[647] | 1 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2 | % -process LIF images
| 3 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
[810] | 4 |
| 5 | %=======================================================================
[908] | 6 | % Copyright 2008-2015, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UJF G-INP, Grenoble, France
[810] | 7 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
| 8 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
| 9 | %
| 10 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
| 11 | %
| 12 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 13 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
| 14 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
| 15 | % or (at your option) any later version.
| 16 | %
| 17 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 18 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 20 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
| 21 | %=======================================================================
| 22 |
[647] | 23 | function GUI_input=LIF_series(num_i1,num_i2,num_j1,num_j2,Series);
| 24 |
| 25 | %requests for the visibility of input windows in the GUI series (activated directly by the selection in the menu ACTION)
| 26 | if ~exist('num_i1','var')
| 27 | GUI_input={'RootPath';'two';...%nbre of possible input series (options 'on'/'two'/'many', default:'one')
| 28 | 'SubDir';'on';... % subdirectory of derived files (PIV fields), ('on' by default)
| 29 | 'RootFile';'on';... %root input file name ('on' by default)
| 30 | 'FileExt';'on';... %input file extension ('on' by default)
| 31 | 'NomType';'on';...%type of file indexing ('on' by default)
| 32 | 'NbSlice';'on'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default)
| 33 | 'VelTypeMenu';'one';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (civ1,..) options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
| 34 | 'FieldMenu';'one';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
| 35 | 'CoordType';'on';...%can use a transform function 'off' by default
| 36 | 'GetObject';'on';...%can use projection object ,'off' by default
| 37 | %'GetMask';'on'...%can use mask option ,'off' by default
| 38 | %'PARAMETER'; options: name of the user defined parameter',repeat a line for each parameter
| 39 | ''};
| 40 | return %exit the function
| 41 | end
| 42 |
| 43 | %-------------------------------------------------
| 44 | hseries=guidata(Series.hseries);%handles of the GUI series
| 45 | WaitbarPos=get(hseries.waitbar_frame,'Position'); %positiopn of waitbar frame
| 46 | %-------------------------------------------------
| 47 | addpath '/fsnet/project/coriolis/2006/06ICEBOX/0_MATLAB_WORK/LIF'% define path for concentration.m
| 48 | % cpath=which('series');
| 49 |
| 50 | %mode=''; %default
| 51 | time=[];
| 52 | nbviews=numel(Series.RootPath);
| 53 | if nbviews<2
| 54 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR','enter both LIF and PIV series')% we introduce PIV series to improve the filtering (remove particle image)
| 55 | return
| 56 | end
| 57 | [PD,LIFdir]=fileparts(Series.RootPath{1});
| 58 |
| 59 | fulldir=fullfile(PD,'Concentration');
| 60 | if ~exist(fulldir,'dir')
| 61 | try
| 62 | mkdir(fulldir)
| 63 | [xx,msg2] = fileattrib(fulldir,'+w','g'); %yield writing access (+w) to user group (g)
| 64 | catch ME
| 65 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',ME.message)
| 66 | return
| 67 | end
| 68 | end
| 69 |
| 70 | filebase_LIF=fullfile(fulldir,'LIF');%root name for the merged files
| 71 | RootPath=Series.RootPath{1};
| 72 | filebase=fullfile(Series.RootPath{1},Series.RootFile{1});%root file name
| 73 | filebase_1=fullfile(Series.RootPath{2},Series.RootFile{2});%root file name for PIV (background correction)
| 74 | nbfield=numel(num_i1{1});%number of fields in the series
| 75 | [XmlData,error]=imadoc2struct([filebase '.xml']);% calibration data for LIF
| 76 | %[error,Heading,nom_type_read,ext_ima_read,tt,TimeUnit,mode,NbSlice,npx,npy,Calib{2}]
| 77 | [XmlData_1,error]=imadoc2struct([filebase_1 '.xml']);% calibration data for PIV
| 78 | if isfield(XmlData,'Time')
| 79 | time=XmlData.Time;
| 80 | if isfield(XmlData_1,'Time')
| 81 | time_1=XmlData_1.Time;
| 82 | if ~isequal(size(time),size(time_1))
| 83 | msgbox_uvmat('WARNING','inconsistent time array lengths in ImaDoc fields')
| 84 | end
| 85 | end
| 86 | end
| 87 | %check coincidence in time
| 88 | if size(time,1)>1
| 89 | diff_time=max(max(abs(time-time_1)))
| 90 | if diff_time>0
| 91 | msgbox_uvmat(['times of series differ by more than ' num2str(diff_time)],'WARNING')
| 92 | end
| 93 | end
| 94 |
| 95 |
| 96 | hRUN=findobj(Series.hseries,'Tag','RUN');%handles the the uicontrol 'RUN'
| 97 | itime=0;
| 98 | %%%%%%
| 100 | RootPath=fullfile(RootPath,'LIF_REF');
| 101 | for ifile=1:nbfield
| 102 | stopstate=get(hRUN,'BusyAction');%enable stop button
| 103 | if isequal(stopstate,'queue')% enable STOP command
| 104 | update_waitbar(hseries.waitbar,WaitbarPos,ifile/nbfield)
| 105 | %name of the current LIF input file
| 106 | [inputfile,idetect]=name_generator(filebase,num_i1{1}(ifile),num_j1{1}(ifile),Series.FileExt{1},Series.NomType{1},1,num_i1{1}(ifile),num_j2{1}(ifile));
| 107 | if ~idetect
| 108 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[inputfile ' not found'])
| 109 | return
| 110 | end
| 111 | [Data,ParamOut,errormsg] = read_field(inputfile,'image',[]);
| 112 | Data.ZIndex=num_i1{1}(ifile)-Series.NbSlice*(floor((num_i1{1}(ifile)-1)/Series.NbSlice));%second field index
| 113 |
| 114 |
| 115 | file_ref=fullfile(RootPath,['lif_ref_' num2str(Data.ZIndex) '.nc']);
| 116 | Ref=nc2struct(file_ref);%reference file
| 117 | [inputfile_1,idetect]=name_generator(filebase_1,num_i1{2}(ifile),num_j1{2}(ifile),Series.FileExt{2},Series.NomType{2},1,num_i2{2}(ifile),num_j2{2}(ifile));
| 118 | if ~idetect
| 119 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',[inputfile_1 ' not found'])
| 120 | return
| 121 | end
| 122 | Data_1=read_field(inputfile_1,'image',{[]});% read the image
| 123 | Data_1.ZIndex=Data.ZIndex;
| 124 | %%% transform image to concentration
| 125 | [DataOut,dd,DataMask]=concentration(Data,XmlData,Data_1,XmlData_1,Ref);
| 126 | % output file name (netcdf)
| 127 | outputfile=name_generator(filebase_LIF,num_i1{1}(ifile),num_j1{1}(ifile),'.nc',Series.NomType{2},1,num_i2{1}(ifile),num_j2{1}(ifile));
| 128 | % create a structure to prepare the result file
| 129 | Resu.ListGlobalAttribute={'Project','InputFile_1','InputFile_2','Action','Time','ZIndex','z'};
| 130 | [PP,Resu.Project]=fileparts(Series.PathProject);
| 131 | Resu.InputFile_1=inputfile;
| 132 | Resu.InputFile_2=inputfile_1;
| 133 | Resu.Action=Series.Action;
| 134 | if isempty(time)
| 135 | Resu.Time=0;
| 136 | else
| 137 | Resu.Time=time(num_i1{1}(ifile),num_j1{1}(ifile));
| 138 | end
| 139 | Resu.ZIndex=Data.ZIndex;
| 140 | Resu.z=XmlData.GeometryCalib.SliceCoord(Data.ZIndex,3);
[782] | 141 | Resu.ListVarName={'Coord_y' ,'Coord_x' ,'c','mask'};
| 142 | Resu.VarDimName={'Coord_y','Coord_x',{'Coord_y','Coord_x'},{'Coord_y','Coord_x'}};
| 143 | Resu.Coord_y=[DataOut.Coord_y(1), DataOut.Coord_y(end)];
| 144 | Resu.Coord_x=[DataOut.Coord_x(1), DataOut.Coord_x(end)];
[647] | 145 | Resu.c=DataOut.A;
| 146 | Resu.mask=DataMask.A;%to chnge to cartesian coordinates (polar2phys)
| 147 | error=struct2nc(outputfile,Resu); %save result file
| 148 | if isempty(error)
| 149 | display(['output file ' outputfile ' written'])
| 150 | else
| 151 | display( error)
| 152 | end
| 153 | end
| 154 | end
| 155 |