1 | % relabel_i_j: relabel an image series with two indices, according to the time matrix given by ImaDoc
2 | %----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 | function GUI_input=ima2vol(num_i1,num_i2,num_j1,num_j2,Series)
4 | %requests for the visibility of input windows in the GUI series (activated directly by the selection in the menu ACTION)
5 | if ~exist('num_i1','var')
6 | GUI_input={};
7 | return %exit the function
8 | end
9 |
10 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%enable waitbar
11 | hseries=guidata(Series.hseries);%handles of the GUI series
12 | WaitbarPos=get(hseries.waitbar_frame,'Position');
13 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
14 |
15 | basename=fullfile(Series.RootPath,Series.RootFile) ;
16 |
17 | %create dir of the new images
18 | [dir_images,namebase]=fileparts(basename);
19 | [path,subdir_ima]=fileparts(dir_images);
20 | curdir=pwd;
21 | cd(path);
22 | mkdir([subdir_ima '_vol']);
23 | cd(curdir);
24 | basename_new=fullfile(path,[subdir_ima '_vol'],namebase);
25 |
26 | % read imadoc
27 | [XmlData,warntext]=imadoc2struct([basename '.xml']);
28 | nbfield1=size(XmlData.Time,1)
29 | nbfield2=size(XmlData.Time,2)
30 |
31 | answer=msgbox_uvmat('INPUT_Y-N','apply image rescaling function levels.m')
32 | test_level=isequal(answer,'Yes')
33 |
34 | %copy the xml file
35 | if exist([basename '.xml'],'file')
36 | copyfile([basename '.xml'],[basename_new '.xml']);% copy the .civ file
37 | t=xmltree([basename_new '.xml']);
38 |
39 | %update information on the first image name in the series
40 | uid_Heading=find(t,'ImaDoc/Heading');
41 | if isempty(uid_Heading)
42 | [t,uid_Heading]=add(t,1,'element','Heading');
43 | end
44 | uid_ImageName=find(t,'ImaDoc/Heading/ImageName');
45 | ImageName=name_generator(basename_new,num_i1(1),num_j1(1),'.png','_i_j');
46 | [pth,ImageName]=fileparts(ImageName);
47 | ImageName=[ImageName '.png']
48 | if isempty(uid_ImageName)
49 | [t,uid_ImageName]=add(t,uid_Heading,'element','ImageName');
50 | end
51 | uid_value=children(t,uid_ImageName);
52 | if isempty(uid_value)
53 | t=add(t,uid_ImageName,'chardata',ImageName)%indicate name of the first image, with ;png extension
54 | else
55 | t=set(t,uid_value(1),'value',ImageName)%indicate name of the first image, with ;png extension
56 | end
57 | save(t,[basename_new '.xml'])
58 | end
59 |
60 | %main loop
61 | vol=[];
62 | for ifile=1:nbfield1*nbfield2
63 | update_waitbar(hseries.waitbar,WaitbarPos,ifile/(nbfield1*nbfield2))
64 | filename=name_generator(basename,ifile-1,1,Series.FileExt,Series.NomType);
65 | num_j=mod(ifile-1,nbfield2)+1;
66 | num_i=floor((ifile-1)/nbfield2)+1;
67 | A=imread(filename);
68 | if test_level
69 | A=levels(A);
70 | end
71 | vol=[vol;A];%concacene along y
72 | if num_j==nbfield2
73 | filename_new=name_generator(basename_new,num_i,1,'.vol','_i');
74 | imwrite(vol,filename_new,'png','BitDepth',16)% WRITE IN 16 bits
75 | vol=[];
76 | end
77 | end
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | function C=levels(A)
82 | %whos A;
83 | B=double(A(:,:,1));
84 | windowsize=round(min(size(B,1),size(B,2))/20);
85 | windowsize=floor(windowsize/2)*2+1;
86 | ix=[1/2-windowsize/2:-1/2+windowsize/2];%
87 | %del=np/3;
88 | %fct=exp(-(ix/del).^2);
89 | fct2=cos(ix/(windowsize-1)/2*pi/2);
90 | %Mfiltre=(ones(5,5)/5^2);
91 | %Mfiltre=fct2';
92 | Mfiltre=fct2'*fct2;
93 | Mfiltre=Mfiltre/(sum(sum(Mfiltre)));
94 |
95 | C=filter2(Mfiltre,B);
96 | C(:,1:windowsize)=C(:,windowsize)*ones(1,windowsize);
97 | C(:,end-windowsize+1:end)=C(:,end-windowsize+1)*ones(1,windowsize);
98 | C(1:windowsize,:)=ones(windowsize,1)*C(windowsize,:);
99 | C(end-windowsize+1:end,:)=ones(windowsize,1)*C(end-windowsize,:);
100 | C=tanh(B./(2*C));
101 | [n,c]=hist(reshape(C,1,[]),100);
102 | % figure;plot(c,n);
103 |
104 | [m,i]=max(n);
105 | c_max=c(i);
106 | [dummy,index]=sort(abs(c-c(i)));
107 | n=n(index);
108 | c=c(index);
109 | i_select = find(cumsum(n)<0.95*sum(n));
110 | if isempty(i_select)
111 | i_select = 1:length(c);
112 | end
113 | c_select=c(i_select);
114 | n_select=n(i_select);
115 | cmin=min(c_select);
116 | cmax=max(c_select);
117 | C=(C-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)*256;
118 | %C=uint8(C);