1 | %'ima_levels': rescale the image intensity to reduce strong luminosity peaks (their blinking effects often perturbs PIV))
2 | % this function can be used as a template for applying a transform (here 'levels.m') to each image of a series
3 | %------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | % function GUI_input=ima_levels(Param)
5 | %
6 | %%%%%%%%%%% GENERAL TO ALL SERIES ACTION FCTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7 | %
8 | % This function is used in four modes by the GUI series:
9 | % 1) config GUI: with no input argument, the function determine the suitable GUI configuration
10 | % 2) interactive input: the function is used to interactively introduce input parameters, and then stops
11 | % 3) RUN: the function itself runs, when an appropriate input structure Param has been introduced.
12 | % 4) BATCH: the function itself proceeds in BATCH mode, using an xml file 'Param' as input.
13 | %
14 | %OUTPUT
15 | % GUI_input=list of options in the GUI series.fig needed for the function
16 | %
17 | %INPUT:
18 | % In run mode, the input parameters are given as a Matlab structure Param copied from the GUI series.
19 | % In batch mode, Param is the name of the corresponding xml file containing the same information
20 | % In the absence of input (as activated when the current Action is selected
21 | % in series), the function ouput GUI_input set the activation of the needed GUI elements
22 | %
23 | % Param contains the elements:(use the menu bar command 'export/GUI config' in series to see the current structure Param)
24 | % .InputTable: cell of input file names, (several lines for multiple input)
25 | % each line decomposed as {RootPath,SubDir,Rootfile,NomType,Extension}
26 | % .OutputSubDir: name of the subdirectory for data outputs
27 | % .OutputDir: directory for data outputs, including path
28 | % .Action: .ActionName: name of the current activated function
29 | % .ActionPath: path of the current activated function
30 | % .IndexRange: set the file or frame indices on which the action must be performed
31 | % .FieldTransform: .TransformName: name of the selected transform function
32 | % .TransformPath: path of the selected transform function
33 | % .TransformHandle: corresponding function handle
34 | % .InputFields: sub structure describing the input fields withfields
35 | % .FieldName: name of the field
36 | % .VelType: velocity type
37 | % .FieldName_1: name of the second field in case of two input series
38 | % .VelType_1: velocity type of the second field in case of two input series
39 | % .ProjObject: %sub structure describing a projection object (read from ancillary GUI set_object)
40 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
41 |
42 | function GUI_input=ima_levels (Param)
43 |
44 | %% set the input elements needed on the GUI series when the action is selected in the menu ActionName
45 | if ~exist('Param','var') % case with no input parameter
46 | GUI_input={'NbViewMax';1;...% max nbre of input file series (default='' , no limitation)
47 | 'AllowInputSort';'off';...% allow alphabetic sorting of the list of input files (options 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
48 | 'NbSlice';'off'; ...%nbre of slices ('off' by default)
49 | 'VelType';'off';...% menu for selecting the velocity type (options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
50 | 'FieldName';'off';...% menu for selecting the field (s) in the input file(options 'off'/'one'/'two', 'off' by default)
51 | 'FieldTransform'; 'off';...%can use a transform function
52 | 'ProjObject';'off';...%can use projection object(option 'off'/'on',
53 | 'Mask';'off';...%can use mask option (option 'off'/'on', 'off' by default)
54 | 'OutputDirExt';'.lev';...%set the output dir extension
55 | ''};
56 | return
57 | end
58 |
59 | %%%%%%%%%%%% STANDARD PART (DO NOT EDIT) %%%%%%%%%%%%
60 | %% select different modes, RUN, parameter input, BATCH
61 | % BATCH case: read the xml file for batch case
62 | if ischar(Param)
63 | if strcmp(Param,'input?')
64 | checkrun=1;% will inly search input parameters (preparation of BATCH mode)
65 | else
66 | Param=xml2struct(Param);
67 | checkrun=0;
68 | end
69 | % RUN case: parameters introduced as the input structure Param
70 | else
71 | hseries=guidata(Param.hseries);%handles of the GUI series
72 | WaitbarPos=get(hseries.waitbar_frame,'Position');%position of the waitbar on the GUI series
73 | checkrun=2; % indicate the RUN option is used
74 | end
75 |
76 | %% root input file(s) and type
77 | RootPath=Param.InputTable(:,1);
78 | RootFile=Param.InputTable(:,3);
79 | SubDir=Param.InputTable(:,2);
80 | NomType=Param.InputTable(:,4);
81 | FileExt=Param.InputTable(:,5);
82 |
83 | % get the set of input file names (cell array filecell), and the lists of
84 | % input file or frame indices i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series
85 | [filecell,i1_series,i2_series,j1_series,j2_series]=get_file_series(Param);
86 | % filecell{iview,fileindex}: cell array representing the list of file names
87 | % iview: line in the table corresponding to a given file series
88 | % fileindex: file index within the file series,
89 | % i1_series(iview,ref_j,ref_i)... are the corresponding arrays of indices i1,i2,j1,j2, depending on the input line iview and the two reference indices ref_i,ref_j
90 | % i1_series(iview,fileindex) expresses the same indices as a 1D array in file indices
91 | % set of frame indices used for movie or multimage input
92 | % numbers of slices and file indices
93 |
94 | NbSlice=1;%default
95 | if isfield(Param.IndexRange,'NbSlice')
96 | NbSlice=Param.IndexRange.NbSlice;
97 | end
98 | nbview=numel(i1_series);%number of input file series (lines in InputTable)
99 | nbfield_j=size(i1_series{1},1); %nb of fields for the j index (bursts or volume slices)
100 | nbfield_i=size(i1_series{1},2); %nb of fields for the i index
101 | nbfield=nbfield_j*nbfield_i; %total number of fields
102 | nbfield_i=floor(nbfield/NbSlice);%total number of indexes in a slice (adjusted to an integer number of slices)
103 | nbfield=nbfield_i*NbSlice; %total number of fields after adjustement
104 |
105 | %determine the file type on each line from the first input file
106 | ImageTypeOptions={'image','multimage','mmreader','video'};%allowed input file types(images)
107 |
108 | [FileType{1},FileInfo{1},MovieObject{1}]=get_file_type(filecell{1,1});
109 | CheckImage{1}=~isempty(find(strcmp(FileType,ImageTypeOptions)));% =1 for images
110 | if ~isempty(j1_series{1})
111 | frame_index{1}=j1_series{1};
112 | else
113 | frame_index{1}=i1_series{1};
114 | end
115 |
116 | %% calibration data and timing: read the ImaDoc files
117 | %not relevant for this function
118 |
119 | %% check coincidence in time for several input file series
120 | %not relevant for this function
121 |
122 | %% coordinate transform or other user defined transform
123 | %not relevant for this function
124 |
125 | %%%%%%%%%%%% END STANDARD PART %%%%%%%%%%%%
127 |
128 | %% check the validity of input file types
129 | if CheckImage{1}
130 | FileExtOut='.png'; % write result as .png images for image inputs
131 | if strcmp(lower(NomType{1}(end)),'a')
132 | NomTypeOut=NomType{1};
133 | else
134 | NomTypeOut='_1_1';
135 | end
136 | else
137 | msgbox_uvmat('ERROR',['invalid file type input: ' FileType{1} ' not an image'])
138 | return
139 | end
140 |
141 | %% Set field names and velocity types
142 | %not relevant for this function
143 |
144 | %% Initiate output fields
145 | %not relevant for this function
146 |
147 | %% set processing parameters
148 | % not needed for this function
149 |
150 | %% update the xml file
151 | % not needed for this function
152 |
153 | %% main loop on images
154 | j1=[];%default
155 | for ifile=1:nbfield
156 | if checkrun
157 | update_waitbar(hseries.waitbar_frame,WaitbarPos,ifile/nbfield)
158 | stopstate=get(hseries.RUN,'BusyAction');
159 | else
160 | stopstate='queue';
161 | end
162 | if isequal(stopstate,'queue') % enable STOP command
163 | if ~isempty(j1_series)
164 | j1=j1_series{1}(ifile);
165 | end
166 | filename=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},SubDir{1},RootFile{1},FileExt{1},NomType{1},i1_series{1}(ifile),[],j1);
167 | A=read_image(filename,FileType{1},MovieObject{1},frame_index{1}(ifile));
168 | if ndims(A)==3;%color images
169 | A=sum(double(Aread),3);% take the sum of color components
170 | end
171 | % operation on images
172 | A=levels(A);
173 | filename_new=fullfile_uvmat(RootPath{1},Param.OutputSubDir,RootFile{1},FileExtOut,NomTypeOut,i1_series{1}(ifile),[],j1);
174 | imwrite(A,filename_new)
175 | display([filename_new ' written'])
176 | end
177 | end
178 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
179 |
180 |
181 | function C=levels(A)
182 | %whos A;
183 | B=double(A(:,:,1));
184 | windowsize=round(min(size(B,1),size(B,2))/20);
185 | windowsize=floor(windowsize/2)*2+1;
186 | ix=[1/2-windowsize/2:-1/2+windowsize/2];%
187 | %del=np/3;
188 | %fct=exp(-(ix/del).^2);
189 | fct2=cos(ix/(windowsize-1)/2*pi/2);
190 | %Mfiltre=(ones(5,5)/5^2);
191 | %Mfiltre=fct2';
192 | Mfiltre=fct2'*fct2;
193 | Mfiltre=Mfiltre/(sum(sum(Mfiltre)));
194 |
195 | C=filter2(Mfiltre,B);
196 | C(:,1:windowsize)=C(:,windowsize)*ones(1,windowsize);
197 | C(:,end-windowsize+1:end)=C(:,end-windowsize+1)*ones(1,windowsize);
198 | C(1:windowsize,:)=ones(windowsize,1)*C(windowsize,:);
199 | C(end-windowsize+1:end,:)=ones(windowsize,1)*C(end-windowsize,:);
200 | C=tanh(B./(2*C));
201 | [n,c]=hist(reshape(C,1,[]),100);
202 | % figure;plot(c,n);
203 |
204 | [m,i]=max(n);
205 | c_max=c(i);
206 | [dummy,index]=sort(abs(c-c(i)));
207 | n=n(index);
208 | c=c(index);
209 | i_select = find(cumsum(n)<0.95*sum(n));
210 | if isempty(i_select)
211 | i_select = 1:length(c);
212 | end
213 | c_select=c(i_select);
214 | n_select=n(i_select);
215 | cmin=min(c_select);
216 | cmax=max(c_select);
217 | C=(C-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)*256;
218 | C=uint8(C);