1 | %'ima2vol': concatene image series to form a 'volume' image, make vertical cuts along x and y
2 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | % function GUI_input=ima2vol(num_i1,num_i2,num_j1,num_j2,Series)
4 | %
6 | % GUI_input=list of options in the GUI series.fig needed for the function
7 | %
8 | %INPUT:
9 | %num_i1: series of first indices i (given from the series interface as first_i:incr_i:last_i, mode and list_pair_civ)
10 | %num_i2: series of second indices i (given from the series interface as first_i:incr_i:last_i, mode and list_pair_civ)
11 | %num_j1: series of first indices j (given from the series interface as first_j:incr_j:last_j, mode and list_pair_civ )
12 | %num_j2: series of second indices j (given from the series interface as first_j:incr_j:last_j, mode and list_pair_civ)
13 | %Series: Matlab structure containing information set by the series interface
14 | %
15 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
16 |
17 | %=======================================================================
18 | % Copyright 2008-2021, LEGI UMR 5519 / CNRS UGA G-INP, Grenoble, France
19 | % http://www.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
20 | % Joel.Sommeria - Joel.Sommeria (A) legi.cnrs.fr
21 | %
22 | % This file is part of the toolbox UVMAT.
23 | %
24 | % UVMAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
25 | % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
26 | % by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license,
27 | % or (at your option) any later version.
28 | %
29 | % UVMAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
30 | % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
32 | % GNU General Public License (see LICENSE.txt) for more details.
33 | %=======================================================================
34 |
35 | function ParamOut=ima2vol(Param)
36 |
37 | %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the function is selected in the menu ActionName or InputTable refreshed
38 | if isstruct(Param) && isequal(Param.Action.RUN,0)
39 | ParamOut.AllowInputSort='off';% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input file SubDir (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
40 | ParamOut.WholeIndexRange='off';% prescribes the file index ranges from min to max (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
41 | ParamOut.NbSlice='off'; %nbre of slices ('off' by default)
42 | ParamOut.VelType='one';% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
43 | ParamOut.FieldName='one';% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
44 | ParamOut.FieldTransform = 'on';%can use a transform function
45 | ParamOut.TransformPath=fullfile(fileparts(which('uvmat')),'transform_field');% path to transform functions (needed for compilation only)
46 | ParamOut.ProjObject='on';%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on',
47 | ParamOut.Mask='on';%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
48 | ParamOut.OutputDirExt='.vol';%set the output dir extension
49 | ParamOut.OutputFileMode='NbInput';% '=NbInput': 1 output file per input file index, '=NbInput_i': 1 file per input file index i, '=NbSlice': 1 file per slice
50 | %check the input files
51 | ParamOut.CheckOverwriteVisible='on'; % manage the overwrite of existing files (default=1)
52 | first_j=[];
53 | if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'first_j'); first_j=Param.IndexRange.first_j; end
54 | PairString='';
55 | if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'PairString'); PairString=Param.IndexRange.PairString; end
56 | [i1,i2,j1,j2] = get_file_index(Param.IndexRange.first_i,first_j,PairString);
57 | FirstFileName=fullfile_uvmat(Param.InputTable{1,1},Param.InputTable{1,2},Param.InputTable{1,3},...
58 | Param.InputTable{1,5},Param.InputTable{1,4},i1,i2,j1,j2);
59 | return
60 | end
61 |
62 | %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%%
63 | %% read input parameters from an xml file if input is a file name (batch mode)
64 | ParamOut=[];
65 | RUNHandle=[];
66 | WaitbarHandle=[];
67 | checkrun=1;
68 | if ischar(Param)
69 | Param=xml2struct(Param);% read Param as input file (batch case)
70 | checkrun=0;
71 | else% interactive mode in Matlab
72 | hseries=findobj(allchild(0),'Tag','series');
73 | RUNHandle=findobj(hseries,'Tag','RUN');%handle of RUN button in GUI series
74 | WaitbarHandle=findobj(hseries,'Tag','Waitbar');%handle of waitbar in GUI series
75 | end
76 |
77 | %% subdirectory for output files
78 | SubdirOut=[Param.OutputSubDir Param.OutputDirExt];
79 |
80 | %% root input file names and nomenclature type (cell arrays with one element)
81 | RootPath=Param.InputTable(:,1);
82 | RootFile=Param.InputTable(:,3);
83 | SubDir=Param.InputTable(:,2);
84 | NomType=Param.InputTable(:,4);
85 | FileExt=Param.InputTable(:,5);
86 |
87 |
88 | %% get the set of input file names (cell array filecell), and file indices
89 | [filecell,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series]=get_file_series(Param);
90 | % filecell{iview,fileindex}: cell array representing the list of file names
91 | % iview: line in the table corresponding to a given file series
92 | % fileindex: file index within the file series,
93 | % i1_series(iview,ref_j,ref_i)... are the corresponding arrays of indices i1,i2,j1,j2, depending on the input line iview and the two reference indices ref_i,ref_j
94 | % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices
95 | nbfield_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices)
96 | nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index
97 | nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields
98 | [FileInfo{1},VideoObject{1}]=get_file_info(filecell{1,1});% type of input file
99 | FileType{1}=FileInfo{1}.FileType;
100 |
101 | %% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files
102 | [XmlData,NbSlice_calib,time,errormsg]=read_multimadoc(RootPath,SubDir,RootFile,FileExt,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series);
103 | if ~isempty(errormsg)
104 | disp_uvmat('WARNING',errormsg,checkrun)
105 | end
106 |
107 | %% coordinate transform or other user defined transform
108 | transform_fct='';%default fct handle
109 | if isfield(Param,'FieldTransform')&&~isempty(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName)
110 | currentdir=pwd;
111 | cd(Param.FieldTransform.TransformPath)
112 | transform_fct=str2func(Param.FieldTransform.TransformName);
113 | cd (currentdir)
114 | end
115 |
116 | %% main loop
117 | for ifile=1:nbfield_i
118 | update_waitbar(WaitbarHandle,ifile/nbfield)
119 | if ~isempty(RUNHandle) && ~strcmp(get(RUNHandle,'BusyAction'),'queue')
120 | disp('program stopped by user')
121 | return
122 | end
123 | for jfile=1:nbfield_j
124 | if ~isempty(j1_series)&&~isequal(j1_series,{[]})
125 | j1=j1_series{1}(jfile,ifile);
126 | end
127 | filename=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},NomType{1},i1_series{1}(jfile,ifile),[],j1)
128 | [Data,tild,errormsg] = read_field(filename,'image');
129 | % transform the input field (e.g; phys) if requested (no transform involving two input fields)
130 | if ~isempty(transform_fct)
131 | Data.ZIndex=jfile;
132 | Data=transform_fct(Data,XmlData{1});
133 | end
134 | if jfile==1
135 | VolData.A=zeros(nbfield_j,size(Data.A,1),size(Data.A,2));
136 | VolData.Coord_z=1:nbfield_j;%default Z values
137 | end
138 | VolData.A(jfile,:,:)=Data.A;%concacene along y
139 | VolData.Coord_z(jfile)=XmlData{1}.GeometryCalib.SliceCoord(jfile,3);
140 | end
141 | % npx=size(Data.A,2);
142 | % npy=size(Data.A,1);
143 | % npz=256;
144 | % ind_x=round(npx/2)-10:round(npx/2)+10;%image index at the mid x position
145 | % ind_y=round(npy/2)-10:round(npy/2)+10;%image index at the mid y position
146 | % ind_y=ind_y-100;% shift to avoid the injector
147 | % %write xml calibration file, using the first file
148 | % Rangx=Data.Coord_x;
149 | % Rangy=Data.Coord_y;
150 | % Rangz=[Z(end) Z(1)];
151 | %
152 | % GeometryCal.CalibrationType='rescale';
153 | % GeometryCal.CoordUnit=Data.CoordUnit;
154 | % GeometryCal.focal=1;
155 | % %scaling along x, y and z
156 | % pxcmx=(npx-1)/(Rangx(2)-Rangx(1));
157 | % pxcmy=(npy-1)/(Rangy(1)-Rangy(2));
158 | % pxcmz=(npz-1)/(Rangz(2)-Rangz(1));
159 | % T_x=-pxcmx*Rangx(1)+0.5;
160 | % T_y=-pxcmy*Rangy(2)+0.5;
161 | % T_z=-pxcmz*Rangz(2)+0.5;
162 | % % xml file for x cut
163 | % GeometryCal.R=[pxcmx,0,0;0,pxcmz,0;0,0,1];
164 | % GeometryCal.Tx_Ty_Tz=[T_x T_z 1];
165 | % ImaDoc.GeometryCalib=GeometryCal;
166 | % t=struct2xml(ImaDoc);
167 | % t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc');
168 | % save(t,fullfile(RootPath{1},SubdirOut,'cut_x.xml'))
169 | % % xml file for y cut
170 | % GeometryCal.R=[pxcmy,0,0;0,pxcmz,0;0,0,1];
171 | % GeometryCal.Tx_Ty_Tz=[T_y T_z 1];
172 | % ImaDoc.GeometryCalib=GeometryCal;
173 | % t=struct2xml(ImaDoc);
174 | % t=set(t,1,'name','ImaDoc');
175 | % save(t,fullfile(RootPath{1},SubdirOut,'cut_y.xml'))
176 | % end
177 |
178 | filename=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubdirOut,RootFile{1},'.nc','_1',i1_series{1}(jfile,ifile),[],j1);
179 | VolData.ListVarName={'Coord_z','Coord_y','Coord_x','A'};
180 | VolData.VarDimName={'Coord_z','Coord_y','Coord_x',{'Coord_z','Coord_y','Coord_x'}};
181 | VolData.Coord_x=Data.Coord_x;
182 | VolData.Coord_y=Data.Coord_y;
183 | struct2nc(filename,VolData)
184 | disp([filename ' written'])
185 | end
186 |
187 |
188 |