:,' num2str(clist) '),Data.' CName{clist} '(Data.Speed<0),']; |
147 | end |
148 | end |
149 | plot_string(end)=')'; |
150 | eval(plot_string) |
151 | legend(CName') |
152 | htitle=title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', conductivity probes']); |
153 | set(htitle,'Interpreter','none')% desable tex interpreter |
154 | xlabel('Z(cm)') |
155 | ylabel(ylabelstring) |
156 | ylim([1 1.02]) |
157 | grid on |
158 | end |
159 | |
160 | end |
161 | |
162 | %%%% |
163 | figure(4) |
164 | bandwidth1=480; % corresponds to 2 cm (1 cm/s with 240 pts/s) |
165 | bandwidth2=60; % corresponds to 0.25 cm (1 cm/s with 240 pts/s), removes 4 Hertz |
166 | C5_filter_low=filter(ones(1,bandwidth2)/bandwidth2,1,Data.C5);%low pass filter |
167 | C5_filter=filter(ones(1,bandwidth1)/bandwidth1,1,C5_filter_low);%low pass filter |
168 | C5_filter=C5_filter_low-C5_filter;% high pass filter |
169 | C5_filter(Data.Speed>-0.1)=NaN; |
170 | plot(Data.Time,C5_filter) |
171 | ylim([-0.001 0.001]) |
172 | hold on |
173 | plot(Data.Time,Data.Position/100000) |
174 | grid on |
175 | hold off |
176 | title('C5 filtered') |
177 | |
178 | %%%% |
179 | figure(5) |
180 | bandwidth1=480; % corresponds to 2 cm (1 cm/s with 240 pts/s) |
181 | bandwidth2=60; % corresponds to 0.25 cm (1 cm/s with 240 pts/s), removes 4 Hertz |
182 | C3_filter_low=filter(ones(1,bandwidth2)/bandwidth2,1,Data.C3);%low pass filter |
183 | C3_filter=filter(ones(1,bandwidth1)/bandwidth1,1,C3_filter_low);%low pass filter |
184 | C3_filter=C3_filter_low-C3_filter;% high pass filter |
185 | C3_filter(Data.Speed>-0.1)=NaN; |
186 | plot(Data.Time,C3_filter) |
187 | ylim([-0.001 0.001]) |
188 | hold on |
189 | plot(Data.Time,Data.Position/100000) |
190 | grid on |
191 | hold off |
192 | title('C3 filtered') |
193 | |
194 | %% plot velocity (ADV) signals |
195 | % figure(5) |
196 | % set(5,'name','velocity') |
197 | % plot(Data.Time,Data.ADV_X,Data.Time,Data.ADV_Y,Data.Time,Data.ADV_Z1,Data.Time,Data.ADV_Z2) |
198 | % legend({'ADV_X';'ADV_Y';'ADV_Z1';'ADV_Z2'}) |
199 | % title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', signal velocity']) |
200 | % xlabel('Time(s)') |
201 | % ylabel('signal (Volt)') |
202 | % grid on |
203 | |
204 | %% plot velocity interface signals |
205 | % figure(6) |
206 | % set(6,'name','interface') |
207 | % plot(Data.Time,Data.I1,Data.Time,Data.I2,Data.Time,Data.I3,Data.Time,Data.I4) |
208 | % legend({'I1';'I2';'I3';'I4'}) |
209 | % title([Data.Experiment ', ' Data.FileName ', Time=' Data.DateTime ', signal interface (ultrasound)']) |
210 | % xlabel('Time(s)') |
211 | % ylabel('signal (Volt)') |
212 | % grid on |
213 | |
214 | |
215 | |