1 | % 'avi2png': copy an avi movie to a series of B/W .png images (take the average of green and blue color components)
2 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | function GUI_input=avi2png(num_i1,num_i2,num_j1,num_j2,Series)
4 |
5 | if ~exist('num_i1','var')
6 | GUI_input={};
7 | return
8 | end
9 | hh=guidata(Series.hseries);
10 | increment=4;
11 | set(hh.incr_i,'String',num2str(increment))
12 | nbfield=length(num_i1);
13 | % basename=[fullfile(Series.RootPath,Series.RootFile) ];
14 | aviname=fullfile(Series.RootPath,[Series.RootFile Series.FileExt]);
15 | rootname=fullfile(Series.RootPath,Series.RootFile);
16 | if ~exist(rootname,'dir')
17 | mkdir(rootname)% will put the extracted images in a subdirectory with the same lname as the avi file (without extension)
18 | end
19 | basename=fullfile(rootname,'frame');
20 |
21 | %enable waitbar and stop buttons on the series interface:
22 | hRUN=findobj(Series.hseries,'Tag','RUN');% handle of the RUN button
23 | hwaitbar=findobj(Series.hseries,'Tag','waitbar');%handle of the waitbar
24 | waitbarpos(1)=Series.WaitbarPos(1);%x position of the waitbar
25 | waitbarpos(3)=Series.WaitbarPos(3);% width of the waitbar
26 |
27 | if isequal(lower(Series.FileExt),'.avi')
28 | hhh=which('mmreader');%look for the existence of 'mmreader'for movie reading
29 | if ~isequal(hhh,'')&& mmreader.isPlatformSupported()
30 | MovieObject=mmreader(aviname);
31 | FileType='movie';
32 | else
33 | FileType='avi';
34 | end
35 | end
36 | %main loop
37 | for ifile=1:nbfield
38 | stopstate=get(hRUN,'BusyAction');
39 | if isequal(stopstate,'queue')% if STOP command is not activated
40 | waitbarpos(4)=(ifile/nbfield)*Series.WaitbarPos(4);
41 | waitbarpos(2)=Series.WaitbarPos(4)+Series.WaitbarPos(2)-waitbarpos(4);
42 | set(hwaitbar,'Position',waitbarpos)%update waitbar on the series interface
43 | drawnow
44 | D=read_image(aviname,'movie',num_i1(ifile),MovieObject);
45 | C=uint8(D);% transform to 8 bit integers
46 | new_index=1+floor((num_i1(ifile)-num_i1(1))/increment);
47 | filename=[basename '_' num2str(new_index) '.png'];%create image name
48 | imwrite(C,filename,'BitDepth',8);%write image
49 | end
50 | end
51 |
52 | %create xml file with timing:
53 | info=aviinfo(aviname);
54 | t=xmltree;
55 | t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc');
56 | [t,uid]=add(t,1,'element','Heading');
57 | % A AJOUTER
58 | % Heading.Project='';
59 | Heading.ImageName=[Series.RootFile '_' num2str(num_i1(1)) '.png'];
60 | t=struct2xml(Heading,t,uid);
61 | [t,uid]=add(t,1,'element','Camera');
62 | Camera.TimeUnit='s';
63 | Camera.BurstTiming.FrameFrequency=info.FramesPerSecond/increment;
64 | Camera.BurstTiming.Dti=1;
65 | Camera.BurstTiming.NbDti=numel(num_i1)-1;
66 | Camera.BurstTiming.Time=(num_i1(1)-1)/info.FramesPerSecond;%time of the first frame of the avi movie
67 | t=struct2xml(Camera,t,uid);
68 | save(t,[basename '.xml'])
69 |
70 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 | %--read images and convert them to the uint16 format used for PIV
72 | function A=read_image(filename,type_ima,num,MovieObject)
73 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 | %num is the view number needed for an avi movie
75 | switch type_ima
76 | case 'movie'
77 | A=read(MovieObject,num);
78 | case 'avi'
79 | mov=aviread(filename,num);
80 | A=frame2im(mov(1));
81 | case 'multimage'
82 | A=imread(filename,num);
83 | case 'image'
84 | A=imread(filename);
85 | end
86 | siz=size(A);
87 | if length(siz)==3;%color images
88 | A=sum(double(A(:,:,2:3)),3)/2;% average green and blue components
89 | end